774 research outputs found

    Role of transcript and interplay between transcription and replication in triplet-repeat instability in mammalian cells

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    Triplet-repeat expansions cause several inherited human diseases. Expanded triplet-repeats are unstable in somatic cells, and tissue-specific somatic instability contributes to disease pathogenesis. In mammalian cells instability of triplet-repeats is dependent on the location of the origin of replication relative to the repeat tract, supporting the ‘fork-shift’ model of repeat instability. Disease-causing triplet-repeats are transcribed, but how this influences instability remains unclear. We examined instability of the expanded (GAA•TTC)n sequence in mammalian cells by analyzing individual replication events directed by the SV40 origin from five different locations, in the presence and absence of doxycycline-induced transcription. Depending on the location of the SV40 origin, either no instability was observed, instability was caused by replication with no further increase due to transcription, or instability required transcription. Whereas contractions accounted for most of the observed instability, one construct showed expansions upon induction of transcription. These expansions disappeared when transcript stability was reduced via removal or mutation of a spliceable intron. These results reveal a complex interrelationship of transcription and replication in the etiology of repeat instability. While both processes may not be sufficient for the initiation of instability, transcription and/or transcript stability seem to further modulate the fork-shift model of triplet-repeat instability

    Pms2 suppresses large expansions of the (GAA·TTC)n sequence in neuronal tissues

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    Copyright @ 2012 Bourn et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Expanded trinucleotide repeat sequences are the cause of several inherited neurodegenerative diseases. Disease pathogenesis is correlated with several features of somatic instability of these sequences, including further large expansions in postmitotic tissues. The presence of somatic expansions in postmitotic tissues is consistent with DNA repair being a major determinant of somatic instability. Indeed, proteins in the mismatch repair (MMR) pathway are required for instability of the expanded (CAG·CTG)(n) sequence, likely via recognition of intrastrand hairpins by MutSβ. It is not clear if or how MMR would affect instability of disease-causing expanded trinucleotide repeat sequences that adopt secondary structures other than hairpins, such as the triplex/R-loop forming (GAA·TTC)(n) sequence that causes Friedreich ataxia. We analyzed somatic instability in transgenic mice that carry an expanded (GAA·TTC)(n) sequence in the context of the human FXN locus and lack the individual MMR proteins Msh2, Msh6 or Pms2. The absence of Msh2 or Msh6 resulted in a dramatic reduction in somatic mutations, indicating that mammalian MMR promotes instability of the (GAA·TTC)(n) sequence via MutSα. The absence of Pms2 resulted in increased accumulation of large expansions in the nervous system (cerebellum, cerebrum, and dorsal root ganglia) but not in non-neuronal tissues (heart and kidney), without affecting the prevalence of contractions. Pms2 suppressed large expansions specifically in tissues showing MutSα-dependent somatic instability, suggesting that they may act on the same lesion or structure associated with the expanded (GAA·TTC)(n) sequence. We conclude that Pms2 specifically suppresses large expansions of a pathogenic trinucleotide repeat sequence in neuronal tissues, possibly acting independently of the canonical MMR pathway.IDB was supported by a postdoctoral fellowship from the National Ataxia Foundation. RMP was supported by Ataxia UK. SA was supported by The Wellcome Trust. This research was made possible by grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH/NINDS) and the Muscular Dystrophy Association to S.I.B

    DNA methylation and trinucleotide repeat expansion diseases

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    Copyright @ 2012 InTechThis article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.This article is made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund

    Transcription as a Threat to Genome Integrity

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    Genomes undergo different types of sporadic alterations, including DNA damage, point mutations, and genome rearrangements, that constitute the basis for evolution. However, these changes may occur at high levels as a result of cell pathology and trigger genome instability, a hallmark of cancer and a number of genetic diseases. In the last two decades, evidence has accumulated that transcription constitutes an important natural source of DNA metabolic errors that can compromise the integrity of the genome. Transcription can create the conditions for high levels of mutations and recombination by its ability to open the DNA structure and remodel chromatin, making it more accessible to DNA insulting agents, and by its ability to become a barrier to DNA replication. Here we review the molecular basis of such events from a mechanistic perspective with particular emphasis on the role of transcription as a genome instability determinant

    DNA methylation and trinucleotide repeat expansion diseases

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    Copyright @ 2012 InTechThis article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.This article is made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund

    A Defective mRNA Cleavage and Polyadenylation Complex Facilitates Expansions of Transcribed (GAA) n Repeats Associated with Friedreich’s Ataxia

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    Expansions of microsatellite repeats are responsible for numerous hereditary diseases in humans, including myotonic dystrophy and Friedreich's ataxia. Whereas the length of an expandable repeat is the main factor determining disease inheritance, recent data point to genomic trans modifiers that can impact the likelihood of expansions and disease progression. Detection of these modifiers may lead to understanding and treating repeat expansion diseases. Here, we describe a method for the rapid, genome-wide identification of trans modifiers for repeat expansion in a yeast experimental system. Using this method, we found that missense mutations in the endoribonuclease subunit (Ysh1) of the mRNA cleavage and polyadenylation complex dramatically increase the rate of (GAA) n repeat expansions but only when they are actively transcribed. These expansions correlate with slower transcription elongation caused by the ysh1 mutation. These results reveal an interplay between RNA processing and repeat-mediated genome instability, confirming the validity of our approach. Keywords: genome instability; repeat expansion; RNA polyadenylation; RNA processing; transcription-replication conflicts; Friedreich’s ataxia; DNA double-strand breaks; trans-modifiers of repeat expansions; genetic screen; whole-genome sequencin

    Epigenetics and triplet-repeat neurological diseases

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    The term ‘junk DNA’ has been reconsidered following the delineation of the functional significance of repetitive DNA regions. Typically associated with centromeres and telomeres, DNA repeats are found in nearly all organisms throughout their genomes. Repetitive regions are frequently heterchromatinised resulting in silencing of intrinsic and nearby genes. However, this is not a uniform rule, with several genes known to require such an environment to permit transcription. Repetitive regions frequently exist as dinucleotide, trinucleotide and tetranucleotide repeats. The association between repetitive regions and disease was emphasised following the discovery of abnormal trinucleotide repeats underlying spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (Kennedy’s disease) and fragile X syndrome of mental retardation (FRAXA) in 1991. In this review we provide a brief overview of epigenetic mechanisms and then focus on several diseases caused by DNA triplet-repeat expansions, which exhibit diverse epigenetic effects. It is clear that the emerging field of epigenetics is already generating novel potential therapeutic avenues for this group of largely incurable diseases

    Gene regulation and epigenotype in Friedreich's ataxia

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    Friedreich??????s ataxia (FRDA) is known to be provoked by an abnormal GAA-repeat expansion located in the first intron of the FXN gene. As a result of the GAA expansion, patients exhibit low levels of FXN mRNA, leading to FRDA. Here, via chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP), the presence of a RNA pol II transcriptional pausing site at exon 1 of the FXN gene was demonstrated. At this site, FRDA EBVcell lines exhibited elevated levels of the negative elongation factor NELF-E depending on the presence of a GAA repeat expansion compared to controls. This site may represent a rate-limiting step for FXN transcription and consequently provide a means to modify transcription levels in FRDA. Moreover, RNA pol II pausing site binding factors, such as NELF-E, were influenced by Nicotinamide treatment, a HDAC class III inhibitor. Therefore, factors sensitive to chromatin changes may influence the regulation of RNA pol II pausing and also balance otherwise positive chromatin changes. This new finding could explain the relatively minor effects of different drug approaches to up-regulate this gene. Furthermore, CTCF and the histone demethylase LSD1 were also found to be located at the FXN pausing site. Results suggest a function for LSD1 in demethylating H3K4me2 at the pausing site and potentially also in demethylating H3K9me3 in the case of frequently transcribed expanded GAA repeats. Therefore, LSD1 might play a crucial role in preventing heterochromatinisation of a euchromatic gene. Using primary transcript RNA-FISH, a delay in RNA pol II release from the pausing site and furthermore a dramatic loss of RNA pol II elongation in the presence of expanded GAA repeats was seen. The identified and characterised transcriptional pausing site at FXN is likely to play a repressive role and participates in the pathogenesis of FRDA.Imperial Users onl

    The role of chromatin at transcription-replication conflicts as a genome safeguard

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    DNA replication ensures the correct copying of the genome and the faithful transfer of the genetic information to the offspring. However, obstacles to replication fork (RF) progression cause RF stalling and compromise efficient genome duplication. Since replication uses the same DNA template as transcription, both transcription and replication must be coordinated to prevent Transcription-Replication Conflicts (TRCs) that could stall RF progression. Several factors contribute to limit the occurrence of such conflicts and their harmful impact on genome integrity. Increasing evidence indicates that chromatin homeostasis plays a key role in the cellular response to TRCs as well as in the preservation of genome integrity. Indeed, chromatin regulating enzymes are frequently mutated in cancer cells, a common characteristic of which is genome instability. Therefore, understanding the role of chromatin in TRC occurrence and resolution may help identify the molecular mechanism by which chromatin protects genome integrity, and the causes and physiological relevance of the high mutation rates of chromatin regulating factors in cancer. Here we review the current knowledge in the field, as well as the perspectives and future applications

    Mechanisms of the FMR1 Repeat Instability: How Does the CGG Sequence Expand?

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    A dynamic mutation in exon 1 of the FMR1 gene causes Fragile X-related Disorders (FXDs), due to the expansion of an unstable CGG repeat sequence. Based on the CGG sequence size, two types of FMR1 alleles are possible: "premutation" (PM, with 56-200 CGGs) and "full mutation" (FM, with >200 triplets). Premutated females are at risk of transmitting a FM allele that, when methylated, epigenetically silences FMR1 and causes Fragile X syndrome (FXS), a very common form of inherited intellectual disability (ID). Expansions events of the CGG sequence are predominant over contractions and are responsible for meiotic and mitotic instability. The CGG repeat usually includes one or more AGG interspersed triplets that influence allele stability and the risk of transmitting FM to children through maternal meiosis. A unique mechanism responsible for repeat instability has not been identified, but several processes are under investigations using cellular and animal models. The formation of unusual secondary DNA structures at the expanded repeats are likely to occur and contribute to the CGG expansion. This review will focus on the current knowledge about CGG repeat instability addressing the CGG sequence expands