1,665 research outputs found

    Bayesian statistical analysis of ground-clutter for the relative calibration of dual polarization weather radars

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    A new data processing methodology, based on the statistical analysis of ground-clutter echoes and aimed at investigating the stability of the weather radar relative calibration, is presented. A Bayesian classification scheme has been used to identify meteorological and/or ground-clutter echoes. The outcome is evaluated on a training dataset using statistical score indexes through the comparison with a deterministic clutter map. After discriminating the ground clutter areas, we have focused on the spatial analysis of robust and stable returns by using an automated region-merging algorithm. The temporal series of the ground-clutter statistical parameters, extracted from the spatial analysis and expressed in terms of percentile and mean values, have been used to estimate the relative clutter calibration and its uncertainty for both co-polar and differential reflectivity. The proposed methodology has been applied to a dataset collected by a C-band weather radar in southern Italy

    Fuzzy logic filtering of radar reflectivity to remove non-meteorological echoes using dual polarization radar moments

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    The ability of a fuzzy logic classifier to dynamically identify non-meteorological radar echoes is demonstrated using data from the National Centre for Atmospheric Science dual polarisation, Doppler, X-band mobile radar. Dynamic filtering of radar echoes is required due to the variable presence of spurious targets, which can include insects, ground clutter and background noise. The fuzzy logic classifier described here uses novel multi-vertex membership functions which allow a range of distributions to be incorporated into the final decision. These membership functions are derived using empirical observations, from a subset of the available radar data. The classifier incorporates a threshold of certainty (25 % of the total possible membership score) into the final fractional defuzzification to improve the reliability of the results. It is shown that the addition of linear texture fields, specifically the texture of the cross-correlation coefficient, differential phase shift and differential reflectivity, to the classifier along with standard dual polarisation radar moments enhances the ability of the fuzzy classifier to identify multiple features. Examples from the Convective Precipitation Experiment (COPE) show the ability of the filter to identify insects (18 August 2013) and ground clutter in the presence of precipitation (17 August 2013). Medium-duration rainfall accumulations across the whole of the COPE campaign show the benefit of applying the filter prior to making quantitative precipitation estimates. A second deployment at a second field site (Burn Airfield, 6 October 2014) shows the applicability of the method to multiple locations, with small echo features, including power lines and cooling towers, being successfully identified by the classifier without modification of the membership functions from the previous deployment. The fuzzy logic filter described can also be run in near real time, with a delay of less than 1 min, allowing its use on future field campaigns

    Assessment of the performance of the Chilbolton 3-GHz Advanced Meteorological radar for cloud-top height retrieval

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    The Chilbolton 3-GHz Advanced Meteorological Radar (CAMRa), which is mounted on a fully steerable 25 metre dish, can provide three-dimensional information on the presence of hydrometeors. We investigate the potential for this radar to make useful measurements of low-altitude liquid water cloud structure. In order to assess the cloud-height assignment capabilities of the 3-GHz radar, low-level cloud-top heights were retrieved from CAMRa measurements made between May and July 2003 and compared with cloud-top heights retrieved from a vertically pointing 94-GHz radar that operates alongside CAMRa. The average difference between 94-GHz and 3-GHz radar derived cloud-top heights is shown to be -0.1±0.4 km. In order to assess the capability of 3-GHz radar scans to be used for satellite-derived cloud-top height validation, Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) cloud-top heights were compared with both 94-GHz and 3-GHz radar retrievals. The average difference between 94-GHz radar and MISR cloud-top heights is shown to be 0.1±0.3 km while the 3-GHz radar and MISR average cloud-top height difference is shown to be –0.2±0.6 km. In assessing the value of the CAMRa measurements, the problems associated with low reflectivity values from stratiform liquid water clouds, ground clutter, and Bragg scattering resulting from turbulent mixing are all addressed. We show that in spite of the difficulties, the potential exists for CAMRa measurements to contribute significantly to liquid water cloud-top height retrievals leading to the production of twodimensional transects (i.e. maps) of cloud-top height

    Doppler Radar for USA Weather Surveillance

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    Effects of spatial resolution on radar-based precipitation estimation using sub-kilometer X-band radar measurements

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    Known for the ability to observe precipitation at spatial resolution higher than rain gauge networks and satellite products, weather radars allow us to measure precipitation at spatial resolutions of 1 kilometer (typical resolution for operational radars) and a few hundred meters (often used in research activities). In principle, we can operate a weather radar at resolution higher than 100m and the expectation is that radar data at higher spatial resolution can provide more information. However, there is no systematic research about whether the additional information is noise or useful data contributing to the quantitative precipitation estimation. In order to quantitatively investigate the changes, as either benefits or drawbacks, caused by increasing the spatial resolution of radar measurements, we set up an X-band radar field experiment from May to October in 2017 in the Stuttgart metropolitan region. The scan strategy consists of two quasi-simultaneous scans with a 75-m and a 250-m radial resolution respectively. They are named as the fine scan and the coarse scan, respectively. Both scans are compared to each other in terms of the radar data quality and their radar-based precipitation estimates. The primary results from these comparisons between the radar data of these two scans show that, in contrast to the coarse scan, the fine scan data are characterized with losses of weak echoes, are more subjected to external signals and second-trip echoes (drawback), are more effective in removing non-meteorological echoes (benefit), are more skillful in delineating convective storms (benefit), and show a better agreement with the external reference data (benefit)

    Development and validation of an X-band dual polarization Doppler weather radar test node for a tropical network, The

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    2012 Fall.Includes bibliographical references.An automated network of three X-band dual polarization Doppler weather radars is in process of being deployed and operational on the western coast of Puerto Rico. Colorado State University and the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez have collaborated to install the first polarimetric weather radar network in a tropical environment, known as TropiNet, to observe the lowest 2 km of the troposphere where the National Weather Service NEXRAD radar in Cayey, PR (TJUA) has obstructed views of the west coast, below 1.5 km due to terrain blockage and the Earth curvature problem. The CSU-X25P radar test node was developed, validated, and deployed to Mayaguez, PR in early 2011 to make first observations of this tropical region, and served as a pilot project to verify the infrastructure of the TropiNet network. This research describes the CSU-X25P radar test node, presenting the radar system specifications and an overview of the data acquisition and signal processing sub-systems, and the antenna positioner and control sub-system. The development and validation process included integration, sub-system calibration and test, and a final evaluation by conducting end-to-end calibration of the radar system. Validation of the calculated data moments, include Doppler velocity, reflectivity, differential reflectivity, differential propagation phase, and specific differential phase. The validation was accomplished by comparative analysis of data from coordinated scans between CSU-X25P and the well-established CSU-CHILL S-band polarimetric Doppler weather radar, in Greeley, CO. Upon validation, CSU-X25P was disassembled, packaged, and shipped to Puerto Rico to be fully deployed for operation in a tropical seaside environment. This research presents select observations of severe weather events, such as tropical storms and hurricanes, which attest to the robustness of the radar test node, and the TropiNet network infrastructure

    Quality Control and Calibration of the Dual-Polarization Radar at Kwajalein, RMI

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    Weather radars, recording information about precipitation around the globe, will soon be significantly upgraded. Most of today s weather radars transmit and receive microwave energy with horizontal orientation only, but upgraded systems have the capability to send and receive both horizontally and vertically oriented waves. These enhanced "dual-polarimetric" (DP) radars peer into precipitation and provide information on the size, shape, phase (liquid / frozen), and concentration of the falling particles (termed hydrometeors). This information is valuable for improved rain rate estimates, and for providing data on the release and absorption of heat in the atmosphere from condensation and evaporation (phase changes). The heating profiles in the atmosphere influence global circulation, and are a vital component in studies of Earth s changing climate. However, to provide the most accurate interpretation of radar data, the radar must be properly calibrated and data must be quality controlled (cleaned) to remove non-precipitation artifacts; both of which are challenging tasks for today s weather radar. The DP capability maximizes performance of these procedures using properties of the observed precipitation. In a notable paper published in 2005, scientists from the Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies (CIMMS) at the University of Oklahoma developed a method to calibrate radars using statistically averaged DP measurements within light rain. An additional publication by one of the same scientists at the National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL) in Norman, Oklahoma introduced several techniques to perform quality control of radar data using DP measurements. Following their lead, the Topical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Satellite Validation Office at NASA s Goddard Space Flight Center has fine-tuned these methods for specific application to the weather radar at Kwajalein Island in the Republic of the Marshall Islands, approximately 2100 miles southwest of Hawaii and 1400 miles east of Guam in the tropical North Pacific Ocean. This tropical oceanic location is important because the majority of rain, and therefore the majority of atmospheric heating, occurs in the tropics where limited ground-based radar data are available
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