17,650 research outputs found

    Nonlinear time-warping made simple: a step-by-step tutorial on underwater acoustic modal separation with a single hydrophone

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    © The Author(s), 2020. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Bonnel, J., Thode, A., Wright, D., & Chapman, R. Nonlinear time-warping made simple: a step-by-step tutorial on underwater acoustic modal separation with a single hydrophone. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 147(3), (2020): 1897, doi:10.1121/10.0000937.Classical ocean acoustic experiments involve the use of synchronized arrays of sensors. However, the need to cover large areas and/or the use of small robotic platforms has evoked interest in single-hydrophone processing methods for localizing a source or characterizing the propagation environment. One such processing method is “warping,” a non-linear, physics-based signal processing tool dedicated to decomposing multipath features of low-frequency transient signals (frequency f  1 km). Since its introduction to the underwater acoustics community in 2010, warping has been adopted in the ocean acoustics literature, mostly as a pre-processing method for single receiver geoacoustic inversion. Warping also has potential applications in other specialties, including bioacoustics; however, the technique can be daunting to many potential users unfamiliar with its intricacies. Consequently, this tutorial article covers basic warping theory, presents simulation examples, and provides practical experimental strategies. Accompanying supplementary material provides matlab code and simulated and experimental datasets for easy implementation of warping on both impulsive and frequency-modulated signals from both biotic and man-made sources. This combined material should provide interested readers with user-friendly resources for implementing warping methods into their own research.This work was supported by the Office of Naval Research (Task Force Ocean, project N00014-19-1-2627) and by the North Pacific Research Board (project 1810). Original warping developments were supported by the French Delegation Generale de l'Armement

    Spectral analysis for nonstationary audio

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    A new approach for the analysis of nonstationary signals is proposed, with a focus on audio applications. Following earlier contributions, nonstationarity is modeled via stationarity-breaking operators acting on Gaussian stationary random signals. The focus is on time warping and amplitude modulation, and an approximate maximum-likelihood approach based on suitable approximations in the wavelet transform domain is developed. This paper provides theoretical analysis of the approximations, and introduces JEFAS, a corresponding estimation algorithm. The latter is tested and validated on synthetic as well as real audio signal.Comment: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, In pres

    Trans-dimensional inversion of modal dispersion data on the New England Mud Patch

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    © The Author(s), 2020. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Bonnel, J., Dosso, S. E., Eleftherakis, D., & Chapman, N. R. Trans-dimensional inversion of modal dispersion data on the New England Mud Patch. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 45(1), (2020): 116-130, doi:10.1109/JOE.2019.2896389.This paper presents single receiver geoacoustic inversion of two independent data sets recorded during the 2017 seabed characterization experiment on the New England Mud Patch. In the experimental area, the water depth is around 70 m, and the seabed is characterized by an upper layer of fine grained sediments with clay (i.e., mud). The first data set considered in this paper is a combustive sound source signal, and the second is a chirp emitted by a J15 source. These two data sets provide differing information on the geoacoustic properties of the seabed, as a result of their differing frequency content, and the dispersion properties of the environment. For both data sets, source/receiver range is about 7 km, and modal time-frequency dispersion curves are estimated using warping. Estimated dispersion curves are then used as input data for a Bayesian trans-dimensional inversion algorithm. Subbottom layering and geoacoustic parameters (sound speed and density) are thus inferred from the data. This paper highlights important properties of the mud, consistent with independent in situ measurements. It also demonstrates how information content differs for two data sets collected on reciprocal tracks, but with different acoustic sources and modal content.10.13039/100000006-Office of Naval Research 10.13039/100007297-Office of Naval Research Globa

    Modern Methods of Time-Frequency Warping of Sound Signals

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    Tato práce se zabývá reprezentací nestacionárních harmonických signálů s časově proměnnými komponentami. Primárně je zaměřena na Harmonickou transformaci a jeji variantu se subkvadratickou výpočetní složitostí, Rychlou harmonickou transformaci. V této práci jsou prezentovány dva algoritmy využívající Rychlou harmonickou transformaci. Prvni používá jako metodu odhadu změny základního kmitočtu sbírané logaritmické spektrum a druhá používá metodu analýzy syntézou. Oba algoritmy jsou použity k analýze řečového segmentu pro porovnání vystupů. Nakonec je algoritmus využívající metody analýzy syntézou použit na reálné zvukové signály, aby bylo možné změřit zlepšení reprezentace kmitočtově modulovaných signálů za použití Harmonické transformace.This thesis deals with representation of non-stationary harmonic signals with time-varying components. Its main focus is aimed at Harmonic Transform and its variant with subquadratic computational complexity, the Fast Harmonic Transform. Two algorithms using the Fast Harmonic Transform are presented. The first uses the gathered log-spectrum as fundamental frequency change estimation method, the second uses analysis-by-synthesis approach. Both algorithms are used on a speech segment to compare its output. Further the analysis-by-synthesis algorithm is applied on several real sound signals to measure the increase in the ability to represent real frequency-modulated signals using the Harmonic Transform.

    Online Correction of Dispersion Error in 2D Waveguide Meshes

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    An elastic ideal 2D propagation medium, i.e., a membrane, can be simulated by models discretizing the wave equation on the time-space grid (finite difference methods), or locally discretizing the solution of the wave equation (waveguide meshes). The two approaches provide equivalent computational structures, and introduce numerical dispersion that induces a misalignment of the modes from their theoretical positions. Prior literature shows that dispersion can be arbitrarily reduced by oversizing and oversampling the mesh, or by adpting offline warping techniques. In this paper we propose to reduce numerical dispersion by embedding warping elements, i.e., properly tuned allpass filters, in the structure. The resulting model exhibits a significant reduction in dispersion, and requires less computational resources than a regular mesh structure having comparable accuracy.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, 2000. Corrected first referenc
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