1,406 research outputs found

    The agricultural impact of the 2015–2016 floods in Ireland as mapped through Sentinel 1 satellite imagery

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    peer-reviewedIrish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research | Volume 58: Issue 1 The agricultural impact of the 2015–2016 floods in Ireland as mapped through Sentinel 1 satellite imagery R. O’Haraemail , S. Green and T. McCarthy DOI: https://doi.org/10.2478/ijafr-2019-0006 | Published online: 11 Oct 2019 PDF Abstract Article PDF References Recommendations Abstract The capability of Sentinel 1 C-band (5 cm wavelength) synthetic aperture radio detection and ranging (RADAR) (abbreviated as SAR) for flood mapping is demonstrated, and this approach is used to map the extent of the extensive floods that occurred throughout the Republic of Ireland in the winter of 2015–2016. Thirty-three Sentinel 1 images were used to map the area and duration of floods over a 6-mo period from November 2015 to April 2016. Flood maps for 11 separate dates charted the development and persistence of floods nationally. The maximum flood extent during this period was estimated to be ~24,356 ha. The depth of rainfall influenced the magnitude of flood in the preceding 5 d and over more extended periods to a lesser degree. Reduced photosynthetic activity on farms affected by flooding was observed in Landsat 8 vegetation index difference images compared to the previous spring. The accuracy of the flood map was assessed against reports of flooding from affected farms, as well as other satellite-derived maps from Copernicus Emergency Management Service and Sentinel 2. Monte Carlo simulated elevation data (20 m resolution, 2.5 m root mean square error [RMSE]) were used to estimate the flood’s depth and volume. Although the modelled flood height showed a strong correlation with the measured river heights, differences of several metres were observed. Future mapping strategies are discussed, which include high–temporal-resolution soil moisture data, as part of an integrated multisensor approach to flood response over a range of spatial scales

    Multisource Data Integration in Remote Sensing

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    Papers presented at the workshop on Multisource Data Integration in Remote Sensing are compiled. The full text of these papers is included. New instruments and new sensors are discussed that can provide us with a large variety of new views of the real world. This huge amount of data has to be combined and integrated in a (computer-) model of this world. Multiple sources may give complimentary views of the world - consistent observations from different (and independent) data sources support each other and increase their credibility, while contradictions may be caused by noise, errors during processing, or misinterpretations, and can be identified as such. As a consequence, integration results are very reliable and represent a valid source of information for any geographical information system

    Image fusion techniqes for remote sensing applications

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    Image fusion refers to the acquisition, processing and synergistic combination of information provided by various sensors or by the same sensor in many measuring contexts. The aim of this survey paper is to describe three typical applications of data fusion in remote sensing. The first study case considers the problem of the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Interferometry, where a pair of antennas are used to obtain an elevation map of the observed scene; the second one refers to the fusion of multisensor and multitemporal (Landsat Thematic Mapper and SAR) images of the same site acquired at different times, by using neural networks; the third one presents a processor to fuse multifrequency, multipolarization and mutiresolution SAR images, based on wavelet transform and multiscale Kalman filter. Each study case presents also results achieved by the proposed techniques applied to real data

    Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Meets Deep Learning

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    This reprint focuses on the application of the combination of synthetic aperture radars and depth learning technology. It aims to further promote the development of SAR image intelligent interpretation technology. A synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is an important active microwave imaging sensor, whose all-day and all-weather working capacity give it an important place in the remote sensing community. Since the United States launched the first SAR satellite, SAR has received much attention in the remote sensing community, e.g., in geological exploration, topographic mapping, disaster forecast, and traffic monitoring. It is valuable and meaningful, therefore, to study SAR-based remote sensing applications. In recent years, deep learning represented by convolution neural networks has promoted significant progress in the computer vision community, e.g., in face recognition, the driverless field and Internet of things (IoT). Deep learning can enable computational models with multiple processing layers to learn data representations with multiple-level abstractions. This can greatly improve the performance of various applications. This reprint provides a platform for researchers to handle the above significant challenges and present their innovative and cutting-edge research results when applying deep learning to SAR in various manuscript types, e.g., articles, letters, reviews and technical reports

    A study of decadal scale glacier changes of the Lunana glacier system in Bhutan, Himalaya, with considerations to glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs)

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    This study assesses changes in glacier area, velocity, and geodetic mass balance for a selection of glaciers in the Lunana glacier system of Bhutan, Himalaya. It takes considerations to Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs) by creating a glacial lake inventory of two important potential dangerous glacial lakes, Raphstreng Tsho and Luggye Tsho. Bhutan is located in the eastern parts of the HKH region and is known for its earlier GLOF events. The precipitation in Bhutan is driven by the Indian monsoon resulting in 60% annual precipitation, the high amount of rainfall results in rockfalls that covers large valley glacier tongues with debris. I studied the glacier area changes between 1976, 1996 and 2018 using freely available Landsat satellite imagery, SAR Sentinel 1&2, the SRTM Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and HMA DEM. The geodetic mass balance was calculated between 1976, 2000 and 2018/9 (for selected glaciers) using DEM constructed from high-resolution stereo images, Pléiades and SPOT, granted from the European Space Agency, as well as using the already accessed SRTM DEM and a Hexagon DEM courtesy of King, et al. (2019). The glacier velocity was generated using SAR TerraSAR-X data from 2016 and shows an average yearly displacement over the Lunana glacier system. The glacial lake time series for Raphstreng Tsho and Luggye Tsho where studied between 1993 and 2018 using a stack of freely available Landsat imagery. The results of this study, show a variety of decadal glacial changes over Lunana glacier system, with glaciers lowering on an average by 0.48± 0.08 m a-1 between 1976 and 2018/9 which calculates to a geodetic mass balance of -0.41 ± 0.068 m w.e. a-1. The system had a total average of 12.73% area of reduction for all glaciers, between the same time period. The Lunana glacier system consists of both debris-covered glaciers in the south and debris-free glaciers in the north, and as a result, the glacier changes vary between the two regions. Between 1976 – 2018/9 the southern region had an average surface melt of 0.76 ± 0.07 m a-1 which calculates to a geodetic mass balance of -0.65 ± 0.06 m w.e. a-1 and a 12.65% area of reduction. For the Northern region, the average surface melt was measured to be 1.26 ± 0.07 m a-1 which calculates to a geodetic mass balance of 1.07 ± 0.06 m w.e. a-1 and a 12.80% area of reduction. The glacier velocity was calculated to be at average of 3.05 ± 0.73 m a-1 over the south region and 3.78 ± 0.73 m a-1 over the north region. The Luggye glacier 1, located in the southern parts of Lunana glacier system, is the main input source for glacier meltwater to Luggye Tsho an ice-moraine dam proglacial lake which outburst in 1994 due to hydrostatic pressure. Between 1976 and 2018/9, the Luggye glacier 1 has had a considerable loss in surface elevation by 1.19 ± 0.07 m a-1 which calculates to a geodetic mass balance of 1.01 ± 0.069 m w.e. a-1. The 1994 GLOF event discharged over 18 million m3 of water, destroying infrastructure, flooding villages and houses which killed 21 humans. Today, Luggye Tsho is classified to yield over 1.41 km2 of water, an increase from its former state of 1.12 km2 in 1993, just before the event. This study cannot affirm if PDGLs such as Luggye Tsho is to outburst in the future, but it does affirm its growth in lake area and its input source from glacier melt over Luggye glacier, and that it should be monitored in case of potential outbreak. This can be done by doing repeated analysis of glacier velocity and calculation of glacier mass balance, as this would calculate the input source amount of meltwater to Luggye Tsho.Masteroppgave i geografiGEO350MASV-PHYGMASV-GEOGMPGEOGRMASV-MEH

    New techniques for the automatic registration of microwave and optical remotely sensed images

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    Remote sensing is a remarkable tool for monitoring and mapping the land and ocean surfaces of the Earth. Recently, with the launch of many new Earth observation satellites, there has been an increase in the amount of data that is being acquired, and the potential for mapping is greater than ever before. Furthermore, sensors which are currently operational are acquiring data in many different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. It has long been known that by combining images that have been acquired at different wavelengths, or at different times, the ability to detect and recognise features on the ground is greatly increased. This thesis investigates the possibilities for automatically combining radar and optical remotely sensed images. The process of combining images, known as data integration, is a two step procedure: geometric integration (image registration) and radiometric integration (data fusion). Data fusion is essentially an automatic procedure, but the problems associated with automatic registration of multisource images have not, in general, been resolved. This thesis proposes a method of automatic image registration based on the extraction and matching of common features which are visible in both images. The first stage of the registration procedure uses patches as the matching primitives in order to determine the approximate alignment of the images. The second stage refines the registration results by matching edge features. Throughout the development of the proposed registration algorithm, reliability, robustness and automation were always considered priorities. Tests with both small images (512x512 pixels) and full scene images showed that the algorithm could successfully register images to an acceptable level of accuracy
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