301 research outputs found

    Feature extraction and selection algorithm based on self adaptive ant colony system for sky image classification

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    Sky image classification is crucial in meteorology to forecast weather and climatic conditions. The fine-grained cloud detection and recognition (FGCDR) algorithm is use to extract colour, inside texture and neighbour texture features from multiview of superpixels sky images. However, the FGCDR produced a substantial amount of redundant and insignificant features. The ant colony optimisation (ACO) algorithm have been used to select feature subset. However, the ACO suffers from premature convergence which leads to poor feature subset. Therefore, an improved feature extraction and selection for sky image classification (FESSIC) algorithm is proposed. This algorithm consists of (i) Gaussian smoothness standard deviation method that formulates informative features within sky images; (ii) nearest-threshold based technique that converts feature map into a weighted directed graph to represent relationship between features; and (iii) an ant colony system with self-adaptive parameter technique for local pheromone update. The performance of FESSIC was evaluated against ten benchmark image classification algorithms and six classifiers on four ground-based sky image datasets. The Friedman test result is presented for the performance rank of six benchmark feature selection algorithms and FESSIC algorithm. The Man-Whitney U test is then performed to statistically evaluate the significance difference of the second rank and FESSIC algorithms. The experimental results for the proposed algorithm are superior to the benchmark image classification algorithms in terms of similarity value on Kiel, SWIMCAT and MGCD datasets. FESSIC outperforms other algorithms for average classification accuracy for the KSVM, MLP, RF and DT classifiers. The Friedman test has shown that the FESSIC has the first rank for all classifiers. Furthermore, the result of Man-Whitney U test indicates that FESSIC is significantly better than the second rank benchmark algorithm for all classifiers. In conclusion, the FESSIC can be utilised for image classification in various applications such as disaster management, medical diagnosis, industrial inspection, sports management, and content-based image retrieval

    Computational intelligence approaches to robotics, automation, and control [Volume guest editors]

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    Satellite Articulation Sensing using Computer Vision

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    Autonomous on-orbit satellite servicing benefits from an inspector satellite that can gain as much information as possible about the primary satellite. This includes performance of articulated objects such as solar arrays, antennas, and sensors. A method for building an articulated model from monocular imagery using tracked feature points and the known relative inspection route is developed. Two methods are also developed for tracking the articulation of a satellite in real-time given an articulated model using both tracked feature points and image silhouettes. Performance is evaluated for multiple inspection routes and the effect of inspection route noise is assessed. Additionally, a satellite model is built and used to collect stop-motion images simulating articulated motion over an inspection route under simulated space illumination. The images are used in the silhouette articulation tracking method and successful tracking is demonstrated qualitatively. Finally, a human pose tracking algorithm is modified for tracking the satellite articulation demonstrating the applicability of human tracking methods to satellite articulation tracking methods when an articulated model is available

    Radial Basis Functions: Biomedical Applications and Parallelization

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    Radial basis function (RBF) is a real-valued function whose values depend only on the distances between an interpolation point and a set of user-specified points called centers. RBF interpolation is one of the primary methods to reconstruct functions from multi-dimensional scattered data. Its abilities to generalize arbitrary space dimensions and to provide spectral accuracy have made it particularly popular in different application areas, including but not limited to: finding numerical solutions of partial differential equations (PDEs), image processing, computer vision and graphics, deep learning and neural networks, etc. The present thesis discusses three applications of RBF interpolation in biomedical engineering areas: (1) Calcium dynamics modeling, in which we numerically solve a set of PDEs by using meshless numerical methods and RBF-based interpolation techniques; (2) Image restoration and transformation, where an image is restored from its triangular mesh representation or transformed under translation, rotation, and scaling, etc. from its original form; (3) Porous structure design, in which the RBF interpolation used to reconstruct a 3D volume containing porous structures from a set of regularly or randomly placed points inside a user-provided surface shape. All these three applications have been investigated and their effectiveness has been supported with numerous experimental results. In particular, we innovatively utilize anisotropic distance metrics to define the distance in RBF interpolation and apply them to the aforementioned second and third applications, which show significant improvement in preserving image features or capturing connected porous structures over the isotropic distance-based RBF method. Beside the algorithm designs and their applications in biomedical areas, we also explore several common parallelization techniques (including OpenMP and CUDA-based GPU programming) to accelerate the performance of the present algorithms. In particular, we analyze how parallel programming can help RBF interpolation to speed up the meshless PDE solver as well as image processing. While RBF has been widely used in various science and engineering fields, the current thesis is expected to trigger some more interest from computational scientists or students into this fast-growing area and specifically apply these techniques to biomedical problems such as the ones investigated in the present work

    Deep Learning Methods for Remote Sensing

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    Remote sensing is a field where important physical characteristics of an area are exacted using emitted radiation generally captured by satellite cameras, sensors onboard aerial vehicles, etc. Captured data help researchers develop solutions to sense and detect various characteristics such as forest fires, flooding, changes in urban areas, crop diseases, soil moisture, etc. The recent impressive progress in artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning has sparked innovations in technologies, algorithms, and approaches and led to results that were unachievable until recently in multiple areas, among them remote sensing. This book consists of sixteen peer-reviewed papers covering new advances in the use of AI for remote sensing

    New Approaches to Mapping Forest Conditions and Landscape Change from Moderate Resolution Remote Sensing Data across the Species-Rich and Structurally Diverse Atlantic Northern Forest of Northeastern North America

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    The sustainable management of forest landscapes requires an understanding of the functional relationships between management practices, changes in landscape conditions, and ecological response. This presents a substantial need of spatial information in support of both applied research and adaptive management. Satellite remote sensing has the potential to address much of this need, but forest conditions and patterns of change remain difficult to synthesize over large areas and long time periods. Compounding this problem is error in forest attribute maps and consequent uncertainty in subsequent analyses. The research described in this document is directed at these long-standing problems. Chapter 1 demonstrates a generalizable approach to the characterization of predominant patterns of forest landscape change. Within a ~1.5 Mha northwest Maine study area, a time series of satellite-derived forest harvest maps (1973-2010) served as the basis grouping landscape units according to time series of cumulative harvest area. Different groups reflected different harvest histories, which were linked to changes in landscape composition and configuration through time series of selected landscape metrics. Time series data resolved differences in landscape change attributable to passage of the Maine Forest Practices Act, a major change in forest policy. Our approach should be of value in supporting empirical landscape research. Perhaps the single most important source of uncertainty in the characterization of landscape conditions is over- or under-representation of class prevalence caused by prediction bias. Systematic error is similarly impactful in maps of continuous forest attributes, where regression dilution or attenuation bias causes the overestimation of low values and underestimation of high values. In both cases, patterns of error tend to produce more homogeneous characterizations of landscape conditions. Chapters 2 and 3 present a machine learning method designed to simultaneously reduce systematic and total error in continuous and categorical maps, respectively. By training support vector machines with a multi-objective genetic algorithm, attenuation bias was substantially reduced in regression models of tree species relative abundance (chapter 2), and prediction bias was effectively removed from classification models predicting tree species occurrence and forest disturbance (chapter 3). This approach is generalizable to other prediction problems, other regions, or other geospatial disciplines

    Geodesy: учебное пособие для студентов, обучающихся по специальности "Геодезия и дистанционное зондирование - 120100.62"

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    Данное пособие предназначено для студентов, обучающихся по специальности "Геодезия и дистанционное зондирование" и содержит материалы по специальности, дополняющие основной курс английского языка. Материалы пособия могут быть использованы как для аудиторной, так и для самостоятельной работы студентов120100.62 Геодезия и дистанционное зондированиеИностранный язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникациибакалавриа