116 research outputs found

    Temporal light field reconstruction for rendering distribution effects

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    Traditionally, effects that require evaluating multidimensional integrals for each pixel, such as motion blur, depth of field, and soft shadows, suffer from noise due to the variance of the high-dimensional integrand. In this paper, we describe a general reconstruction technique that exploits the anisotropy in the temporal light field and permits efficient reuse of samples between pixels, multiplying the effective sampling rate by a large factor. We show that our technique can be applied in situations that are challenging or impossible for previous anisotropic reconstruction methods, and that it can yield good results with very sparse inputs. We demonstrate our method for simultaneous motion blur, depth of field, and soft shadows

    Factored axis-aligned filtering for rendering multiple distribution effects

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    Monte Carlo (MC) ray-tracing for photo-realistic rendering often requires hours to render a single image due to the large sampling rates needed for convergence. Previous methods have attempted to filter sparsely sampled MC renders but these methods have high reconstruction overheads. Recent work has shown fast performance for individual effects, like soft shadows and indirect illumination, using axis-aligned filtering. While some components of light transport such as indirect or area illumination are smooth, they are often multiplied by high-frequency components such as texture, which prevents their sparse sampling and reconstruction. We propose an approach to adaptively sample and filter for simultaneously rendering primary (defocus blur) and secondary (soft shadows and indirect illumination) distribution effects, based on a multi-dimensional frequency analysis of the direct and indirect illumination light fields. We describe a novel approach of factoring texture and irradiance in the presence of defocus blur, which allows for pre-filtering noisy irradiance when the texture is not noisy. Our approach naturally allows for different sampling rates for primary and secondary effects, further reducing the overall ray count. While the theory considers only Lambertian surfaces, we obtain promising results for moderately glossy surfaces. We demonstrate 30x sampling rate reduction compared to equal quality noise-free MC. Combined with a GPU implementation and low filtering over-head, we can render scenes with complex geometry and diffuse and glossy BRDFs in a few seconds.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CGV 1115242)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CGV 1116303)Intel Corporation (Science and Technology Center for Visual Computing

    Filtering Techniques for Low-Noise Previews of Interactive Stochastic Ray Tracing

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    Progressive stochastic ray tracing is increasingly used in interactive applications. Examples of such applications are interactive design reviews and digital content creation. This dissertation aims at advancing this development. For one thing, two filtering techniques are presented, which can generate fast and reliable previews of global illumination solutions. For another thing, a system architecture is presented, which supports exchangeable rendering back-ends in distributed rendering systems

    Visually pleasing real-time global illumination rendering for fully-dynamic scenes

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    Global illumination (GI) rendering plays a crucial role in the photo-realistic rendering of virtual scenes. With the rapid development of graphics hardware, GI has become increasingly attractive even for real-time applications nowadays. However, the computation of physically-correct global illumination is time-consuming and cannot achieve real-time, or even interactive performance. Although the realtime GI is possible using a solution based on precomputation, such a solution cannot deal with fully-dynamic scenes. This dissertation focuses on solving these problems by introducing visually pleasing real-time global illumination rendering for fully-dynamic scenes. To this end, we develop a set of novel algorithms and techniques for rendering global illumination effects using the graphics hardware. All these algorithms not only result in real-time or interactive performance, but also generate comparable quality to the previous works in off-line rendering. First, we present a novel implicit visibility technique to circumvent expensive visibility queries in hierarchical radiosity by evaluating the visibility implicitly. Thereafter, we focus on rendering visually plausible soft shadows, which is the most important GI effect caused by the visibility determination. Based on the pre-filtering shadowmapping theory, wesuccessively propose two real-time soft shadow mapping methods: "convolution soft shadow mapping" (CSSM) and "variance soft shadow mapping" (VSSM). Furthermore, we successfully apply our CSSM method in computing the shadow effects for indirect lighting. Finally, to explore the GI rendering in participating media, we investigate a novel technique to interactively render volume caustics in the single-scattering participating media.Das Rendern globaler Beleuchtung ist für die fotorealistische Darstellung virtueller Szenen von entscheidender Bedeutung. Dank der rapiden Entwicklung der Grafik-Hardware wird die globale Beleuchtung heutzutage sogar für Echtzeitanwendungen immer attraktiver. Trotz allem ist die Berechnung physikalisch korrekter globaler Beleuchtung zeitintensiv und interaktive Laufzeiten können mit "standard Hardware" noch nicht erzielt werden. Obwohl das Rendering auf der Grundlage von Vorberechnungen in Echtzeit möglich ist, kann ein solcher Ansatz nicht auf voll-dynamische Szenen angewendet werden. Diese Dissertation zielt darauf ab, das Problem der globalen Beleuchtungsberechnung durch Einführung von neuen Techniken für voll-dynamische Szenen in Echtzeit zu lösen. Dazu stellen wir eine Reihe neuer Algorithmen vor, die die Effekte der globaler Beleuchtung auf der Grafik-Hardware berechnen. All diese Algorithmen erzielen nicht nur Echtzeit bzw. interaktive Laufzeiten sondern liefern auch eine Qualität, die mit bisherigen offline Methoden vergleichbar ist. Zunächst präsentieren wir eine neue Technik zur Berechnung impliziter Sichtbarkeit, die aufwändige Sichbarkeitstests in hierarchischen Radiosity-Datenstrukturen vermeidet. Anschliessend stellen wir eine Methode vor, die weiche Schatten, ein wichtiger Effekt für die globale Beleuchtung, in Echtzeit berechnet. Auf der Grundlage der Theorie über vorgefilterten Schattenwurf, zeigen wir nacheinander zwei Echtzeitmethoden zur Berechnung weicher Schattenwürfe: "Convolution Soft Shadow Mapping" (CSSM) und "Variance Soft Shadow Mapping" (VSSM). Darüber hinaus wenden wir unsere CSSM-Methode auch erfolgreich auf den Schatteneffekt in der indirekten Beleuchtung an. Abschliessend präsentieren wir eine neue Methode zum interaktiven Rendern von Volumen-Kaustiken in einfach streuenden, halbtransparenten Medien

    Ray Tracing Gems

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    This book is a must-have for anyone serious about rendering in real time. With the announcement of new ray tracing APIs and hardware to support them, developers can easily create real-time applications with ray tracing as a core component. As ray tracing on the GPU becomes faster, it will play a more central role in real-time rendering. Ray Tracing Gems provides key building blocks for developers of games, architectural applications, visualizations, and more. Experts in rendering share their knowledge by explaining everything from nitty-gritty techniques that will improve any ray tracer to mastery of the new capabilities of current and future hardware. What you'll learn: The latest ray tracing techniques for developing real-time applications in multiple domains Guidance, advice, and best practices for rendering applications with Microsoft DirectX Raytracing (DXR) How to implement high-performance graphics for interactive visualizations, games, simulations, and more Who this book is for: Developers who are looking to leverage the latest APIs and GPU technology for real-time rendering and ray tracing Students looking to learn about best practices in these areas Enthusiasts who want to understand and experiment with their new GPU

    Ambient occlusion and shadows for molecular graphics

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    Computer based visualisations of molecules have been produced as early as the 1950s to aid researchers in their understanding of biomolecular structures. An important consideration for Molecular Graphics software is the ability to visualise the 3D structure of the molecule in a clear manner. Recent advancements in computer graphics have led to improved rendering capabilities of the visualisation tools. The capabilities of current shading languages allow the inclusion of advanced graphic effects such as ambient occlusion and shadows that greatly improve the comprehension of the 3D shapes of the molecules. This thesis focuses on finding improved solutions to the real time rendering of Molecular Graphics on modern day computers. The methods of calculating ambient occlusion and both hard and soft shadows are examined and implemented to give the user a more complete experience when navigating large molecular structures

    Toward a Perceptually-relevant Theory of Appearance

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    Two approaches are commonly employed in Computer Graphics to design and adjust the appearance of objects in a scene. A full 3D environment may be created, through geometrical, material and lighting modeling, then rendered using a simulation of light transport; appearance is then controlled in ways similar to photography. A radically different approach consists in providing 2D digital drawing tools to an artist, whom with enough talent and time will be able to create images of objects having the desired appearance; this is obviously strongly similar to what traditional artists do, with the computer being a mere modern drawing tool.In this document, I present research projects that have investigated a third approach, whereby pictorial elements of appearance are explicitly manipulated by an artist. On the one side, such an alternative approach offers a direct control over appearance, with novel applications in vector drawing, scientific illustration, special effects and video games. On the other side, it provides an modern method for putting our current knowledge of the perception of appearance to the test, as well as to suggest new models for human vision along the way

    Perceptually inspired image estimation and enhancement

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, 2009.Includes bibliographical references (p. 137-144).In this thesis, we present three image estimation and enhancement algorithms inspired by human vision. In the first part of the thesis, we propose an algorithm for mapping one image to another based on the statistics of a training set. Many vision problems can be cast as image mapping problems, such as, estimating reflectance from luminance, estimating shape from shading, separating signal and noise, etc. Such problems are typically under-constrained, and yet humans are remarkably good at solving them. Classic computational theories about the ability of the human visual system to solve such under-constrained problems attribute this feat to the use of some intuitive regularities of the world, e.g., surfaces tend to be piecewise constant. In recent years, there has been considerable interest in deriving more sophisticated statistical constraints from natural images, but because of the high-dimensional nature of images, representing and utilizing the learned models remains a challenge. Our techniques produce models that are very easy to store and to query. We show these techniques to be effective for a number of applications: removing noise from images, estimating a sharp image from a blurry one, decomposing an image into reflectance and illumination, and interpreting lightness illusions. In the second part of the thesis, we present an algorithm for compressing the dynamic range of an image while retaining important visual detail. The human visual system confronts a serious challenge with dynamic range, in that the physical world has an extremely high dynamic range, while neurons have low dynamic ranges.(cont.) The human visual system performs dynamic range compression by applying automatic gain control, in both the retina and the visual cortex. Taking inspiration from that, we designed techniques that involve multi-scale subband transforms and smooth gain control on subband coefficients, and resemble the contrast gain control mechanism in the visual cortex. We show our techniques to be successful in producing dynamic-range-compressed images without compromising the visibility of detail or introducing artifacts. We also show that the techniques can be adapted for the related problem of "companding", in which a high dynamic range image is converted to a low dynamic range image and saved using fewer bits, and later expanded back to high dynamic range with minimal loss of visual quality. In the third part of the thesis, we propose a technique that enables a user to easily localize image and video editing by drawing a small number of rough scribbles. Image segmentation, usually treated as an unsupervised clustering problem, is extremely difficult to solve. With a minimal degree of user supervision, however, we are able to generate selection masks with good quality. Our technique learns a classifier using the user-scribbled pixels as training examples, and uses the classifier to classify the rest of the pixels into distinct classes. It then uses the classification results as per-pixel data terms, combines them with a smoothness term that respects color discontinuities, and generates better results than state-of-art algorithms for interactive segmentation.by Yuanzhen Li.Ph.D

    Advanced methods for relightable scene representations in image space

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    The realistic reproduction of visual appearance of real-world objects requires accurate computer graphics models that describe the optical interaction of a scene with its surroundings. Data-driven approaches that model the scene globally as a reflectance field function in eight parameters deliver high quality and work for most material combinations, but are costly to acquire and store. Image-space relighting, which constrains the application to create photos with a virtual, fix camera in freely chosen illumination, requires only a 4D data structure to provide full fidelity. This thesis contributes to image-space relighting on four accounts: (1) We investigate the acquisition of 4D reflectance fields in the context of sampling and propose a practical setup for pre-filtering of reflectance data during recording, and apply it in an adaptive sampling scheme. (2) We introduce a feature-driven image synthesis algorithm for the interpolation of coarsely sampled reflectance data in software to achieve highly realistic images. (3) We propose an implicit reflectance data representation, which uses a Bayesian approach to relight complex scenes from the example of much simpler reference objects. (4) Finally, we construct novel, passive devices out of optical components that render reflectance field data in real-time, shaping the incident illumination into the desired imageDie realistische Wiedergabe der visuellen Erscheinung einer realen Szene setzt genaue Modelle aus der Computergraphik für die Interaktion der Szene mit ihrer Umgebung voraus. Globale Ansätze, die das Verhalten der Szene insgesamt als Reflektanzfeldfunktion in acht Parametern modellieren, liefern hohe Qualität für viele Materialtypen, sind aber teuer aufzuzeichnen und zu speichern. Verfahren zur Neubeleuchtung im Bildraum schränken die Anwendbarkeit auf fest gewählte Kameras ein, ermöglichen aber die freie Wahl der Beleuchtung, und erfordern dadurch lediglich eine 4D - Datenstruktur für volle Wiedergabetreue. Diese Arbeit enthält vier Beiträge zu diesem Thema: (1) wir untersuchen die Aufzeichnung von 4D Reflektanzfeldern im Kontext der Abtasttheorie und schlagen einen praktischen Aufbau vor, der Reflektanzdaten bereits während der Messung vorfiltert. Wir verwenden ihn in einem adaptiven Abtastschema. (2) Wir führen einen merkmalgesteuerten Bildsynthesealgorithmus für die Interpolation von grob abgetasteten Reflektanzdaten ein. (3) Wir schlagen eine implizite Beschreibung von Reflektanzdaten vor, die mit einem Bayesschen Ansatz komplexe Szenen anhand des Beispiels eines viel einfacheren Referenzobjektes neu beleuchtet. (4) Unter der Verwendung optischer Komponenten schaffen wir passive Aufbauten zur Darstellung von Reflektanzfeldern in Echtzeit, indem wir einfallende Beleuchtung direkt in das gewünschte Bild umwandeln

    Realistic Visualization of Animated Virtual Cloth

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    Photo-realistic rendering of real-world objects is a broad research area with applications in various different areas, such as computer generated films, entertainment, e-commerce and so on. Within photo-realistic rendering, the rendering of cloth is a subarea which involves many important aspects, ranging from material surface reflection properties and macroscopic self-shadowing to animation sequence generation and compression. In this thesis, besides an introduction to the topic plus a broad overview of related work, different methods to handle major aspects of cloth rendering are described. Material surface reflection properties play an important part to reproduce the look & feel of materials, that is, to identify a material only by looking at it. The BTF (bidirectional texture function), as a function of viewing and illumination direction, is an appropriate representation of reflection properties. It captures effects caused by the mesostructure of a surface, like roughness, self-shadowing, occlusion, inter-reflections, subsurface scattering and color bleeding. Unfortunately a BTF data set of a material consists of hundreds to thousands of images, which exceeds current memory size of personal computers by far. This work describes the first usable method to efficiently compress and decompress a BTF data for rendering at interactive to real-time frame rates. It is based on PCA (principal component analysis) of the BTF data set. While preserving the important visual aspects of the BTF, the achieved compression rates allow the storage of several different data sets in main memory of consumer hardware, while maintaining a high rendering quality. Correct handling of complex illumination conditions plays another key role for the realistic appearance of cloth. Therefore, an upgrade of the BTF compression and rendering algorithm is described, which allows the support of distant direct HDR (high-dynamic-range) illumination stored in environment maps. To further enhance the appearance, macroscopic self-shadowing has to be taken into account. For the visualization of folds and the life-like 3D impression, these kind of shadows are absolutely necessary. This work describes two methods to compute these shadows. The first is seamlessly integrated into the illumination part of the rendering algorithm and optimized for static meshes. Furthermore, another method is proposed, which allows the handling of dynamic objects. It uses hardware-accelerated occlusion queries for the visibility determination. In contrast to other algorithms, the presented algorithm, despite its simplicity, is fast and produces less artifacts than other methods. As a plus, it incorporates changeable distant direct high-dynamic-range illumination. The human perception system is the main target of any computer graphics application and can also be treated as part of the rendering pipeline. Therefore, optimization of the rendering itself can be achieved by analyzing human perception of certain visual aspects in the image. As a part of this thesis, an experiment is introduced that evaluates human shadow perception to speedup shadow rendering and provides optimization approaches. Another subarea of cloth visualization in computer graphics is the animation of the cloth and avatars for presentations. This work also describes two new methods for automatic generation and compression of animation sequences. The first method to generate completely new, customizable animation sequences, is based on the concept of finding similarities in animation frames of a given basis sequence. Identifying these similarities allows jumps within the basis sequence to generate endless new sequences. Transmission of any animated 3D data over bandwidth-limited channels, like extended networks or to less powerful clients requires efficient compression schemes. The second method included in this thesis in the animation field is a geometry data compression scheme. Similar to the BTF compression, it uses PCA in combination with clustering algorithms to segment similar moving parts of the animated objects to achieve high compression rates in combination with a very exact reconstruction quality.Realistische Visualisierung von animierter virtueller Kleidung Das photorealistisches Rendering realer Gegenstände ist ein weites Forschungsfeld und hat Anwendungen in vielen Bereichen. Dazu zählen Computer generierte Filme (CGI), die Unterhaltungsindustrie und E-Commerce. Innerhalb dieses Forschungsbereiches ist das Rendern von photorealistischer Kleidung ein wichtiger Bestandteil. Hier reichen die wichtigen Aspekte, die es zu berücksichtigen gilt, von optischen Materialeigenschaften über makroskopische Selbstabschattung bis zur Animationsgenerierung und -kompression. In dieser Arbeit wird, neben der Einführung in das Thema, ein weiter Überblick über ähnlich gelagerte Arbeiten gegeben. Der Schwerpunkt der Arbeit liegt auf den wichtigen Aspekten der virtuellen Kleidungsvisualisierung, die oben beschrieben wurden. Die optischen Reflektionseigenschaften von Materialoberflächen spielen eine wichtige Rolle, um das so genannte look & feel von Materialien zu charakterisieren. Hierbei kann ein Material vom Nutzer identifiziert werden, ohne dass er es direkt anfassen muss. Die BTF (bidirektionale Texturfunktion)ist eine Funktion die abhängig von der Blick- und Beleuchtungsrichtung ist. Daher ist sie eine angemessene Repräsentation von Reflektionseigenschaften. Sie enthält Effekte wie Rauheit, Selbstabschattungen, Verdeckungen, Interreflektionen, Streuung und Farbbluten, die durch die Mesostruktur der Oberfläche hervorgerufen werden. Leider besteht ein BTF Datensatz eines Materials aus hunderten oder tausenden von Bildern und sprengt damit herkömmliche Hauptspeicher in Computern bei weitem. Diese Arbeit beschreibt die erste praktikable Methode, um BTF Daten effizient zu komprimieren, zu speichern und für Echtzeitanwendungen zum Visualisieren wieder zu dekomprimieren. Die Methode basiert auf der Principal Component Analysis (PCA), die Daten nach Signifikanz ordnet. Während die PCA die entscheidenen visuellen Aspekte der BTF erhält, können mit ihrer Hilfe Kompressionsraten erzielt werden, die es erlauben mehrere BTF Materialien im Hauptspeicher eines Consumer PC zu verwalten. Dies erlaubt ein High-Quality Rendering. Korrektes Verwenden von komplexen Beleuchtungssituationen spielt eine weitere, wichtige Rolle, um Kleidung realistisch erscheinen zu lassen. Daher wird zudem eine Erweiterung des BTF Kompressions- und Renderingalgorithmuses erläutert, die den Einsatz von High-Dynamic Range (HDR) Beleuchtung erlaubt, die in environment maps gespeichert wird. Um die realistische Erscheinung der Kleidung weiter zu unterstützen, muss die makroskopische Selbstabschattung integriert werden. Für die Visualisierung von Falten und den lebensechten 3D Eindruck ist diese Art von Schatten absolut notwendig. Diese Arbeit beschreibt daher auch zwei Methoden, diese Schatten schnell und effizient zu berechnen. Die erste ist nahtlos in den Beleuchtungspart des obigen BTF Renderingalgorithmuses integriert und für statische Geometrien optimiert. Die zweite Methode behandelt dynamische Objekte. Dazu werden hardwarebeschleunigte Occlusion Queries verwendet, um die Sichtbarkeitsberechnung durchzuführen. Diese Methode ist einerseits simpel und leicht zu implementieren, anderseits ist sie schnell und produziert weniger Artefakte, als vergleichbare Methoden. Zusätzlich ist die Verwendung von veränderbarer, entfernter HDR Beleuchtung integriert. Das menschliche Wahrnehmungssystem ist das eigentliche Ziel jeglicher Anwendung in der Computergrafik und kann daher selbst als Teil einer erweiterten Rendering Pipeline gesehen werden. Daher kann das Rendering selbst optimiert werden, wenn man die menschliche Wahrnehmung verschiedener visueller Aspekte der berechneten Bilder analysiert. Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Beschreibung eines Experimentes, das menschliche Schattenwahrnehmung untersucht, um das Rendern der Schatten zu beschleunigen. Ein weiteres Teilgebiet der Kleidungsvisualisierung in der Computergrafik ist die Animation der Kleidung und von Avataren für Präsentationen. Diese Arbeit beschreibt zwei neue Methoden auf diesem Teilgebiet. Einmal ein Algorithmus, der für die automatische Generierung neuer Animationssequenzen verwendet werden kann und zum anderen einen Kompressionsalgorithmus für eben diese Sequenzen. Die automatische Generierung von völlig neuen, anpassbaren Animationen basiert auf dem Konzept der Ähnlichkeitssuche. Hierbei werden die einzelnen Schritte von gegebenen Basisanimationen auf Ähnlichkeiten hin untersucht, die zum Beispiel die Geschwindigkeiten einzelner Objektteile sein können. Die Identifizierung dieser Ähnlichkeiten erlaubt dann Sprünge innerhalb der Basissequenz, die dazu benutzt werden können, endlose, neue Sequenzen zu erzeugen. Die Übertragung von animierten 3D Daten über bandbreitenlimitierte Kanäle wie ausgedehnte Netzwerke, Mobilfunk oder zu sogenannten thin clients erfordert eine effiziente Komprimierung. Die zweite, in dieser Arbeit vorgestellte Methode, ist ein Kompressionsschema für Geometriedaten. Ähnlich wie bei der Kompression von BTF Daten wird die PCA in Verbindung mit Clustering benutzt, um die animierte Geometrie zu analysieren und in sich ähnlich bewegende Teile zu segmentieren. Diese erkannten Segmente lassen sich dann hoch komprimieren. Der Algorithmus arbeitet automatisch und erlaubt zudem eine sehr exakte Rekonstruktionsqualität nach der Dekomprimierung
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