210 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Survey of Deep Learning in Remote Sensing: Theories, Tools and Challenges for the Community

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    In recent years, deep learning (DL), a re-branding of neural networks (NNs), has risen to the top in numerous areas, namely computer vision (CV), speech recognition, natural language processing, etc. Whereas remote sensing (RS) possesses a number of unique challenges, primarily related to sensors and applications, inevitably RS draws from many of the same theories as CV; e.g., statistics, fusion, and machine learning, to name a few. This means that the RS community should be aware of, if not at the leading edge of, of advancements like DL. Herein, we provide the most comprehensive survey of state-of-the-art RS DL research. We also review recent new developments in the DL field that can be used in DL for RS. Namely, we focus on theories, tools and challenges for the RS community. Specifically, we focus on unsolved challenges and opportunities as it relates to (i) inadequate data sets, (ii) human-understandable solutions for modelling physical phenomena, (iii) Big Data, (iv) non-traditional heterogeneous data sources, (v) DL architectures and learning algorithms for spectral, spatial and temporal data, (vi) transfer learning, (vii) an improved theoretical understanding of DL systems, (viii) high barriers to entry, and (ix) training and optimizing the DL.Comment: 64 pages, 411 references. To appear in Journal of Applied Remote Sensin

    Parallel Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Algorithms for Hyperspectral Images

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    Hyperspectral imaging is a branch of remote sensing which deals with creating and processing aerial or satellite pictures that capture wide range of wavelengths, most of which are invisible to the naked eye. Hyperspectral images are composed of many bands, each corresponding to certain light frequencies. Because of their complex nature, image processing tasks such as feature extraction can be resource and time consuming. There are many unsupervised extraction methods available. A recently investigated one is Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF), a method that given positive linear matrix of positive sources, attempts to recover them. In this thesis we designed, implemented and tested parallel versions of two popular iterative NMF algorithms: one based on multiplicative updates, and another on alternative gradient computation. Our algorithms are designed to leverage the multi-processor SMP architecture and power of threading to evenly distribute the workload among the available CPU’s and improve the performance as compared to their sequential counterparts. This work could be used as a basis for creating even more powerful distributed algorithms that would work on clustered architectures. The experiments show a speedup in both algorithms without reduction in accuracy. In addition, we have also developed a java based framework offering reading and writing tools for various hyperspectral image types, as well as visualization tools, and a graphical user interface to launch and control the factorization processes

    A Novel Methodology for Calculating Large Numbers of Symmetrical Matrices on a Graphics Processing Unit: Towards Efficient, Real-Time Hyperspectral Image Processing

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    Hyperspectral imagery (HSI) is often processed to identify targets of interest. Many of the quantitative analysis techniques developed for this purpose mathematically manipulate the data to derive information about the target of interest based on local spectral covariance matrices. The calculation of a local spectral covariance matrix for every pixel in a given hyperspectral data scene is so computationally intensive that real-time processing with these algorithms is not feasible with today’s general purpose processing solutions. Specialized solutions are cost prohibitive, inflexible, inaccessible, or not feasible for on-board applications. Advances in graphics processing unit (GPU) capabilities and programmability offer an opportunity for general purpose computing with access to hundreds of processing cores in a system that is affordable and accessible. The GPU also offers flexibility, accessibility and feasibility that other specialized solutions do not offer. The architecture for the NVIDIA GPU used in this research is significantly different from the architecture of other parallel computing solutions. With such a substantial change in architecture it follows that the paradigm for programming graphics hardware is significantly different from traditional serial and parallel software development paradigms. In this research a methodology for mapping an HSI target detection algorithm to the NVIDIA GPU hardware and Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) Application Programming Interface (API) is developed. The RX algorithm is chosen as a representative stochastic HSI algorithm that requires the calculation of a spectral covariance matrix. The developed methodology is designed to calculate a local covariance matrix for every pixel in the input HSI data scene. A characterization of the limitations imposed by the chosen GPU is given and a path forward toward optimization of a GPU-based method for real-time HSI data processing is defined

    Computational Spectral Imaging: A Contemporary Overview

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    Spectral imaging collects and processes information along spatial and spectral coordinates quantified in discrete voxels, which can be treated as a 3D spectral data cube. The spectral images (SIs) allow identifying objects, crops, and materials in the scene through their spectral behavior. Since most spectral optical systems can only employ 1D or maximum 2D sensors, it is challenging to directly acquire the 3D information from available commercial sensors. As an alternative, computational spectral imaging (CSI) has emerged as a sensing tool where the 3D data can be obtained using 2D encoded projections. Then, a computational recovery process must be employed to retrieve the SI. CSI enables the development of snapshot optical systems that reduce acquisition time and provide low computational storage costs compared to conventional scanning systems. Recent advances in deep learning (DL) have allowed the design of data-driven CSI to improve the SI reconstruction or, even more, perform high-level tasks such as classification, unmixing, or anomaly detection directly from 2D encoded projections. This work summarises the advances in CSI, starting with SI and its relevance; continuing with the most relevant compressive spectral optical systems. Then, CSI with DL will be introduced, and the recent advances in combining the physical optical design with computational DL algorithms to solve high-level tasks

    On Understanding Big Data Impacts in Remotely Sensed Image Classification Using Support Vector Machine Methods

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    Owing to the recent development of sensor resolutions onboard different Earth observation platforms, remote sensing is an important source of information for mapping and monitoring natural and man-made land covers. Of particular importance is the increasing amounts of available hyperspectral data originating from airborne and satellite sensors such as AVIRIS, HyMap, and Hyperion with very high spectral resolution (i.e., high number of spectral channels) containing rich information for a wide range of applications. A relevant example is the separation of different types of land-cover classes using the data in order to understand, e.g., impacts of natural disasters or changing of city buildings over time. More recently, such increases in the data volume, velocity, and variety of data contributed to the term big data that stand for challenges shared with many other scientific disciplines. On one hand, the amount of available data is increasing in a way that raises the demand for automatic data analysis elements since many of the available data collections are massively underutilized lacking experts for manual investigation. On the other hand, proven statistical methods (e.g., dimensionality reduction) driven by manual approaches have a significant impact in reducing the amount of big data toward smaller smart data contributing to the more recently used terms data value and veracity (i.e., less noise, lower dimensions that capture the most important information). This paper aims to take stock of which proven statistical data mining methods in remote sensing are used to contribute to smart data analysis processes in the light of possible automation as well as scalable and parallel processing techniques. We focus on parallel support vector machines (SVMs) as one of the best out-of-the-box classification methods.Sponsored by: IEEE Geoscience & Remote Sensing SocietyRitrýnt tímaritPeer reviewedPre prin

    Inference in supervised spectral classifiers for on-board hyperspectral imaging: An overview

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    Machine learning techniques are widely used for pixel-wise classification of hyperspectral images. These methods can achieve high accuracy, but most of them are computationally intensive models. This poses a problem for their implementation in low-power and embedded systems intended for on-board processing, in which energy consumption and model size are as important as accuracy. With a focus on embedded anci on-board systems (in which only the inference step is performed after an off-line training process), in this paper we provide a comprehensive overview of the inference properties of the most relevant techniques for hyperspectral image classification. For this purpose, we compare the size of the trained models and the operations required during the inference step (which are directly related to the hardware and energy requirements). Our goal is to search for appropriate trade-offs between on-board implementation (such as model size anci energy consumption) anci classification accuracy

    Hyperspectral Image Classification -- Traditional to Deep Models: A Survey for Future Prospects

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    Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI) has been extensively utilized in many real-life applications because it benefits from the detailed spectral information contained in each pixel. Notably, the complex characteristics i.e., the nonlinear relation among the captured spectral information and the corresponding object of HSI data make accurate classification challenging for traditional methods. In the last few years, Deep Learning (DL) has been substantiated as a powerful feature extractor that effectively addresses the nonlinear problems that appeared in a number of computer vision tasks. This prompts the deployment of DL for HSI classification (HSIC) which revealed good performance. This survey enlists a systematic overview of DL for HSIC and compared state-of-the-art strategies of the said topic. Primarily, we will encapsulate the main challenges of traditional machine learning for HSIC and then we will acquaint the superiority of DL to address these problems. This survey breakdown the state-of-the-art DL frameworks into spectral-features, spatial-features, and together spatial-spectral features to systematically analyze the achievements (future research directions as well) of these frameworks for HSIC. Moreover, we will consider the fact that DL requires a large number of labeled training examples whereas acquiring such a number for HSIC is challenging in terms of time and cost. Therefore, this survey discusses some strategies to improve the generalization performance of DL strategies which can provide some future guidelines

    Masked Auto-Encoding Spectral-Spatial Transformer for Hyperspectral Image Classification

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    Deep learning has certainly become the dominant trend in hyperspectral (HS) remote sensing (RS) image classification owing to its excellent capabilities to extract highly discriminating spectral–spatial features. In this context, transformer networks have recently shown prominent results in distinguishing even the most subtle spectral differences because of their potential to characterize sequential spectral data. Nonetheless, many complexities affecting HS remote sensing data (e.g., atmospheric effects, thermal noise, quantization noise) may severely undermine such potential since no mode of relieving noisy feature patterns has still been developed within transformer networks. To address the problem, this article presents a novel masked auto-encoding spectral–spatial transformer (MAEST), which gathers two different collaborative branches: 1) a reconstruction path, which dynamically uncovers the most robust encoding features based on a masking auto-encoding strategy, and 2) a classification path, which embeds these features onto a transformer network to classify the data focusing on the features that better reconstruct the input. Unlike other existing models, this novel design pursues to learn refined transformer features considering the aforementioned complexities of the HS remote sensing image domain. The experimental comparison, including several state-of-the-art methods and benchmark datasets, shows the superior results obtained by MAEST. The codes of this article will be available at https://github.com/ibanezfd/MAEST
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