14 research outputs found

    Service oriented model driven architecture for dynamic workflow changes

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    Collaborative workflow management systems in logistic companies require strong information systems and computer support. These IT integration requirements have expanded considerably with the advent of e-business; utilizing web services for B2B (Business to Business) and P2P (Partner to Partner) e-commerce. This paper proposes service oriented model driven architecture for dynamic workflow changes and strategy for implementation of these changes by isolation of services and business processes where by existing workflow systems can easily incorporate and integrate the changes following a step by step process replacement synchronization in workflow. This paper will also describe conceptual framework for prototype implementation resulting in dynamic collaborative workflow management

    Sharing scientific experiments and workflows in environmental applications

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    Environmental applications have been stimulating the cooperation among scientists from different disciplines. There are many examples where this cooperation takes place through exchanging scientific resources, such as data, programs and mathematical models. The LeSelect architecture supports environmental applications, where scientists may share their data and programs. We believe that besides programs and data, models, as well as experiments and workflows are scientific resources that need to be shared in environmental applications. Therefore, in this paper we propose an extension to LeSelect architecture that allows sharing of models, experiments and workflows

    Explaining Queries over Web Tables to Non-Experts

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    Designing a reliable natural language (NL) interface for querying tables has been a longtime goal of researchers in both the data management and natural language processing (NLP) communities. Such an interface receives as input an NL question, translates it into a formal query, executes the query and returns the results. Errors in the translation process are not uncommon, and users typically struggle to understand whether their query has been mapped correctly. We address this problem by explaining the obtained formal queries to non-expert users. Two methods for query explanations are presented: the first translates queries into NL, while the second method provides a graphic representation of the query cell-based provenance (in its execution on a given table). Our solution augments a state-of-the-art NL interface over web tables, enhancing it in both its training and deployment phase. Experiments, including a user study conducted on Amazon Mechanical Turk, show our solution to improve both the correctness and reliability of an NL interface.Comment: Short paper version to appear in ICDE 201

    EdiFlow: data-intensive interactive workflows for visual analytics

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    International audienceVisual analytics aims at combining interactive data visualization with data analysis tasks. Given the explosion in volume and complexity of scientific data, e.g., associated to biological or physical processes or social networks, visual analytics is called to play an important role in scientific data management. Most visual analytics platforms, however, are memory-based, and are therefore limited in the volume of data handled. Moreover, the integration of each new algorithm (e.g. for clustering) requires integrating it by hand into the platform. Finally, they lack the capability to define and deploy well-structured processes where users with different roles interact in a coordinated way sharing the same data and possibly the same visualizations. We have designed and implemented EdiFlow, a workflow platform for visual analytics applications. EdiFlow uses a simple structured process model, and is backed by a persistent database, storing both process information and process instance data. EdiFlow processes provide the usual process features (roles, structured control) and may integrate visual analytics tasks as activities. We present its architecture, deployment on a sample application, and main technical challenges involved

    A Capability Maturity Model for Research Data Management.

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    Objective: To support the assessment and improvement of research data management (RDM) practices to increase its reliability, this paper describes the development of a capability maturity model (CMM) for RDM. Improved RDM is now a critical need, but low awareness of – or lack of – data management is still common among research projects. Methods: A CMM includes four key elements: key practices, key process areas, maturity levels, and generic processes. These elements were determined for RDM by a review and synthesis of the published literature on and best practices for RDM. Results: The RDM CMM includes five chapters describing five key process areas for research data management: 1) data management in general; 2) data acquisition, processing, and quality assurance; 3) data description and representation; 4) data dissemination; and 5) repository services and preservation. In each chapter, key data management practices are organized into four groups according to the CMM’s generic processes: commitment to perform, ability to perform, tasks performed, and process assessment (combining the original measurement and verification). For each area of practice, the document provides a rubric to help projects or organizations assess their level of maturity in RDM. Conclusions: By helping organizations identify areas of strength and weakness, the RDM CMM provides guidance on where effort is needed to improve the practice of RDM

    A abordagem POESIA para a integração de dados e serviços na Web semantica

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    Orientador: Claudia Bauzer MedeirosTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: POESIA (Processes for Open-Ended Systems for lnformation Analysis), a abordagem proposta neste trabalho, visa a construção de processos complexos envolvendo integração e análise de dados de diversas fontes, particularmente em aplicações científicas. A abordagem é centrada em dois tipos de mecanismos da Web semântica: workflows científicos, para especificar e compor serviços Web; e ontologias de domínio, para viabilizar a interoperabilidade e o gerenciamento semânticos dos dados e processos. As principais contribuições desta tese são: (i) um arcabouço teórico para a descrição, localização e composição de dados e serviços na Web, com regras para verificar a consistência semântica de composições desses recursos; (ii) métodos baseados em ontologias de domínio para auxiliar a integração de dados e estimar a proveniência de dados em processos cooperativos na Web; (iii) implementação e validação parcial das propostas, em urna aplicação real no domínio de planejamento agrícola, analisando os benefícios e as limitações de eficiência e escalabilidade da tecnologia atual da Web semântica, face a grandes volumes de dadosAbstract: POESIA (Processes for Open-Ended Systems for Information Analysis), the approach proposed in this work, supports the construction of complex processes that involve the integration and analysis of data from several sources, particularly in scientific applications. This approach is centered in two types of semantic Web mechanisms: scientific workflows, to specify and compose Web services; and domain ontologies, to enable semantic interoperability and management of data and processes. The main contributions of this thesis are: (i) a theoretical framework to describe, discover and compose data and services on the Web, inc1uding mIes to check the semantic consistency of resource compositions; (ii) ontology-based methods to help data integration and estimate data provenance in cooperative processes on the Web; (iii) partial implementation and validation of the proposal, in a real application for the domain of agricultural planning, analyzing the benefits and scalability problems of the current semantic Web technology, when faced with large volumes of dataDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutor em Ciência da Computaçã

    Konstruksi Sistem Informasi Administrasi Tugas Akhir Berbasis Aliran Kerja untuk Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Menggunakan Kerangka Kerja Pemrograman Laravel

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    Mengelola dan memantau proses pengerjaan tugas akhir mahasiswa merupakan salah satu kewajiban setiap jurusan di Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS). Setiap jurusan memiliki cara yang berbeda-beda dalam mengelola dan memantau proses pengerjaan tugas akhir mahasiswa tersebut. Dalam pengelolaan dan pemantauan tersebut, ada jurusan yang memanfaatkan sistem informasi terintegrasi dalam jaringan dan ada pula yang tidak, yaitu di mana semua proses masih dilakukan secara manual dan di luar jaringan. Pemanfaatan sistem informasi dalam mengelola dan memantau tugas akhir mahasiswa dapat memberikan keuntungan kepada jurusan pengguna. Namun, usaha setiap jurusan untuk mengembangkan sistem informasinya masing-masing dapat terhambat oleh kendala tersendiri di masa depan, seperti perubahan kebijakan yang mempengaruhi proses pengelolaan dan pemantauan tugas akhir di semua jurusan di ITS. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan sebuah sistem informasi administrasi tugas akhir yang bersifat generik yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan setiap jurusan di ITS. Sistem informasi administrasi tugas akhir yang bersifat generik merupakan sistem informasi yang merangkum berbagai proses bisnis, dari berbagai jurusan di ITS, menjadi sebuah sistem tunggal dengan struktur data atau basis data yang sama. Setiap jurusan dapat menjalankan proses bisnisnya masing-masing di dalam sistem generik tersebut tanpa mempengaruhi proses bisnis yang dijalankan oleh jurusan x lainnya. Perbedaan-perbedaan yang ada dapat disesuaikan dan diatur dalam sebuah pengaturan parameter sehingga perilaku sistem dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan setiap jurusan. Konstruksi sistem informasi administrasi tugas akhir dalam tugas akhir ini memanfaatkan Laravel sebagai kerangka kerja pemrograman. Penggunaan Laravel diharapkan dapat mempercepat proses pengembangan dan mempermudah proses perawatan sistem. Selain itu, repositori kode program juga digunakan untuk mempermudah proses pengembangan selanjutnya di masa depan. Tahap pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan dua prosedur pelaksanaan tugas akhir yang berbeda, yaitu prosedur tugas akhir Jurusan Teknik Informatika dan Teknik Mesin. Pengujian dilakukan untuk mengetahui keberhasilan sistem dalam menangani beberapa prosedur tugas akhir yang berbeda. =============================================================================================== Managing and monitoring the process of final project is one of the duties of each department in the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS). Each department has a different way to manage and monitor the process of the final project. In management and monitoring, there are departments that utilize the integrated information system in the network and some are not, that is where all the processes are still done manually and outside the network. Use of information systems to manage and monitor the students' final project can deliver benefits to the user in the department. However, the efforts of each department to develop its information systems each can be hampered by an obstacle in the future, such as policy changes that affect the process of managing and monitoring tasks in all departments at ITS. Therefore, it takes a generic administration information system of final project that can meet the needs of every department at ITS. Generic administration information system of final project is an information system that encapsulates a variety of business processes, from various departments at ITS, into a single system with same the data structure or data base. Each department can execute their respective business processes within the generic system without affecting business processes run by other departments. The differences that exist can be adjusted and set in a parameter setting so that the behavior of the system can be adapted to the needs of each department. Construction of this final project utilizes Laravel as programming framework. Laravel usage is expected to accelerate the development process and make maintenance process to be easier. In addition, the xii program code repository is also used to ease the process of further development in the future. Testing phase is conducted using the two different final project implementation procedures, the final project procedure of Informatics Department and Mechanical Engineering Department. Tests conducted to determine the success of the system in handling several different procedures of final project