9,401 research outputs found

    Organising haute-cuisine service processes : a case study

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    One of the essential aims of service process organisation is to increase the added value for the customer, thereby increasing customer satisfaction and stimulating consumption. In a haute-cuisine context, customers typically have a higher degree of uncertainty as they often lack the experience of receiving and judging quality in a haute-cuisine setting. This article reports on the application of service process organisation in a haute-cuisine restaurant. The case study shows that there is a significant need to reduce back office activities so that interaction with the customer or customer-facing processes can be increased. This can increase the added value for the customer and can result in higher profits for the restaurants as the customer is either willing to pay higher prices or to consume more. Routines should be implemented that align with segmentation and customer data, while undergoing a retraditionalisation of the service through know-how and interaction. Only interaction with, and integration of, the customer adds significant value that can be further expanded by providing an atmosphere where customer and co-customer have the chance to interact

    Service Processes as a Sequence of Events

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    In this paper the service process is considered as a sequence ofevents. Using theory from economics and psychology a model isformulated that explains how the utility of each event affects theoverall evaluation of the service process. In this model we especiallyaccount for the peak-and-end rule and negative consumer timepreference. This model is tested in the context of telephone servicecalls in the financial service market. Our results show that both theaverage utility and the positive peak of the events positively affectcustomer satisfaction with the service call. Surprisingly, the end ofthe sequence has a negative effect. Theoretical and managerialimplications of these findings are discussed.satisfaction;economic psychology;consumers;sequence of events;services

    Dynamic integration of context model constraints in web service processes

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    Autonomic Web service composition has been a challenging topic for some years. The context in which composition takes places determines essential aspects. A context model can provide meaningful composition information for services process composition. An ontology-based approach for context information integration is the basis of a constraint approach to dynamically integrate context validation into service processes. The dynamic integration of context constraints into an orchestrated service process is a necessary direction to achieve autonomic service composition

    Communications in service processes in tourism

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    У статті розглянуті питання сутності комунікації та формування довіри з клієнтами туристичних послуг. Проведений огляд теоретичних основ комунікації свідчить про актуальність більш детального вивчення даної проблеми. Комунікація з клієнтами та формування довіри в процесі надання туристичних послуг сьогодні постає одним із ключових інструментів забезпечення ефективної діяльності туристичних компаній на ринку, в тому числі і міжнародному. Зазначено, що комунікацію доцільно розглядати як комплексний підхід до управління туристичною діяльністю, спрямований на ефективне задоволення потреб клієнтів та суспільства шляхом цілеспрямованого використання маркетингових інструментів, таких як: використання матеріальних стимулів; моральне стимулювання; створення структурних зв’язків, які полегшували б взаємодію з покупцем. Обґрунтовано шляхи удосконалення комунікації з клієнтами та підвищення довіри в процесі надання туристичних послуг: підвищення якості послуг, застосування інтернет-маркетингу, корегування системи мотивації персоналу. Довіра у туристичному секторі є основою стабільного розвитку компаній, яка формується на взаємній повазі зацікавлених сторін як при короткострокових, так і при довгострокових відносинах. Наведено модель лояльності клієнтів Модель Діка та Басу, адаптовану для туристичного сектору. В залежності від рівня довіри та періодичності отримання туристичних послуг виділено чотири типи лояльності: справжню, приховану, фіктивну, а також відсутність лояльності. Доведено, що довіра у туристичному секторі є основною передумовою надання туристичних послуг та формується на двосторонній основі між зацікавленими сторонами. Запропоновано при формуванні довіри не лише клієнтів, а також і інших зацікавлених сторін (персоналу, партнерів, ЗМІ, суспільства тощо) застосовувати концепцію соціальної відповідальності бізнесу, що дозволить залучити потенційних клієнтів, партнерів та інвесторів, а також підвищить довіру та лояльність до туристичного сектору.The article deals with the essence of communication and the formation of trust with clients of tourist services. An overview of the theoretical basis of communication shows the relevance of a more detailed study of this problem. Communication with customers and building confidence in the process of providing tourist services today is one of the key tools for ensuring the effective operation of travel companies on the market, including international ones. It is noted that communication is considered as an integrated approach to managing tourism activities, aimed at effectively meeting the needs of clients and society through the targeted use of marketing tools such as: the use of material incentives; moral stimulation; creation of structural connections that would facilitate interaction with the buyer. The ways of improvement of communication with clients and increase of trust in the process of providing tourist services are grounded: improvement of quality of services, application of Internet marketing, correction of the system of motivation of the personnel. Trust in the tourism sector is the basis for the stable development of companies, which is formed on the mutual respect of the interested parties both in the short-term, and in the long-term relations. The customer loyalty model Dick and Bass model adapted for the tourist sector is presented. Depending on the level of trust and the frequency of receiving tourist services, there are four types of loyalty: true, latent, fictitious, and lack of loyalty.Trust in the tourism sector is proven to be a prerequisite for the provision of tourist services and is formed on a bilateral basis between the parties concerned. It is proposed to apply the concept of social responsibility of business not only to clients but also other stakeholders (staff, partners, mass media, society, etc.), which will attract potential clients, partners and investors, as well as increase trust and loyalty to the tourism sector


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    Service-processes of electronic retailers are founded on electronic technologies that provide flexibility to sense and respond online to the dynamic and complex needs of customers. In this paper, we develop a taxonomy of service-processes in electronic retailing and demonstrate their linkage to customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The taxonomy is grounded in a conceptual classification scheme that differentiates service-process stages on a continuum of flexibility. Using data on electronic service-processes collected from 255 electronic food retailers, we identified eight configurations for the taxonomy. We also collected and analyzed publicly reported customer satisfaction survey data that were available for 52 electronic food retailers in the study sample. The results of this analysis indicate positive and significant correlation of the ordering of the taxonomy configurations with (i) customer satisfaction with product information, product selection, web site aesthetics, web site navigation, customer support, and ease of return, and (ii) customer loyalty. Taken together, the results of our empirical analyses demonstrate that the taxonomy captures information and variety within and across the electronic service-process configurations in ways that can be related to customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.Marketing, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    User-customisable policy monitoring for multi-tenant cloud architectures

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    Cloud computing needs end-user customisation and person- alisation of multi-tenant cloud service oerings. Particularly, QoS and governance policy management and monitoring is needed. We propose a user-customisable policy denition solution that can be enforced in multitenant cloud oerings through automated instrumentation and monitoring. Service processes run by cloud and SaaS providers can be made policy-aware in a transparent way

    An ontological framework for web service processes

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    The process notion is central in computing. Business processes and workflow processes are essential elements of software systems implementations. Processes are connected to notions of interaction and composition. The Web Services Framework as a development and deployment platform for services is based on the assembly of interacting processes as the compositional paradigm. Service-based software development on and for the Web platform embracing the philosophy of discovering and using third-party services makes a shared knowledge representation framework necessary. We develop a semantical and ontological framework for service process composition. We propose a framework for the compositional de�nition of Web services based on the �-calculus to de�ne protocol-like restrictions on service interactions and based on description logic and ontologies to guide the discovery and modelling of services and processes

    The specification of high interaction service processes

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    Stability of retrial queueing system with constant retrial rate

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    We study the stability of a single-server retrial queueing system with constant retrial rate and general input and service processes. In such system the external (primary) arrivals follow a renewal input with rate λ\lambda. The system also has service times with rate μ\mu. If a new customer finds all servers busy and the buffer full, it joins an infinite-capacity virtual buffer (or \textit{orbit}). An orbital (secondary) customer attempts to rejoin the primary queue after an exponentially distributed time with rate μ0\mu_0