298 research outputs found

    A primer on provenance

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    Better understanding data requires tracking its history and context.</jats:p

    Explainable and Resource-Efficient Stream Processing Through Provenance and Scheduling

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    In our era of big data, information is captured at unprecedented volumes and velocities, with technologies such as Cyber-Physical Systems making quick decisions based on the processing of streaming, unbounded datasets. In such scenarios, it can be beneficial to process the data in an online manner, using the stream processing paradigm implemented by Stream Processing Engines (SPEs). While SPEs enable high-throughput, low-latency analysis, they are faced with challenges connected to evolving deployment scenarios, like the increasing use of heterogeneous, resource-constrained edge devices together with cloud resources and the increasing user expectations for usability, control, and resource-efficiency, on par with features provided by traditional databases.This thesis tackles open challenges regarding making stream processing more user-friendly, customizable, and resource-efficient. The first part outlines our work, providing high-level background information, descriptions of the research problems, and our contributions. The second part presents our three state-of-the-art frameworks for explainable data streaming using data provenance, which can help users of streaming queries to identify important data points, explain unexpected behaviors, and aid query understanding and debugging. (A) GeneaLog provides backward provenance allowing users to identify the inputs that contributed to the generation of each output of a streaming query. (B) Ananke is the first framework to provide a duplicate-free graph of live forward provenance, enabling easy bidirectional tracing of input-output relationships in streaming queries and identifying data points that have finished contributing to results. (C) Erebus is the first framework that allows users to define expectations about the results of a streaming query, validating whether these expectations are met or providing explanations in the form of why-not provenance otherwise. The third part presents techniques for execution efficiency through custom scheduling, introducing our state-of-the-art scheduling frameworks that control resource allocation and achieve user-defined performance goals. (D) Haren is an SPE-agnostic user-level scheduler that can efficiently enforce user-defined scheduling policies. (E) Lachesis is a standalone scheduling middleware that requires no changes to SPEs but, instead, directly guides the scheduling decisions of the underlying Operating System. Our extensive evaluations using real-world SPEs and workloads show that our work significantly improves over the state-of-the-art while introducing only small performance overheads

    Analysing system behaviour by automatic benchmarking of system-level provenance

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    Provenance is a term originating from the work of art. It aims to provide a chain of information of a piece of arts from its creation to the current status. It records all the historic information relating to this piece of art, including the storage locations, ownership, buying prices, etc. until the current status. It has a very similar definition in data processing and computer science. It is used as the lineage of data in computer science to provide either reproducibility or tracing of activities happening in runtime for a different purpose. Similar to the provenance used in art, provenance used in computer science and data processing field describes how a piece of data was created, passed around, modified, and reached the current state. Also, it provides information on who is responsible for certain activities and other related information. It acts as metadata on components in a computer environment. As the concept of provenance is to record all related information of some data, the size of provenance itself is generally proportional to the amount of data processing that took place. It generally tends to be a large set of data and is hard to analyse. Also, in the provenance collecting process, not all information is useful for all purposes. For example, if we just want to trace all previous owners of a file, then all the storage location information may be ignored. To capture useful information and without needing to handle a large amount of information, researchers and developers develop different provenance recording tools that only record information needed by particular applications with different means and mechanisms throughout the systems. This action allows a lighter set of information for analysis but it results in non-standard provenance information and general users may not have a clear view on which tools are better for some purposes. For example, if we want to identify if certain action sequences have been performed in a process and who is accountable for these actions for security analysis, we have no idea which tools should be trusted to provide the correct set of information. Also, it is hard to compare the tools as there is not much common standard around. With the above need in mind, this thesis concentrate on providing an automated system ProvMark to benchmark the tools. This helps to show the strengths and weaknesses of their provenance results in different scenarios. It also allows tool developers to verify their tools and allows end-users to compare the tools at the same level to choose a suitable one for the purpose. As a whole, the benchmarking based on the expressiveness of the tools on different scenarios shows us the right choice of provenance tools on specific usage

    Workflow Provenance: from Modeling to Reporting

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    Workflow provenance is a crucial part of a workflow system as it enables data lineage analysis, error tracking, workflow monitoring, usage pattern discovery, and so on. Integrating provenance into a workflow system or modifying a workflow system to capture or analyze different provenance information is burdensome, requiring extensive development because provenance mechanisms rely heavily on the modelling, architecture, and design of the workflow system. Various tools and technologies exist for logging events in a software system. Unfortunately, logging tools and technologies are not designed for capturing and analyzing provenance information. Workflow provenance is not only about logging, but also about retrieving workflow related information from logs. In this work, we propose a taxonomy of provenance questions and guided by these questions, we created a workflow programming model 'ProvMod' with a supporting run-time library to provide automated provenance and log analysis for any workflow system. The design and provenance mechanism of ProvMod is based on recommendations from prominent research and is easy to integrate into any workflow system. ProvMod offers Neo4j graph database support to manage semi-structured heterogeneous JSON logs. The log structure is adaptable to any NoSQL technology. For each provenance question in our taxonomy, ProvMod provides the answer with data visualization using Neo4j and the ELK Stack. Besides analyzing performance from various angles, we demonstrate the ease of integration by integrating ProvMod with Apache Taverna and evaluate ProvMod usability by engaging users. Finally, we present two Software Engineering research cases (clone detection and architecture extraction) where our proposed model ProvMod and provenance questions taxonomy can be applied to discover meaningful insights

    Gurret: Decentralized data management using subscription-based file attribute propagation

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    Research institutions and funding agencies are increasingly adopting open-data science, where data is freely available or available under some data sharing policy. In addition to making publication efforts easier, open data science also promotes collaborative work using data from various sources around the world. While the research datasets are often static and immutable, the metadata of a file can be ever-changing. For researchers who frequently work with metadata, accessing the latest version may be essential. However, this is not trivial in a distributed environment where multiple people access the same file. We hypothesize that the publisher subscriber model is a useful abstraction to achieve this system. To this, we present Gurret: a distributed system for open science that uses a publisher-subscriber based substrate to propagate metadata updates to client machines. Gurret offers a transparent system infrastructure that lets users subscribe to metadata, configure update frequencies, and define custom metadata to create data policies. Additionally, Gurret tracks information flow inside a filesystem container to prevent data leakage and policy violations. Our evaluations show that Gurret has minimal overhead for small to medium-sized files and that Gurret can support hundreds of custom metadata without losing transparency

    Distributed workflows with Jupyter

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    The designers of a new coordination interface enacting complex workflows have to tackle a dichotomy: choosing a language-independent or language-dependent approach. Language-independent approaches decouple workflow models from the host code's business logic and advocate portability. Language-dependent approaches foster flexibility and performance by adopting the same host language for business and coordination code. Jupyter Notebooks, with their capability to describe both imperative and declarative code in a unique format, allow taking the best of the two approaches, maintaining a clear separation between application and coordination layers but still providing a unified interface to both aspects. We advocate the Jupyter Notebooks’ potential to express complex distributed workflows, identifying the general requirements for a Jupyter-based Workflow Management System (WMS) and introducing a proof-of-concept portable implementation working on hybrid Cloud-HPC infrastructures. As a byproduct, we extended the vanilla IPython kernel with workflow-based parallel and distributed execution capabilities. The proposed Jupyter-workflow (Jw) system is evaluated on common scenarios for High Performance Computing (HPC) and Cloud, showing its potential in lowering the barriers between prototypical Notebooks and production-ready implementations
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