12,272 research outputs found

    Vision, Action, and Make-Perceive

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    In this paper, I critically assess the enactive account of visual perception recently defended by Alva Noë (2004). I argue inter alia that the enactive account falsely identifies an object’s apparent shape with its 2D perspectival shape; that it mistakenly assimilates visual shape perception and volumetric object recognition; and that it seriously misrepresents the constitutive role of bodily action in visual awareness. I argue further that noticing an object’s perspectival shape involves a hybrid experience combining both perceptual and imaginative elements – an act of what I call ‘make-perceive.

    A Framework for Symmetric Part Detection in Cluttered Scenes

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    The role of symmetry in computer vision has waxed and waned in importance during the evolution of the field from its earliest days. At first figuring prominently in support of bottom-up indexing, it fell out of favor as shape gave way to appearance and recognition gave way to detection. With a strong prior in the form of a target object, the role of the weaker priors offered by perceptual grouping was greatly diminished. However, as the field returns to the problem of recognition from a large database, the bottom-up recovery of the parts that make up the objects in a cluttered scene is critical for their recognition. The medial axis community has long exploited the ubiquitous regularity of symmetry as a basis for the decomposition of a closed contour into medial parts. However, today's recognition systems are faced with cluttered scenes, and the assumption that a closed contour exists, i.e. that figure-ground segmentation has been solved, renders much of the medial axis community's work inapplicable. In this article, we review a computational framework, previously reported in Lee et al. (2013), Levinshtein et al. (2009, 2013), that bridges the representation power of the medial axis and the need to recover and group an object's parts in a cluttered scene. Our framework is rooted in the idea that a maximally inscribed disc, the building block of a medial axis, can be modeled as a compact superpixel in the image. We evaluate the method on images of cluttered scenes.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Multi-feature Bottom-up Processing and Top-down Selection for an Object-based Visual Attention Model

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    Artificial vision systems can not process all the information that they receive from the world in real time because it is highly expensive and inefficient in terms of computational cost. However, inspired by biological perception systems, it is possible to develop an artificial attention model able to select only the relevant part of the scene, as human vision does. This paper presents an attention model which draws attention over perceptual units of visual information, called proto-objects, and which uses a linear combination of multiple low-level features (such as colour, symmetry or shape) in order to calculate the saliency of each of them. But not only bottom-up processing is addressed, the proposed model also deals with the top-down component of attention. It is shown how a high-level task can modulate the global saliency computation, modifying the weights involved in the basic features linear combination.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO), proyectos: TIN2008-06196 y TIN2012-38079-C03-03. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Learning of Image Dehazing Models for Segmentation Tasks

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    To evaluate their performance, existing dehazing approaches generally rely on distance measures between the generated image and its corresponding ground truth. Despite its ability to produce visually good images, using pixel-based or even perceptual metrics do not guarantee, in general, that the produced image is fit for being used as input for low-level computer vision tasks such as segmentation. To overcome this weakness, we are proposing a novel end-to-end approach for image dehazing, fit for being used as input to an image segmentation procedure, while maintaining the visual quality of the generated images. Inspired by the success of Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN), we propose to optimize the generator by introducing a discriminator network and a loss function that evaluates segmentation quality of dehazed images. In addition, we make use of a supplementary loss function that verifies that the visual and the perceptual quality of the generated image are preserved in hazy conditions. Results obtained using the proposed technique are appealing, with a favorable comparison to state-of-the-art approaches when considering the performance of segmentation algorithms on the hazy images.Comment: Accepted in EUSIPCO 201

    What do we perceive in a glance of a real-world scene?

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    What do we see when we glance at a natural scene and how does it change as the glance becomes longer? We asked naive subjects to report in a free-form format what they saw when looking at briefly presented real-life photographs. Our subjects received no specific information as to the content of each stimulus. Thus, our paradigm differs from previous studies where subjects were cued before a picture was presented and/or were probed with multiple-choice questions. In the first stage, 90 novel grayscale photographs were foveally shown to a group of 22 native-English-speaking subjects. The presentation time was chosen at random from a set of seven possible times (from 27 to 500 ms). A perceptual mask followed each photograph immediately. After each presentation, subjects reported what they had just seen as completely and truthfully as possible. In the second stage, another group of naive individuals was instructed to score each of the descriptions produced by the subjects in the first stage. Individual scores were assigned to more than a hundred different attributes. We show that within a single glance, much object- and scene-level information is perceived by human subjects. The richness of our perception, though, seems asymmetrical. Subjects tend to have a propensity toward perceiving natural scenes as being outdoor rather than indoor. The reporting of sensory- or feature-level information of a scene (such as shading and shape) consistently precedes the reporting of the semantic-level information. But once subjects recognize more semantic-level components of a scene, there is little evidence suggesting any bias toward either scene-level or object-level recognition

    Perceptual-based textures for scene labeling: a bottom-up and a top-down approach

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    Due to the semantic gap, the automatic interpretation of digital images is a very challenging task. Both the segmentation and classification are intricate because of the high variation of the data. Therefore, the application of appropriate features is of utter importance. This paper presents biologically inspired texture features for material classification and interpreting outdoor scenery images. Experiments show that the presented texture features obtain the best classification results for material recognition compared to other well-known texture features, with an average classification rate of 93.0%. For scene analysis, both a bottom-up and top-down strategy are employed to bridge the semantic gap. At first, images are segmented into regions based on the perceptual texture and next, a semantic label is calculated for these regions. Since this emerging interpretation is still error prone, domain knowledge is ingested to achieve a more accurate description of the depicted scene. By applying both strategies, 91.9% of the pixels from outdoor scenery images obtained a correct label

    Scene Segmentation and Object Classification for Place Recognition

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    This dissertation tries to solve the place recognition and loop closing problem in a way similar to human visual system. First, a novel image segmentation algorithm is developed. The image segmentation algorithm is based on a Perceptual Organization model, which allows the image segmentation algorithm to ‘perceive’ the special structural relations among the constituent parts of an unknown object and hence to group them together without object-specific knowledge. Then a new object recognition method is developed. Based on the fairly accurate segmentations generated by the image segmentation algorithm, an informative object description that includes not only the appearance (colors and textures), but also the parts layout and shape information is built. Then a novel feature selection algorithm is developed. The feature selection method can select a subset of features that best describes the characteristics of an object class. Classifiers trained with the selected features can classify objects with high accuracy. In next step, a subset of the salient objects in a scene is selected as landmark objects to label the place. The landmark objects are highly distinctive and widely visible. Each landmark object is represented by a list of SIFT descriptors extracted from the object surface. This object representation allows us to reliably recognize an object under certain viewpoint changes. To achieve efficient scene-matching, an indexing structure is developed. Both texture feature and color feature of objects are used as indexing features. The texture feature and the color feature are viewpoint-invariant and hence can be used to effectively find the candidate objects with similar surface characteristics to a query object. Experimental results show that the object-based place recognition and loop detection method can efficiently recognize a place in a large complex outdoor environment

    Cumulative object categorization in clutter

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    In this paper we present an approach based on scene- or part-graphs for geometrically categorizing touching and occluded objects. We use additive RGBD feature descriptors and hashing of graph configuration parameters for describing the spatial arrangement of constituent parts. The presented experiments quantify that this method outperforms our earlier part-voting and sliding window classification. We evaluated our approach on cluttered scenes, and by using a 3D dataset containing over 15000 Kinect scans of over 100 objects which were grouped into general geometric categories. Additionally, color, geometric, and combined features were compared for categorization tasks