723 research outputs found

    Application Scenarios of Interactive Science Fiction Prototyping in Virtual Worlds for Education.

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    This article discusses the potentials of 3D virtual worlds as tool for science fiction prototyping in education. Science fiction prototyping has become an important resource for creating, discussing, and assessing the impact of future scenarios. Introducing this creative process into education and training can help students understand societal and contextual implications of future technologies, scenarios, and environments. We discuss traditional SFP processes, such as storywriting,movies, or computer games that require different talents from their creators. Based on our findings we will introduce ‘Interactive Science Fiction Prototyping (ISFP)’ as a simplified creation approach in virtual world environments. ISFP enables students to create to reflect on science fiction scenarios in an interactive and collaborative way. As an example of ISFP a science fiction prototype of a future city was created and discussed in the virtual world framework Open Wonderland

    Filozofija i svjesnost u budućnosti –kiborzi i umjetna inteligencija u iščekivanju besmrtnosti

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    Natural sciences and technologies place artificial intelligence, robotics and cyborgs at the centre of human attention. However, virtual and augmented reality and the unthinkable possibilities of the future media and communication between individuals and social groups might be deeper and broader than we think, and evolve in forms we have not hoped for. If philosophy wants to focus on the essence of scientific-technical age, it must reflect on the very foundations of computer-operational thinking, because artificial intelligence has already started to develop its own consciousness and may, in the future, devise a strategy of development beyond man and without man.Prirodne znanosti i tehnologije stavljaju u središte ljudske pozornosti umjetnu inteligenciju, robotiku i kiborge. Međutim, virtualna i proširena stvarnost te nezamislive mogućnosti budućih medija i komunikacija između pojedinaca i društvenih skupina mogle bi biti dublje i šire nego što mislimo i razvijati se u oblicima kojima se još ne nadamo. Ako se filozofija želi orjentirati u biti znanstveno – tehničkog doba, ona mora misliti same temelje računalno – operativnog mišljenja jer umjetna inteligencija već danas razvija vlastitu svjesnost a u budućnosti i strategiju razvoja mimo čovjeka i bez čovjeka

    Prototipando ideas: El enfoque de Sci Fi Prototyping

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    El presente trabajo busca exponer los beneficios de la enseñanza de una metodología de análisis prospectivo como complemento de las actividades formativas tradicionales en carreras de Ingeniería. Dicha metodología, denominada Science Fiction Prototyping, busca analizar los posibles impactos que la ciencia y la tecnología provocarían en las sociedades a través de los cambios disruptivos que se pueden producir en ellas. Se expondrán los pasos necesarios para implementar la metodología, se presentarán algunos ejemplos de utilización y se analizarán algunos de los posibles beneficios de implementar dicha metodología para la formación de ingenieros.Ibero-American Science and Technology Education Consortiu

    Prototipando ideas: El enfoque de Sci Fi Prototyping

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    El presente trabajo busca exponer los beneficios de la enseñanza de una metodología de análisis prospectivo como complemento de las actividades formativas tradicionales en carreras de Ingeniería. Dicha metodología, denominada Science Fiction Prototyping, busca analizar los posibles impactos que la ciencia y la tecnología provocarían en las sociedades a través de los cambios disruptivos que se pueden producir en ellas. Se expondrán los pasos necesarios para implementar la metodología, se presentarán algunos ejemplos de utilización y se analizarán algunos de los posibles beneficios de implementar dicha metodología para la formación de ingenieros.Ibero-American Science and Technology Education Consortiu

    Ficção científica e medicina: elaborando uma framework para auxiliar o desenvolvimento de artefactos médicos

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    With technological advances, the human being becomes more and more reliant on technology. We use technology to work, to improve our social experiences, to learn, among many other activities. Medicine is no exception to this. It is common to hear about concepts originated on Science Fiction coming to life in areas such as spatial exploration or even communication. It is important to realise how Science Fiction helps teams working in those domains, as well as understand what consumers expect for the future. However, we rarely hear about Science Fiction directly influencing Medicine. Has this field also benefited from Science Fiction to create new or enhanced existing artifacts? This literary and cinematic genre pushes the boundaries of what is thought "possible" by idealizing artifacts that go beyond what is conceivable in their time. It is an outlet for those who want to imagine what the future might hold, without forgetting to distinguish the possible or plausible from the fantastical. In this dissertation, we go through how Science Fiction can be used as a guide to developing Medical Artifacts, as well as devise a framework that has the potential to help their developers make more informed decisions about the characteristics of those artifacts. MADIS - Medical Artifact Design Inspired by Science Fiction - is a framework that incorporates the knowledge acquired during the research and interviews with medical professionals to create a tool which supports the development of Medical Artifacts through the lens of Science Fiction.Com o avanço tecnológico, o ser humano torna-se cada vez mais dependente da tecnologia. Usamo-la para trabalhar, para melhorar a nossa experiência social, para aprender, etc. e a medicina não é uma exceção. É comum ouvirmos falar de conceitos originários da Ficção Científica ganharem vida em áreas como a exploração espacial ou até a comunicação, e ver como ajuda as equipas a saber o que os consumidores esperam do futuro. No entanto, raramente ouvimos falar da sua influência nas tecnologias que nos mantêm vivos. Terá sido a medicina também beneficiado dos mundos de Ficção Científica na criação ou aperfeiçoamento dos seus artefactos? Este género literário e cinematográfico supera as barreiras do que é pensado como “possível” ao idealizar artefactos que vão para além do que é concebível no seu tempo. É um escape para aqueles que querem imaginar o que o futuro nos espera, sem esquecer de distinguir o possível ou plausível do fantástico. Nesta dissertação, vamos ver como a Ficção Científica pode ser usada como um guia para desenvolver artefactos médicos, bem como elaborar uma framework para ajudar os seus criadores a tomar decisões mais informadas. MADIS - Design de Artefactos Médicos Inspirados pela Ficção-científica - é uma framework que incorpora o conhecimento adquirido durante a pesquisa e as entrevistas feitas a profissionais médicos para criar uma ferramenta que suporta o desenvolvimento de Artefactos Médicos através da Ficção Científica.Mestrado em Comunicação Multimédi

    Interfaces and interfacings: posthuman ecologies, bodies and identities

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    This dissertation posits a posthuman theory for a technologically-driven ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) world, specifically theorizing cognition, intentionality and interface. The larger aim of this project is to open up discussions about human and technological relations and how these relations shape our understanding of what it means to be human. Situating my argument within posthuman and rhetorical theories, I discuss the metaphorical cyborg as a site of resistance, the everyday cyborg and its relations to technology through technogenesis and technology extension theories, and lastly the posthuman cyborg resulting from advances in biotechnology. I argue that this posthuman cyborg is an enmeshed network of biological and informatic code with neither having primacy. Building upon Anthony Miccoli, I see the interface (the space in between) as a functional myth, as humans are mutually constituted by material, biological, technological and social substrates of a networked ecology. I, then, reconfigure Kenneth Burke’s identification theory for the technological age and argue that the posthuman subject consubstantiates with the substrates, (or substances), to continuously invent a fluid intersubjectivity in a networked ecology. This project, then, explores both metaphorical and technological interfaces to better understand each. I argue that interfacing is a more thorough term to understand how humans, technologies, objects, spaces, language and code interact and thus constitute what we conceptualize as “human” and “reality.” This framework dismantles the interface as a space in between in favor of a networked ecology of dynamic relations. Then, I examine technological interfaces and their development as they have moved from the desktop to touchscreens to spaces wherein the body becomes a literal interface and site of interaction. These developments require rhetoric and composition scholars to interrogate not only the discourse of technologies but the interfaces themselves if we are to fully understand how human users come to identify with technologies that shape not only our communication but also our sense of subjectivity, autonomy, agency and intentionality. To make my claims clearer, I analyze science fiction representations of interfaces to chart more accessible means through which to understand the larger philosophical arcs in posthuman theory, intentionality as well as artificial intelligence. Using the films, then, this work seeks to elucidate the complexities of relations in the networked ecologies that define how we understand ourselves and the world in which we live

    Science fictions, cultural facts: a digital humanities approach to a popular literature

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    Human culture has a necessary influence on the content of popular literature – if only because the interests of a contemporary public determine material success or failure. Authors are products of their time, and popular writers will tend to reflect the cultural expectations and values of their readership. It follows that we should be able to find the imprint of human culture in popular literature if we employ suitable methods. Science fiction (SF) is well suited for such investigation, as it is open in scope and subject, and less restricted by content conventions than other genres. As a publishing medium, magazines, specifically, are valuable literary artefacts of popular culture. They contain fiction, editorials, advertising, reader letters, and features on matters of contemporary importance. These all contribute to build an understanding of their cultural environment. In this thesis, I begin by assessing the relevance of SF as a relevant source of popular insights by tasking SF magazine content as a lens to focus on human culture, analysing the genre and its value in contemporary research and society. I review the uses of SF in academic literature, and analyse public surveys to identify the breadth and relevance of its popular appeal. I describe the phenomenological experience of developing a hybrid digital and traditional methodology from the perspective of someone with no history of digital research in the humanities and employ a series of case studies which test the validity of the approach. The case studies provide insights into the cultural history of two topics: the foundations and subsequent development of Scientology; and the changing representations of tropical environments and peoples. An aim of this study is to devise and demonstrate methodology that respects the human experience of literature, but also integrates the value of employing technological approaches that expand the scope of investigation. The primary sources comprise more than 4,000 individual magazine issues – perhaps thirty percent of issues of magazines dedicated to SF in the twentieth century – and complete, or near complete runs of major titles. The value to the research process of having a significant number of sources is to counter the bias contained in the phenomenological bracket of the researcher. The expectations researchers are influenced by contemporary culture, and personal preferences, and this is likely to affect the perceived significance of specific historic texts. This selection bias could lead to the rejection of content that contains relevant insights. To address these issues, I devised a digital humanities methodology for selecting primary sources, and to complement discussion of the results. The results of applying the methodology strongly support the proposal that SF can provide a valuable indicator of cultural values, preferences and expectations – being widespread and commonly appreciated by contemporary audiences. SF is confirmed to be a valuable and relevant source of information on the evolving history of human cultural interests

    Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to rule by sense of smell! Superhuman Kingship in the Prophetic Books

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    An exploration of the Hebrew Bible's prophetic literature vis-à-vis Science Fiction and Science Fiction theor

    Computing Utopia: The Horizons of Computational Economies in History and Science Fiction

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    This article connects the recent flourishing of economic science fiction with the increasing technicity of contemporary financial markets, to pose questions about computational economies, both historical and fictional, and their ambiguous utopian currents. It explores examples of computational economies and societies in which economic resources are largely defined and allocated by computational systems to challenge—if not entirely dispel—assumptions about the inextricability of computation and the dystopian specters of capitalism, authoritarianism, and totalitarianism. The article puts insights from the histories of cybernetics, computer science, and economics into dialogue with sf novels that experiment with different sociopolitical configurations of computational economies. The novels that are the primary focus of the discussion are The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous Utopia (1974) by Ursula K. Le Guin and If Then (2015) by Matthew De Abaitua. The article concludes with some thoughts about the use of history and fiction for expanding the imaginative horizons of the computable in economics