176 research outputs found

    Panako: a scalable acoustic fingerprinting system handling time-scale and pitch modification

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    In this paper a scalable granular acoustic fingerprinting system robust against time and pitch scale modification is presented. The aim of acoustic fingerprinting is to identify identical, or recognize similar, audio fragments in a large set using condensed representations of audio signals, i.e. fingerprints. A robust fingerprinting system generates similar fingerprints for perceptually similar audio signals. The new system, presented here, handles a variety of distortions well. It is designed to be robust against pitch shifting, time stretching and tempo changes, while remaining scalable. After a query, the system returns the start time in the reference audio, and the amount of pitch shift and tempo change that has been applied. The design of the system that offers this unique combination of features is the main contribution of this research. The fingerprint itself consists of a combination of key points in a Constant-Q spectrogram. The system is evaluated on commodity hardware using a freely available reference database with fingerprints of over 30.000 songs. The results show that the system responds quickly and reliably on queries, while handling time and pitch scale modifications of up to ten percent

    A Review of Audio Features and Statistical Models Exploited for Voice Pattern Design

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    Audio fingerprinting, also named as audio hashing, has been well-known as a powerful technique to perform audio identification and synchronization. It basically involves two major steps: fingerprint (voice pattern) design and matching search. While the first step concerns the derivation of a robust and compact audio signature, the second step usually requires knowledge about database and quick-search algorithms. Though this technique offers a wide range of real-world applications, to the best of the authors' knowledge, a comprehensive survey of existing algorithms appeared more than eight years ago. Thus, in this paper, we present a more up-to-date review and, for emphasizing on the audio signal processing aspect, we focus our state-of-the-art survey on the fingerprint design step for which various audio features and their tractable statistical models are discussed.Comment: http://www.iaria.org/conferences2015/PATTERNS15.html ; Seventh International Conferences on Pervasive Patterns and Applications (PATTERNS 2015), Mar 2015, Nice, Franc

    A case for reproduciblity in MIR : replication of 'a highly robust audio fingerprinting system'

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    This article makes a case for reproducibility in MIR research. Claims made in many MIR publications are hard to verify due to the fact that (i) often only a textual description is made available and code remains unpublished - leaving many implementation issues uncovered; (ii) copyrights on music limit the sharing datasets; and (iii) incentives to put effort into reproducible research -- publishing and documenting code and specifics on data -- is lacking. In this article the problems around reproducibility are illustrated by replicating a MIR work. The system and evaluation described in 'A Highly Robust Audio Fingerprinting System' is replicated as closely as possible. The replication is done with several goals in mind: to describe difficulties in replicating the work and subsequently reflect on guidelines around reproducible research. Added contributions are the verification of the reported work, a publicly available implementation and an evaluation method that is reproducible


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    The nowadays ubiquitous and effortless digital data capture and processing capabilities offered by the majority of devices, lead to an unprecedented penetration of multimedia content in our everyday life. To make the most of this phenomenon, the rapidly increasing volume and usage of digitised content requires constant re-evaluation and adaptation of multimedia methodologies, in order to meet the relentless change of requirements from both the user and system perspectives. Advances in Multimedia provides readers with an overview of the ever-growing field of multimedia by bringing together various research studies and surveys from different subfields that point out such important aspects. Some of the main topics that this book deals with include: multimedia management in peer-to-peer structures & wireless networks, security characteristics in multimedia, semantic gap bridging for multimedia content and novel multimedia applications

    AudioPrint: An efficient audio fingerprint system based on a novel cost-less synchronization scheme

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    This paper presents the latest improvements on AudioPrint: the IRCAM audio fingerprint system. Cosine filters are introduced in the short-term spectral analysis, in order to compensate the effect of pitch shifting, and a simple solution is proposed for the determination of the frame positions, robust to audio degradations, with nearly no additional cost. We then show that both contributions significantly improve the Audio-Print system, with evaluations both on a free corpus, made publicly available, and a real-world corpus of broadcast radio streams

    Recognition of Activities of Daily Living Based on Environmental Analyses Using Audio Fingerprinting Techniques: A Systematic Review

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    An increase in the accuracy of identification of Activities of Daily Living (ADL) is very important for different goals of Enhanced Living Environments and for Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) tasks. This increase may be achieved through identification of the surrounding environment. Although this is usually used to identify the location, ADL recognition can be improved with the identification of the sound in that particular environment. This paper reviews audio fingerprinting techniques that can be used with the acoustic data acquired from mobile devices. A comprehensive literature search was conducted in order to identify relevant English language works aimed at the identification of the environment of ADLs using data acquired with mobile devices, published between 2002 and 2017. In total, 40 studies were analyzed and selected from 115 citations. The results highlight several audio fingerprinting techniques, including Modified discrete cosine transform (MDCT), Mel-frequency cepstrum coefficients (MFCC), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), Gaussian mixture models (GMM), likelihood estimation, logarithmic moduled complex lapped transform (LMCLT), support vector machine (SVM), constant Q transform (CQT), symmetric pairwise boosting (SPB), Philips robust hash (PRH), linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and discrete cosine transform (DCT).This work was supported by FCT project UID/EEA/50008/2013 (Este trabalho foi suportado pelo projecto FCT UID/EEA/50008/2013). The authors would also like to acknowledge the contribution of the COST Action IC1303—AAPELE—Architectures, Algorithms and Protocols for Enhanced Living Environments

    End-to-end security in active networks

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    Active network solutions have been proposed to many of the problems caused by the increasing heterogeneity of the Internet. These ystems allow nodes within the network to process data passing through in several ways. Allowing code from various sources to run on routers introduces numerous security concerns that have been addressed by research into safe languages, restricted execution environments, and other related areas. But little attention has been paid to an even more critical question: the effect on end-to-end security of active flow manipulation. This thesis first examines the threat model implicit in active networks. It develops a framework of security protocols in use at various layers of the networking stack, and their utility to multimedia transport and flow processing, and asks if it is reasonable to give active routers access to the plaintext of these flows. After considering the various security problem introduced, such as vulnerability to attacks on intermediaries or coercion, it concludes not. We then ask if active network systems can be built that maintain end-to-end security without seriously degrading the functionality they provide. We describe the design and analysis of three such protocols: a distributed packet filtering system that can be used to adjust multimedia bandwidth requirements and defend against denial-of-service attacks; an efficient composition of link and transport-layer reliability mechanisms that increases the performance of TCP over lossy wireless links; and a distributed watermarking servicethat can efficiently deliver media flows marked with the identity of their recipients. In all three cases, similar functionality is provided to designs that do not maintain end-to-end security. Finally, we reconsider traditional end-to-end arguments in both networking and security, and show that they have continuing importance for Internet design. Our watermarking work adds the concept of splitting trust throughout a network to that model; we suggest further applications of this idea

    Listening to features

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    This work explores nonparametric methods which aim at synthesizing audio from low-dimensionnal acoustic features typically used in MIR frameworks. Several issues prevent this task to be straightforwardly achieved. Such features are designed for analysis and not for synthesis, thus favoring high-level description over easily inverted acoustic representation. Whereas some previous studies already considered the problem of synthesizing audio from features such as Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients, they mainly relied on the explicit formula used to compute those features in order to inverse them. Here, we instead adopt a simple blind approach, where arbitrary sets of features can be used during synthesis and where reconstruction is exemplar-based. After testing the approach on a speech synthesis from well known features problem, we apply it to the more complex task of inverting songs from the Million Song Dataset. What makes this task harder is twofold. First, that features are irregularly spaced in the temporal domain according to an onset-based segmentation. Second the exact method used to compute these features is unknown, although the features for new audio can be computed using their API as a black-box. In this paper, we detail these difficulties and present a framework to nonetheless attempting such synthesis by concatenating audio samples from a training dataset, whose features have been computed beforehand. Samples are selected at the segment level, in the feature space with a simple nearest neighbor search. Additionnal constraints can then be defined to enhance the synthesis pertinence. Preliminary experiments are presented using RWC and GTZAN audio datasets to synthesize tracks from the Million Song Dataset.Comment: Technical Repor