10 research outputs found

    A study of a kanban based assembly line feeding system through integration of simulation and particle swarm optimization

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    With increase in differentiation and decreasing batch size of products, feeding the assembly line at regular intervals is considered to be a critical problem in today's manufacturing sector. Yet no clear solution has been developed for this problem; therefore, the main focus of this research is to discuss the different aspects of line feeding, the latest trend in literature, and to propose an innovative method to support solving the problem. A discrete event simulation model is developed and a mathematical model based on particle swarm optimization is used to support the simulation. The hybrid model is finally applied to practical situations. Results show how different settings of kanban influence the performance of the assembly line feeding system. The biggest novelty item is certainly the recognition of the trade-off between kanban size and number of kanban and the importance of investigating its behaviour during the design of the system. (C) 2019 by the authors; licensee Growing Science, Canad

    A New Centering Table For Encapsulated Glass Positioning

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    With the progress of the society, people`s living standard is increasing. More and more cars (more than 72 million) are produced and utilized all over the world. This makes a large number of quarter windows which located on the back-side window of a vehicle are urgently needed. Encapsulated glass is widely adopted for a quarter window for various advantages. Positioning by centering table is one of the most important procedures during the fabrication of encapsulated glass for the quarter window. The existing centering table has a lot of disadvantages such as poor flexibility and precision, which results in failure in production such as damage or low quality. Developing a centering system for positioning encapsulated glass with high efficiency and precision becomes very significant for the industry. In this thesis, I designed a new centering table that used a new column base structure and pins for tightness. This new centering table has a high precision while still maintain the flexibility of the table that makes the centering table can be applied to encapsulated automotive glass with other sizes and shapes

    Supporting the design of automated guided vehicle systems in internal logistics

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    Applications of automated guided vehicle (AGV) systems are becoming increasingly widespread in internal logistics for performing transports automatically. Recent technological advancements in navigation and intelligence have improved the functionality of vehicles and together with attention to Industry 4.0 have created further interest in AGV systems in industry and academia. Research on AGV systems has mainly focused on technical aspects, but to support AGV system design and, thereby, be able to achieve the full potential from use of AGV systems in internal logistics, more knowledge is needed that takes further into consideration aspects related to humans and the organisation, alongside the technical aspects. The purpose of this thesis is to develop knowledge to support the design of AGV systems and three research questions are formulated. The thesis is based on three papers, two of which are based on multiple case studies and one study based on simulation modelling. The thesis results provide input to the design process for AGV systems in three main ways. First, in developing an understanding for which requirements influence an AGV systems and how the requirements can be met in the AGV system configuration. Second, regarding how the load capacity of AGVs impact the performance of the AGV system, and third by identifying challenges with respect to the work organisation and related to human factors when AGV systems are introduced in internal logistics settings

    A framework for the implementation of drones in German automotive OEM logistics operations

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    Intralogistics operations in automotive OEMs increasingly confront problems of overcomplexity caused by a customer-centred production that requires customisation and, thus, high product variability, short-notice changes in orders and the handling of an overwhelming number of parts. To alleviate the pressure on intralogistics without sacrificing performance objectives, the speed and flexibility of logistical operations have to be increased. One approach to this is to utilise three-dimensional space through drone technology. This doctoral thesis aims at establishing a framework for implementing aerial drones in automotive OEM logistic operations. As of yet, there is no research on implementing drones in automotive OEM logistic operations. To contribute to filling this gap, this thesis develops a framework for Drone Implementation in Automotive Logistics Operations (DIALOOP) that allows for a close interaction between the strategic and the operative level and can lead automotive companies through a decision and selection process regarding drone technology. A preliminary version of the framework was developed on a theoretical basis and was then revised using qualitative-empirical data from semi-structured interviews with two groups of experts, i.e. drone experts and automotive experts. The drone expert interviews contributed a current overview of drone capabilities. The automotive experts interview were used to identify intralogistics operations in which drones can be implemented along with the performance measures that can be improved by drone usage. Furthermore, all interviews explored developments and changes with a foreseeable influence on drone implementation. The revised framework was then validated using participant validation interviews with automotive experts. The finalised framework defines a step-by-step process leading from strategic decisions and considerations over the identification of logistics processes suitable for drone implementation and the relevant performance measures to the choice of appropriate drone types based on a drone classification specifically developed in this thesis for an automotive context

    Managing complex assembly lines : solving assembly line balancing and feeding problems

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    Schedule optimisation for cyclic tugger train systems

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    Es wird ein Modell präsentiert, durch welches getaktete Routenzugsysteme mit statischen Routen operativ geplant werden können. Zwei mathematische Optimierungsprobleme bilden die Kernergebnisse dieser Arbeit, mithilfe derer einsatzoptimaler Routenzugfahrpläne generiert werden können. Für das entwickelte Gesamtplanungsmodell zur Takt- und Fahrplanplanung werden optimale Lösungsverfahren präsentiert und anhand zweier Anwendungsfälle aus der Automobilindustrie evaluiert.This dissertation suggests a model to generate cyclic tugger train schedules with static routes within the operational logistics planning. Two mathematical optimization problems form the core results of this dissertation which allow the generation of non-overlapping schedules which can be carried out with a minimum number of tugger trains. To solve the overall planning model for cycle time and timetable planning, an optimal solution algorithm is presented and evaluated using two applications from the automotive industry

    Productivity and flexibility improvement of assembly lines for high-mix low-volume production. A white goods industry case

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    Las tendencias globales de la personalización e individualización en masa impulsan la producción industrial en serie corta y variada; y por tanto una gran variedad de productos en pequeñas cantidades. Por ello, la customización en masa precisa de sistemas de ensamblaje que sean a la vez altamente productivos y flexibles, a diferencia de la tradicional oposición entre ambas características. La llamada cuarta revolución industrial trae diversas tecnologías habilitadoras que podrían ser útiles para abordar este problema. Sin embargo, las metodologías para implementar el ensamblaje 4.0 todavía no han sido resueltas. De hecho, para aprovechar todas las ventajas potenciales de la Industria 4.0, es necesario contar con un nivel previo de excelencia operacional y un análisis holístico de los sistemas productivos. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo entender y definir cómo mejorar la productividad y la flexibilidad de las operaciones de montaje en serie corta y variada.Esta meta se ha dividido en tres objetivos. El primer objetivo consiste en comprender las relaciones entre la Industria 4.0 y las operaciones de ensamblaje, así como sus implicaciones para los operarios. El segundo objetivo consiste en desarrollar una metodología y las herramientas necesarias para evaluar el rendimiento de diferentes configuraciones de cadenas de ensamblaje. El último objetivo consiste en el diseño de sistemas de ensamblaje que permitan incrementar su productividad al menos un 25 %, produciendo en serie corta y variada, mediante la combinación de puestos de montaje manual y estaciones automatizadas.Para abordar la fase de comprensión y definición del problema, se llevó a cabo una revisión bibliográfica sistemática y se desarrolló un marco conceptual para el Ensamblaje 4.0. Se desarrollaron, verificaron y validaron dos herramientas de evaluación del rendimiento: un modelo matemático analítico y varios modelos de simulación por eventos discretos. Para la verificación, y como punto de partida para los análisis, se ha utilizado un caso de estudio industrial de un fabricante global de electrodomésticos. Se han empleado múltiples escenarios de simulación y técnicas de diseño de experimentos para investigar tres cuestiones clave.En primer lugar, se identificaron los factores más críticos para el rendimiento de líneas de montaje manuales multi-modelo. En segundo lugar, se analizó el rendimiento de líneas de montaje semiautomáticas paralelas con operarios móviles en comparación con líneas semiautomáticas o manuales con operarios fijos, empleando diversos escenarios de demanda en serie corta y variada. Por último, se investigó el uso de trenes milkrun para la logística interna de líneas de ensamblaje multi-modelo bajo la influencia de perturbaciones.Los resultados de las simulaciones muestran que las líneas paralelas con operarios móviles pueden superar a las de operarios fijos en cualquier escenario de demanda, alcanzando como mínimo el objetivo de mejorar la productividad en un 25% o más. También permiten reducir cómodamente el número de operarios trabajando en la línea sin afectar negativamente al equilibrado de la misma, posibilitando la producción eficiente de bajo volumen. Los resultados de las simulaciones de logística interna indican que los milkrun pueden proteger las líneas de ensamblaje de las perturbaciones originadas en procesos aguas arriba.Futuras líneas de investigación en base a los resultados obtenidos en esta tesis podrían incluir la expansión e integración de los modelos de simulación actuales para analizar las cadenas de montaje paralelas con operarios móviles incorporando logística, averías y mantenimiento, problemas de control de calidad y políticas de gestión de los retrabajos. Otra línea podría ser el uso de diferentes herramienta para el análisis del desempeño como, por ejemplo, técnicas de programación de la producción que permitan evaluar el desempeño operacional de diferentes configuraciones de cadenas de montaje con operarios móviles, tanto en términos de automatización como de organización en planta. Podrían incorporarse tecnologías de la Industria 4.0 a los modelos de simulación para evaluar su impacto operacional global ¿como cobots para ensamblaje o para la manipulación de materiales, realidad aumentada para el apoyo cognitivo a los operarios, o AGVs para la conducciónde los trenes milkrun. Por último, el trabajo presentado en esta tesis acerca las líneas de ensamblaje semiautomáticas con operarios móviles a su implementación industrial.<br /

    New Solution Approaches for Scheduling Problems in Production and Logistics

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    The current cumulative PhD thesis consists of six papers published in/submitted to scientific journals. The focus of the thesis is to develop new solution approaches for scheduling problems encountering in manufacturing as well as in logistics. The thesis is divided into two parts: “ma-chine scheduling in production” and “scheduling problems in logistics” each of them consisting three papers. To have most comprehensive overview of the topic of machine scheduling, the first part of the thesis starts with two systematic review papers, which were conducted on tertiary level (i.e., re-viewing literature reviews). Both of these papers analyze a sample of around 130 literature re-views on machine scheduling problems. The first paper use a subjective quantitative approach to evaluate the sample, while the second papers uses content analysis which is an objective quanti-tative approach to extract meaningful information from massive data. Based on the analysis, main attributes of scheduling problems in production are identified and are classified into sever-al categories. Although the focus of both these papers are set to review scheduling problems in manufacturing, the results are not restricted to machine scheduling problem and the results can be extended to the second part of the thesis. General drawbacks of literature reviews are identi-fied and several suggestions for future researches are also provided in both papers. The third paper in the first part of the thesis presents the results of 105 new heuristic algorithms developed to minimize total flow time of a set of jobs in a flowshop manufacturing environ-ment. The computational experiments confirm that the best heuristic proposed in this paper im-proves the average error of best existing algorithm by around 25 percent. The first paper in second part is focused on minimizing number of electric tow-trains responsi-ble to deliver spare parts from warehouse to the production lines. Together with minimizing number of these electric vehicles the paper is also focused to maximize the work load balance among the drivers of the vehicles. For this problem, after analyzing the complexity of the prob-lem, an opening heuristic, a mixed integer linear programing (MILP) model and a taboo-search neighborhood search approach are proposed. Several managerial insights, such as the effect of battery capacity on the number of required vehicles, are also discussed. The second paper of the second part addresses the problem of preparing unit loaded devices (ULDs) at air cargos to be loaded latter on in planes. The objective of this problem is to mini-mize number of workers required in a way that all existing flight departure times are met and number of available places for building ULDs is not violated. For this problem, first, a MILP model is proposed and then it is boosted with a couple of heuristics which enabled the model to find near optimum solutions in a matter of 10 seconds. The paper also investigates the inherent tradeoff between labor and space utilization as well as the uncertainty about the volume of cargo to be processed. The last paper of the second part proposes an integrated model to improve both ergonomic and economic performance of manual order picking process by rotating pallets in the warehouse. For the problem under consideration in this paper, we first present and MILP model and then pro-pose a neighborhood search based on simulated annealing. The results of numerical experiment indicate that selectively rotating pallets may reduce both order picking time as well as the load on order picker, which leads to a quicker and less risky order picking process