355,906 research outputs found

    The Role of Econometrics Data Analysis Method in the Social Sciences (Education) Research

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    This paper examines the role of econometrics data analysis as one the method used in the social sciences (education) to provide factual evidence. How to understand the power of these procedures, the limits to them and the implications of this in terms of standards of evidence in the social sciences (education). Early attempts at quantitative research in economics, the birth of econometrics, and the econometric model. How econometrics and Experimental Methodologies Complement One Another. The specific subjects of these studies cover virtually all parts of economic theory, macroeconomics, accounting and economics of education. It also includes the effects of public policies in all of these areas. Key words: Role, Econometrics, Data Analysis, Method, Social Sciences, Researc

    KİM Emerald məlumat bazalarına sınaq girişi əldə etdi

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    Khazar University community have got access to the following Emerald products during the trial:1. Emerald eJournals Premier Collection; Emerald’s biggest and best value multidisciplinary eJournal collection. It gives to over 200,000 articles from 309 journals across multiple subject disciplines. 2. Emerald Business, Management & Economics eBooks; Over 1,600 ebooks titles published from 1991 on Business, Accounting, Strategy, Economics, Marketing, HR, Leisure & Tourism, Library Studies, Public Policy, Environmental Management, Knowledge Management, Logistics. 3. Emerald Social Sciences eBooks; Over 1,000 ebooks titles published from 1999 on Education, Sociology, Social Care, Public Relations, Learning, Cultural Studies, Gender Studies Access link is: https://www.emerald.com/insight/ For remote access, you can login with Organization Access Number. All end users must create their own profiles to use the OAN. To get the OAN please contact to the library staf

    Research in the University of Calicut, India

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    This paper examines the growth of scholarly articles produced by the University of Calicut over a period of fifty one years to identify the growth and trend of research. Data was collected from Scopus database. As of 30th September 2018, a total number of 2158 scholarly articles have been published by the university. The study found that more papers were published on Agricultural and Biological Sciences (30%) followed by Chemistry (23%) and Physics and Astronomy combination (21%). The publications of scholarly articles in Social Sciences, Business, Management and Accounting, Arts and Humanities, Psychology, Economics, Econometrics and Finance were found to be very less (3.7%). The majority of articles (58%) were published during the last ten years (58%)

    Higher Mathematics Applied to Business Decisions

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    The use of mathematics in the study of business management, economics and accounting is apparently becoming more and more relevant to the students of these chosen fields. Although many faculty members in these fields learned their mathematics in graduate school and therefore have seen the need for higher mathematics, students wonder why they have to take a course in higher mathematics. In most instances the answer is not forthcoming in the math course itself. Mathematicians are not economists or accountants. The consequence of these simple facts is that the students conclude that mathematics is just an intellectual exercise that they must endure as a sort of initiation fee into their major field. This paper is designed to be used by students of business management, accounting and economics in conjunction with the current textbook for Mathematics 203 which is Linear Algebra, Calculus, and Probability: Fundamental Mathematics for the Social and Management Sciences by Lloyd S. Emerson and Laurence R. Paquette. Hopefully, it will provide a medium of motivation for them and will kindle their interest in mathematics that can be applied in the fields of business management, economics and accounting. In preparing the problems of each chapter, there has been one goal in mind. It is to illustrate, the application of the particular mathematical concepts presented in the 203 textbook to business management, economics and accounting. The form employed to achieve this goal is to group the 12 chapters in the 203 course into 6 major areas in this paper. At the beginning of each of the 6 areas the corresponding 203 chapters are revealed with a short listing of the math concepts contained in those chapters. The problems will follow arranged in orde

    “Socialist accounting” by Karl Polanyi: with preface “socialism and the embedded economy”

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    Ariane Fischer, David Woodruff, and Johanna Bockman have translated Karl Polanyi’s “Sozialistische Rechnungslegung” [“Socialist Accounting”] from 1922. In this article, Polanyi laid out his model of a future socialism, a world in which the economy is subordinated to society. Polanyi described the nature of this society and a kind of socialism that he would remain committed to his entire life. Accompanying the translation is the preface titled “Socialism and the embedded economy.” In the preface, Bockman explains the historical context of the article and its significance to the socialist calculation debate, the social sciences, and socialism more broadly. Based on her reading of the accounting and society that Polanyi offers here, Bockman argues that scholars have too narrowly used Polanyi’s work to support the Keynesian welfare state to the exclusion of other institutions, have too broadly used his work to study social institutions indiscriminately, and have not recognized that his work shares fundamental commonalities with and often unacknowledged distinctions from neoclassical economics

    Curriculum Subcommittee Minutes, December 1, 2005

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    College of Business Prerequisite Change Delete Course School of Accountancy New Course Course Number Change Prerequisite Change Prerequisite Change, Reactivate Course Delete Course Department of Business Administration New Course Department of Economics New Course Course Number Change Prerequisite Change Credit Hour Change Department of Management and Human Resources New Course Prerequisite Change Department of Engineering and Technology Education New Course Title Change Department of Art New Course Course Number Change, Prefix Change Department of English University Studies Request Course Description Change Title Change, Course Description Change Add Repeatable for Credit Department of Music Delete Course Department of Sociology, Social Work and Anthropology New Course Department of Theatre Arts New Course Course Number Change Title Change and Course Number Change College of Natural Resources Inactivate Course Department of Aquatic, Watershed, and Earth Resources Prerequisite Change Department of Forest, Range and Wildlife Sciences Prerequisite Change Title Change, Credit Hour Change, Course Description Change Title Change, Course Description Change Inactivate Course Department of Biology New Course Department of Computer Science Prerequisite Change Other Master of Accounting Specialization in Personal Financial Planning Changing the name of the Financial/Audit Specialization in the Master of Accounting to Professional Accountancy Changing the name of the Management Accounting Specialization in the Master of Accounting to Finance Removing the Bachelor of Arts degree from the Bioveterinary Science major Removing the Bachelor of Arts degree from the Dairy Science major Removing the Bachelor of Arts degree from the Animal Science major Changing the name of the “Management” undergraduate major to “Entrepreneurship” Removing the Business Analysis and Decision Making Specialization Removing the Business Information Systems Specialization Removing the International Economics Specialization Removing the Quantitative Economic Analysis Specialization Changing the name of the Department of Forest, Range and Wildlife Sciences to the Department of Wildland Resources Changing the name of the Department of Aquatic, Watershed and Earth Resources to the Department of Watershed Sciences Coding English 1010 as CL1 and English 2010 as CL2 for General Education requirements Inactive courses listed in the General Catalog Curriculum Subcommittee Handbook Prerequisites for Mathematics and Statistics course

    Fuzzy Sets in Business Management, Finance, and Economics

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    This book collects fifteen papers published in s Special Issue of Mathematics titled “Fuzzy Sets in Business Management, Finance, and Economics”, which was published in 2021. These paper cover a wide range of different tools from Fuzzy Set Theory and applications in many areas of Business Management and other connected fields. Specifically, this book contains applications of such instruments as, among others, Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis, Neuro-Fuzzy Methods, the Forgotten Effects Algorithm, Expertons Theory, Fuzzy Markov Chains, Fuzzy Arithmetic, Decision Making with OWA Operators and Pythagorean Aggregation Operators, Fuzzy Pattern Recognition, and Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets. The papers in this book tackle a wide variety of problems in areas such as strategic management, sustainable decisions by firms and public organisms, tourism management, accounting and auditing, macroeconomic modelling, the evaluation of public organizations and universities, and actuarial modelling. We hope that this book will be useful not only for business managers, public decision-makers, and researchers in the specific fields of business management, finance, and economics but also in the broader areas of soft mathematics in social sciences. Practitioners will find methods and ideas that could be fruitful in current management issues. Scholars will find novel developments that may inspire further applications in the social sciences

    Citescore of publications indexed in Scopus: an implementation of panel data

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    This article is intended to establish the variables that explain the behavior of the CiteScore metrics from 2014 to 2016, for journals indexed in Scopus in 2017. With this purpose, journals with a CiteScore value greater than 11 were selected in any of the periods, that is to say, 133 journals. For the data analysis, a model of standard corrected errors for panel was used, from which a coefficient of determination of 77% was obtained. From the results, it was possible to state that journals of arts and humanities; business; administration and accounting; economics, econometrics, and finance; immunology and microbiology; medicine and social sciences, have the greatest impact.Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz, Universidad de La Habana, Universidad de la Costa

    Prediction of general self-efficacy of Allameh Tabatabaei University students based on their life quality

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    This study aims to predict general self-efficacy of Allameh Tabatabaei University students based on the quality of their lives. To achieve this purpose, 230 students were selected by multi-stage random sampling method among the students of Economics, Literature and Foreign Languages, Law, Political Science, Social Science, Management, Accounting, Psychology and Educational Sciences. The research method was based on correlation. Participants were tested using quality-of-life (SF-36) and general-self-efficacy (GSE) questionnaires. Statistical analysis was carried out employing multivariate regression. The results showed that there is a positive correlation between general self-efficacy and students’ quality of life components like public health, mental health, happiness-vitality and physical functioning, and there exists a negative correlation between bodily pain and general self-efficacy