
Online Correction of Dispersion Error in 2D Waveguide Meshes


An elastic ideal 2D propagation medium, i.e., a membrane, can be simulated by models discretizing the wave equation on the time-space grid (finite difference methods), or locally discretizing the solution of the wave equation (waveguide meshes). The two approaches provide equivalent computational structures, and introduce numerical dispersion that induces a misalignment of the modes from their theoretical positions. Prior literature shows that dispersion can be arbitrarily reduced by oversizing and oversampling the mesh, or by adpting offline warping techniques. In this paper we propose to reduce numerical dispersion by embedding warping elements, i.e., properly tuned allpass filters, in the structure. The resulting model exhibits a significant reduction in dispersion, and requires less computational resources than a regular mesh structure having comparable accuracy.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, 2000. Corrected first referenc

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