57 research outputs found

    Consistent Density Scanning and Information Extraction From Point Clouds of Building Interiors

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    Over the last decade, 3D range scanning systems have improved considerably enabling the designers to capture large and complex domains such as building interiors. The captured point cloud is processed to extract specific Building Information Models, where the main research challenge is to simultaneously handle huge and cohesive point clouds representing multiple objects, occluded features and vast geometric diversity. These domain characteristics increase the data complexities and thus make it difficult to extract accurate information models from the captured point clouds. The research work presented in this thesis improves the information extraction pipeline with the development of novel algorithms for consistent density scanning and information extraction automation for building interiors. A restricted density-based, scan planning methodology computes the number of scans to cover large linear domains while ensuring desired data density and reducing rigorous post-processing of data sets. The research work further develops effective algorithms to transform the captured data into information models in terms of domain features (layouts), meaningful data clusters (segmented data) and specific shape attributes (occluded boundaries) having better practical utility. Initially, a direct point-based simplification and layout extraction algorithm is presented that can handle the cohesive point clouds by adaptive simplification and an accurate layout extraction approach without generating an intermediate model. Further, three information extraction algorithms are presented that transforms point clouds into meaningful clusters. The novelty of these algorithms lies in the fact that they work directly on point clouds by exploiting their inherent characteristic. First a rapid data clustering algorithm is presented to quickly identify objects in the scanned scene using a robust hue, saturation and value (H S V) color model for better scene understanding. A hierarchical clustering algorithm is developed to handle the vast geometric diversity ranging from planar walls to complex freeform objects. The shape adaptive parameters help to segment planar as well as complex interiors whereas combining color and geometry based segmentation criterion improves clustering reliability and identifies unique clusters from geometrically similar regions. Finally, a progressive scan line based, side-ratio constraint algorithm is presented to identify occluded boundary data points by investigating their spatial discontinuity

    Multisource Point Clouds, Point Simplification and Surface Reconstruction

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    As data acquisition technology continues to advance, the improvement and upgrade of the algorithms for surface reconstruction are required. In this paper, we utilized multiple terrestrial Light Detection And Ranging (Lidar) systems to acquire point clouds with different levels of complexity, namely dynamic and rigid targets for surface reconstruction. We propose a robust and effective method to obtain simplified and uniform resample points for surface reconstruction. The method was evaluated. A point reduction of up to 99.371% with a standard deviation of 0.2 cm was achieved. In addition, well-known surface reconstruction methods, i.e., Alpha shapes, Screened Poisson reconstruction (SPR), the Crust, and Algebraic point set surfaces (APSS Marching Cubes), were utilized for object reconstruction. We evaluated the benefits in exploiting simplified and uniform points, as well as different density points, for surface reconstruction. These reconstruction methods and their capacities in handling data imperfections were analyzed and discussed. The findings are that (i) the capacity of surface reconstruction in dealing with diverse objects needs to be improved; (ii) when the number of points reaches the level of millions (e.g., approximately five million points in our data), point simplification is necessary, as otherwise, the reconstruction methods might fail; (iii) for some reconstruction methods, the number of input points is proportional to the number of output meshes; but a few methods are in the opposite; (iv) all reconstruction methods are beneficial from the reduction of running time; and (v) a balance between the geometric details and the level of smoothing is needed. Some methods produce detailed and accurate geometry, but their capacity to deal with data imperfection is poor, while some other methods exhibit the opposite characteristics

    Toward knowledge-based automatic 3D spatial topological modeling from LiDAR point clouds for urban areas

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    Le traitement d'un très grand nombre de données LiDAR demeure très coûteux et nécessite des approches de modélisation 3D automatisée. De plus, les nuages de points incomplets causés par l'occlusion et la densité ainsi que les incertitudes liées au traitement des données LiDAR compliquent la création automatique de modèles 3D enrichis sémantiquement. Ce travail de recherche vise à développer de nouvelles solutions pour la création automatique de modèles géométriques 3D complets avec des étiquettes sémantiques à partir de nuages de points incomplets. Un cadre intégrant la connaissance des objets à la modélisation 3D est proposé pour améliorer la complétude des modèles géométriques 3D en utilisant un raisonnement qualitatif basé sur les informations sémantiques des objets et de leurs composants, leurs relations géométriques et spatiales. De plus, nous visons à tirer parti de la connaissance qualitative des objets en reconnaissance automatique des objets et à la création de modèles géométriques 3D complets à partir de nuages de points incomplets. Pour atteindre cet objectif, plusieurs solutions sont proposées pour la segmentation automatique, l'identification des relations topologiques entre les composants de l'objet, la reconnaissance des caractéristiques et la création de modèles géométriques 3D complets. (1) Des solutions d'apprentissage automatique ont été proposées pour la segmentation sémantique automatique et la segmentation de type CAO afin de segmenter des objets aux structures complexes. (2) Nous avons proposé un algorithme pour identifier efficacement les relations topologiques entre les composants d'objet extraits des nuages de points afin d'assembler un modèle de Représentation Frontière. (3) L'intégration des connaissances sur les objets et la reconnaissance des caractéristiques a été développée pour inférer automatiquement les étiquettes sémantiques des objets et de leurs composants. Afin de traiter les informations incertitudes, une solution de raisonnement automatique incertain, basée sur des règles représentant la connaissance, a été développée pour reconnaître les composants du bâtiment à partir d'informations incertaines extraites des nuages de points. (4) Une méthode heuristique pour la création de modèles géométriques 3D complets a été conçue en utilisant les connaissances relatives aux bâtiments, les informations géométriques et topologiques des composants du bâtiment et les informations sémantiques obtenues à partir de la reconnaissance des caractéristiques. Enfin, le cadre proposé pour améliorer la modélisation 3D automatique à partir de nuages de points de zones urbaines a été validé par une étude de cas visant à créer un modèle de bâtiment 3D complet. L'expérimentation démontre que l'intégration des connaissances dans les étapes de la modélisation 3D est efficace pour créer un modèle de construction complet à partir de nuages de points incomplets.The processing of a very large set of LiDAR data is very costly and necessitates automatic 3D modeling approaches. In addition, incomplete point clouds caused by occlusion and uneven density and the uncertainties in the processing of LiDAR data make it difficult to automatic creation of semantically enriched 3D models. This research work aims at developing new solutions for the automatic creation of complete 3D geometric models with semantic labels from incomplete point clouds. A framework integrating knowledge about objects in urban scenes into 3D modeling is proposed for improving the completeness of 3D geometric models using qualitative reasoning based on semantic information of objects and their components, their geometric and spatial relations. Moreover, we aim at taking advantage of the qualitative knowledge of objects in automatic feature recognition and further in the creation of complete 3D geometric models from incomplete point clouds. To achieve this goal, several algorithms are proposed for automatic segmentation, the identification of the topological relations between object components, feature recognition and the creation of complete 3D geometric models. (1) Machine learning solutions have been proposed for automatic semantic segmentation and CAD-like segmentation to segment objects with complex structures. (2) We proposed an algorithm to efficiently identify topological relationships between object components extracted from point clouds to assemble a Boundary Representation model. (3) The integration of object knowledge and feature recognition has been developed to automatically obtain semantic labels of objects and their components. In order to deal with uncertain information, a rule-based automatic uncertain reasoning solution was developed to recognize building components from uncertain information extracted from point clouds. (4) A heuristic method for creating complete 3D geometric models was designed using building knowledge, geometric and topological relations of building components, and semantic information obtained from feature recognition. Finally, the proposed framework for improving automatic 3D modeling from point clouds of urban areas has been validated by a case study aimed at creating a complete 3D building model. Experiments demonstrate that the integration of knowledge into the steps of 3D modeling is effective in creating a complete building model from incomplete point clouds

    Geometric and photometric affine invariant image registration

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    This thesis aims to present a solution to the correspondence problem for the registration of wide-baseline images taken from uncalibrated cameras. We propose an affine invariant descriptor that combines the geometry and photometry of the scene to find correspondences between both views. The geometric affine invariant component of the descriptor is based on the affine arc-length metric, whereas the photometry is analysed by invariant colour moments. A graph structure represents the spatial distribution of the primitive features; i.e. nodes correspond to detected high-curvature points, whereas arcs represent connectivities by extracted contours. After matching, we refine the search for correspondences by using a maximum likelihood robust algorithm. We have evaluated the system over synthetic and real data. The method is endemic to propagation of errors introduced by approximations in the system.BAE SystemsSelex Sensors and Airborne System

    Multisource Point Clouds, Point Simplification and Surface Reconstruction

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    As data acquisition technology continues to advance, the improvement and upgrade of the algorithms for surface reconstruction are required. In this paper, we utilized multiple terrestrial Light Detection And Ranging (Lidar) systems to acquire point clouds with different levels of complexity, namely dynamic and rigid targets for surface reconstruction. We propose a robust and effective method to obtain simplified and uniform resample points for surface reconstruction. The method was evaluated. A point reduction of up to 99.371% with a standard deviation of 0.2 cm was achieved. In addition, well-known surface reconstruction methods, i.e., Alpha shapes, Screened Poisson reconstruction (SPR), the Crust, and Algebraic point set surfaces (APSS Marching Cubes), were utilized for object reconstruction. We evaluated the benefits in exploiting simplified and uniform points, as well as different density points, for surface reconstruction. These reconstruction methods and their capacities in handling data imperfections were analyzed and discussed. The findings are that (i) the capacity of surface reconstruction in dealing with diverse objects needs to be improved; (ii) when the number of points reaches the level of millions (e.g., approximately five million points in our data), point simplification is necessary, as otherwise, the reconstruction methods might fail; (iii) for some reconstruction methods, the number of input points is proportional to the number of output meshes; but a few methods are in the opposite; (iv) all reconstruction methods are beneficial from the reduction of running time; and (v) a balance between the geometric details and the level of smoothing is needed. Some methods produce detailed and accurate geometry, but their capacity to deal with data imperfection is poor, while some other methods exhibit the opposite characteristics

    Perceptually Driven Interactive Sound Propagation for Virtual Environments

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    Sound simulation and rendering can significantly augment a user‘s sense of presence in virtual environments. Many techniques for sound propagation have been proposed that predict the behavior of sound as it interacts with the environment and is received by the user. At a broad level, the propagation algorithms can be classified into reverberation filters, geometric methods, and wave-based methods. In practice, heuristic methods based on reverberation filters are simple to implement and have a low computational overhead, while wave-based algorithms are limited to static scenes and involve extensive precomputation. However, relatively little work has been done on the psychoacoustic characterization of different propagation algorithms, and evaluating the relationship between scientific accuracy and perceptual benefits.In this dissertation, we present perceptual evaluations of sound propagation methods and their ability to model complex acoustic effects for virtual environments. Our results indicate that scientifically accurate methods for reverberation and diffraction do result in increased perceptual differentiation. Based on these evaluations, we present two novel hybrid sound propagation methods that combine the accuracy of wave-based methods with the speed of geometric methods for interactive sound propagation in dynamic scenes.Our first algorithm couples modal sound synthesis with geometric sound propagation using wave-based sound radiation to perform mode-aware sound propagation. We introduce diffraction kernels of rigid objects,which encapsulate the sound diffraction behaviors of individual objects in the free space and are then used to simulate plausible diffraction effects using an interactive path tracing algorithm. Finally, we present a novel perceptual driven metric that can be used to accelerate the computation of late reverberation to enable plausible simulation of reverberation with a low runtime overhead. We highlight the benefits of our novel propagation algorithms in different scenarios.Doctor of Philosoph

    Large Model Visualization : Techniques and Applications

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    The size of datasets in scientific computing is rapidly increasing. This increase is caused by a boost of processing power in the past years, which in turn was invested in an increase of the accuracy and the size of the models. A similar trend enabled a significant improvement of medical scanners; more than 1000 slices of a resolution of 512x512 can be generated by modern scanners in daily practice. Even in computer-aided engineering typical models eas-ily contain several million polygons. Unfortunately, the data complexity is growing faster than the rendering performance of modern computer systems. This is not only due to the slower growing graphics performance of the graphics subsystems, but in particular because of the significantly slower growing memory bandwidth for the transfer of the geometry and image data from the main memory to the graphics accelerator. Large model visualization addresses this growing divide between data complexity and rendering performance. Most methods focus on the reduction of the geometric or pixel complexity, and hence also the memory bandwidth requirements are reduced. In this dissertation, we discuss new approaches from three different research areas. All approaches target at the reduction of the processing complexity to achieve an interactive visualization of large datasets. In the second part, we introduce applications of the presented ap-proaches. Specifically, we introduce the new VIVENDI system for the interactive virtual endoscopy and other applications from mechanical engineering, scientific computing, and architecture.The size of datasets in scientific computing is rapidly increasing. This increase is caused by a boost of processing power in the past years, which in turn was invested in an increase of the accuracy and the size of the models. A similar trend enabled a significant improvement of medical scanners; more than 1000 slices of a resolution of 512x512 can be generated by modern scanners in daily practice. Even in computer-aided engineering typical models eas-ily contain several million polygons. Unfortunately, the data complexity is growing faster than the rendering performance of modern computer systems. This is not only due to the slower growing graphics performance of the graphics subsystems, but in particular because of the significantly slower growing memory bandwidth for the transfer of the geometry and image data from the main memory to the graphics accelerator. Large model visualization addresses this growing divide between data complexity and rendering performance. Most methods focus on the reduction of the geometric or pixel complexity, and hence also the memory bandwidth requirements are reduced. In this dissertation, we discuss new approaches from three different research areas. All approaches target at the reduction of the processing complexity to achieve an interactive visualization of large datasets. In the second part, we introduce applications of the presented ap-proaches. Specifically, we introduce the new VIVENDI system for the interactive virtual endoscopy and other applications from mechanical engineering, scientific computing, and architecture

    Computer aided puzzle assembly based on shape and texture information /

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    Puzzle assembly’s importance lies into application in many areas such as restoration and reconstruction of archeological findings, the repairing of broken objects, solving of the jigsaw type puzzles, molecular docking problem, etc. Puzzle pieces usually include not only geometrical shape information but also visual information of texture, color, continuity of lines, and so on. Moreover, textural information is mainly used to assembly pieces in some cases, such as classic jigsaw puzzles. This research presents a new approach in that pictorial assembly, in contrast to previous curve matching methods, uses texture information as well as geometric shape. The assembly in this study is performed using textural features and geometrical constraints. First, the texture of a band outside the border of pieces is predicted by inpainting and texture synthesis methods. The feature values are derived by these original and predicted images of pieces. A combination of the feature and confidence values is used to generate an affinity measure of corresponding pieces. Two new algorithms using Fourier based image registration techniques are developed to optimize the affinity. The algorithms for inpainting, affinity and Fourier based assembly are explained with experimental results on real and artificial data. The main contributions of this research are: The development of a performance measure that indicates the level of success of assembly of pieces based on textural features and geometrical shape. Solution of the assembly problem by using of the Fourier based methods

    Integrated tactile-optical coordinate measurement for the reverse engineering of complex geometry

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    Complex design specifications and tighter tolerances are increasingly required in modern engineering applications, either for functional or aesthetic demands. Multiple sensors are therefore exploited to achieve both holistic measurement information and improved reliability or reduced uncertainty of measurement data. Multi-sensor integration systems can combine data from several information sources (sensors) into a common representational format in order that the measurement evaluation can benefit from all available sensor information and data. This means a multi-sensor system is able to provide more efficient solutions and better performances than a single sensor based system. This thesis develops a compensation approach for reverse engineering applications based on the hybrid tactile-optical multi-sensor system. In the multi-sensor integration system, each individual sensor should be configured to its optimum for satisfactory measurement results. All the data measured from different equipment have to be precisely integrated into a common coordinate system. To solve this problem, this thesis proposes an accurate and flexible method to unify the coordinates of optical and tactile sensors for reverse engineering. A sphere-plate artefact with nine spheres is created and a set of routines are developed for data integration of a multi-sensor system. Experimental results prove that this novel centroid approach is more accurate than the traditional method. Thus, data sampled by different measuring devices, irrespective of their location can be accurately unified. This thesis describes a competitive integration for reverse engineering applications where the point cloud data scanned by the fast optical sensor is compensated and corrected by the slower, but more accurate tactile probe measurement to improve its overall accuracy. A new competitive approach for rapid and accurate reverse engineering of geometric features from multi-sensor systems based on a geometric algebra approach is proposed and a set of programs based on the MATLAB platform has been generated for the verification of the proposed method. After data fusion, the measurement efficiency is improved 90% in comparison to the tactile method and the accuracy of the reconstructed geometric model is improved from 45 micrometres to 7 micrometres in comparison to the optical method, which are validated by case study
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