233 research outputs found

    Seafloor characterization using airborne hyperspectral co-registration procedures independent from attitude and positioning sensors

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    The advance of remote-sensing technology and data-storage capabilities has progressed in the last decade to commercial multi-sensor data collection. There is a constant need to characterize, quantify and monitor the coastal areas for habitat research and coastal management. In this paper, we present work on seafloor characterization that uses hyperspectral imagery (HSI). The HSI data allows the operator to extend seafloor characterization from multibeam backscatter towards land and thus creates a seamless ocean-to-land characterization of the littoral zone

    Weight of evidence to assess sediment quality

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    Estuaries are perhaps the most threatened environments in the coastal fringe; the coincidence of high natural value and attractiveness for human use has led to conflicts between conservation and development. These conflicts occur in the Sado Estuary since its location is near the industrialised zone of Peninsula of Setúbal and at the same time, a great part of the Estuary is classified as a Natural Reserve due to its high biodiversity. These facts led us to the need of implementing a model of environmental management and quality assessment, based on methodologies that enable the assessment of the Sado Estuary quality and evaluation of the human pressures in the estuary. These methodologies are based on indicators that can better depict the state of the environment and not necessarily all that could be measured or analysed. Sediments have always been considered as an important temporary source of some compounds or a sink for other type of materials or an interface where a great diversity of biogeochemical transformations occur. For all this they are of great importance in the formulation of coastal management system. Many authors have been using sediments to monitor aquatic contamination, showing great advantages when compared to the sampling of the traditional water column. The main objective of this thesis was to develop an estuary environmental management framework applied to Sado Estuary using the DPSIR Model (EMMSado), including data collection, data processing and data analysis. The support infrastructure of EMMSado were a set of spatially contiguous and homogeneous regions of sediment structure (management units). The environmental quality of the estuary was assessed through the sediment quality assessment and integrated in a preliminary stage with the human pressure for development. Besides the earlier explained advantages, studying the quality of the estuary mainly based on the indicators and indexes of the sediment compartment also turns this methodology easier, faster and human and financial resource saving. These are essential factors to an efficient environmental management of coastal areas. Data management, visualization, processing and analysis was obtained through the combined use of indicators and indices, sampling optimization techniques, Geographical Information Systems, remote sensing, statistics for spatial data, Global Positioning Systems and best expert judgments. As a global conclusion, from the nineteen management units delineated and analyzed three showed no ecological risk (18.5 % of the study area). The areas of more concern (5.6 % of the study area) are located in the North Channel and are under strong human pressure mainly due to industrial activities. These areas have also low hydrodynamics and are, thus associated with high levels of deposition. In particular the areas near Lisnave and Eurominas industries can also accumulate the contamination coming from Águas de Moura Channel, since particles coming from that channel can settle down in that area due to residual flow. In these areas the contaminants of concern, from those analyzed, are the heavy metals and metalloids (Cd, Cu, Zn and As exceeded the PEL guidelines) and the pesticides BHC isomers, heptachlor, isodrin, DDT and metabolits, endosulfan and endrin. In the remain management units (76 % of the study area) there is a moderate impact potential of occurrence of adverse ecological effects and in some of these areas no stress agents could be identified. This emphasizes the need for further research, since unmeasured chemicals may be causing or contributing to these adverse effects. Special attention must be taken to the units with moderate impact potential of occurrence of adverse ecological effects, located inside the natural reserve. Non-point source pollution coming from agriculture and aquaculture activities also seem to contribute with important pollution load into the estuary entering from Águas de Moura Channel. This pressure is expressed in a moderate impact potential for ecological risk existent in the areas near the entrance of this Channel. Pressures may also came from Alcácer Channel although they were not quantified in this study. The management framework presented here, including all the methodological tools may be applied and tested in other estuarine ecosystems, which will also allow a comparison between estuarine ecosystems in other parts of the globe

    A Site profile of the Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in Virginia

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    The purpose of this Site Profile is to review the existing state of knowledge for important geological, physical, chemical and biological components of the York River ecosystem within which the four individual reserve sites of Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in Virginia (CBNERRVA) are located. It is developed from a combination of literature and field research studies that provide an overall picture of the Reserve in terms of its ecosystem, management, and research needs. It is not designed to be a complete review of all the ecosystem components, but rather it is designed to provide, through a series of reviews, an overview of the York system to students, researchers, resource managers and the general public, and to provide a system context for the individual reserve sites located within the York River estuary. It starts first with an Introduction to the Reserve including its mission and objectives. Next the geological, physical and water quality setting of the individual reserve sites and the overall York River ecosystem are described. Scientific overviews of three important primary producer components and habitats within the region (phytoplankton, wetlands and submerged aquatic vegetation) are presented next. Secondary and higher trophic components (zooplankton, benthos, and fishes) are then reviewed, and finally the principal reptiles, amphibians, birds and mammals that are associated with the local estuarine waters are described. This Site Profile concludes with a description of the Reserve’s ongoing research and monitoring programs, the Reserve goals and strategies, and an overview of research and monitoring needs for the future

    Science-based restoration monitoring of coastal habitats, Volume Two: Tools for monitoring coastal habitats

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    Healthy coastal habitats are not only important ecologically; they also support healthy coastal communities and improve the quality of people’s lives. Despite their many benefits and values, coastal habitats have been systematically modified, degraded, and destroyed throughout the United States and its protectorates beginning with European colonization in the 1600’s (Dahl 1990). As a result, many coastal habitats around the United States are in desperate need of restoration. The monitoring of restoration projects, the focus of this document, is necessary to ensure that restoration efforts are successful, to further the science, and to increase the efficiency of future restoration efforts

    Spatial modeling and visualization of habitat response to hydrologic restoration in New England salt marshes

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    Anthropogenic alterations that restrict tidal flows negatively impact 20% of New England salt marshes, but management attempts to restore tides to these sites can be met with unexpected or less than optimal results. Restoration planners may be hindered by a lack of synthesized information regarding important biotic and abiotic factors that determine the distribution of dominant salt marsh plants and invasive species. An ecosystem model was developed to better predict salt marsh habitat response to hydrologic modification as a synthesis of existing models for biomass production, marsh elevation, tidal hydrology, and plant succession. A field experiment was conducted to provide the ecological basis for estimating plant responses to physical stresses and interspecific competition. Six plant species common to New England salt marshes were examined: halophyte species Spartina alterniflora, Spartina patens, and Juncus gerardii, and brackish invasive species Phragmites austrahs, Typha angustifolia, and Lythrum salicaria . The model was applied to spatial grids representing marsh area at four salt marsh sites with past or current impacts due to restricted tidal flows. At each site, field data for model parameterization was acquired according to a regional data-collection protocol. To assess model performance, the spatial distribution of marsh plants was predicted using specifications from past hydrologic and ecological conditions at two sites. Aggregated model predictions of halophyte-dominated and invasive-dominated marsh areas were within 4% of observed totals. The model was then run for each of the four study sites to generate 20-year simulations of plant composition changes resulting from current and possible hydrologic scenarios. Scenarios included changes in culvert shape, dimensions, and placement. Model simulations in response to tidally-restricted conditions predicted gradual replacement of halophytes by brackish invasive species, especially P. australis. Simulations involving tidal restoration strongly favored halophyte species. Based on spatial model outputs, realistic visualizations of marsh scenario results were designed and rendered. Use of this technology may provide new ways for resource managers to assess potential restoration outcomes, and to communicate the expected results of marsh improvement projects to non-technical audiences

    Tracer and Timescale Methods for Passive and Reactive Transport in Fluid Flows

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    Geophysical, environmental, and urban fluid flows (i.e., flows developing in oceans, seas, estuaries, rivers, aquifers, reservoirs, etc.) exhibit a wide range of reactive and transport processes. Therefore, identifying key phenomena, understanding their relative importance, and establishing causal relationships between them is no trivial task. Analysis of primitive variables (e.g., velocity components, pressure, temperature, concentration) is not always conducive to the most fruitful interpretations. Examining auxiliary variables introduced for diagnostic purposes is an option worth considering. In this respect, tracer and timescale methods are proving to be very effective. Such methods can help address questions such as, "where does a fluid-born dissolved or particulate substance come from and where will it go?" or, "how fast are the transport and reaction phenomena controlling the appearance and disappearance such substances?" These issues have been dealt with since the 19th century, essentially by means of ad hoc approaches. However, over the past three decades, methods resting on solid theoretical foundations have been developed, which permit the evaluation of tracer concentrations and diagnostic timescales (age, residence/exposure time, etc.) across space and time and using numerical models and field data. This book comprises research and review articles, introducing state-of-the-art diagnostic theories and their applications to domains ranging from shallow human-made reservoirs to lakes, river networks, marine domains, and subsurface flow

    Effects of Offshore Oil and Gas Development: A Current Awareness Bibliography

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    This bibliography is a compilation of current publications (citations with abstracts) from a wide variety of electronic and print information sources relating to offshore oil and gas development. Subject categories covered include: Biology: Ecological, anatomical, and physiological effects of oil and/or gas, Species as biomarkers, PAH uptake and bioaccumulation, etc. Chemistry/Geochemistry/Geology: Biochemistry, Biodegradation, Bioremediation, Hydrocarbon degradation, Environmental sampling, Soil contamination, etc. Engineering/Physics: Technological advancements in facility/equipment design and use, Spill response and recovery equipment, Physical properties of oil and gas, etc. Environment/Ecosystem Management/Spills: Environmental assessment and management, Oil and/or gas spill description and analysis, etc. Socioeconomic/Regulation/General: Social and economic ramifications, Politics, Governmental policy and legislation, Organizational policy, General interest, etc

    The M-Scale Model: A Multi-Scale Model for Decision Support of On-Site Remediation.

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    Remedial decisions for sediment management involve knowledge of the biogeochemical processes affecting contaminant fate and transport in the sediment, as well as the spatial distribution of the contaminant. Spatial statistical models provide estimates of the spatial distribution, and the results depend on validity of the assumptions inherent to the selected statistical tools, and the appropriateness of these tools with respect to the objectives of the estimation. Most decision tools for site assessment depend on spatial estimation/simulation that either misinterpret the extent of exceedance, or assigns a single decision map corresponding to a given uncertainty criterion. The specific objectives of this work are (i) to provide a spatial statistical approach, the M-Scale model, for characterization of the spatial structure and spatial distribution of an attribute, such as contaminant concentration or microbiological parameters; (ii) to investigate the applicability of the developed model to field data relevant to contaminated sediments using various performance diagnostics; and (iii) to explore the sensitivity of the M-Scale model and other methods to the nugget effect (artificially induced error and micro-scale variability) using laboratory and field data from the Anacostia River (NJ). Results using artificial data indicate the developed model generates estimates that (i) reproduce spatial variability evident in the sample, with reasonable precision for classifying exceedance/non-exceedance of a design threshold, and (ii) reproduce the overall attribute value distribution. Cross-validation results using datasets from the Passaic River yield similar performance metrics for the M-Scale model relative to CK in the reproduction of the overall value distribution, and relative to OK in the precision of classification. Estimation results using samples at both the site-scale and the micro-scale from the Anacostia River further indicate the possibility of reducing the uncertainty associated with estimates by characterizing the actual micro-scale variability. Cross-validation results using the same datasets indicate that each data point in a small-size sample set is essential in the estimation process. The reproduction of spatial variability demonstrated in this dissertation indicates improvement of spatial estimation by characterizing multi-scale covariances of means. The model has broad applicability for situations where multi-scale characterization issues drive spatial management decisions.Ph.D.Environmental EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/58473/1/mengyl_1.pd

    Characterising the Multi-Scale Properties of Flocculated Sediment by X-ray and Focused Ion Beam Nano-Tomography

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    PhDThe hydrodynamic behaviour of fine suspended aqueous sediments, and stability of the bedforms they create once settled, are governed by the physical properties (e.g., size, shape, porosity and density) of the flocculated particles in suspension (flocs). Consequently, accurate prediction of the transport and fate of sediments and of the nutrients and pollutants they carry depends on our ability to characterise aqueous flocs. Current research primarily focuses on characterising flocs based on their external gross-scale (>1 μm) properties (e.g., gross morphology, size and settling velocity) using in situ techniques such as photography and videography. Whilst these techniques provide valuable information regarding the outward behaviour of flocculated sediment (i.e. transport and settling), difficulties associated with extracting 3D geometries from 2D projections raises concerns regarding their accuracy and key parameters such as density can only be estimated. In addition, they neglect to inform on the internal micro- and nano-scale structure of flocs, responsible for much of their behaviour and development. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) and environmental electron microscope may be used to obtain nano-scale information in, essentially, 2D but there is a large scale gap between this information and the macro-scale of optical techniques. To address this issue this study uses 3D tomographic imaging over a range of spatial scales. Whilst commonly used in materials science and the life sciences, correlative tomography has yet to be applied in the environmental sciences. Threading together 3D Xray micro-computed tomography (X-ray μCT) and focused ion beam nano-tomography (FIBnt) with 2D TEM makes material characterisation from the centimetre to nanometre-scale possible. Here, this correlative imaging strategy is combined with a non-destructive stabilisation procedure and applied to the investigation of flocculated estuarine sediment, enabling the multi length-scale properties of flocs to be accurately described for the first time. This work has demonstrated that delicate aqueous flocs can be successfully stabilised via a resin embedding process and contrasted for both electron microscopy and X-ray tomography imaging. The 3D information obtained can be correlated across all length-scales from nm to mm revealing new information about the structure and morphology of flocs. A new system of characterising floc structure can be defined based on the association of particles and their stability in the structure rather than simply their size. This new model refutes the postulate that floc structures are fractal in nature.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Queen Mary University London (through the Post Graduate Research Fund) Environment Canad