4 research outputs found

    A farewell to brake reaction times? Kinematics-dependent brake response in naturalistic rear-end emergencies

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    Driver braking behavior was analyzed using time-series recordings from naturalistic rear-end conflicts (116 crashes and 241 near-crashes), including events with and without visual distraction among drivers of cars, heavy trucks, and buses. A simple piecewise linear model could be successfully fitted, per event, to the observed driver decelerations, allowing a detailed elucidation of when drivers initiated braking and how they controlled it. Most notably, it was found that, across vehicle types, driver braking behavior was strongly dependent on the urgency of the given rear-end scenario’s kinematics, quantified in terms of visual looming of the lead vehicle on the driver’s retina. In contrast with previous suggestions of brake reaction times (BRTs) of 1.5 s or more after onset of an unexpected hazard (e.g., brake light onset), it was found here that braking could be described as typically starting less than a second after the kinematic urgency reached certain threshold levels, with even faster reactions at higher urgencies. The rate at which drivers then increased their deceleration (towards a maximum) was also highly dependent on urgency. Probability distributions are provided that quantitatively capture these various patterns of kinematics-dependent behavioral response. Possible underlying mechanisms are suggested, including looming response thresholds and neural evidence accumulation. These accounts argue that a naturalistic braking response should not be thought of as a slow reaction to some single, researcher-defined “hazard onset”, but instead as a relatively fast response to the visual looming cues that build up later on in the evolving traffic scenario

    Predicting Safety Benefits of Automated Emergency Braking at Intersections - Virtual simulations based on real-world accident data

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    Introduction: Intersections are a global traffic safety concern. In the United States, around half of all fatal road traffic accidents take place at intersections or were related to them. In the European Union, about one fifth of road traffic fatalities occur at intersections.Intersection Automated Emergency Braking (AEB) seems to be a promising technology with which to address intersection accidents, as information retrieval by on-board sensing is operational on its own, and, in critical situations, braking is initiated independent of driver reaction. This is not the case for Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication, which requires all conflict-involved vehicles to be equipped with this technology and drivers to respond to an initiated warning. The objective of this thesis is to evaluate the effectiveness of a theoretical Intersection AEB system in avoiding accidents and mitigating injuries. As it will take several decades for a new safety technology to penetrate the vehicle fleet and full coverage of all vehicles may never be achieved, the technology benefit is here analyzed as a function of market penetration. Finally, this research assesses whether a set of test scenarios can be derived without compromising the variance of real-world accidents.Methods: Data from the United States National Automotive Sampling System / General Estimates System and the Fatality Analysis Reporting System was used to compare the capacity of on-board sensing and V2X communication to save lives. To investigate Intersection AEB in detail, the German In-Depth Accident Study (GIDAS) data and the related Pre-Crash Matrix (PCM) were utilized to re-simulate accidents with and without Intersection AEB using different parameter settings of technical aspects and driver comfort boundaries. Machine learning techniques were used to identify opportunities for data clustering.Result: On-board sensing has a substantially higher capability to save lives than V2X communication during the period before full market penetration of both is reached. The analysis of GIDAS and PCM data indicate that about two thirds of left-turn across path accidents with oncoming traffic (LTAP/OD) and about 80 percent of straight crossing path (SCP) accidents can be avoid by an idealized Intersection AEB. Moderate to fatal injuries could be avoided to an even higher extent. Key parameters impacting effectiveness are vehicle speed and potential path choice; to increase effectiveness, these should be limited and narrowed down, respectively.Conclusion and Limitations: Intersection AEB is effective in reducing LTAP/OD and SCP accidents and mitigating injuries However, intersection accidents are highly diverse and accurate performance evaluation requires taking variations into account. The simulations were conducted using ideal sensing without processing delays and an ideal coefficient of friction estimation

    SIMPATO - the Safety Impact Assessment Tool of interactIVe

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    One step in the development of safety oriented Advanced Driver Assistance Systems is an ex ante assessment of the expected safety impacts. This requires a careful analysis combining models and data from various sources. This paper describes the Safety IMPact Assessment Tool, called SIMPATO, that was developed in the interactIVe project

    SIMPATO - The Safety Impact Assessment Tool of interactive

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    One step in the development of safety oriented Advanced Driver Assistance Systems is an ex ante assessment of the expected safety impacts. This requires a careful analysis combining models and data from various sources. This paper describes the Safety IMPact Assessment Tool, called SIMPATO, that was developed in the interactIVe project