17 research outputs found

    SMOS REFLEX 2003: L-Band Emissivity Characterization of Vineyards

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    The goal of the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity mission over land is to infer surface soil moisture from multiangular L-band radiometric measurements. As the canopy affects the microwave emission of land, it is necessary to characterize different vegetation layers. This paper presents the Reference Pixel L-Band Experiment (REFLEX), carried out in June-July 2003 at the Vale/spl grave/ncia Anchor Station, Spain, to study the effects of grapevines on the soil emission and on the soil moisture retrieval. A wide range of soil moisture (SM), from saturated to completely dry soil, was measured with the Universitat Polite/spl grave/cnica de Catalunya's L-band Automatic Radiometer (LAURA). Concurrently with the radiometric measurements, the gravimetric soil moisture, temperature, and roughness were measured, and the vines were fully characterized. The opacity and albedo of the vineyard have been estimated and found to be independent on the polarization. The /spl tau/--/spl omega/ model has been used to retrieve the SM and the vegetation parameters, obtaining a good accuracy for incidence angles up to 55/spl deg/. Algorithms with a three-parameter optimization (SM, albedo albedo, and opacity) exhibit a better performance than those with one-parameter optimization (SM).Peer Reviewe

    SMOS REFLEX 2003: L-band emissivity characterization of vineyards

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    The goal of the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity mission over land is to infer surface soil moisture from multiangular L-band radiometric measurements. As the canopy affects the microwave emission of land, it is necessary to characterize different vegetation layers. This paper presents the Reference Pixel L-Band Experiment (REFLEX), carried out in June-July 2003 at the Vale/spl grave/ncia Anchor Station, Spain, to study the effects of grapevines on the soil emission and on the soil moisture retrieval. A wide range of soil moisture (SM), from saturated to completely dry soil, was measured with the Universitat Polite/spl grave/cnica de Catalunya's L-band Automatic Radiometer (LAURA). Concurrently with the radiometric measurements, the gravimetric soil moisture, temperature, and roughness were measured, and the vines were fully characterized. The opacity and albedo of the vineyard have been estimated and found to be independent on the polarization. The /spl tau--//spl omega/ model has been used to retrieve the SM and the vegetation parameters, obtaining a good accuracy for incidence angles up to 55/spl deg/. Algorithms with a three-parameter optimization (SM, albedo albedo, and opacity) exhibit a better performance than those with one-parameter optimization (SM).Peer Reviewe

    Performance Of Sea Surface Salinity And Soil Moisture Retrieval Algorithms With Different Auxiliary Datasets In 2-D L-Band Aperture Synthesis Interferometric Radiometers

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    The Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) Earth Explorer Opportunity Mission was selected in May 1999 by the European Space Agency Earth Observation Programme Board to provide global and frequent soil moisture (SM) and sea surface salinity (SSS) maps. SMOS' single payload is the Microwave Imaging Radiometer by Aperture Synthesis (MIRAS) sensor, an L-band two-dimensional aperture synthesis interferometric radiometer with multiangular and polarimetric imaging capabilities. The definition of the SMOS Level 2 Processor requires the selection of the optimum operation mode (dual-polarization or full-polarimetric) for each application, the specification of the required auxiliary data, and the optimum retrieval algorithms. Using the SMOS simulator and based on the experience gained in previous works, this paper presents a study of the SM and SSS retrieval capabilities over homogeneous pixels, in the two modes of operation with different auxiliary data. It is found that SSS retrievals using the first Stokes parameter measured in the dual-polarization mode perform somewhat worse than using the vertical (T/sub vv/) and horizontal (T/sub hh/) brightness temperatures measured in the full-polarimetric mode, and the performance degrades for cold waters due to the lower sensitivity of the brightness temperature to SSS at low sea surface temperature (SST). Due to the larger angular variation of T/sub hh/ and T/sub vv/, SM retrievals using T/sub hh/ and T/sub vv/ measured in the full-polarimetric mode exhibit a significant better performance over bare soils than over vegetation-covered soils. Over vegetation-covered soils vegetation parameters (opacity and albedo) can be inferred over a 550-km swath width in the full-polarimetric mode. However, since the first Stokes parameter is independent of both geometric and Faraday rotations, it is very robust in the presence of instrumental and geophysical errors. In the SSS retrieval problem and in the SM retrieval problem (with T/sub hh/ and T/sub vv/ measured in the full-polarimetric mode), the performance of the retrieval algorithms tested is not significantly altered if the model parameters are not exactly known, but are left as adjustable parameters in the optimization process.Peer Reviewe

    Performance of sea surface salinity and soil moisture retrieval algorithms with different auxiliary datasets in 2-D L-band aperture synthesis interferometric radiometers

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    The Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) Earth Explorer Opportunity Mission was selected in May 1999 by the European Space Agency Earth Observation Programme Board to provide global and frequent soil moisture (SM) and sea surface salinity (SSS) maps. SMOS' single payload is the Microwave Imaging Radiometer by Aperture Synthesis (MIRAS) sensor, an L-band two-dimensional aperture synthesis interferometric radiometer with multiangular and polarimetric imaging capabilities. The definition of the SMOS Level 2 Processor requires the selection of the optimum operation mode (dual-polarization or full-polarimetric) for each application, the specification of the required auxiliary data, and the optimum retrieval algorithms. Using the SMOS simulator and based on the experience gained in previous works, this paper presents a study of the SM and SSS retrieval capabilities over homogeneous pixels, in the two modes of operation with different auxiliary data. It is found that SSS retrievals using the first Stokes parameter measured in the dual-polarization mode perform somewhat worse than using the vertical (T/sub vv/) and horizontal (T/sub hh/) brightness temperatures measured in the full-polarimetric mode, and the performance degrades for cold waters due to the lower sensitivity of the brightness temperature to SSS at low sea surface temperature (SST). Due to the larger angular variation of T/sub hh/ and T/sub vv/, SM retrievals using T/sub hh/ and T/sub vv/ measured in the full-polarimetric mode exhibit a significant better performance over bare soils than over vegetation-covered soils. Over vegetation-covered soils vegetation parameters (opacity and albedo) can be inferred over a 550-km swath width in the full-polarimetric mode. However, since the first Stokes parameter is independent of both geometric and Faraday rotations, it is very robust in the presence of instrumental and geophysical errors. In the SSS retrieval problem and in the SM retrieval problem (with T/sub hh/ and T/sub vv/ measured in the full-polarimetric mode), the performance of the retrieval algorithms tested is not significantly altered if the model parameters are not exactly known, but are left as adjustable parameters in the optimization process.Peer Reviewe

    Sensible and latent heat flux from radiometric surface temperatures at the regional scale: methodology and validation

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    The CarboEurope Regional Experiment Strategy (CERES) was designed to develop and test a range of methodologies to assess regional surface energy and mass exchange of a large study area in the south-western part of France. This paper describes a methodology to estimate sensible and latent heat fluxes on the basis of net radiation, surface radiometric temperature measurements and information obtained from available products derived from the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) geostationary meteorological satellite, weather stations and ground-based eddy covariance towers. It is based on a simplified bulk formulation of sensible heat flux that considers the degree of coupling between the vegetation and the atmosphere and estimates latent heat as the residual term of net radiation. Estimates of regional energy fluxes obtained in this way are validated at the regional scale by means of a comparison with direct flux measurements made by airborne eddy-covariance. The results show an overall good matching between airborne fluxes and estimates of sensible and latent heat flux obtained from radiometric surface temperatures that holds for different weather conditions and different land use types. The overall applicability of the proposed methodology to regional studies is discusse

    On the use of AMSU-based products for the description of soil water content at basin scale

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    Abstract. Characterizing the dynamics of soil moisture fields is a key issue in hydrology, offering a strategy to improve our understanding of complex climate-soil-vegetation interactions. Besides in-situ measurements and hydrological models, soil moisture dynamics can be inferred by analyzing data acquired by sensors on board of airborne and/or satellite platforms. In this work, we investigated the use of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-A (NOAA-AMSU-A) radiometer for the remote characterization of soil water content. To this aim, a field measurement campaign, lasted about three months (3 March 2010–18 May 2010), was carried out using a portable time-domain reflectometer (TDR) to get soil water content measures over five different locations within an experimental basin of 32.5 km2, located in the South of Italy. In detail, soil moisture measurements were carried out systematically at the times of satellite overpasses, over two square areas of 400 m2, a triangular area of 200 m2 and two transects of 60 and 170 m, respectively. Each monitored site is characterized by different land covers and soil textures, to account for spatial heterogeneity of land surface. Afterwards, a more extensive comparison (i.e. analyzing a 5 yr data time series) was made using soil moisture simulated by a hydrological model. Measured and modeled soil moisture data were compared with two AMSU-based indices: the Surface Wetness Index (SWI) and the Soil Wetness Variation Index (SWVI). Both time series of indices have been filtered by means of an exponential filter to account for the fact that microwave sensors only provide information at the skin surface. This allowed to understand the ability of each satellite-based index to account for soil moisture dynamics and to understand its performances under different conditions. As a general remark, the comparison shows a higher ability of the filtered SWI to describe the general trend of soil moisture, while the SWVI can capture soil moisture variations with a precision that increases at the higher values of SWVI

    Modeling L-Band Microwave Emission From Soil-Vegetation System

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    During a field campaign covering the 2002 corn growing season, a dual polarized tower mounted L-band (1.4 GHz) radiometer (LRAD) provided brightness temperature (T¬B) measurements at preset intervals, incidence and azimuth angles. These radiometer measurements were supported by an extensive characterization of land surface variables including soil moisture, soil temperature, vegetation biomass, and surface roughness. During the period from May 22, 2002 to August 30, 2002 a range of vegetation water content (W) of 0.0 to 4.3 kg m-2, ten days of radiometer and ground measurements were available. Using this data set, the effects of corn vegetation on surface emissions are investigated by means of a semi-empirical radiative transfer model. Additionally, the impact of roughness on the surface emission is quantified using T¬B measurements over bare soil conditions. Subsequently, the estimated roughness parameters, ground measurements and horizontally (H)-polarized TB are employed to invert the H-polarized transmissivity (γh) for the monitored corn growing season

    Canadian Experiment for Soil Moisture in 2010 (CanEX-SM10): Overview and Preliminary Results

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    The Canadian Experiment for Soil Moisture in 2010 (CanEx-SM10) was carried out in Saskatchewan, Canada from 31 May to 16 June, 2010. Its main objective was to contribute to Soil Moisture and Ocean salinity (SMOS) mission validation and the pre-launch assessment of Soil Moisture and Active and Passive (SMAP) mission. During CanEx-SM10, SMOS data as well as other passive and active microwave measurements were collected by both airborne and satellite platforms. Ground-based measurements of soil (moisture, temperature, roughness, bulk density) and vegetation characteristics (Leaf Area Index, biomass, vegetation height) were conducted close in time to the airborne and satellite acquisitions. Besides, two ground-based in situ networks provided continuous measurements of meteorological conditions and soil moisture and soil temperature profiles. Two sites, each covering 33 km x 71 km (about two SMOS pixels) were selected in agricultural and boreal forested areas in order to provide contrasting soil and vegetation conditions. This paper describes the measurement strategy, provides an overview of the data sets and presents preliminary results. Over the agricultural area, the airborne L-band brightness temperatures matched up well with the SMOS data. The Radio frequency interference (RFI) observed in both SMOS and the airborne L-band radiometer data exhibited spatial and temporal variability and polarization dependency. The temporal evolution of SMOS soil moisture product matched that observed with the ground data, but the absolute soil moisture estimates did not meet the accuracy requirements (0.04 m3/m3) of the SMOS mission. AMSR-E soil moisture estimates are more closely correlated with measured soil moisture

    Hillslope-scale soil moisture estimation with a physically-based ecohydrology model and L-band microwave remote sensing observations from space

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2009.Includes bibliographical references (p. 469-488).Soil moisture is a critical hydrosphere state variable that links the global water, energy, and carbon cycles. Knowledge of soil moisture at scales of individual hillslopes (10's to 100's of meters) is critical to advancing applications such as landslide prediction, rainfall-runoff modeling, and wildland fire fuel load assessment. This thesis develops a data assimilation framework that employs the ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) to estimate the spatial distribution of soil moisture at hillslope scales by combining uncertain model estimates with noisy active and passive L-band microwave observations. Uncertainty in the modeled soil moisture state is estimated through Monte Carlo simulations with an existing spatially distributed ecohydrology model. Application of the EnKF to estimate hillslope-scale soil moisture in a watershed critically depends on: (1) identification of factors contributing to uncertainty in soil moisture, (2) adequate representation of the sources of uncertainty in soil moisture, and (3) formulation of an observing system to estimate the geophysically observable quantities based on the modeled soil moisture. Uncertainty in the modeled soil moisture distribution arises principally from uncertainty in the hydrometeorological forcings and imperfect knowledge of the soil parameters required as input to the model. Three stochastic models are used in combination to simulate uncertain hourly hydrometeorological forcings for the model. Soil parameter sets are generated using a stochastic approach that samples low probability but potentially high consequence parameter values and preserves correlation among the parameters. The observing system recognizes the role of the model in organizing the factors effecting emission and reflection of L-band microwave energy and emphasizes the role of topography in determining the satellite viewing geometry at hillslope scales.(cont.) Experiments in which true soil moisture conditions were simulated by the model and used to produce synthetic observations at spatial scales significantly coarser than the model resolution reveal that sequential assimilation of observations improves the hillslope-scale near-surface moisture estimate. Results suggest that the data assimilation framework is an effective means of disaggregating coarse-scale observations according to the model physics represented by the ecohydrology model. The thesis concludes with a discussion of contributions, implications, and future directions of this work.by Alejandro Nicolas Flores.Ph.D