53 research outputs found

    Robust state feedback controller design of STATCOM using chaotic optimization algorithm

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    In this paper, a new design technique for the design of robust state feedback controller for static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) using Chaotic Optimization Algorithm (COA) is presented. The design is formulated as an optimization problem which is solved by the COA. Since chaotic planning enjoys reliability, ergodicity and stochastic feature, the proposed technique presents chaos mapping using Lozi map chaotic sequences which increases its convergence rate. To ensure the robustness of the proposed damping controller, the design process takes into account a wide range of operating conditions and system configurations. The simulation results reveal that the proposed controller has an excellent capability in damping power system low frequency oscillations and enhances greatly the dynamic stability of the power systems. Moreover, the system performance analysis under different operating conditions shows that the phase based controller is superior compare to the magnitude based controller

    A survey on fopid controllers for lfo damping in power systems using synchronous generators, facts devices and inverter-based power plants

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    In recent decades, various types of control techniques have been proposed for use in power systems. Among them, the use of a proportional–integral–derivative (PID) controller is widely recognized as an effective technique. The generalized type of this controller is the fractional-order PID (FOPID) controller. This type of controller provides a wider range of stability area due to the fractional orders of integrals and derivatives. These types of controllers have been significantly considered as a new approach in power engineering that can enhance the operation and stability of power systems. This paper represents a comprehensive overview of the FOPID controller and its applications in modern power systems for enhancing low-frequency oscillation (LFO) damping. In addition, the performance of this type of controller has been evaluated in a benchmark test system. It can be a driver for the development of FOPID controller applications in modern power systems. Investigation of different pieces of research shows that FOPID controllers, as robust controllers, can play an efficient role in modern power systems

    Study and Analysis of Power System Stability Based on FACT Controller System

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    Energy framework soundness is identified with standards rotational movement and the swing condition administering electromechanical unique conduct. In the exceptional instance of two limited machines, the basis of equivalent territory security can be utilized to ascertain the basic clearing point in the force framework, It is important to look after synchronization, in any case the degree of administration for customers won't be accomplished. This term steadiness signifies "looking after synchronization." This paper is an audit of three kinds of consistent state. The main sort of adjustment, consistent state steadiness clarifies the most extreme consistent state quality and force point chart. The transient solidness clarifies the wavering condition and the idleness steady while dynamic soundness manages the transient security time frame. There are a few different ways to improve framework soundness a portion of the techniques are clarified. Versatile AC Transmission Frameworks (FACTS) Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) regulators have been utilized frequently to comprehend the different issues of a non-variable force structure. Versatile AC Transmission Frames or FACTS are devices that permit versatile and dynamic control of intensity outlines. Improving casing respectability has been explored with FACTS regulators. This examination focuses to the upsides of utilizing FACTS apparatuses with the explanation behind improving electric force tire activity. There has been discussion of an execution check for different FACTS regulators

    Adaptive Rat Swarm Optimization for Optimum Tuning of SVC and PSS in a Power System

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    This paper presents a new approach for the coordinated design of a power system stabilizer- (PSS-) and static VAR compensator- (SVC-) based stabilizer. For this purpose, the design problem is considered as an optimization problem, while the decision variables are the controllers' parameters. This paper proposes an effective optimization algorithm based on a rat swarm optimizer, namely, adaptive rat swarm optimization (ARSO), for solving complex optimization problems as well as coordinated design of controllers. In the proposed ARSO, instead of a random initial population, the algorithm starts the search process with fitter solutions using the concept of the opposite number. In addition, in each iteration of the optimization, the new algorithm replaces the worst solution with its opposite or a random part of the best solution to avoid getting trapped in local optima and increase the global search ability of the algorithm. The performance of the new ARSO is investigated using a set of benchmark test functions, and the results are compared with those of the standard RSO and some other methods from the literature. In addition, a case study from the literature is considered to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed ARSO for coordinated design of controllers in a power system. PSSs and additional SVC controllers are being considered to demonstrate the feasibility of the new technique. The numerical investigations show that the new approach may provide better optimal damping and outperform previous methods

    Optimal coordinated design of PSS and UPFC-POD using DEO algorithm to enhance damping performance

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    Low-frequency oscillations (LFO) are an inevitable problem of power systems and they have a great effect on the capability of transfer and power system stability. The power system stabilizers (PSSs) as well as flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) devices can help to damp LFO. The target of this study is to tackle the problem of a dual-coordinated design between PSS and unified power flow controller (UPFC) implementing the task of power oscillation damping (POD) controller in a single machine infinite bus (SMIB) system. So, dolphin echolocation optimization (DEO) technique is utilized as an optimization tool to search for optimal parameter tunings based on objective function for enhancing the dynamic stability performance for a SMIB. DEO an algorithm has a few parameters, simple rules, provides the optimum result and is applicable to a wide range of problems like other meta-heuristic algorithms. Use DEO gave the best results in damping LFO compared to particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. From the comparison results between PSO and DEO, it was shown that DEO provides faster settling time, less overshoot, higher damping oscillations and greatly improves system stability. Also, the comparison results prove that the multiple stabilizers show supremacy over independent controllers in mitigationg LFO of a SMIB

    Power Electronics in Renewable Energy Systems

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    Power system performance improvement in the presence of renewable sources

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    Electromechanical oscillations is a phenomenon in which a generator oscillates against other generators in the power system, the damping of these oscillations has therefore become a priority objective, The objective of our work is to ensure maximum damping of low frequency oscillations and to guarantee the overall stability of the system for different operating points by the use of power stabilizers (PSSs). To achieve this goal, we developed an improved metaheuristic optimization method based on the crows search algorithm (CSA) applied on an objective function extracted from the eigenvalue analysis of the power system. A comparative study was made, with a classic stabilizer, genetic algorithm-based PSS (GA-PSS), a particle-swarm-based PSS (PSO-PSS) and other stabilizers based on recent algorithms. The performances of these optimization methods were evaluated on a single machine connected to an infinite bus (SMIB) via a linear model time domain simulation. On the other hand, the effect of integrating a photovoltaic PV generator on the stability of the power system is presented, as well as solutions to increase the amount of integration of the PV generator without losing the stability of the system

    Low Frequency Oscillations Suppression via CPSO based Damping Controller

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    In this paper, the Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) is enhanced with a Chaotic Particle Swarm Optimization (CPSO) Damping Controller in order to mitigate the Low Frequency Oscillations (LFO) in a Single Machine Infinite Bus (SMIB) power system. The designed damping controller is an optimized lead-lag controller, which extracts the speed deviation of the generator rotor and generates the output feedback signal, which aims to modulate the reference values of the UPFC normal controller to achieve the best damping of LFO. In order to examine the better damping option, the damping controller is applied to both series and shunt converter of the UPFC and the results are comprehensively compared in three different operating points. Simulation results are performed in MATLAB/Simulink in three different cases and a Performance Index (PI) analysis is carried out

    Passivity - Based Control and Stability Analysis for Hydro-Solar Power Systems

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    Los sistemas de energía modernos se están transformando debido a la inclusión de renovables no convencionales fuentes de energía como la generación eólica y fotovoltaica. A pesar de que estas fuentes de energía son buenas alternativas para el aprovechamiento sostenible de la energía, afectan el funcionamiento y la estabilidad del sistema de energía, debido a su naturaleza inherentemente estocástica y dependencia de las condiciones climáticas. Además, los parques solares y eólicos tienen una capacidad de inercia reducida que debe ser compensada por grandes generadores síncronos en sistemas hidro térmicos convencionales, o por almacenamiento de energía dispositivos. En este contexto, la interacción dinámica entre fuentes convencionales y renovables debe ser estudiado en detalle. Para 2030, el Gobierno de Colombia proyecta que el poder colombiano El sistema integrará en su matriz energética al menos 1,2 GW de generación solar fotovoltaica. Por esta razón, es necesario diseñar controladores robustos que mejoren la estabilidad en los sistemas de energía. Con alta penetración de generación fotovoltaica e hidroeléctrica. Esta disertación estudia nuevas alternativas para mejorar el sistema de potencia de respuesta dinámica durante y después de grandes perturbaciones usando pasividad control basado. Esto se debe a que los componentes del sistema de alimentación son inherentemente pasivos y permiten formulaciones hamiltonianas, explotando así las propiedades de pasividad de sistemas eléctricos. Las principales contribuciones de esta disertación son: una pasividad descentralizada basada control de los sistemas de control de turbinas hidráulicas para sistemas de energía de múltiples máquinas para estabilizar el rotor acelerar y regular el voltaje terminal de cada sistema de control de turbinas hidráulicas en el sistema como, así como un control basado en PI pasividad para las plantas solares fotovoltaicas