240 research outputs found

    Guidelines for annotating the LUNA corpus with frame information

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    This document defines the annotation workflow aimed at adding frame information to the LUNA corpus of conversational speech. In particular, it details both the corpus pre-processing steps and the proper annotation process, giving hints about how to choose the frame and the frame element labels. Besides, the description of 20 new domain-specific and language-specific frames is reported. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt to adapt the frame paradigm to dialogs and at the same time to define new frames and frame elements for the specific domain of software/hardware assistance. The technical report is structured as follows: in Section 2 an overview of the FrameNet project is given, while Section 3 introduces the LUNA project and the annotation framework involving the Italian dialogs. Section 4 details the annotation workflow, including the format preparation of the dialog files and the annotation strategy. In Section 5 we discuss the main issues of the annotation of frame information in dialogs and we describe how the standard annotation procedure was changed in order to face such issues. Then, the 20 newly introduced frames are reported in Section 6

    A general framework for the annotation of causality based on FrameNet

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    International audienceWe present here a general set of semantic frames to annotate causal expressions, with a rich lexicon in French and an annotated corpus of about 4000 instances of causal lexical items with their corresponding semantic frames. The aim of our project is to have both the largest possible coverage of causal phenomena in French, across all parts of speech, and have it linked to a general semantic framework such as FN, to benefit in particular from the relations between other semantic frames, e.g., temporal ones or intentional ones, and the underlying upper lexical ontology that enables some forms of reasoning. This is part of the larger ASFALDA French FrameNet project, which focuses on a few different notional domains which are interesting in their own right (Djemaa et al., 2016), including cognitive positions and communication frames. In the process of building the French lexicon and preparing the annotation of the corpus, we had to remodel some of the frames proposed in FN based on English data, with hopefully more precise frame definitions to facilitate human annotation. This includes semantic clarifications of frames and frame elements, redundancy elimination, and added coverage. The result is arguably a significant improvement of the treatment of causality in FN itself

    Construction of a Turkish proposition bank

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    This paper describes our approach to developing the Turkish PropBank by adopting the semantic role-labeling guidelines of the original PropBank and using the translation of the English Penn-TreeBank as a resource. We discuss the semantic annotation process of the PropBank and language-specific cases for Turkish, the tools we have developed for annotation, and quality control for multiuser annotation. In the current phase of the project, more than 9500 sentences are semantically analyzed and predicate-argument information is extracted for 1330 verbs and 1914 verb senses. Our plan is to annotate 17,000 sentences by the end of 2017.This work was supported by Isik University BAP projects 14B206 and 15B201Publisher's Versio

    Developing a French FrameNet: Methodology and First results

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    International audienceThe Asfalda project aims to develop a French corpus with frame-based semantic annotations and automatic tools for shallow semantic analysis. We present the first part of the project: focusing on a set of notional domains, we delimited a subset of English frames, adapted them to French data when necessary, and developed the corresponding French lexicon. We believe that working domain by domain helped us to enforce the coherence of the resulting resource, and also has the advantage that, though the number of frames is limited (around a hundred), we obtain full coverage within a given domain

    5. Generische Infrastruktur und spezifische Forschung: Angebote und Lösungen

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    Die empirische Forschung an natürlichsprachlichen Daten geht mit grundlegenden methodischen Veränderungen einher. Immer mehr Texte stehen in digitaler Form zu Verfügung. Eine rein manuelle Vorgehensweise ist nicht möglich oder extrem zeitaufwendig. Wir zeigen welche Vorteile der Einsatz von generischen Infrastrukturkomponenten für spezifische Forschung haben kann:(i) effiziente Untersuchungen auf größeren Datenmengen, (ii) reproduzierbare und übertragbare Ergebnisse. Wir zeigen an einer konkreten Studie, wie generische Infrastruktur spezifisch angepasst und durch spezifische Lösungen ergänzt werden kann.Die im Artikel beschriebenen Arbeiten wurden durch das Bundesministeriums fürBildung und Forschung im Rahmen des CLARIN-D Projekts unterstützt

    Can bioinformatics help in the identification of moonlighting proteins?

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    Protein multitasking or moonlighting is the capability of certain proteins to execute two or more unique biological functions. This ability to perform moonlighting functions helps us to understand one of the ways used by cells to perform many complex functions with a limited number of genes. Usually, moonlighting proteins are revealed experimentally by serendipity, and the proteins described probably represent just the tip of the iceberg. It would be helpful if bioinformatics could predict protein multifunctionality, especially because of the large amounts of sequences coming from genome projects. In the present article, we describe several approaches that use sequences, structures, interactomics and current bioinformatics algorithms and programs to try to overcome this problem. The sequence analysis has been performed: (i) by remote homology searches using PSI-BLAST, (ii) by the detection of functionalmotifs, and (iii) by the co-evolutionary relationship between amino acids. Programs designed to identify functional motifs/domains are basically oriented to detect the main function, but usually fail in the detection of secondary ones. Remote homology searches such as PSI-BLAST seem to be more versatile in this task, and it is a good complement for the information obtained from protein-protein interaction (PPI) databases. Structural information and mutation correlation analysis can help us to map the functional sites. Mutation correlation analysis can be used only in very restricted situations, but can suggest how the evolutionary process of the acquisition of the second function took plac