47 research outputs found

    Robust pedestrian detection in thermal imagery using synthesized images

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    Optimizing Apparent Display Resolution Enhancement for Arbitrary Videos

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    Display resolution is frequently exceeded by available image resolution. Recently, apparent display resolution enhancement techniques (ADRE) have demonstrated how characteristics of the human visual system can be exploited to provide super-resolution on high refresh rate displays. In this paper we address the problem of generalizing the apparent display resolution enhancement technique to conventional videos of arbitrary content. We propose an optimization-based approach to continuously translate the video frames in such a way that the added motion enables apparent resolution enhancement for the salient image region. The optimization takes the optimal velocity, smoothness and similarity into account to compute an appropriate trajectory. Additionally, we provide an intuitive user interface which allows to guide the algorithm interactively and preserve important compositions within the video. We present a user study evaluating apparent rendering quality and demonstrate versatility of our method on a variety of general test scenes.Aktuelle Kameras sind in der Lage, Videos mit sehr hoher Auflösung aufzunehmen (> 4K Pixel). Monitore, Fernseher und Projektoren haben jedoch meist eine deutlich niedrigere Auflösung (FullHD). Bei der Darstellung hochaufgelöster Videos auf diesen Geräten gehen durch das nötige Herrunterrechnen der Videodaten feine Details verloren, z.B. Haare oder die Pigmentierung von Oberflächenmaterialien. Es wird ein Verfahren präsentiert, welches die Darstellung eines beliebigen Videos mit einer Auflösung ermöglicht, die perzeptuell höher ist als die Auflösung des Ausgabegerätes

    Human Visual Perception, study and applications to understanding Images and Videos

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    Visual attention and perception in scene understanding for social robotics

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    Blickpunktabhängige Computergraphik

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    Contemporary digital displays feature multi-million pixels at ever-increasing refresh rates. Reality, on the other hand, provides us with a view of the world that is continuous in space and time. The discrepancy between viewing the physical world and its sampled depiction on digital displays gives rise to perceptual quality degradations. By measuring or estimating where we look, gaze-contingent algorithms aim at exploiting the way we visually perceive to remedy visible artifacts. This dissertation presents a variety of novel gaze-contingent algorithms and respective perceptual studies. Chapter 4 and 5 present methods to boost perceived visual quality of conventional video footage when viewed on commodity monitors or projectors. In Chapter 6 a novel head-mounted display with real-time gaze tracking is described. The device enables a large variety of applications in the context of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. Using the gaze-tracking VR headset, a novel gaze-contingent render method is described in Chapter 7. The gaze-aware approach greatly reduces computational efforts for shading virtual worlds. The described methods and studies show that gaze-contingent algorithms are able to improve the quality of displayed images and videos or reduce the computational effort for image generation, while display quality perceived by the user does not change.Moderne digitale Bildschirme ermöglichen immer höhere Auflösungen bei ebenfalls steigenden Bildwiederholraten. Die Realität hingegen ist in Raum und Zeit kontinuierlich. Diese Grundverschiedenheit führt beim Betrachter zu perzeptuellen Unterschieden. Die Verfolgung der Aug-Blickrichtung ermöglicht blickpunktabhängige Darstellungsmethoden, die sichtbare Artefakte verhindern können. Diese Dissertation trägt zu vier Bereichen blickpunktabhängiger und wahrnehmungstreuer Darstellungsmethoden bei. Die Verfahren in Kapitel 4 und 5 haben zum Ziel, die wahrgenommene visuelle Qualität von Videos für den Betrachter zu erhöhen, wobei die Videos auf gewöhnlicher Ausgabehardware wie z.B. einem Fernseher oder Projektor dargestellt werden. Kapitel 6 beschreibt die Entwicklung eines neuartigen Head-mounted Displays mit Unterstützung zur Erfassung der Blickrichtung in Echtzeit. Die Kombination der Funktionen ermöglicht eine Reihe interessanter Anwendungen in Bezug auf Virtuelle Realität (VR) und Erweiterte Realität (AR). Das vierte und abschließende Verfahren in Kapitel 7 dieser Dissertation beschreibt einen neuen Algorithmus, der das entwickelte Eye-Tracking Head-mounted Display zum blickpunktabhängigen Rendern nutzt. Die Qualität des Shadings wird hierbei auf Basis eines Wahrnehmungsmodells für jeden Bildpixel in Echtzeit analysiert und angepasst. Das Verfahren hat das Potenzial den Berechnungsaufwand für das Shading einer virtuellen Szene auf ein Bruchteil zu reduzieren. Die in dieser Dissertation beschriebenen Verfahren und Untersuchungen zeigen, dass blickpunktabhängige Algorithmen die Darstellungsqualität von Bildern und Videos wirksam verbessern können, beziehungsweise sich bei gleichbleibender Bildqualität der Berechnungsaufwand des bildgebenden Verfahrens erheblich verringern lässt

    Visibility recovery on images acquired in attenuating media. Application to underwater, fog, and mammographic imaging

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    136 p.When acquired in attenuating media, digital images of ten suffer from a particularly complex degradation that reduces their visual quality, hindering their suitability for further computational applications, or simply decreasing the visual pleasan tness for the user. In these cases, mathematical image processing reveals it self as an ideal tool to recover some of the information lost during the degradation process. In this dissertation,we deal with three of such practical scenarios in which this problematic is specially relevant, namely, underwater image enhancement, fogremoval and mammographic image processing. In the case of digital mammograms,X-ray beams traverse human tissue, and electronic detectorscapture them as they reach the other side. However, the superposition on a bidimensional image of three-dimensional structures produces low contraste dimages in which structures of interest suffer from a diminished visibility, obstructing diagnosis tasks. Regarding fog removal, the loss of contrast is produced by the atmospheric conditions, and white colour takes over the scene uniformly as distance increases, also reducing visibility.For underwater images, there is an added difficulty, since colour is not lost uniformly; instead, red colours decay the fastest, and green and blue colours typically dominate the acquired images. To address all these challenges,in this dissertation we develop new methodologies that rely on: a)physical models of the observed degradation, and b) the calculus of variations.Equipped with this powerful machinery, we design novel theoreticaland computational tools, including image-dependent functional energies that capture the particularities of each degradation model. These energie sare composed of different integral terms that are simultaneous lyminimized by means of efficient numerical schemes, producing a clean,visually-pleasant and use ful output image, with better contrast and increased visibility. In every considered application, we provide comprehensive qualitative (visual) and quantitative experimental results to validateour methods, confirming that the developed techniques out perform other existing approaches in the literature

    Visual Cortex

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    The neurosciences have experienced tremendous and wonderful progress in many areas, and the spectrum encompassing the neurosciences is expansive. Suffice it to mention a few classical fields: electrophysiology, genetics, physics, computer sciences, and more recently, social and marketing neurosciences. Of course, this large growth resulted in the production of many books. Perhaps the visual system and the visual cortex were in the vanguard because most animals do not produce their own light and offer thus the invaluable advantage of allowing investigators to conduct experiments in full control of the stimulus. In addition, the fascinating evolution of scientific techniques, the immense productivity of recent research, and the ensuing literature make it virtually impossible to publish in a single volume all worthwhile work accomplished throughout the scientific world. The days when a single individual, as Diderot, could undertake the production of an encyclopedia are gone forever. Indeed most approaches to studying the nervous system are valid and neuroscientists produce an almost astronomical number of interesting data accompanied by extremely worthy hypotheses which in turn generate new ventures in search of brain functions. Yet, it is fully justified to make an encore and to publish a book dedicated to visual cortex and beyond. Many reasons validate a book assembling chapters written by active researchers. Each has the opportunity to bind together data and explore original ideas whose fate will not fall into the hands of uncompromising reviewers of traditional journals. This book focuses on the cerebral cortex with a large emphasis on vision. Yet it offers the reader diverse approaches employed to investigate the brain, for instance, computer simulation, cellular responses, or rivalry between various targets and goal directed actions. This volume thus covers a large spectrum of research even though it is impossible to include all topics in the extremely diverse field of neurosciences

    Digital Image Processing

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    This book presents several recent advances that are related or fall under the umbrella of 'digital image processing', with the purpose of providing an insight into the possibilities offered by digital image processing algorithms in various fields. The presented mathematical algorithms are accompanied by graphical representations and illustrative examples for an enhanced readability. The chapters are written in a manner that allows even a reader with basic experience and knowledge in the digital image processing field to properly understand the presented algorithms. Concurrently, the structure of the information in this book is such that fellow scientists will be able to use it to push the development of the presented subjects even further