334 research outputs found

    Activating Imaginative Attention and Creating Observant Moments in the Everyday Through the Art of Walking

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    Since 2013, I have been conducting a collaborative project on walking together with the actress and tightrope walker Helena KĂ„gemark, where walking has become a means for inquiry-based performing. The purpose of this project was to apply techniques and strategies from the theatre work we pursue in situations outside of the theatre on walking actions in urban spaces – in order to create attention as well as bring forth poetry in situations of everyday life. The project included a wide range of activities and events; from our own explorative walks documented through “walking journals” to participatory walks with others and public presentations of performance acts, performance lectures, discussions, workshops and exhibitions. In our project, we used physical acting techniques to create attention and meaning in situations that emerged in the streets. Our aim was to go beyond the automatic patterns of the everyday when walking through town in order to activate a way to relate to the environment and to create experience that develops both the perception and imagination of the one who walks. We chose to focus on the seemingly small and invisible stories and observations of the everyday, while actively carrying out a psychophysical walk. In this article, I would like to reflect on certain parts of the walking project in order to investigate more closely how we transferred our experience as theatre practitioners to walking activities, and in doing so, activating imaginative attention in order to create observant moments in everyday situations

    Konsten att sprida kultur - En studie av subventionssystemet för scenkonst i SkÄne

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    This paper is about the subsidy system for performing arts and how this system is used as a tool for cultural policy. This seems to be an area in cultural policy that has been overlooked in earlier studies. The subsidy system for performing arts is a question about democracy, and therefore also a question about who has the rights to experiance performing arts. Looking closer at the system and the cultural agenda for Region SkĂ„ne it is clear that there is nothing wrong with the ambition to provide every small community with the tools to offer the citizens the opportunity to experience performing arts. The problem is that, even though the ideals that we can see in the cultural plans are good, the system as it exists today is perceived unfair for the different assocition for theater. This paper brings this subject up to the surface, mostly because it is important to show how the subcidy systems for performing arts can provide something extra to the small communitys in Scania that woulden’t be possible without this kind of system

    Att inte vÀlja Àr ocksÄ ett val : en analys av mitt konstnÀrliga examensarbete

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    Detta examensarbete behandlar processen av mitt konstnÀrliga examensarbete, de val jag gjorde och de svÄrigheter jag hade att förverkliga dem. Syftet med examensarbetet Àr att finna en förstÄelse för mitt arbetssÀtt och de val jag inte gjorde. I examensarbetet kommer jag att reflektera kring konsekvenserna av sjÀlvkritik och dess betydelse för de val jag gjorde. Slutligen analyserar jag den dubbelprocess som intrÀffade under det konstnÀrliga examensarbetet och de insikter det skriftliga examensarbetet medfört.In this thesis, I reflect on the consequences of self-criticism and its importance in the choices I made in my final artistic exam work. The thesis begins by presenting the difficulties faced in the process of developing my artistic exam work. Next, the thesis presents the choices I subsequently made and how they were achieved. In this light, it is then possible to present an understanding of the way I work as well as the choices I did not take in the working process of my performance "Carpe diem-fÄnga tiden". Finally an analysis of the conflict and double process that occurred during the artistic exam work is presented as well as the insights gained

    Landskapsarkitektur och scenkonst

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    I landskapsarkitektens arbete Ă€r konstnĂ€rliga grĂ€nsland stĂ€ndigt nĂ€rvarande. I arbetet undersöks interaktioner mellan landskapsarkitektur och scenkonst specifikt. En övergripande ambition Ă€r att pĂ„ ett medvetet sĂ€tt lyfta frĂ„gor kring samverkan mel-lan konstnĂ€rliga discipliner, och att dĂ€rmed, inom ramarna för landskapsarkitektens praktik, öppna för en reflektion kring möjligheten till nya kunskapsriktningar och arbetssĂ€tt som kan svara mot samtida och framtida behov. Med utgĂ„ngspunkt i begreppen designprocess & designhandling och förhĂ„llande till plats studeras former, metoder och verktyg för samverkan, men ocksĂ„ tĂ€nkbara driv-krafter, intentioner och visioner. Designprocessen inför en scenkonstförestĂ€llning pĂ„ SkĂ„nes Dansteater i Malmö har utgjort arbetets empiriska stomme. Undersökningen har genomförts i form av eget arbete i projektet och en enkĂ€t genomförd med det kreativa teamet bakom förestĂ€llningen. Detta har Ă€ven kompletterats med studerande av litteratur och referensexempel. MĂ„let Ă€r att med fokus pĂ„ Ă€mnesöverskridande in-teraktioner mellan landskapsarkitektur och scenkonst beskriva och analysera design-processen bakom skapandet av scenkonstförestĂ€llningen, samt att med utgĂ„ngspunkt i det specifika projektet, undersöka och redogöra för hur Ă€mnesöverskridande sam-arbeten kan förhĂ„lla sig till, och genereras av, sin rumsliga kontext. Det handlar om att hitta gemensamma nĂ€mnare, att med utgĂ„ngspunkt i den egna praktiken finna sĂ€tt att ge svar pĂ„ andras frĂ„gor, och att dĂ€rmed formulera incitament för möjliga utbyten. I arbetet tecknas en samtida historia med bakgrund i slutet av modernismen, vilket inom bĂ„de scenkonst och arkitektur gav upphov till ifrĂ„gasĂ€ttande av tidigare rumsliga ideal och konventioner. Det innebar inom scenkonsten en förflyttning ut ur de traditionella teaterlokalerna – att lĂ„ta dans och teater ta plats i vardagen. Inom landskapsarkitekturen motsvarades det av ett ökat fokus pĂ„ rörelse och aktivitet, interaktion och process, pĂ„ den direkta mĂ€nskliga upplevelsen. Gemensamt för de perspektiv som presenteras Ă€r ambitionen att genom Ă€mnesöverskridande utbyten generera nya insikter och erfarenheter inom ramarna för den egna praktiken. Ur landskapsarkitektens perspektiv motiveras det av en vilja att sjĂ€lv förstĂ„, att hitta alternativa sĂ€tt att kommunicera, och att skapa nya landskap och landskapsupplevelser.In the work of a landscape architect, artistic intersections are always present. In this study, interactions between landscape architecture and the performing arts are explored. The overall ambition is to raise questions about collaborations between artistic disciplines, and thereby, within the framework of landscape architecture, to reflect upon the possibility of new knowledge directions that could respond to cur-rent and future needs. Starting from the terms design process & design action and relation to place/site forms, methods and tools for collaboration are explored, as well as possible driving forces, intentions and visions. The design process behind a performance at SkĂ„nes Dansteater in Malmö has constituted the empirical basis of the study. The investi-gation has been done through the author’s own work within the project, and by a questionnaire with the artistic team behind the performance. This has been comple-mented by literature studies and reference examples. With emphasis on the interac-tions between landscape architecture and the performing arts, the aim is to describe and analyse the design process behind the production of the performance. Focusing on the specific project, an exploration of trans-disciplinary interactions is made, and it is shown how these can relate to and be generated by, their spatial context. It is about finding common ground, to within one’s own practice, find answers to common questions, and thereby create incentives for possible exchanges. In the thesis, a contemporary history is drawn, starting in the late years of the modernist movement, which in both landscape architecture and the performing arts gave rise to questions about earlier spatial ideals and conventions. In the per-forming arts it meant moving out of the traditional theatre venues – to let theatre and dance take place in everyday life. A corresponding development in landscape architecture generated an increasing focus on movement and activity, interaction and process, the direct human experience. A common feature of the perspectives introduced in this study is the ambition to, through trans-disciplinary exchanges, generate new insight and experience within one’s own practice. From the landscape architect’s perspective this is motivated by a desire to understand, to find alterna-tive ways of communication, and by the possibility of creating new landscapes and landscape experiences

    "Jag vÄgar göra det hÀr" ­ Om drama och teater i förskolan

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    Sammanfattning: Vi har tidigare lÀst Skapande verksamhet dÀr undervisningen fokuserades pÄ att arbeta med estetiska Àmnen för att uppfylla strÀvansmÄlen för lÀroplanen för förskolan och skolan. Vi har undersökt vad drama och teater kan ge barn, dels som individer men Àven som grupp, och vad arbetssÀtten kan ge verksamheten utifrÄn LpFö-98. I litteratur har vi upplevt en brist pÄ ett brett perspektiv pÄ varför drama och teater Àr bra arbetssÀtt och ville dÀrför sammanstÀlla det vi lÀst, sett, hört och upplevt för att fÄ en översikt av Àmnet. Vi ville tydligt och enkelt koppla samman teori och praktik, och ge konkreta tips pÄ hur man kan arbeta med drama och teater i förskolan. VÄr frÄgestÀllning var: Drama och teater i förskolan ­ hur och varför? DÀr vi fokuserade pÄ frÄgan varför med utgÄngspunkt i LÀroplanen för förskolan. Vi valde att genomföra intervjuer och sedan koppla samman dessa med tidigare forskning och egna erfarenheter. Vi anser att det Àr viktigt att koppla samman teori med praktik. Drama och teater kan innefatta sÄ mÄnga delar av lÀroplanen, vilket gör arbetssÀttet anvÀndbart för lÀrare som Àr verksamma inom förskolan och skolan. VÄrt resultat visade pÄ att med ett medvetet, pedagogiskt förhÄllningssÀtt kan arbete med drama och teater i förskolan vara ett, för barnen, givande arbetssÀtt utifrÄn LpFö-98

    Mining for culture : performance arts center StĂ€llberg’s Mine

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    This degree project summarizes five years of education at the landscape architecture program at the Swedish University of Agriculture Sciences, SLU, Alnarp and the School of architecture at Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, Stockholm. The project has been carried out by Lovisa Berg and Per Crona in collaboration with DRIFT Scenkonst. This master project is based on the ongoing transformation of a former mining site in StĂ€llberg, Bergslagen situated in central Sweden. The organization DRIFT is in the process of recreating to former industrial mining site as a green cultural center. Their field of artistic examination concerns existential questions connected to the site. The aim is to offer a place for both performing and experiencing contemporary performing arts in Bergslagen. Our objective is to contribute to the growth of the performing arts project and to demonstrate in concrete terms how a conversion of a mining area can be completed, while taking into account both its history and its new function. Theoretical studies of cultural heritage connected to economic and cultural development has been studied on a general level. This has then been related to site-specific studies and analysis of StĂ€llberg. The site descriptions and analyzes are of great importance in the project. These account for the historical and cultural context of the site and examine the spatial and architectural conditions and possibilities for the site. The activities that DRIFT is planning are focused on artistic work and public events and exhibitions, collectively called “the Non Existent Center”. The two main categories of site users, those working and those visiting have different demands that are important to meet. An important part of the design is to solve problems of accessibility and site utility. It is important to work with forms and structures that reflect new functions while simultaneously telling of the site’s rich history. The physical transformation will mainly be carried out by volunteers and design must therefore take into account the expected skill level and knowledge base of this group. In designing this site it is important to address questions of how the center can grow and meet its surrounding landscape. This project ends with a discussion of the addressed questions and the resulting design proposal. The working process and the combination of academic methodology and design practice are discussed in a reflective section. The collaboration with DRIFT Scenkonst is also discussed, as is their reaction to our theoretical study and design proposal. At the closure, we describe the future of the Non Existent Center and the part we have played in its transformation.Detta Ă€r ett examensarbete som avslutar fem Ă„rs utbildning pĂ„ landskapsarkitektprogrammet pĂ„ SLU i Alnarp och KTH Arkitekturskolan i Stockholm. Arbetet har gjorts av Lovisa Berg och Per Crona i samverkan med DRIFT Scenkonst. Arbetet tar sin utgĂ„ngspunkt i den pĂ„gĂ„ende omvandlingen av StĂ€llbergs gruva i Bergslagen, Sverige. Organisationen DRIFT scenkonst planerar för en omstĂ€llning av en nedlagd gruvmiljö till en grön kulturindustri för skapande och upplevelse av samtidskonst med fokus pĂ„ existentiella frĂ„gor knutna till platsen. MĂ„let har varit att bidra till genomförandet av scenkonstprojektet genom ett konkret gestaltningsförslag med grund i den industrihistoriska miljön och den nya funktionen. Teoretiska studier kring kulturarv med koppling till ekonomisk och kulturell utveckling har relaterats till lokala förhĂ„llanden. Den platsspecifika undersökningen Ă€r en viktig del av arbetet och beskriver platsens historiska och kulturella kontext samt analyserar gruvomrĂ„dets rumsliga och arkitektoniska förutsĂ€ttningar och möjligheter. Den planerade verksamheten: the Non Existent Center, Ă€r inriktad pĂ„ platsspecifikt konstnĂ€rligt arbete samt publika förestĂ€llningar och arrangemang. De tvĂ„ mĂ„lgrupperna, arbetare och besökare, stĂ€ller olika krav pĂ„ gestaltningen som Ă€r viktiga att försöka tillgodose. En viktig del i gestaltningen Ă€r att lösa tillgĂ€ngligheten och anvĂ€ndbarheten av omrĂ„det. Det Ă€r ocksĂ„ viktigt att formmĂ€ssigt göra ett förslag som speglar sin samtid i relation till den historiska miljön. Den fysiska omvandlingen ska vara möjlig att genomföra för ideellt verkande krafter och tankar om hur denna omvandling kan ske över tid Ă€r central. Arbetet avslutas med en diskussion som behandlar frĂ„gestĂ€llningarna och resultatet i gestaltningsarbetet. I en reflekterande del utvĂ€rderas arbetsprocessen och kombinationen av akademisk metodik och praktiskt gestaltningsarbete. Samarbetet med DRIFT scenkonst behandlas ocksĂ„ liksom deras reaktion pĂ„ studie och gestaltningsförslag. En beskrivning av den fortsatta arbetsprocessen med the Non Existent Center avslutar arbetet

    Representativeness of the European social partner organisations : live performance sector

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    Aquesta publicaciĂł s'elabora a partir de les contribucions de cadascĂș dels membres nacionals que integren la Network of Eufound Correspondent. Pel cas d'Espanya la contribuciĂł ha estat realitzada per l'Alejandro GodinoThis study provides information allowing for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the live performance sector. Their relative representativeness legitimises their right to be consulted, their role and effective participation in the European sectoral social dialogue and their capacity to negotiate agreements. The aim of Eurofound's studies on representativeness is to identify the relevant national and European social partner organisations in the EU Member States. This study identified EURO-MEI, FIA and FIM - representing employees - and PEARLE* - representing employers - as the representative European-level social partner organisations in the live performance sector

    En skÄdespelare som alla andra: levda erfarenheter av rasifiering och desorientering i vita teaterrum

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    The aim of this thesis is to highlight how gender and racialisation shapes lived experiences within the Swedish theatre context. The study is based on interviews with four non-white actors working or studying in Sweden. To interpret the material from the interviews I use narrative analysis and draw on Sara Ahmed’s queer phenomenology and its concept of orientation. I use a phenomenological perpective on gender and race, along with theories of racialisation and representation when analysing the material. My study shows that the informants experience the theatre as a white space, which disorientates their non-white bodies. Racialisation and disorientation happens when the white bodies that inhabit the theatre space denies non-white experiences and make them invisible. The production of stereotypical representations of non-white bodies on the theatre stage works as a process of othering, which creates further disorientation. In order to change the theatre space non-white bodies has to arrive to and inhabit them and thus enable orientation for themselves and non-white bodies arriving after them
