3,484 research outputs found

    Reduction of torque ripple in DTC induction motor drive with discrete voltage vectors

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    This paper presents а practical implementation of direct torque control (DTC) of an induction machine on MSK2812 DSP platform, and the analysis of possibilities for reduction of torque ripple. Basic theoretical background relating the DTC was primarily set and the obtained experimental results have been given. It is shown that the torque ripple can be reduced by adjusting the intensity of voltage vectors and by modification of hysteresis comparator, while the simplicity of the basic DTC algorithm has been maintained. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR33016

    Hysteresis band current controller based field-oriented control for an induction motor driven by a direct matrix converter

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    © 2017 IEEE. This paper presents work on the hysteresis band control for output current regulation in a direct matrix converter in order to drive an induction motor. The hysteresis band controller offers excellent dynamic performance. It has been extensively researched for the voltage source inverter and inverter based drive systems, but it has not been investigated within the context of a matrix converter or a matrix converter based motor drive. Firstly, this paper proposes a fixed-band hysteresis current controller for a matrix converter to track the prescribed current references, and then a sinusoidal-band hysteresis current controller is proposed. Both methods have fast dynamic performance and they inherently integrate the line modulation technique of the virtual rectifier stage into the overall modulation. The extra modulation stage is not required and the surge current is inherently prevented. The sinusoidal-band hysteresis controller demonstrates that it generates lower harmonic content at the expense of the higher average switching frequency. Following this, both methods are tested as a drive for an induction motor with field-oriented control. With the matrix-converter-based drive system, one significant benefit is that the braking chopper is removed due to the bidirectional feature. The methods are simple and have light computation burden. The obtained results demonstrate the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed scheme. The experimental work is being carried out to support the proposed scheme

    Field-oriented control based on hysteresis band current controller for a permanent magnet synchronous motor driven by a direct matrix converter

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    © 2018, The Institution of Engineering and Technology. The hysteresis band controller offers excellent dynamic performance. It has been widely researched and applied to the voltage source inverter and inverter fed drives, however it has not been investigated within the context of a matrix converter or a matrix converter based motor drive. In this study, both fixed-band and sinusoidal-band hysteresis current controllers are proposed and developed for a direct matrix converter. A comprehensive comparative evaluation of the two methods is then carried out. Both methods have fast dynamic performance and they inherently integrate the line modulation technique of the virtual rectifier stage into the overall modulation. Surge currents are prevented with the proposed scheme. The sinusoidal-band hysteresis controller demonstrates lower total harmonic distortion at the expense of higher average switching frequency, which is only significantly observable at very high sampling frequencies. The proposed controller is integrated with the field-oriented control to drive a matrix converter fed permanent magnet synchronous machine. The proposed methods are simple and incur a light computational burden, which advances the practical applications of matrix converters in AC motor drives. The simulation and experiment results demonstrate the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed scheme

    High-performance motor drives

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    This article reviews the present state and trends in the development of key parts of controlled induction motor drive systems: converter topologies, modulation methods, as well as control and estimation techniques. Two- and multilevel voltage-source converters, current-source converters, and direct converters are described. The main part of all the produced electric energy is used to feed electric motors, and the conversion of electrical power into mechanical power involves motors ranges from less than 1 W up to several dozen megawatts


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    Hysteresis current control has been widely used in power electronics with the advantages of fast dynamic response under parameter, line and load variation and ensured stability. However, a main disadvantage of hysteresis current control is the uncertain and varying switching frequency which makes it difficult to form an average-value model. The changing switching frequency and unspecified switching duty cycle make conventional average-value models based on PWM control difficult to apply directly to converters that are controlled by hysteresis current control. In this work, a new method for average-value modeling of hysteresis current control in boost converters, three-phase inverters, and brushless dc motor drives is proposed. It incorporates a slew-rate limitation on the inductor current that occurs naturally in the circuit during large system transients. This new method is compared with existing methods in terms of simulation run time and rms error. The performance is evaluated based on a variety of scenarios, and the simulation results are compared with the results of detailed models. The simulation results show that the proposed model represents the detailed model well and is faster and more accurate than existing methods. The slew-rate limitation model of hysteresis current control accurately captures the salient detail of converter performance while maintaining the computational efficiency of average-value models. Validations in hardware are also presented

    One-Cycle Zero-Integral-Error Current Control for Shunt Active Power Filters

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    [EN] Current control has, for decades, been one of the more challenging research fields in the development of power converters. Simple and robust nonlinear methods like hysteresis or sigma-delta controllers have been commonly used, while sophisticated linear controllers based on classical control theory have been developed for PWM-based converters. The one-cycle current control technique is a nonlinear technique based on cycle-by-cycle calculation of the ON time of the converter switches for the next switching period. This kind of controller requires accurate measurement of voltages and currents in order achieve a precise current tracking. These techniques have been frequently used in the control of power converters generating low-frequency currents, where the reference varies slowly compared with the switching frequency. Its application is not so common in active power filter current controllers due to the fast variation of the references that demands not only accurate measurements but also high-speed computing. This paper proposes a novel one-cycle digital current controller based on the minimization of the integral error of the current. Its application in a three-leg four-wire shunt active power filter is presented, including a stability analysis considering the switching pattern selection. Furthermore, simulated and experimental results are presented to validate the proposed controller.Orts-Grau, S.; Balaguer-Herrero, P.; Alfonso-Gil, JC.; Martínez-Márquez, CI.; Gimeno Sales, FJ.; Segui-Chilet, S. (2020). One-Cycle Zero-Integral-Error Current Control for Shunt Active Power Filters. Electronics. 9(12):1-16. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics9122008S116912Orts-Grau, S., Gimeno-Sales, F. J., Abellan-Garcia, A., Segui-Chilet, S., & Alfonso-Gil, J. C. (2010). Improved Shunt Active Power Compensator for IEEE Standard 1459 Compliance. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 25(4), 2692-2701. doi:10.1109/tpwrd.2010.2049033Orts-Grau, S., Gimeno-Sales, F. J., Segui-Chilet, S., Abellan-Garcia, A., Alcaniz-Fillol, M., & Masot-Peris, R. (2009). Selective Compensation in Four-Wire Electric Systems Based on a New Equivalent Conductance Approach. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 56(8), 2862-2874. doi:10.1109/tie.2009.2014368Trinh, Q.-N., & Lee, H.-H. (2013). An Advanced Current Control Strategy for Three-Phase Shunt Active Power Filters. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 60(12), 5400-5410. doi:10.1109/tie.2012.2229677Bosch, S., Staiger, J., & Steinhart, H. (2018). Predictive Current Control for an Active Power Filter With LCL-Filter. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 65(6), 4943-4952. doi:10.1109/tie.2017.2772176Balasubramanian, R., Parkavikathirvelu, K., Sankaran, R., & Amirtharajan, R. (2019). Design, Simulation and Hardware Implementation of Shunt Hybrid Compensator Using Synchronous Rotating Reference Frame (SRRF)-Based Control Technique. Electronics, 8(1), 42. doi:10.3390/electronics8010042Imam, A. A., Sreerama Kumar, R., & Al-Turki, Y. A. (2020). Modeling and Simulation of a PI Controlled Shunt Active Power Filter for Power Quality Enhancement Based on P-Q Theory. Electronics, 9(4), 637. doi:10.3390/electronics9040637Panigrahi, R., Subudhi, B., & Panda, P. C. (2016). A Robust LQG Servo Control Strategy of Shunt-Active Power Filter for Power Quality Enhancement. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 31(4), 2860-2869. doi:10.1109/tpel.2015.2456155Herman, L., Papic, I., & Blazic, B. (2014). A Proportional-Resonant Current Controller for Selective Harmonic Compensation in a Hybrid Active Power Filter. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 29(5), 2055-2065. doi:10.1109/tpwrd.2014.2344770Panigrahi, R., & Subudhi, B. (2017). Performance Enhancement of Shunt Active Power Filter Using a Kalman Filter-Based H{{{\rm H}}_\infty } Control Strategy. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 32(4), 2622-2630. doi:10.1109/tpel.2016.2572142Jiang, W., Ding, X., Ni, Y., Wang, J., Wang, L., & Ma, W. (2018). An Improved Deadbeat Control for a Three-Phase Three-Line Active Power Filter With Current-Tracking Error Compensation. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 33(3), 2061-2072. doi:10.1109/tpel.2017.2693325Buso, S., Caldognetto, T., & Brandao, D. (2015). Dead-Beat Current Controller for Voltage Source Converters with Improved Large Signal Response. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 1-1. doi:10.1109/tia.2015.2488644Tarisciotti, L., Formentini, A., Gaeta, A., Degano, M., Zanchetta, P., Rabbeni, R., & Pucci, M. (2017). Model Predictive Control for Shunt Active Filters With Fixed Switching Frequency. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 53(1), 296-304. doi:10.1109/tia.2016.2606364Kumar, M., & Gupta, R. (2017). Sampled-Time-Domain Analysis of a Digitally Implemented Current Controlled Inverter. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 64(1), 217-227. doi:10.1109/tie.2016.2609840Ho, C. N.-M., Cheung, V. S. P., & Chung, H. S.-H. (2009). Constant-Frequency Hysteresis Current Control of Grid-Connected VSI Without Bandwidth Control. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 24(11), 2484-2495. doi:10.1109/tpel.2009.2031804Wu, F., Feng, F., Luo, L., Duan, J., & Sun, L. (2015). Sampling period online adjusting-based hysteresis current control without band with constant switching frequency. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 62(1), 270-277. doi:10.1109/tie.2014.2326992Holmes, D. G., Davoodnezhad, R., & McGrath, B. P. (2013). An Improved Three-Phase Variable-Band Hysteresis Current Regulator. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 28(1), 441-450. doi:10.1109/tpel.2012.2199133Komurcugil, H., Bayhan, S., & Abu-Rub, H. (2017). Variable- and Fixed-Switching-Frequency-Based HCC Methods for Grid-Connected VSI With Active Damping and Zero Steady-State Error. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 64(9), 7009-7018. doi:10.1109/tie.2017.2686331Chang, C.-H., Wu, F.-Y., & Chen, Y.-M. (2012). Modularized Bidirectional Grid-Connected Inverter With Constant-Frequency Asynchronous Sigma–Delta Modulation. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 59(11), 4088-4100. doi:10.1109/tie.2011.2176693Mertens, A. (1994). Performance analysis of three-phase inverters controlled by synchronous delta-modulation systems. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 30(4), 1016-1027. doi:10.1109/28.297919Morales, J., de Vicuna, L. G., Guzman, R., Castilla, M., & Miret, J. (2018). Modeling and Sliding Mode Control for Three-Phase Active Power Filters Using the Vector Operation Technique. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 65(9), 6828-6838. doi:10.1109/tie.2018.2795528Guzman, R., de Vicuna, L. G., Morales, J., Castilla, M., & Miret, J. (2016). Model-Based Control for a Three-Phase Shunt Active Power Filter. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 63(7), 3998-4007. doi:10.1109/tie.2016.2540580Pichan, M., & Rastegar, H. (2017). Sliding-Mode Control of Four-Leg Inverter With Fixed Switching Frequency for Uninterruptible Power Supply Applications. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 64(8), 6805-6814. doi:10.1109/tie.2017.2686346E. S., S., E. K., P., Chatterjee, K., & Bandyopadhyay, S. (2014). An Active Harmonic Filter Based on One-Cycle Control. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 61(8), 3799-3809. doi:10.1109/tie.2013.2286558Wang, L., Han, X., Ren, C., Yang, Y., & Wang, P. (2018). A Modified One-Cycle-Control-Based Active Power Filter for Harmonic Compensation. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 65(1), 738-748. doi:10.1109/tie.2017.2682021Jin, T., & Smedley, K. M. (2006). Operation of One-Cycle Controlled Three-Phase Active Power Filter With Unbalanced Source and Load. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 21(5), 1403-1412. doi:10.1109/tpel.2006.880264Hirve, S., Chatterjee, K., Fernandes, B. G., Imayavaramban, M., & Dwari, S. (2007). PLL-Less Active Power Filter Based on One-Cycle Control for Compensating Unbalanced Loads in Three-Phase Four-Wire System. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 22(4), 2457-2465. doi:10.1109/tpwrd.2007.893450Qiao, C., Smedley, K. M., & Maddaleno, F. (2004). A Single-Phase Active Power Filter With One-Cycle Control Under Unipolar Operation. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 51(8), 1623-1630. doi:10.1109/tcsi.2004.832801Qiao, C., Jin, T., & MaSmedley, K. (2004). One-Cycle Control of Three-Phase Active Power Filter With Vector Operation. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 51(2), 455-463. doi:10.1109/tie.2004.82522

    Implementation and Analysis of Direct Torque Control for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Using Gallium Nitride based Inverter

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    Permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSMs) attract considerable attention in various industrial applications, such as electric and hybrid electric vehicles, due to their high efficiency and high-power density. In this thesis, the mathematical model of PMSM and two popular control strategies, field-oriented control (FOC) and direct torque control (DTC), are analyzed and compared. The results demonstrated that the DTC has better dynamic response in comparison to FOC. Moreover, DTC can eliminate the use of position sensor, which will save the cost of the PMSM drive system. Therefore, this thesis focuses on the design and implementation of high-performance DTC for PMSMs with a Gallium Nitride (GaN) based high switching frequency motor drive. First, the characteristics and operation principles of a PMSM are introduced. Then, the mathematical models of a PMSM under different coordinate systems are investigated. Consequently, a PMSM model is developed based on the dq rotating reference frame and implemented in the MATLAB/Simulink for validation. Two advanced PMSM control strategies, FOC and DTC, are investigated and compared in terms of control performance through comprehensive simulation studies and the results demonstrate that DTC has better dynamic performance. Conventional DTC contributes to higher torque ripple in the PMSM due to the limited switching frequency in a conventional semiconductor-based motor drive, which inevitably deteriorates the drive performance. Therefore, this thesis aims to reduce the torque ripple in the DTC based PMSM drive by using the new generation wide bandgap switching devices. More specifically, DTC is improved by using the optimized space vector pulse width modulation strategy and a higher switching frequency contributed by the GaN based motor drive. Finally, the proposed DTC-SVM based PMSM control strategy is implemented on the digital signal processor (DSP) and evaluated on the laboratory GaN based PMSM drive. Both the simulation and experimental results show that the proposed improvement in the DTC can further improve the PMSM drive performance

    Unaprijeđenje direktnog upravljanja momentom istosmjernog motora bez četkica u kotaču za mala električna vozila

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    The micro all-electric vehicle pertaining to this study is rear-driven, with motors in the left and right rear wheels. The motors are brushless dc (BLDC) using Hall effect sensors with a trapezoidal back-electromotive force. The control system is developed by using a digital signal processor. To thoroughly utilize the fast torque generation feature of BLDC motors, direct torque control (DTC) is preferable, but with conventional DTC, dead-time must be added. This paper proposes an improved DTC, where the switching device operating principle is equivalent to that of a unipolar pulse width modulation (PWM) technique named PWM-ON. Dead-time is not required, and switching losses are reduced. Further analysis showed that under the improved DTC the dc supply took up only the load current, confirming that there was no return of load energy to the dc supply, which protects the batteries. Experimental results are given to confirm validity.Električno malo vozilo razmatrano u ovome članku ima pogon na stražnje kotače; gdje su motori smješteni u lijevi i desni stražnji kotač. Motori su istosmjerni bez četkica (BLCD) te koriste senzore zasnovane na Hallovom efektu s trapezoidalnom elektromotornom silom. Upravljački sustav razvijen je na digitalnom računalu. Kako bi se iskoristila mogućnost stvaranja bzrog momenta; što je jedno od prednosti BLCD motora; preferira se direktno upravljanje momentom (DTC); ali kod konvencionalnog DTC-a potrebno je dodati mrtvo vrijeme. U ovome članku je predložena unaprijeđena verzija DTC-a; gdje princip rada invertora isti kao i kod unipolarne pulsnoširinske modulacije (PWM-ON). U ovome slučaju mrtvo vrijeme nije potrebno te se smanjuju gubici u invertoru. Daljnja analiza je pokazala da s unaprijeđenim DTC-om nema povratka energije; što štiti baterij. Eksperimentalni rezultati su dani kako bi se potvrdila ispravnost pristupa