638,827 research outputs found

    Inflation, Output Growth, and Stabilization in Turkey, 1980-2002

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    Using a dynamic aggregate supply and aggregate demand model with imperfect capital mobility and structural VARs, we decompose inflation and output movements into those attributable to terms of trade, supply, balance-of-payments, fiscal, and monetary shocks. Empirical results show that terms of trade shocks have a significant negative effect on inflation in the short run. In the long run, monetary, and balance of payments shocks dominate while budget deficits play a limited role in the inflationary process. Demand shocks have limited effects on output movements; output is mostly driven by terms of trade and supply shocks. The results highlight the importance of a credible disinflation program and structural reform that restrain discretionary aggregate demand policies.Causes and effects of inflation, inflation theories, stabilization policy, theory of aggregate supply and aggregate demand, time series models, Turkish economy

    Hubungan Positif antara Ulkus Kaki Diabetik dengan Persentase Sel Bermarkah Cd4+ Pembawa Malondialdehid

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    Tingginya angka kejadian ulkus kaki diabetik (UKD) dan luka di kaki yangsulit sembuh memberi petunjuk kemungkinan ada proses kematian sel imun yangsangat banyak dan belum jelas mekanismenya secara molekuler pada jaringan UKD.Telah diteliti hubungan antara derajat UKD dengan persentase sel bermarkahCD4+ pembawa malondialdehid (MDA). Penelitian ini adalah penelitianobservasional dengan rancangan cross sectional analytic study yang dilakukan diRumah Sakit pemerintah dan swasta di Denpasar, Badung, Tabanan, dan Gianyar.Parameter yang diukur dari bahan darah adalah kadar gula darah memakai metodeenzimatik (heksokinase), dan dari bahan jaringan kaki, dihitung sel bermarkah CD4+pembawa MDA memakai metode imunohistokimia (reagen dari Biodesign danAbcam ). Dari 80 sampel UKD didapatkan 49 (61,2%) penderita laki-laki dan 31(38.8%) penderita wanita, berdasarkan tingkat keparahan UKD, sampel dipilah lagimenjadi: 29 (31,9%) derajat 2; 20 (21,9%) derajat 3; 13 (14,3%) derjat 4; dan18(19,8%) derajat 5, rata-rata persentase sel bermarkah CD4+MDA adalah 75,0 Âą20,5 %, Didapatkan korelasi positif kuat antara persentase sel bermarkah CD4+pembawa malondialdehid dengan derajat UKD (r = 0,71; p < 0,01). Pada penelitianini membuktikan ada mekanisme kematian sel imun dan sekaligus menjawabpermasalahan bahwa pada penderita UKD mudah terkena infeksi dan sulit untukdisembuhkan, dengan dibuktikan bahwa ada korelasi positif kuat antara derajat UKDdengan persentase pembentukan MDA dari sel bermarkah CD4+, ini menyatakanbahwa semakin berat derajat UKD semakin banyak mengalami kematian sel imun.

    USA educator perspectives regarding the nature and value of social and emotional learning

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    This paper discusses the US educator perspectives regarding the nature and value of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) skills. This research is part of a larger study being conducted by 33 career development investigators from 15 countries. SEL skills are becoming increasingly critical to helping youth develop the competencies needed to become employable within the emergent 4th Industrial Revolution. Today’s youth must articulate how their competencies align to multiple career opportunities. They need relationship skills and social awareness to interact with different managers and work environments. Youth need self-management skills to advance in the workplace and engage in lifelong learning. For this study, educators were asked to provide written responses to a series of open-ended questions about their understanding of SEL, their perspective on SEL’s relevance to their own effectiveness as educators, and whether and how they perceive SEL as relevant to teaching in classroom settings. This paper will report on the results of how U.S. educators perceive the value and relevance of SEL. Using a modified grounded theory approach, responses from 40 educators were analyzed and 123 SEL themes emerged. The results will be discussed in relation to existing SEL and career readiness frameworks.First author draf

    Fraksi Heksan Ekstrak Biji Pepaya Muda Dapat Menghambat Proses Spermatogenesis Mencit Jantan Lebih Besar Daripada Fraksi Metanol Ekstrak Biji Papaya Muda

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    Fraksi ekstrak heksan mengandung dua golongan zat aktif yang bersifat antifertilitas yaitu golongan steroid dan golongan triterpenoid yang diperkirakan bersifat antifertilitas, walupun mekanisme kerjanya belum jelas. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan ialah ‘' Pre-test post-test control group design''. Penelitian ini memakai 30 ekor mencit jantan strain balb C , umur sekitar 12 minggu dengan berat 20-22 gram, kemudian dikelompokkan secara random menjadi 3 kelompok yang masing-masing terdiri dari 10 ekor. Satu kelompok kontrol (P0 = yang diberikan aquabides), dan dua kelompok perlakuan (P1 = kelompok perlakuan yang diberikan fraksi heksan ekstrak 20 mg/20 gram/hari, P2 = kelompok perlakuan yang diberikan fraksi ekstrak metanol 20 mg/20 gram/hari). Setelah 36 hari perlakuan lalu dilakukan pemeriksaan testis dan darah mencit. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara statistik dengan menggunakan uji normalitas Kolmogorov Smirnov Goodnees of Fit test, uji homogenitas, dan uji anova. Didapatkan hasil bahwa fraksi heksan ekstrak maupun metanol dapat menurunkan jumlah sel spermatogonia A, sel spermatosit primer pakhiten, sel spermatid, dan sel Sertoli secara sangat bermakna (p < 0,01), sedangkan jumlah sel Leydig dan kadar hormon testosteron menurun tidak bermakna (p > 0,05). Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa fraksi heksan ekstrak biji pepaya dapat menurunkan jumlah rata-rata sel spermatogonia A, spermatosit primer pakiten, spermatid, sel Sertoli, sel Leydig dan kadar hormon testosteron lebih besar dari pada fraksi metanol ekstrak biji pepaya muda

    Stochastic Einstein Locality Revisited

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    I discuss various formulations of stochastic Einstein locality (SEL), which is a version of the idea of relativistic causality, i.e. the idea that influences propagate at most as fast as light. SEL is similar to Reichenbach's Principle of the Common Cause (PCC), and Bell's Local Causality. My main aim is to discuss formulations of SEL for a fixed background spacetime. I previously argued that SEL is violated by the outcome dependence shown by Bell correlations, both in quantum mechanics and in quantum field theory. Here I re-assess those verdicts in the light of some recent literature which argues that outcome dependence does not violate the PCC. I argue that the verdicts about SEL still stand. Finally, I briefly discuss how to formulate relativistic causality if there is no fixed background spacetime.Comment: 59 pages latex, 3 figures. Forthcoming in The British Journal for the Philosophy of Scienc

    Data collection procedures for the Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) database

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    This document is a guidebook to collecting software engineering data on software development and maintenance efforts, as practiced in the Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL). It supersedes the document entitled Data Collection Procedures for the Rehosted SEL Database, number SEL-87-008 in the SEL series, which was published in October 1987. It presents procedures to be followed on software development and maintenance projects in the Flight Dynamics Division (FDD) of Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) for collecting data in support of SEL software engineering research activities. These procedures include detailed instructions for the completion and submission of SEL data collection forms

    Implementation and perceived benefits of an after-school soccer program designed to promote social and emotional learning: A multiple case study

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    Social and emotional learning (SEL) competencies such as self-awareness and relationship skills are predictors of academic success, overall well-being, and avoidance of problematic behaviors. Among school-aged children, research has demonstrated that well-implemented programs teach SEL competencies and life skills (e.g., leadership, responsible decision making) that can transfer to other settings. Similar claims have been made in the field of sport-based youth development (SBYD), however, the SEL framework has not been widely applied in sport programming. Implementation, student learning, and transfer of learning in SBYD programs designed to promote SEL require further exploration. Therefore, the current study examined the implementation and perceived benefits of an after-school soccer program designed to promote SEL. Participants were six coaches and 51 students from three different sites where this program is offered. A multiple case study design was used, integrating data from customized feedback surveys, interviews, systematic observation, and field notes. Results indicated the program reflects many SBYD best practices. Although implementation varied between sites, program culture and core values were consistent. Evidence indicated students learned and applied SEL lessons in the soccer program and that transfer beyond the program was promoted. Participants were most likely to report transfer to the school setting, therefore, future studies should examine this topic more directly. Other implications for research and program implementation are discussed

    P-Selectivity, Immunity, and the Power of One Bit

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    We prove that P-sel, the class of all P-selective sets, is EXP-immune, but is not EXP/1-immune. That is, we prove that some infinite P-selective set has no infinite EXP-time subset, but we also prove that every infinite P-selective set has some infinite subset in EXP/1. Informally put, the immunity of P-sel is so fragile that it is pierced by a single bit of information. The above claims follow from broader results that we obtain about the immunity of the P-selective sets. In particular, we prove that for every recursive function f, P-sel is DTIME(f)-immune. Yet we also prove that P-sel is not \Pi_2^p/1-immune

    Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) database organization and user's guide

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    The organization of the Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) database is presented. Included are definitions and detailed descriptions of the database tables and views, the SEL data, and system support data. The mapping from the SEL and system support data to the base tables is described. In addition, techniques for accessing the database, through the Database Access Manager for the SEL (DAMSEL) system and via the ORACLE structured query language (SQL), are discussed
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