7 research outputs found

    Finite state machine based SDL

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    A proposal for a formal specification using SDL of an invehicle network based on the FlexRay protocol with automatic Java code generation

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    Orientador: Walter da Cunha BorelliDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de especificação formal em SDL de uma rede de comunicação intraveicular baseada no protocolo de comunicação FlexRay com geração automática de código Java. O modelo proposto se baseia naquele apresentado na especificação padrão do protocolo FlexRay, porém algumas contribuições foram feitas a fim de gerar uma rede FlexRay funcional e executável. O modelo SDL gerado confere uma formalização comportamental ao sistema, permitindo a sua validação e a simulação de suas principais funcionalidades e casos críticos através da ferramenta SDL TAU Suite. Depois de o sistema ser modelado, simulado e validado é gerado código Java para execução do sistema criado. Para isso, foi desenvolvida uma ferramenta geradora de código Java que recebe como entrada um arquivo com as especificações em SDL e tem-se como resultado um sistema descrito em Java que faz uso de sockets para comunicação entre os processos.Abstract: This work presents a proposal of formal specification using SDL for an in-vehicle network based on the FlexRay protocol with automatic generation of Java code. The proposed model is based on that presented in the standard specification of the FlexRay protocol, although some contributions were made in order to generate a functional and executable FlexRay network. The SDL model generated provides the system a behavioural formalization, making it possible to validate and simulate its key features and critical cases by the use of the tool TAU SDL Suite. After the system is modeled, simulated and validated is generated Java code for implementing the system created. For this reason it was developed a tool for generating Java code that receives as input a file with the specifications in SDL, and delivers as result a system written in Java that makes use of sockets for communication between processes.MestradoTelecomunicações e TelemáticaMestre em Engenharia Elétric

    Perinnekoodin refaktorointi ja testattavuus

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    Ohjelmistoalan kehittyessä kasvavalla vauhdilla on entistä yleisempää löytää järjestelmästä perinnekoodia. Tekniikat uusiutuvat nopeasti, ja kiihtyvän kilpailun myötä aikataulut tiukentuvat. Paras tapa välttyä perinnekoodilta on tehdä paljon testejä. Järjestelmien koon kasvaessa ja monimutkaistuessa testaus on entistä olennaisempaa ohjelmistokehityksessä. Jos perinnekoodia on kuitenkin päässyt syntymään, pääsee siitä eroon refaktoroimalla. Tässä työssä pyrin selventämään, mitkä koodin ominaisuudet ovat tärkeitä ohjelmistokehityksessä, jotta koodista tulisi ylläpidettävää ja testattavaa. Tutkin myös, kuinka refaktorointia tulisi suorittaa. Lopuksi sovelsin ominaisuuksia ja refaktorointia telekommunikaatiojärjestelmässä olevaan perinnekoodiin. Perinnejärjestelmän ympäristön ja tekniikoiden takia refaktoroinnin mahdollisuudet kuitenkin ovat rajatut. Kyseisessä ohjelmistossa tärkeintä on pilkkoa koodia pienempiin kokonaisuuksiin ja hyödyntää yksikkötestejä

    Implementação de modelos de redes de Petri em hardware de lógica reconfigurável

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    In this research work, was performed a study of main types of hardware modeling tools searching to verify the advantages of utilizing for modeling dynamic and concurrent systems and for its hardware implementation. It was observed that even though there are tools for this purpose, exists some points that may be worked out to facilitate access to this technology. So, was developed a method for facilitate implementation of systems modeled in Petri nets, in reconfigurable logic hardware. For that, was utilized a capture software where, from the graphic of the Petri net model, is generated a description in PNML (Petri Net Markup Language) format. From this description, is generated a hardware description file in VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language) format, that may be loaded in a reconfigurable logic circuit. To make possible this stage, was performed the development of tool that generate a file in VHDL language from the description in PNML format. The developed tool is described in details, showing all stages and criteria utilized in the conversion. To validate the method, is showed an application example for this toll with the implementation in FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Arrow), of a Petri net modeling a hypothetic industrial plant. Finally, a performance comparison is made between the model executed in hardware and the model executed in software.Neste trabalho de pesquisa, foi realizado um estudo dos principais tipos de ferramentas para modelagem de hardware buscando-se verificar as vantagens da utilização de Redes de Petri para a modelagem de sistemas dinâmicos e concorrentes e de sua implementação em hardware. Observou-se que apesar de existirem ferramentas para esta finalidade, existem pontos que podem ser trabalhados para facilitar o acesso a esta tecnologia. Assim, foi desenvolvido um método para facilitar a implementação de sistemas modelados em Redes de Petri, em hardware de lógica reconfigurável. Para isto, utilizou-se um software de captura onde, a partir do gráfico do modelo em Rede de Petri, é gerado um arquivo de descrição no formato PNML - Linguagem de Marcação para Rede de Petri (Petri Net Markup Language). A partir desta descrição, é gerado um arquivo de descrição de hardware no formato VHDL - Linguagem de Descrição de Hardware VHSIC (VHSIC Hardware Description Language), que pode ser gravado em um circuito de lógica reconfigurável. Para possibilitar esta etapa, foi realizado o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta que gera um arquivo em linguagem VHDL a partir da descrição no formato PNML. A ferramenta desenvolvida é descrita em detalhes, mostrando todas as etapas e critérios utilizados na conversão. Para validar o método, é mostrado um exemplo de aplicação com a implementação em FPGA - Matriz de Portas Programável em Campo (Field Programmable Gate Arrow), de uma Rede de Petri modelando uma planta industrial hipotética. Finalmente é feita uma comparação de desempenho entre o modelo executado em hardware com o modelo executado em software

    PDM-RING protocol for collision-free ring networks based on power multiplexing

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    En la actualidad el reto de las comunicaciones es satisfacer la demanda de transmisión de gran cantidad de datos en el menor tiempo posible. Esto implica, que los protocolos que se diseñan deben usar de forma eficiente el medio de transmisión, maximizando el ancho de banda disponible. Ejemplos clásicos de esta situación se presentan en la transmisión de vídeo de alta calidad ó el control en redes industriales. En particular en el sector de las telecomunicaciones, se ha invertido gran cantidad de tiempo y esfuerzo en maximizar el aprovechamiento de los medios físicos de comunicación, sin importar su naturaleza, este hecho conlleva a que la investigación en este campo nunca termine y se hagan esfuerzos y propuestas cada vez mejores que buscan transmitir mayor cantidad de datos en el menor tiempo posible. El presente trabajo es una propuesta en este sentido, ya que trata acerca del diseño de un nuevo protocolo de comunicaciones denominado PDM-Ring que hace uso eficiente del medio físico y minimiza la pérdida de datos basándose en la tecnología multiplexación por división de potencia, concepto que tienen amplia aplicación en el campo de la comunicación por radio, pero que gracias a los avances tecnológicos que ofrecen los nuevos dispositivos electrónicos tales como, alta capacidad de almacenamiento y gran velocidad, es posible ahora aplicar en las redes cableadas. Es importante aclarar que, el protocolo propuesto será implementado en un nuevo dispositivo electrónico de comunicaciones que está en proceso de construcción, pero que no hizo parte del trabajo, por tanto, el interés fundamental en este proyecto fue demostrar que el diseño del protocolo PDM-Ring para redes en anillo sin colisiones y basado en Multiplexación de Potencia es correcto, es decir, el protocolo no posee inconsistencias y su implementación es completamente viable desde el punto de vista lógico. Para la validación del protocolo propuesto se utilizo una herramienta de validación automatizada qe se denomina SPIN y los resultados obtenidos en este proceso permiten afirmar que el diseño del protocolo propuesto es correcto.Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey ITESM1. INTRODUCCIÓN..............................................................................................7 1.1. ANTECEDENTES .....................................................................................7 1.2. PROBLEMA...............................................................................................8 1.3. JUSTIFICACIÓN .....................................................................................10 1.3.1 Costos en hardware y materiales. ....................................................10 1.3.2 Mejora en el tiempo de transmisión..................................................12 1.3.3 Mejora en gestión de calidad de los datos .......................................14 1.4. OBJETIVOS ............................................................................................16 1.4.1 General.............................................................................................16 1.4.2 Específicos .......................................................................................16 1.5. HIPOTESIS .............................................................................................17 1.6. ORGANIZACIÓN DEL DOCUMENTO.....................................................18 2. MARCO TEÓRICO.........................................................................................19 2.1. PDM (Power Division Multiplex - Multiplex por División de Potencia)......22 2.2. Dispositivo DCIH .....................................................................................25 3. METODOLOGÍA.............................................................................................27 3.1. DISEÑO DEL PROTOCOLO PDM-RING................................................29 3.2. SERVICIOS.............................................................................................30 3.3. ASUNCIONES.........................................................................................31 3.4. SUB-NIVEL INTERMEDIO ......................................................................32 3.4.1 Requerimientos: ...............................................................................32 3.4.2 Vocabulario. .....................................................................................32 3.4.3 Formato de Mensajes.......................................................................33 3.4.4 Reglas de Procedimiento. ................................................................33 3.4.5 Diagramas de Flujo ..........................................................................36 3.4.6 Bucket ..............................................................................................40 3.5. SUB-NIVEL DE ENLACE DATOS...........................................................43 3.5.1 Vocabulario. .....................................................................................44 3.5.2 Formato de Mensajes.......................................................................45 3.5.3 Reglas de Procedimiento. ................................................................47 3.5.4 Diagramas de Flujo. .........................................................................49 3.6. VALIDACIÓN DEL PROTOCOLO PDM-RING........................................72 3.6.1 SPIN. ................................................................................................72 3.6.2 Propiedades del sub-nivel Intermedio. .............................................76 3.6.3 Propiedades del sub-nivel de Enlace. ..............................................79 3.7. SIMULACIÓN Y VALIDACIÓN CON SPIN..............................................84 3.7.1 Modelo del Sub-nivel Intermedio ......................................................84 3.7.2 Modelo del Sub-nivel de Enlace. ......................................................85 3.8. RESULTADOS ........................................................................................89 3.8.1 Resultados de Verificación del Protocolo del Sub-nivel Intermedio..89 3.8.2 Resultados de Verificación del Protocolo del Sub-nivel de Enlace...91 4. CONCLUSIONES...........................................................................................95 2 5. TRABAJOS FUTUROS...................................................................................96 BIBLIOGRAFÍA......................................................................................................97 ANEXO A.............................................................................................................100 ANEXO B.............................................................................................................136 ANEXO C.............................................................................................................151 ANEXO D.............................................................................................................164MaestríaToday the challenge of communications is to meet the demand for transmission of large amounts of data in the shortest possible time. This implies, that the protocols that are designed must use the transmission medium efficiently, maximizing the available bandwidth. Classic examples of This situation occurs in the transmission of high quality video or the control in industrial networks. Particularly in the telecommunications sector, a great deal of time and effort has been invested in maximizing the use of the physical means of Communication, regardless of its nature, this fact leads to research in this field never ending and increasingly better efforts and proposals are made that seek to transmit as much data in the shortest possible time. The present work is a proposal in this sense, since it deals with the design of a new communications protocol called PDM-Ring that makes efficient use of the physical medium and minimizes data loss based on power division multiplexing technology, a concept that has wide application in the field of radio communication, but thanks to technological advances offered by new electronic devices such as high storage capacity and high speed, is now possible apply in wired networks. It is important to clarify that the proposed protocol will be implemented in a new electronic communications device that is under construction, but that he did not do part of the work, therefore, the fundamental interest in this project was to demonstrate that the design of the PDM-Ring protocol for ring networks without collisions and based on Power Multiplexing is correct, that is, the protocol does not have inconsistencies and its implementation is completely viable from a logical point of view. For the validation of the proposed protocol, an automated validation tool called SPIN was used and the results obtained in this process allow us to affirm that the design of the proposed protocol is correct.Modalidad Presencia

    An Ontology-Based Approach To Concern-Specific Dynamic Software Structure Monitoring

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    Software reliability has not kept pace with computing hardware. Despite the use reliability improvement techniques and methods, faults remain that lead to software errors and failures. Runtime monitoring can improve software reliability by detecting certain errors before failures occur. Monitoring is also useful for online and electronic services, where resource management directly impacts reliability and quality. For example, resource ownership errors can accumulate over time (e. g. , as resource leaks) and result in software aging. Early detection of errors allows more time for corrective action before failures or service outages occur. In addition, the ability to monitor individual software concerns, such as application resource ownership structure, can help support autonomic computing for self-healing, self-adapting and self-optimizing software. This thesis introduces ResOwn - an application resource ownership ontology for interactive session-oriented services. ResOwn provides software monitoring with enriched concepts of application resource ownership borrowed from real-world legal and ownership ontologies. ResOwn is formally defined in OWL-DL (Web Ontology Language Description Logic), verified using an off-the-shelf reasoner, and tested using the call processing software for a small private branch exchange (PBX). The ResOwn Prime Directive states that every object in an operational software system is a resource, an owner, or both simultaneously. Resources produce benefits. Beneficiary owners may receive resource benefits. Nonbeneficiary owners may only manage resources. This approach distinguishes resource ownership use from management and supports the ability to detect when a resource's role-based runtime capacity has been exceeded. This thesis also presents a greybox approach to concern-specific, dynamic software structure monitoring including a monitor architecture, greybox interpreter, and algorithms for deriving monitoring model from a monitored target's formal specifications. The target's requirements and design are assumed to be specified in SDL, a formalism based on communicating extended finite state machines. Greybox abstraction, applicable to both behavior and structure, provides direction on what parts, and how much of the target to instrument, and what types of resource errors to detect. The approach was manually evaluated using a number of resource allocation and ownership scenarios. These scenarios were obtained by collecting actual call traces from an instrumented PBX. The results of an analytical evaluation of ResOwn and the monitoring approach are presented in a discussion of key advantages and known limitations. Conclusions and recommended future work are discussed at the end of the thesis