516 research outputs found

    Building a scientific workflow framework to enable real‐time machine learning and visualization

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    Nowadays, we have entered the era of big data. In the area of high performance computing, large‐scale simulations can generate huge amounts of data with potentially critical information. However, these data are usually saved in intermediate files and are not instantly visible until advanced data analytics techniques are applied after reading all simulation data from persistent storages (eg, local disks or a parallel file system). This approach puts users in a situation where they spend long time on waiting for running simulations while not knowing the status of the running job. In this paper, we build a new computational framework to couple scientific simulations with multi‐step machine learning processes and in‐situ data visualizations. We also design a new scalable simulation‐time clustering algorithm to automatically detect fluid flow anomalies. This computational framework is built upon different software components and provides plug‐in data analysis and visualization functions over complex scientific workflows. With this advanced framework, users can monitor and get real‐time notifications of special patterns or anomalies from ongoing extreme‐scale turbulent flow simulations

    Visuelle Analyse großer Partikeldaten

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    Partikelsimulationen sind eine bewährte und weit verbreitete numerische Methode in der Forschung und Technik. Beispielsweise werden Partikelsimulationen zur Erforschung der Kraftstoffzerstäubung in Flugzeugturbinen eingesetzt. Auch die Entstehung des Universums wird durch die Simulation von dunkler Materiepartikeln untersucht. Die hierbei produzierten Datenmengen sind immens. So enthalten aktuelle Simulationen Billionen von Partikeln, die sich über die Zeit bewegen und miteinander interagieren. Die Visualisierung bietet ein großes Potenzial zur Exploration, Validation und Analyse wissenschaftlicher Datensätze sowie der zugrundeliegenden Modelle. Allerdings liegt der Fokus meist auf strukturierten Daten mit einer regulären Topologie. Im Gegensatz hierzu bewegen sich Partikel frei durch Raum und Zeit. Diese Betrachtungsweise ist aus der Physik als das lagrange Bezugssystem bekannt. Zwar können Partikel aus dem lagrangen in ein reguläres eulersches Bezugssystem, wie beispielsweise in ein uniformes Gitter, konvertiert werden. Dies ist bei einer großen Menge an Partikeln jedoch mit einem erheblichen Aufwand verbunden. Darüber hinaus führt diese Konversion meist zu einem Verlust der Präzision bei gleichzeitig erhöhtem Speicherverbrauch. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation werde ich neue Visualisierungstechniken erforschen, welche speziell auf der lagrangen Sichtweise basieren. Diese ermöglichen eine effiziente und effektive visuelle Analyse großer Partikeldaten

    CFD Vision 2030 Study: A Path to Revolutionary Computational Aerosciences

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    This report documents the results of a study to address the long range, strategic planning required by NASA's Revolutionary Computational Aerosciences (RCA) program in the area of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), including future software and hardware requirements for High Performance Computing (HPC). Specifically, the "Vision 2030" CFD study is to provide a knowledge-based forecast of the future computational capabilities required for turbulent, transitional, and reacting flow simulations across a broad Mach number regime, and to lay the foundation for the development of a future framework and/or environment where physics-based, accurate predictions of complex turbulent flows, including flow separation, can be accomplished routinely and efficiently in cooperation with other physics-based simulations to enable multi-physics analysis and design. Specific technical requirements from the aerospace industrial and scientific communities were obtained to determine critical capability gaps, anticipated technical challenges, and impediments to achieving the target CFD capability in 2030. A preliminary development plan and roadmap were created to help focus investments in technology development to help achieve the CFD vision in 2030

    A Real-Time Machine Learning and Visualization Framework for Scientific Workflows

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    High-performance computing resources are currently widely used in science and engineering areas. Typical post-hoc approaches use persistent storage to save produced data from simulation, thus reading from storage to memory is required for data analysis tasks. For large-scale scientific simulations, such I/O operation will produce significant overhead. In-situ/in-transit approaches bypass I/O by accessing and processing in-memory simulation results directly, which suggests simulations and analysis applications should be more closely coupled. This paper constructs a flexible and extensible framework to connect scientific simulations with multi-steps machine learning processes and in-situ visualization tools, thus providing plugged-in analysis and visualization functionality over complex workflows at real time. A distributed simulation-time clustering method is proposed to detect anomalies from real turbulence flows

    High-Performance Computing: Dos and Don’ts

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    Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is the main field of computational mechanics that has historically benefited from advances in high-performance computing. High-performance computing involves several techniques to make a simulation efficient and fast, such as distributed memory parallelism, shared memory parallelism, vectorization, memory access optimizations, etc. As an introduction, we present the anatomy of supercomputers, with special emphasis on HPC aspects relevant to CFD. Then, we develop some of the HPC concepts and numerical techniques applied to the complete CFD simulation framework: from preprocess (meshing) to postprocess (visualization) through the simulation itself (assembly and iterative solvers)

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationWith modern computational resources rapidly advancing towards exascale, large-scale simulations useful for understanding natural and man-made phenomena are becoming in- creasingly accessible. As a result, the size and complexity of data representing such phenom- ena are also increasing, making the role of data analysis to propel science even more integral. This dissertation presents research on addressing some of the contemporary challenges in the analysis of vector fields--an important type of scientific data useful for representing a multitude of physical phenomena, such as wind flow and ocean currents. In particular, new theories and computational frameworks to enable consistent feature extraction from vector fields are presented. One of the most fundamental challenges in the analysis of vector fields is that their features are defined with respect to reference frames. Unfortunately, there is no single ""correct"" reference frame for analysis, and an unsuitable frame may cause features of interest to remain undetected, thus creating serious physical consequences. This work develops new reference frames that enable extraction of localized features that other techniques and frames fail to detect. As a result, these reference frames objectify the notion of ""correctness"" of features for certain goals by revealing the phenomena of importance from the underlying data. An important consequence of using these local frames is that the analysis of unsteady (time-varying) vector fields can be reduced to the analysis of sequences of steady (time- independent) vector fields, which can be performed using simpler and scalable techniques that allow better data management by accessing the data on a per-time-step basis. Nevertheless, the state-of-the-art analysis of steady vector fields is not robust, as most techniques are numerical in nature. The residing numerical errors can violate consistency with the underlying theory by breaching important fundamental laws, which may lead to serious physical consequences. This dissertation considers consistency as the most fundamental characteristic of computational analysis that must always be preserved, and presents a new discrete theory that uses combinatorial representations and algorithms to provide consistency guarantees during vector field analysis along with the uncertainty visualization of unavoidable discretization errors. Together, the two main contributions of this dissertation address two important concerns regarding feature extraction from scientific data: correctness and precision. The work presented here also opens new avenues for further research by exploring more-general reference frames and more-sophisticated domain discretizations

    Lattice-Boltzmann simulations of cerebral blood flow

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    Computational haemodynamics play a central role in the understanding of blood behaviour in the cerebral vasculature, increasing our knowledge in the onset of vascular diseases and their progression, improving diagnosis and ultimately providing better patient prognosis. Computer simulations hold the potential of accurately characterising motion of blood and its interaction with the vessel wall, providing the capability to assess surgical treatments with no danger to the patient. These aspects considerably contribute to better understand of blood circulation processes as well as to augment pre-treatment planning. Existing software environments for treatment planning consist of several stages, each requiring significant user interaction and processing time, significantly limiting their use in clinical scenarios. The aim of this PhD is to provide clinicians and researchers with a tool to aid in the understanding of human cerebral haemodynamics. This tool employs a high performance fluid solver based on the lattice-Boltzmann method (coined HemeLB), high performance distributed computing and grid computing, and various advanced software applications useful to efficiently set up and run patient-specific simulations. A graphical tool is used to segment the vasculature from patient-specific CT or MR data and configure boundary conditions with ease, creating models of the vasculature in real time. Blood flow visualisation is done in real time using in situ rendering techniques implemented within the parallel fluid solver and aided by steering capabilities; these programming strategies allows the clinician to interactively display the simulation results on a local workstation. A separate software application is used to numerically compare simulation results carried out at different spatial resolutions, providing a strategy to approach numerical validation. This developed software and supporting computational infrastructure was used to study various patient-specific intracranial aneurysms with the collaborating interventionalists at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neuroscience (London), using three-dimensional rotational angiography data to define the patient-specific vasculature. Blood flow motion was depicted in detail by the visualisation capabilities, clearly showing vortex fluid ow features and stress distribution at the inner surface of the aneurysms and their surrounding vasculature. These investigations permitted the clinicians to rapidly assess the risk associated with the growth and rupture of each aneurysm. The ultimate goal of this work is to aid clinical practice with an efficient easy-to-use toolkit for real-time decision support

    Large Eddy Simulations of gaseous flames in gas turbine combustion chambers

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    Recent developments in numerical schemes, turbulent combustion models and the regular increase of computing power allow Large Eddy Simulation (LES) to be applied to real industrial burners. In this paper, two types of LES in complex geometry combustors and of specific interest for aeronautical gas turbine burners are reviewed: (1) laboratory-scale combustors, without compressor or turbine, in which advanced measurements are possible and (2) combustion chambers of existing engines operated in realistic operating conditions. Laboratory-scale burners are designed to assess modeling and funda- mental flow aspects in controlled configurations. They are necessary to gauge LES strategies and identify potential limitations. In specific circumstances, they even offer near model-free or DNS-like LES computations. LES in real engines illustrate the potential of the approach in the context of industrial burners but are more difficult to validate due to the limited set of available measurements. Usual approaches for turbulence and combustion sub-grid models including chemistry modeling are first recalled. Limiting cases and range of validity of the models are specifically recalled before a discussion on the numerical breakthrough which have allowed LES to be applied to these complex cases. Specific issues linked to real gas turbine chambers are discussed: multi-perforation, complex acoustic impedances at inlet and outlet, annular chambers.. Examples are provided for mean flow predictions (velocity, temperature and species) as well as unsteady mechanisms (quenching, ignition, combustion instabil- ities). Finally, potential perspectives are proposed to further improve the use of LES for real gas turbine combustor designs

    Performance analysis and optimization of in-situ integration of simulation with data analysis: zipping applications up

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    This paper targets an important class of applications that requires combining HPC simulations with data analysis for online or real-time scientific discovery. We use the state-of-the-art parallel-IO and data-staging libraries to build simulation-time data analysis workflows, and conduct performance analysis with real-world applications of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Driven by in-depth performance inefficiency analysis, we design an end-to-end application-level approach to eliminating the interlocks and synchronizations existent in the present methods. Our new approach employs both task parallelism and pipeline parallelism to reduce synchronizations effectively. In addition, we design a fully asynchronous, fine-grain, and pipelining runtime system, which is named Zipper. Zipper is a multi-threaded distributed runtime system and executes in a layer below the simulation and analysis applications. To further reduce the simulation application's stall time and enhance the data transfer performance, we design a concurrent data transfer optimization that uses both HPC network and parallel file system for improved bandwidth. The scalability of the Zipper system has been verified by a performance model and various empirical large scale experiments. The experimental results on an Intel multicore cluster as well as a Knight Landing HPC system demonstrate that the Zipper based approach can outperform the fastest state-of-the-art I/O transport library by up to 220% using 13,056 processor cores

    Massively parallel numerical simulation using up to 36,000 CPU cores of an industrial-scale polydispersed reactive pressurized fluidized bed with a mesh of one billion cells

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    For the last 30 years, experimental and modeling studies have been carried out on fluidized bed reactors from laboratory up to industrial scales. The application of developed models for predictive simulations has however been strongly limited by the available computational power and the capability of computational fluid dynamics software to handle large enough simulations. In recent years, both aspects have made significant advances and we thus now demonstrate the feasibility of a massively parallel simulation, on whole supercomputers using NEPTUNE_CFD, of an industrial-scale polydispersed fluidized-bed reactor. This simulation of an olefin polymerization reactor makes use of an unsteady Eulerianmulti-fluid approach and relies on a billion cellsmeshing. This is a worldwide premiere as the obtained accuracy is yet unmatched for such a large-scale system. The interest of this work is two-fold. In terms of High Performance Computation (HPC), all steps of setting-up the simulation, running it with NEPTUNE_CFD, and post-processing results induce multiple challenges due to the scale of the simulation. The simulation ran using 1260 up to 36,000 cores on supercomputers, used 15 millions of CPU hours and generated 200 TB of rawdata for a simulated physical time of 25s. This article details the methodology applied to handle this simulation, and also focuses on computation performances in terms of profiling, code efficiency and partitioning method suitability. Though being by itself interesting, the HPC challenge is not the only goal of this work as performing this highly-resolved simulation will benefit chemical engineering and CFD communities. Indeed, this computation enables the possibility to account, in a realistic way, for complex flows in an industrial-scale reactor. The predicted behavior is described, and results are post-processed to develop sub-grid models. These will allow for lower-cost simulations with coarser meshes while still encompassing local phenomenon