139,008 research outputs found

    Stride-to-stride variability while backward counting among healthy young adults

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    BACKGROUND: Little information exists about the involvement of attention in the control of gait rhythmicity. Variability of both stride time and stride length is closely related to the control of the rhythmic stepping mechanism. We sought 1) to determine whether backward counting while walking could provoke significant gait changes in mean values and coefficients of variation of stride velocity, stride time and stride length among healthy young adults; and 2) to establish whether change in stride-to-stride variability could be related to dual-task related stride velocity change, attention, or both. METHODS: Mean values and coefficients of variation of stride velocity, stride time and stride length were recorded using the Physilog(®)-system, at a self-selected walking speed in 49 healthy young adults (mean age 24.1 ± 2.8 years, women 49%) while walking alone and walking with simultaneous backward counting. Performance on backward counting was evaluated by recording the number of figures counted while sitting alone and while walking. RESULTS: Compared with walking alone, a significant dual-task-related decrease was found for the mean values of stride velocity (p < 0.001), along with a small but significant increase for the mean values and coefficients of variation of stride time (p < 0.001 and p = 0.015, respectively). Stride length parameters did not change significantly between both walking conditions. Dual-task-related increase of coefficient of variation of stride time was explained by changing stride velocity and variability between subjects but not by backward counting. The number of figures counted while walking decreased significantly compared to backward counting alone. Further, the dual-task related decrease of the number of enumerated figures was significantly higher than the dual-task related decrease of stride velocity (p = 0.013). CONCLUSION: The observed performance-changes in gait and backward counting while dual tasking confirm that certain aspects of walking are attention-demanding in young adults. In the tested group of 49 young volunteers, dual tasking caused a small decrease in stride velocity and a slight increase in the stride-to-stride variability of stride time, while stride velocity variability was not affected by the attention-demanding task. The increase in stride time variability was apparently the result of a change in gait speed, but not a result of dual tasking. This suggests that young adults require minimal attention for the control of the rhythmic stepping mechanism while walking

    Overground vs. Treadmill Running: Do Runners Use the Same Strategy to Adjust Stride Length and Frequency While Running at Different Velocities?

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    Running speed is determined by stride frequency and stride length. As running speed is adjusted, runners make greater adjustments in stride length at slower speeds with a shift to stride frequency adjustments at the faster speeds. The relationship between stride frequency and stride length is largely based on overground research which leads to the purpose of this study to analyze whether the connection of stride frequency and stride length will adjust similar due to changes in running velocity during overground and treadmill running. The protocol was recently approved by The Institutional Review Board and data collection is currently in progress; - thus the following present abstract does not contain data. In order to compare runner’s gait pattern responses to velocity changes, two wearable technologies (Garmin Fenix2, Garmin, Kansas, USA; runScribe, Scribe Lab, San Francisco, USA) designed to measure stride length and stride frequency will be utilized. Subjects will run at a variety of velocities overground and then on the treadmill with speeds ranging from slow, preferred, and fast. The main dependent variables will be stride frequency and stride length. The null hypothesis is: The relationship between stride length and stride frequency is similar while running overground and on a treadmill at different velocities. The results of this study will be helpful to runners as well as development of wearable technology used to quantify run metrics


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    The current study examined changes in running speed and technique during a 161 km trail race and their relationship to performance. Sixteen participants were video recorded during continuous running for each of the five 32 km loops of the race. Participant's stride length (SL), stride rate (SR), and speed were calculated. Lap and finish times were also collated from the race results. All variables changed significantly during the race (i.e. Speed↓, Lap time↑, SL↓ and SR↓). Increased consistency in stride rate and length across the five laps, as well as speed, correlated positively with performance. Increased stride length in laps one, two and four correlated positively with performance. Results indicated that fatigue during the race decreased both speed and SL. Better performers ran faster with a longer SL and were able to maintain their initial speed for longer

    Gait analysis of unprovoked pig gait on clean and fouled concrete surfaces

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    Inadequate floor properties are considered the primary cause of the majority of claw disorders in pigs but to date no clear relationship has been found between claw disorders and floor properties such as friction and surface abrasiveness. To determine this relationship, the factors controlling pig gait must be characterised. This study examined unprovoked pig gait on a concrete floor in clean conditions and compared it with gait in fouled floor conditions. Kinematics were used to record gait parameters such as walking speed, stride length, swing and stance time, stride elevation together with limb support phases, gait symmetry, diagonality and duty factor. On clean floors, pigs had an unprovoked symmetrical gait with alternating two- and three-beat support phases and a high rate of diagonality. Stride length, swing and stance time and stride elevation showed little variation. Pigs altered their gait in accordance with floor conditions to maintain gait control by reducing walking speed, lowering diagonality and employing more three-limb support phases. Pigs also shortened their stride length and prolonged their stance time

    Mechanical energy storage device for hip disarticulation

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    An artificial leg including a trunk socket, a thigh section hingedly coupled to the trunk socket, a leg section hingedly coupled to the thigh section and a foot section hingedly coupled to the leg section is outlined. A mechanical energy storage device is operatively associated with the artificial leg for storage and release of energy during the normal walking stride of the user. Energy is stored in the mechanical energy storage device during a weight-bearing phase of the walking stride when the user's weight is on the artificial leg. Energy is released during a phase of the normal walking stride, when the user's weight is removed from the artificial leg. The stored energy is released from the energy storage device to pivot the thigh section forwardly about the hinged coupling to the trunk socket

    Quality of life in children newly diagnosed with cancer and their mothers

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    Background With current treatments, approximately 75% of children diagnosed with cancer can expect to achieve disease-free survival. However, treatments are complex and aggressive, potentially compromising QOL for children and their parents. Although previous work has shown increased anxiety and depression among parents after diagnosis, the recent development of standardised measures of QOL enables us to look more directly at the impact of diagnosis on mothers' and children's QOL. The aims of this study are to i) describe QOL for children and their mothers after diagnosis by comparing their scores with population norms, ii) explore the relationship between mothers' worries about the illness and their QOL, and iii) determine the relationship between mothers ratings of their own QOL and their child. Method A total of 87 families took part, constituting 60% of those eligible. The children included 58 males and 29 females aged between 2 years 6 months to 16 years 3 months (mean = 7 years, median = 5 years 8 months). Diagnoses were acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL, n = 57), brain tumours (n = 11), bone tumours (n = 17) and 2 rare cancers. Mothers completed questionnaires about their own and the child's QOL. Results Mothers' reported their own and the child's QOL to be significantly lower than population norms. There were significant correlations between mothers' worries and their own and their ratings of the child's QOL and mothers' ratings of their own QOL correlated with their ratings of the child's QOL. Conclusion Both children and their mothers experience significantly compromised QOL in the months following diagnosis. Mothers who rated their own QOL to be poor also rate their child's QOL to be low. These results suggest caution is required where mothers rate their child's QOL. Efforts must continue to be made to improve QOL of children especially in the period immediately following diagnosis
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