10 research outputs found

    Quantified Conjunctive Queries on Partially Ordered Sets

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    We study the computational problem of checking whether a quantified conjunctive query (a first-order sentence built using only conjunction as Boolean connective) is true in a finite poset (a reflexive, antisymmetric, and transitive directed graph). We prove that the problem is already NP-hard on a certain fixed poset, and investigate structural properties of posets yielding fixed-parameter tractability when the problem is parameterized by the query. Our main algorithmic result is that model checking quantified conjunctive queries on posets of bounded width is fixed-parameter tractable (the width of a poset is the maximum size of a subset of pairwise incomparable elements). We complement our algorithmic result by complexity results with respect to classes of finite posets in a hierarchy of natural poset invariants, establishing its tightness in this sense.Comment: Accepted at IPEC 201

    On Satisfiability of Nominal Subtyping with Variance

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    Nominal type systems with variance, the core of the subtyping relation in object-oriented programming languages like Java, C# and Scala, have been extensively studied by Kennedy and Pierce: they have shown the undecidability of the subtyping between ground types and proposed the decidable fragments of such type systems. However, modular verification of object-oriented code may require reasoning about the relations of open types. In this paper, we formalize and investigate the satisfiability problem for nominal subtyping with variance. We define the problem in the context of first-order logic. We show that although the non-expansive ground nominal subtyping with variance is decidable, its satisfiability problem is undecidable. Our proof uses a remarkably small fragment of the type system. In fact, we demonstrate that even for the non-expansive class tables with only nullary and unary covariant and invariant type constructors, the satisfiability of quantifier-free conjunctions of positive subtyping atoms is undecidable. We discuss this result in detail, as well as show one decidable fragment and a scheme for obtaining other decidable fragments

    Subtyping constraints in quasi-lattices

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    In this report, we show the decidability and NP-completeness of the satisfiability problem for non-structural subtyping constraints in quasi-lattices. This problem, first introduced by Smolka in 1989, is important for the typing of logic and functional languages. The decidability result is obtained by generalizing Trifonov and Smith's algorithm over lattices, to the case of quasi-lattices. Similarly, we extend Pottier's algorithm for computing explicit solutions to the case of quasi-lattices. Finally we evoke some applications of these results to type inference in constraint logic programming and functional programming languages

    Subtype satisfiability and entailment

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    Subtype constraints were introduced in advanced programming language research for designing subtype systems and program analysis algorithms. Two logical problems arise in this context: subtype satisfiability and subtype entailment. Subtype satisfiability underlies subtype inference; subtype entailment is for simplifying subtyping constraints in the same application. In this thesis, we investigate both problems systematically for a number of dialects of subtyping constraint languages that may vary in the following dimensions: types may be simple (finite) or recursive (infinite), type constants may be ordered in lattices or in general partially ordered sets, subtyping can be structural or non-structural, depending on whether least and greatest types are permitted. We use and develop new formal reasoning techniques based on automata, unification, and modal logic. Subtype satisfiability is well understood for all dialects with constants ordered in a lattice. Although cubic time algorithms are given by Palsberg and O\u27Keefe (1995), Pottier (1996), and Palsberg, Wand, and O\u27Keefe (1997), little is known about dialects where constants belong to arbitrary partially ordered sets. We present a uniform treatment to determine the complexities of all these classes. As a consequence, we settle a problem left open by Tiuryn and Wand in 1993 and also subsume complexity bounds given by Wand and Tiuryn (1993), Tiuryn (1992), and Frey (2002). Our results are based on a new connection between modal logic and subtype constraints that we present. Subtype entailment is known to be hard even for simple subtype constraint languages. Rehof and Henglein determined the complexity of structural subtype entailment with type constants ordered in a lattice. They proved coNP-completeness for simple types (1997) and PSPACE-completeness for recursive types (1998). Furthermore, they showed that non-structural subtype entailment is PSPACE-hard and is conjectured PSPACE-complete for the case with only two type constants for the least and greatest types respectively (1998). Yet the problem still remains open today. We argue that the difficulty occurs due to e ects linked to non-regular word languages. In order to do so, we precisely characterize subtype entailment by finite word automata with word equations. This characterization induces new results on non-structural subtype entailment, constituting a promising starting point for future investigation on decidability.Diese Arbeit untersucht zwei logische Probleme der programmiersprachlichen Typinferenz: Erfüllbarkeit und Subsumption von Teiltyp-Constraints. Wir untersuchen diese Probleme systematisch für eine Reihe von Constraintsprachen. Dabei greifen wir auf Methoden der computationalen Logik, Unifikations- und Automatentheorie zurück. Teiltyp-Erfüllbarkeit ist für den Fall wohl verstanden, dass die Typkonstanten in einem Verband angeordnet sind (Palsberg und O\u27Keefe (1995), Pottier (1996), Palsberg, Wand und O\u27Keefe (1997)). Der allgemeinere Fall mit beliebig angeordneten Konstanten wurde bislang weniger untersucht. Wir stellen einen ersten universellen Ansatz vor, indem wir erstmals einen Zusammenhang zwischen Teiltyp-Constraints und Modallogik aufzeigen. Dadurch lösen wir unter Anderem ein seit 1993 offenes Komplexitätsproblem von Wand und Tiuryn. Teiltyp-Subsumption ist selbst für einfachste Constraintsprachen von hoher Komplexität. Rehof und Henglein zeigten dies für den strukturellen Verbandsfall (mit zwei Typkonstanten 1997, 1998), ließen jedoch den nicht-strukturellen Fall offen. In dieser Arbeit betrachten wir den einfachsten nicht-strukturellen Fall. Hier zeigen wir, dass versteckte Wortgleichungen neue Schwierigkeiten verursachen. Hierzu charakterisieren wir Teiltyp-Subsumption durch spezielle endliche Automaten mit Wortgleichungen. Unsere Charakterisierung liefert partielle Entscheidbarkeitsresulte zur nichtstrukturellen Teiltyp-Subsumption und kann als Grundlage für künftige Untersuchungen dienen

    Type Inference with Bounded Quantification

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    In this thesis we study some of the problems which occur when type inference is used in a type system with subtyping. An underlying poset of atomic types is used as a basis for our subtyping systems. We argue that the class of Helly posets is of significant interest, as it includes lattices and trees, and is closed under type formation not only with structural constructors such as function space and list, but also records, tagged variants, Abadi-Cardelli object constructors, top and bottom. We develop a general theory relating consistency, solvability, and solution of sets of constraints between regular types built over Helly posets with these constructors, and introduce semantic notions of simplification and entailment for sets of constraints over Helly posets of base types. We extend Helly posets with inequalities of the form a <= tau, where tau is not necessarily atomic, and show how this enables us to deal with bounded quantification. Using bounded quantification we define a subtyping system which combines structural subtype polymorphism and predicative parametric polymorphism, and use this to extend with subtyping the type system of Laufer and Odersky for ML with type annotations. We define a complete algorithm which infers minimal types for our extension, using factorisations, solutions of subtyping problems analogous to principal unifiers for unification problems. We give some examples of typings computed by a prototype implementation

    Advanced flow-based type systems for object-oriented languages

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    Automatic synthesis of component & connector software architectures with bounded combinatory logic

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    Combinatory logic synthesis is a new type-based approach towards automatic synthesis of software from components in a repository. In this thesis we show how the type-based approach can naturally be used to exploit taxonomic conceptual structures in software architectures and component repositories to enable automatic composition and configuration of components, and also code generation, by associating taxonomic concepts to architectural building blocks such as, in particular, software connectors. Components of a repository are exposed for synthesis as typed combinators, where intersection types are used to represent concepts that specify intended usage and functionality of a component. An algorithm for solving the type inhabitation problem in combinatory logic - does there exist a composition of combinators with a given type? - is then used to automate the retrieval, composition, and configuration of suitable building blocks with respect to a goal specification. Since type inhabitation has high computational complexity, heuristic optimizations for the inhabitation algorithm are essential for making the approach practical. We discuss particularly important (theoretical and pragmatic) optimization strategies and evaluate them by experiments. Furthermore, we apply this synthesis approach to define a method for software connector synthesis for realistic software architectures based on a type theoretic model. We conduct experiments with a rapid prototyping tool that employs this method on complex concrete ERP- and e-Commerce-systems and discuss the results