8 research outputs found

    Scalable Algorithms for NFA Multi-Striding and NFA-Based Deep Packet Inspection on GPUs

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    Finite state automata (FSA) are used by many network processing applications to match complex sets of regular expressions in network packets. In order to make FSA-based matching possible even at the ever-increasing speed of modern networks, multi-striding has been introduced. This technique increases input parallelism by transforming the classical FSA that consumes input byte by byte into an equivalent one that consumes input in larger units. However, the algorithms used today for this transformation are so complex that they often result unfeasible for large and complex rule sets. This paper presents a set of new algorithms that extend the applicability of multi-striding to complex rule sets. These algorithms can transform non-deterministic finite automata (NFA) into their multi-stride form with reduced memory and time requirements. Moreover, they exploit the massive parallelism of graphical processing units for NFA-based matching. The final result is a boost of the overall processing speed on typical regex-based packet processing applications, with a speedup of almost one order of magnitude compared to the current state-of-the-art algorithms

    New Techniques to Improve Network Security

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    With current technologies it is practically impossible to claim that a distributed application is safe from potential malicious attacks. Vulnerabilities may lay at several levels (criptographic weaknesses, protocol design flaws, coding bugs both in the application and in the host operating system itself, to name a few) and can be extremely hard to find. Moreover, sometimes an attacker does not even need to find a software vulnerability, as authentication credentials might simply “leak” ouside from the network for several reasons. Luckily, literature proposes several approaches that can contain these problems and enforce security, but the applicability of these techniques is often greatly limited due to the high level of expertise required, or simply because of the cost of the required specialized hardware. Aim of this thesis is to focus on two security enforcment techniques, namely formal methods and data analysis, and to present some improvements to the state of the art enabling to reduce both the required expertise and the necessity of specialized hardware

    Techniques For Accelerating Large-Scale Automata Processing

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    The big-data era has brought new challenges to computer architectures due to the large-scale computation and data. Moreover, this problem becomes critical in several domains where the computation is also irregular, among which we focus on automata processing in this dissertation. Automata are widely used in applications from different domains such as network intrusion detection, machine learning, and parsing. Large-scale automata processing is challenging for traditional von Neumann architectures. To this end, many accelerator prototypes have been proposed. Micron\u27s Automata Processor (AP) is an example. However, as a spatial architecture, it is unable to handle large automata programs without repeated reconfiguration and re-execution. We found a large number of automata states are never enabled in the execution but still configured on the AP chips, leading to its underutilization. To address this issue, we proposed a lightweight offline profiling technique to predict the never-enabled states and keep them out of the AP. Furthermore, we develop SparseAP, a new execution mode for AP to handle the misprediction efficiently. Our software and hardware co-optimization obtains 2.1x speedup over the baseline AP execution across 26 applications. Since the AP is not publicly available, we aim to reduce the performance gap between a general-purpose accelerator---Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) and AP. We identify excessive data movement in the GPU memory hierarchy and propose optimization techniques to reduce the data movement. Although our optimization techniques significantly alleviate these memory-related bottlenecks, a side effect of them is the static assignment of work to cores. This leads to poor compute utilization as GPU cores are wasted on idle automata states. Therefore, we propose a new dynamic scheme that effectively balances compute utilization with reduced memory usage. Our combined optimizations provide a significant improvement over the previous state-of-the-art GPU implementations of automata. Moreover, they enable current GPUs to outperform the AP across several applications while performing within an order of magnitude for the rest of them. To make automata processing on GPU more generic to tasks with different amounts of parallelism, we propose AsyncAP, a lightweight approach that scales with the input length. Threads run asynchronously in AsyncAP, alleviating the bottleneck of thread block synchronization. The evaluation and detailed analysis demonstrate that AsyncAP achieves significant speedup or at least comparable performance under various scenarios for most of the applications. The future work aims to design automatic ways to generate optimizations and mappings between automata and computation resources for different GPUs. We will broaden the scope of this dissertation to domains such as graph computing

    Efficient Automata Techniques and Their Applications

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    Tato práce se zabývá vývojem efektivních technik pro konečné automaty a jejich aplikace. Zejména se věnujeme konečným automatům použitých pří detekci útoků v síťovém provozu a automatům v rozhodovacích procedurách a verifikaci. V první části práce navrhujeme techniky přibližné redukce nedeterministických automatů, které snižují spotřebu zdrojů v hardwarově akcelerovaném zkoumání obsahu paketů. Druhá část práce je je věnována automatům v rozhodovacích procedurách, zejména slabé monadické logice druhého řádů k následníků (WSkS) a teorie nad řetězci. Navrhujeme novou rozhodovací proceduru pro WS2S založenou na automatových termech, umožňující efektivně prořezávat stavový prostor. Dále studujeme techniky předzpracování WSkS formulí za účelem snížení velikosti konstruovaných automatů. Automaty jsme také aplikovali v rozhodovací proceduře teorie nad řetězci pro efektivní reprezentaci důkazového stromu. V poslední části práce potom navrhujeme optimalizace rank-based komplementace Buchiho automatů, které snižuje počet generovaných stavů během konstrukce komplementu.This thesis develops efficient techniques for finite automata and their applications. In particular, we focus on finite automata in network intrusion detection and automata in decision procedures and verification. In the first part of the thesis, we propose techniques of approximate reduction of nondeterministic automata decreasing consumption of resources of hardware-accelerated deep packet inspection. The second part is devoted to automata in decision procedures, in particular, to weak monadic second-order logic of k successors (WSkS) and the theory of strings. We propose a novel decision procedure for WS2S based on automata terms allowing one to effectively prune the state space. Further, we study techniques of WSkS formulae preprocessing intended to reduce the sizes of constructed intermediate automata. Moreover, we employ automata in a decision procedure of the theory of strings for efficient handling of the proof graph. The last part of the thesis then proposes optimizations in rank-based Buchi automata complementation reducing the number of generated states during the construction.

    Semantics-driven design and implementation of high-assurance hardware

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