826 research outputs found

    Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The applications of wireless sensor networks comprise a wide variety of scenarios. In most of them, the network is composed of a significant number of nodes deployed in an extensive area in which not all nodes are directly connected. Then, the data exchange is supported by multihop communications. Routing protocols are in charge of discovering and maintaining the routes in the network. However, the appropriateness of a particular routing protocol mainly depends on the capabilities of the nodes and on the application requirements. This paper presents a review of the main routing protocols proposed for wireless sensor networks. Additionally, the paper includes the efforts carried out by Spanish universities on developing optimization techniques in the area of routing protocols for wireless sensor networks

    Performance Analysis of Hierarchical Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    This work focusses on analyzing the optimization strategies of routing protocols with respect to energy utilization of sensor nodes in Wireless Sensor Network (WSNs). Different routing mechanisms have been proposed to address energy optimization problem in sensor nodes. Clustering mechanism is one of the popular WSNs routing mechanisms. In this paper, we first address energy limitation constraints with respect to maximizing network life time using linear programming formulation technique. To check the efficiency of different clustering scheme against modeled constraints, we select four cluster based routing protocols; Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH), Threshold Sensitive Energy Efficient sensor Network (TEEN), Stable Election Protocol (SEP), and Distributed Energy Efficient Clustering (DEEC). To validate our mathematical framework, we perform analytical simulations in MATLAB by choosing number of alive nodes, number of dead nodes, number of packets and number of CHs, as performance metrics.Comment: NGWMN with 7th IEEE International Conference on Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications (BWCCA 2012), Victoria, Canada, 201

    Energy-aware routing protocols in wireless sensor networks

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    Saving energy and increasing network lifetime are significant challenges in the field of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Energy-aware routing protocols have been introduced for WSNs to overcome limitations of WSN including limited power resources and difficulties renewing or recharging sensor nodes batteries. Furthermore, the potentially inhospitable environments of sensor locations, in some applications, such as the bottom of the ocean, or inside tornados also have to be considered. ZigBee is one of the latest communication standards designed for WSNs based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. The ZigBee standard supports two routing protocols, the Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV), and the cluster-tree routing protocols. These protocols are implemented to establish the network, form clusters, and transfer data between the nodes. The AODV and the cluster-tree routing protocols are two of the most efficient routing protocols in terms of reducing the control message overhead, reducing the bandwidth usage in the network, and reducing the power consumption of wireless sensor nodes compared to other routing protocols. However, neither of these protocols considers the energy level or the energy consumption rate of the wireless sensor nodes during the establishment or routing processes. (Continues...)

    Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The efficiency of sensor networks strongly depends on the routing protocol used. In this paper, we analyze three different types of routing protocols: LEACH, PEGASIS, and VGA. Sensor networks are simulated using Sensoria simulator. Several simulations are conducted to analyze the performance of these protocols including the power consumption and overall network performance. The simulation results, using same limited sensing range value, show that PEGASIS outperforms all other protocols while LEACH has better performance than VGA. Furthermore, the paper investigates the power consumption for all protocols. On the average, VGA has the worst power consumption when the sensing range is limited, while VGA is the best when the sensing range is increased

    A survey on Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In ad-hoc WSN is a collection of mobile nodes that are dynamically and randomly located in such a manner that the interconnections between nodes are changing on a continual basis. The dynamic nature of these networks demands new set of network routing strategy protocols to be implemented in order to provide efficient end-to end communication. Moreover, such issues are very critical due to severe resource constraints like efficient energy utilization, lifetime of network, and drastic environmental conditions in WSNs. Neither hop-by-hop nor neither direct reach ability is possible in case of WSNs. In order to facilitate communication within the network, a routing protocol is used. In this paper we have carried out an extensive survey on WSN protocols based on structure of network, routing protocol of network & clustering techniques of routing protocols

    Simulation study of routing protocols in wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless sensor networks, a distributed network of sensor nodes perform critical tasks in many application areas such as target tracking in military applications, detection of catastrophic events, environment monitoring, health applications etc. The routing protocols developed for these distributed sensor networks need to be energy efficient and scalable. To create a better understanding of the performance of various routing protocols proposed it is very important to perform a detailed analysis of them. Network simulators enable us to study the performance and behavior of these protocols on various network topologies. Many Sensor Network frameworks were developed to explore both the networking issues and the distributed computing aspects of wireless sensor networks. The current work of simulation study of routing protocols is done on SensorSimulator, a discrete event simulation framework developed at Sensor Networks Research Laboratory, LSU and on a popular event driven network simulator ns2 developed at UC Berkeley. SensorSimulator is a discrete event simulation framework for sensor networks built over OMNeT++ (Objective Modular Network Test-bed in C++). This framework allows the user to debug and test software for distributed sensor networks. SensorSimulator allows developers and researchers in the area of Sensor Networks to investigate topological, phenomenological, networking, robustness and scaling issues, to explore arbitrary algorithms for distributed sensors, and to defeat those algorithms through simulated failure. The framework has modules for all the layers of a Sensor Network Protocol stack. This thesis is focused on the simulation and performance evaluation of various routing protocols on SensorSimulator and ns2. The performance of the simulator is validated with a comparative study of Directed Diffusion Routing Protocol on both ns2 and SensorSimulator. Then the simulations are done to evaluate the performance of Optimized Broadcast Protocols for Sensor Networks, Efficient Coordination Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks on SensorSimulator. Also a performance study of Random Asynchronous Wakeup protocol for Sensor Networks is done on ns2

    Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The growing field of information technology enhanced the capabilities of the wireless communication. The large usage of WSN in the various fields of the real world is scaling with the wide variety of roles for wireless sensor network performance is challenging tasks. The issues of performance in the wireless sensor networks in many literatures, yet more studies are being done on the performance because the user and application needs are keep increasing,to encounter the challenges of the performance issues are studied here by digging out the routing protocols performance in WSN. To conduct the study and analysis on performance of WSN protocols the there are various performance metrics used for the evaluation of performance in WSN. This study will be carried out to come up with the simulation experiments over the directed diffusion (DD) and LEACH routing protocols in terms of energy consumption, congestion and reliability in the wireless sensor networks (WSN) environment with the low power consumptions. The simulation experiments in this study are based on the reliability, delay and other constraints to compare the speed, reliability and electricity saving data communication in the wireless sensor networks (WSN). The discussion of the conducted simulation experiments describes the steps which are pertaining to the protocols and tradeoffs and complexity of the data traffic for the efficiency. The NS2 simulation is used for the simulation based experiments for performance of wireless sensor network (WSN) communications which is demonstrating the comparative effectiveness of the routing protocols in the recent concepts. The results of the simulation are lightening the ways for the minimization of the delay and enhancement in the reliability issues in wireless sensor networks (WSN)


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    Wireless sensor network is a significant piece of wireless communication.It is a gathering of an enormous number of sensor nodes that are set in remote spots. The sensors have ability to do a typical undertaking. So energy exhaustion plays a significant job in keeping up a stable network. To build the system lifetime, a different energy effective algorithm is required which expands the network lifetime and makes the network more energy productive. For the augmenting, the lifetime of the network diverse routing technique has been utilized which help in expanding the lifetime of the network. This article portrays the diverse routing protocol which helps in energy efficient routing in a wireless sensor network
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