194 research outputs found

    Lock-free Concurrent Data Structures

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    Concurrent data structures are the data sharing side of parallel programming. Data structures give the means to the program to store data, but also provide operations to the program to access and manipulate these data. These operations are implemented through algorithms that have to be efficient. In the sequential setting, data structures are crucially important for the performance of the respective computation. In the parallel programming setting, their importance becomes more crucial because of the increased use of data and resource sharing for utilizing parallelism. The first and main goal of this chapter is to provide a sufficient background and intuition to help the interested reader to navigate in the complex research area of lock-free data structures. The second goal is to offer the programmer familiarity to the subject that will allow her to use truly concurrent methods.Comment: To appear in "Programming Multi-core and Many-core Computing Systems", eds. S. Pllana and F. Xhafa, Wiley Series on Parallel and Distributed Computin

    Executing requests concurrently in state machine replication

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    State machine replication is one of the most popular ways to achieve fault tolerance. In a nutshell, the state machine replication approach maintains multiple replicas that both store a copy of the system’s data and execute operations on that data. When requests to execute operations arrive, an “agree-execute” protocol keeps replicas synchronized: they first agree on an order to execute the incoming operations, and then execute the operations one at a time in the agreed upon order, so that every replica reaches the same final state. Multi-core processors are the norm, but taking advantage of the available processor cores to execute operations simultaneously is at odds with the “agree-execute” protocol: simultaneous execution is inherently unpredictable, so in the end replicas may arrive at different final states and the system becomes inconsistent. On one hand, we want to take advantage of the available processor cores to execute operations simultaneously and improve performance. But on the other hand, replicas must abide by the operation order that they agreed upon for the system to remain consistent. This dissertation proposes a solution to this dilemma. At a high level, we propose to use speculative execution techniques to execute operations simultaneously while nonetheless ensuring that their execution is equivalent to having executed the operations sequentially in the order the replicas agreed upon. To achieve this, we: (1) propose to execute operations as serializable transactions, and (2) develop a new concurrency control protocol that ensures that the concurrent execution of a set of transactions respects the serialization order the replicas agreed upon. Since speculation is only effective if it is successful, we also (3) propose a modification to the typical API to declare transactions, which allows transactions to execute their logic over an abstract replica state, resulting in fewer conflicts between transactions and thus improving the effectiveness of the speculative executions. An experimental evaluation shows that the contributions in this dissertation can improve the performance of a state-machine-replicated server up to 4 , reaching up to 75% the performance of a concurrent fault-prone server

    Operating System Support for Redundant Multithreading

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    Failing hardware is a fact and trends in microprocessor design indicate that the fraction of hardware suffering from permanent and transient faults will continue to increase in future chip generations. Researchers proposed various solutions to this issue with different downsides: Specialized hardware components make hardware more expensive in production and consume additional energy at runtime. Fault-tolerant algorithms and libraries enforce specific programming models on the developer. Compiler-based fault tolerance requires the source code for all applications to be available for recompilation. In this thesis I present ASTEROID, an operating system architecture that integrates applications with different reliability needs. ASTEROID is built on top of the L4/Fiasco.OC microkernel and extends the system with Romain, an operating system service that transparently replicates user applications. Romain supports single- and multi-threaded applications without requiring access to the application's source code. Romain replicates applications and their resources completely and thereby does not rely on hardware extensions, such as ECC-protected memory. In my thesis I describe how to efficiently implement replication as a form of redundant multithreading in software. I develop mechanisms to manage replica resources and to make multi-threaded programs behave deterministically for replication. I furthermore present an approach to handle applications that use shared-memory channels with other programs. My evaluation shows that Romain provides 100% error detection and more than 99.6% error correction for single-bit flips in memory and general-purpose registers. At the same time, Romain's execution time overhead is below 14% for single-threaded applications running in triple-modular redundant mode. The last part of my thesis acknowledges that software-implemented fault tolerance methods often rely on the correct functioning of a certain set of hardware and software components, the Reliable Computing Base (RCB). I introduce the concept of the RCB and discuss what constitutes the RCB of the ASTEROID system and other fault tolerance mechanisms. Thereafter I show three case studies that evaluate approaches to protecting RCB components and thereby aim to achieve a software stack that is fully protected against hardware errors

    Memory Subsystems for Security, Consistency, and Scalability

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    In response to the continuous demand for the ability to process ever larger datasets, as well as discoveries in next-generation memory technologies, researchers have been vigorously studying memory-driven computing architectures that shall allow data-intensive applications to access enormous amounts of pooled non-volatile memory. As applications continue to interact with increasing amounts of components and datasets, existing systems struggle to eÿciently enforce the principle of least privilege for security. While non-volatile memory can retain data even after a power loss and allow for large main memory capacity, programmers have to bear the burdens of maintaining the consistency of program memory for fault tolerance as well as handling huge datasets with traditional yet expensive memory management interfaces for scalability. Today’s computer systems have become too sophisticated for existing memory subsystems to handle many design requirements. In this dissertation, we introduce three memory subsystems to address challenges in terms of security, consistency, and scalability. Specifcally, we propose SMVs to provide threads with fne-grained control over access privileges for a partially shared address space for security, NVthreads to allow programmers to easily leverage nonvolatile memory with automatic persistence for consistency, and PetaMem to enable memory-centric applications to freely access memory beyond the traditional process boundary with support for memory isolation and crash recovery for security, consistency, and scalability

    Thread Scheduling Mechanisms for Multiple-Context Parallel Processors

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    Scheduling tasks to efficiently use the available processor resources is crucial to minimizing the runtime of applications on shared-memory parallel processors. One factor that contributes to poor processor utilization is the idle time caused by long latency operations, such as remote memory references or processor synchronization operations. One way of tolerating this latency is to use a processor with multiple hardware contexts that can rapidly switch to executing another thread of computation whenever a long latency operation occurs, thus increasing processor utilization by overlapping computation with communication. Although multiple contexts are effective for tolerating latency, this effectiveness can be limited by memory and network bandwidth, by cache interference effects among the multiple contexts, and by critical tasks sharing processor resources with less critical tasks. This thesis presents techniques that increase the effectiveness of multiple contexts by intelligently scheduling threads to make more efficient use of processor pipeline, bandwidth, and cache resources. This thesis proposes thread prioritization as a fundamental mechanism for directing the thread schedule on a multiple-context processor. A priority is assigned to each thread either statically or dynamically and is used by the thread scheduler to decide which threads to load in the contexts, and to decide which context to switch to on a context switch. We develop a multiple-context model that integrates both cache and network effects, and shows how thread prioritization can both maintain high processor utilization, and limit increases in critical path runtime caused by multithreading. The model also shows that in order to be effective in bandwidth limited applications, thread prioritization must be extended to prioritize memory requests. We show how simple hardware can prioritize the running of threads in the multiple contexts, and the issuing of requests to both the local memory and the network. Simulation experiments show how thread prioritization is used in a variety of applications. Thread prioritization can improve the performance of synchronization primitives by minimizing the number of processor cycles wasted in spinning and devoting more cycles to critical threads. Thread prioritization can be used in combination with other techniques to improve cache performance and minimize cache interference between different working sets in the cache. For applications that are critical path limited, thread prioritization can improve performance by allowing processor resources to be devoted preferentially to critical threads. These experimental results show that thread prioritization is a mechanism that can be used to implement a wide range of scheduling policies

    Reducing exception management overhead with software restart markers

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2008.Includes bibliographical references (p. 181-196).Modern processors rely on exception handling mechanisms to detect errors and to implement various features such as virtual memory. However, these mechanisms are typically hardware-intensive because of the need to buffer partially-completed instructions to implement precise exceptions and enforce in-order instruction commit, often leading to issues with performance and energy efficiency. The situation is exacerbated in highly parallel machines with large quantities of programmer-visible state, such as VLIW or vector processors. As architects increasingly rely on parallel architectures to achieve higher performance, the problem of exception handling is becoming critical. In this thesis, I present software restart markers as the foundation of an exception handling mechanism for explicitly parallel architectures. With this model, the compiler is responsible for delimiting regions of idempotent code. If an exception occurs, the operating system will resume execution from the beginning of the region. One advantage of this approach is that instruction results can be committed to architectural state in any order within a region, eliminating the need to buffer those values. Enabling out-of-order commit can substantially reduce the exception management overhead found in precise exception implementations, and enable the use of new architectural features that might be prohibitively costly with conventional precise exception implementations. Additionally, software restart markers can be used to reduce context switch overhead in a multiprogrammed environment. This thesis demonstrates the applicability of software restart markers to vector, VLIW, and multithreaded architectures. It also contains an implementation of this exception handling approach that uses the Trimaran compiler infrastructure to target the Scale vectorthread architecture. I show that using software restart markers incurs very little performance overhead for vector-style execution on Scale.(cont.) Finally, I describe the Scale compiler flow developed as part of this work and discuss how it targets certain features facilitated by the use of software restart markersby Mark Jerome Hampton.Ph.D

    Virtualizing Network Processors

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    This paper considers the problem of virtualizing the resources of a network processor (NP) in order to allow multiple third-parties to execute their own virtual router software on a single physical router at the same time. Our broad interest is in designing such a router capable of supporting virtual networking. We discuss the issues and challenges involved in this virtualization, and then describe specific techniques for virtualizing both the control and data-plane processors on NPs. For Intel IXP NPs in particular, we present a dynamic, macro-based technique for virtualization that allows multiple virtual routers to run on multiple data plane processors (or micro-engines) while maintaining memory isolation and enforcing memory bandwidth allocations

    Hardware-Assisted Dependable Systems

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    Unpredictable hardware faults and software bugs lead to application crashes, incorrect computations, unavailability of internet services, data losses, malfunctioning components, and consequently financial losses or even death of people. In particular, faults in microprocessors (CPUs) and memory corruption bugs are among the major unresolved issues of today. CPU faults may result in benign crashes and, more problematically, in silent data corruptions that can lead to catastrophic consequences, silently propagating from component to component and finally shutting down the whole system. Similarly, memory corruption bugs (memory-safety vulnerabilities) may result in a benign application crash but may also be exploited by a malicious hacker to gain control over the system or leak confidential data. Both these classes of errors are notoriously hard to detect and tolerate. Usual mitigation strategy is to apply ad-hoc local patches: checksums to protect specific computations against hardware faults and bug fixes to protect programs against known vulnerabilities. This strategy is unsatisfactory since it is prone to errors, requires significant manual effort, and protects only against anticipated faults. On the other extreme, Byzantine Fault Tolerance solutions defend against all kinds of hardware and software errors, but are inadequately expensive in terms of resources and performance overhead. In this thesis, we examine and propose five techniques to protect against hardware CPU faults and software memory-corruption bugs. All these techniques are hardware-assisted: they use recent advancements in CPU designs and modern CPU extensions. Three of these techniques target hardware CPU faults and rely on specific CPU features: ∆-encoding efficiently utilizes instruction-level parallelism of modern CPUs, Elzar re-purposes Intel AVX extensions, and HAFT builds on Intel TSX instructions. The rest two target software bugs: SGXBounds detects vulnerabilities inside Intel SGX enclaves, and “MPX Explained” analyzes the recent Intel MPX extension to protect against buffer overflow bugs. Our techniques achieve three goals: transparency, practicality, and efficiency. All our systems are implemented as compiler passes which transparently harden unmodified applications against hardware faults and software bugs. They are practical since they rely on commodity CPUs and require no specialized hardware or operating system support. Finally, they are efficient because they use hardware assistance in the form of CPU extensions to lower performance overhead

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThe internet-based information infrastructure that has powered the growth of modern personal/mobile computing is composed of powerful, warehouse-scale computers or datacenters. These heavily subscribed datacenters perform data-processing jobs under intense quality of service guarantees. Further, high-performance compute platforms are being used to model and analyze increasingly complex scientific problems and natural phenomena. To ensure that the high-performance needs of these machines are met, it is necessary to increase the efficiency of the memory system that supplies data to the processing cores. Many of the microarchitectural innovations that were designed to scale the memory wall (e.g., out-of-order instruction execution, on-chip caches) are being rendered less effective due to several emerging trends (e.g., increased emphasis on energy consumption, limited access locality). This motivates the optimization of the main memory system itself. The key to an efficient main memory system is the memory controller. In particular, the scheduling algorithm in the memory controller greatly influences its performance. This dissertation explores this hypothesis in several contexts. It develops tools to better understand memory scheduling and develops scheduling innovations for CPUs and GPUs. We propose novel memory scheduling techniques that are strongly aware of the access patterns of the clients as well as the microarchitecture of the memory device. Based on these, we present (i) a Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) chip microarchitecture optimized for reducing write-induced slowdown, (ii) a memory scheduling algorithm that exploits these features, (iii) several memory scheduling algorithms to reduce the memory-related stall experienced by irregular General Purpose Graphics Processing Unit (GPGPU) applications, and (iv) the Utah Simulated Memory Module (USIMM), a detailed, validated simulator for DRAM main memory that we use for analyzing and proposing scheduler algorithms