148 research outputs found

    Investigating the antecedents of customer online repurchase intention in a multichannel environment

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    The evolution of internet technology, rapid digitalization, and the introduction of multiple channels strongly influence the managers and researchers to discover and update how customers better interact in a multichannel environment. Therefore, in today’s multichannel environment, the question of whether multiple channels should be implemented is no longer the focus. More important is the question of how the multiple channels can be handled synergistically to maximize the customer repeat purchase behavior. The current quantitative study attempts to understand whether the role of channel integration helps in customer movement from the firm’s offline channel to the firm’s online channel. Data have been collected from a sample of 358 experienced online customers from different cities of Pakistan and analyzed through smart PLS. The results of the study confirm that the customer previous interaction with the firm offline channel significantly affects the customer perception about the firm’s online channel. Additionally, the results of the study also confirm the moderating role of channel integration and offline image in the transfer of customer perceptions form offline channel to online channel. Although each channel may offer a unique value proposition, channel integration can drive overall customer satisfaction and repeat purchase behavior in a relational, multichannel environment. Therefore, it is pertinent for the firms and managers to not only focus on their new online channel but also their performance in the offline channel to provide a better purchase experience for the customers across multiple channels. Moreover, integrating multiple channels can provide a synergy that helps the firms to achieve competitive advantage

    The Impact of Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty on E-Marketing: Moderating Effect of Perceived Value

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    The paper discusses the various components that impacts customer satisfaction, loyalty, e-marketing and perceived value has the moderating effect. Online platforms continues been important because of the reach and the diversity of the customers meaning e-marketing should target the unique market. It includes developing products and services in addition to procedures and processes that reflect the wants of the customers. For example, the studies have shown the design of the website, customer engagement, and skills integrated into the entire processes are important. Factors such as security, ease of navigation, conflict resolution and effective feedback systems are example of frameworks that creates a positive reputation about a form, which increase the satisfaction of the users. Recommendations have also been provided for the ways and strategies that businesses have to operate to create customer loyalty and sustain such loyalty. The Impact of Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty on E-Marketing: Moderating Effect of Perceived Value In marketing regime, customer loyalty is seen as the most important issues that affect way business is conducted and performed. Managers and researchers have used many antecedents for explaining customer loyalty. The literature also provides numerous measures for evaluating loyalty (Jain et al. 2018; Momotaz & Hasan, 2018). The common perspective of loyalty and customer satisfaction is based on repurchase intention and customer commitment (Pandey & Chawla, 2018). Word of mouth and willingness to pay are defined as the direct variables that are consequences of loyalty (Pandey & Chawla, 2016; Jain et al. 2018). Loyal customers provide numerous advantages to an organization including recommendation to others, higher share of wallet, and higher customer retention rates. Customer satisfaction and perceived value are linked to companies’ financial performance, recommend intention, repurchase and retention. Researchers perceives marketing as a framework that embraces the conception of the value notion in that customer ways the benefits received from the firm the offers the products and services and the consumer is ready to acquire the product foregoing other benefits (Ahmad, Rahman & Khan, 2017; Momotaz & Hasan, 2018). The goal of any establishment is customer satisfaction, which creates numerous benefits to an establishment (Pandey & Chawla, 2016; Potdar et al. 2018). Satisfaction with brands, companies, products and services is important influencing post purchase response that is directly tired with consumer outcomes such as retention and loyalty. Companies continuously want to understand the behavior of their customers and have employed numbers measuring metrics. Example of these metrics includes Net Promoter Score and satisfaction (Khadim et al. 2018; Momotaz & Hasan, 2018). The customers through such mechanisms can be satisfied and can persuade others to acquire from a specific brand or company (Ahmad, Rahman & Khan, 2017; Jain et al. 2018). However, when customers value a competitor’s products and services, it means a company could continue loosing (Ting et al., 2016; Potdar et al. 2018). The integral component is the word of mouth communication in that information can be spread from one customer to the next (Fan, Kim & Lee, 2016). Some of the information shared includes services, products, brands and other information specific to a company or a brand. Managers continuously use the word of mouth strategic approach, which contributes to the likelihood of purchase, value ratings and changes in consumer judgments. Perceived value is the merits or worth that a customer ascribes to a service or product. In most instances, the customers are unaware of variables tied to a service or product such as pricing and the solution to the consumers is the emotional appeal of the product or service (Ahmad, Rahman & Khan, 2017; Momotaz & Hasan, 2018). Consumer’s perceived value refers to the price that a consumer is ready to pat for products or services (Pandey & Chawla, 2018; Potdar et al. 2018). Customers focus on the final outcome of the product or project such as the need to meet certain satisfaction is the role of marketers. Perceived utility is also important because it refers to the values and benefits consumer receives from the use of service and product. Consumers demand services and products that offer and are useful to the customer and unsatisfied customer may not have a positive view of the product and service (Khadim et al. 2018; Jain et al. 2018). Perceived value also communicates expectations about the service and products. Therefore, perceived value is the persuasion or consumer behavior to acquire a product or service and is satisfied with the pricing. The expectation of the consumers is fulfilling inherent needs and wants

    Multichannel retail environment: opportunities and challenges

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    A seamless customer shopping experience has been provided in a multichannel environment. Currently, firms are using various shopping channels to enhance the customer satisfaction. Customers can use various channels like traditional physical stores, internet-based stores and social media as well to complete their shopping tasks. A large number of people embracing the innovative multichannel environment for information sharing in different online and offline channels. Now a days, these customers require a tailored experience and major portion of these customers demand from the firms to provide a customized solution for their purchasing needs. Consequently, the firms acknowledged the current demands of the customers and opening multiple channels to cater these customers preferences, recording their purchasing history and customer data from multiple channels to provide them an innovative shopping experience. The instant success of these multichannel firms forced the other firms to open multiple channels to boost their image and enjoy higher customer satisfaction and loyalty. However, increasing the number of channels in a firm require a close coordination strategy and synergy among these channels. Channel integration is a possible solution for managing these multiple channels to create a complementary effect


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi pengaruh e-service quality dan e-trust terhadap e-customer loyalty pada e-commerce Shopee Indonesia dan apakah e-customer satisfaction muncul sebagai variabel mediasi atau tidak. Pelanggan yang loyal merupakan salah satu penggerak penting untuk kesuksessan e-commerce, karena loyalitas pelanggan sangat erat kaitannya dengan profitabilitas dan pertumbuhan jangka panjang suatu perusahaan dan peningkatan kecil dalam jumlah pelanggan yang loyal dapat secara dramatis meningkatkan laba yang dalam industri e-commerce akan sangat menguntungkan, karena persaingannya hanya berjarak satu klik-an tetikus. Penelitian ini menggunakan 400 pelanggan e-commerce Shopee Indonesia sebagai responden dan menerapkan model persamaan struktural (SEM) untuk menganalisis data dan menguji hipotesis. Ditemukan bahwa e-service quality dan e-trust memainkan peran penting pada e-customer loyalty melalui variabel mediasi. Sementara itu, e-customer satisfaction memediasi secara parsial hubungan antara e-service quality dan e-trust terhadap e-customer loyalty. Kata Kunci: e-commerce, e-service quality, e-trust, e-customer satisfaction, e-customer loyalty This study aims to explore the effect of service quality and trust towards e-customers on e-commerce Shopee Indonesia and whether customer satisfaction appears as a mediating variable or not. Loyal customers are an important driver for e-commerce success, because customer loyalty is closely related to the company's long-term profits and growth and a small increase in the number of loyal customers, because competition only exceeds one-click mouse. This study uses 400 Shopee Indonesia e-commerce customers as respondents and applies a structural equation model (SEM) to analyze data and test hypotheses. It was found that service quality and trust play an important role on customer loyalty through mediating variables. Meanwhile, customer satisfaction mediates a partial relationship between electronic service quality and customer trust in customer loyalty. Keywords: e-commerce, e-service quality, e-trust, e-customer satisfaction, e-customer loyalt


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepuasan dan manfaat yang dirasakan terhadap minat beli ulang pada e-commerce Tokopedia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif melalui analisis model persamaan struktural (Structural Equation Model/SEM) AMOS. Variabel yang akan diuji adalah kepuasan, manfaat yang dirasakan, dan minat beli ulang. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat DKI Jakarta yang pernah membeli produk di Tokopedia dalam kurun waktu enam bulan terakhir. Total sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu 250 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepuasan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap minat beli ulang, manfaat yang dirasakan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap minat beli ulang, dan manfaat yang dirasakan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan. This study aims to determine the effects of satisfaction and perceived usefulness on repurchase intention in e-commerce Tokopedia. The research method that was used in this research is quantitative method through structural equation model (SEM) AMOS. Variables to be tested are satisfaction, perceived usefulness, and repurchase intention. The population in this study is the people of DKI Jakarta who have purchased products in Tokopedia within the last six months. The total sample used in this study are 250 respondents. The results of this study show that satisfaction had a positive and significant effect on repurchase intention, perceived usefulness had a positive and significant effect on repurchase intention, and perceived usefulness had a positive and significant effect on satisfaction. Keywords: Satisfaction, Perceived Usefulness, Repurchase Intention, ECommerc

    New channel introduction and customer touchpoint experience in a multichannel environment

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    The Omnichannel phenomenon: unveiling the role of Channel Integration for consumers and retailers

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    This thesis work is aimed at deepening the knowledge of the phenomenon called "Omnichannel", as the main challenge of modern retailing. Omnichannel is a new retailing configuration, which envisages drastic changes compared to the Multi- and Cross-channel models. Although the Omnichannel phenomenon has been extensively studied in recent years, it is also missing a comprehensive framework. This is also shown by the variety of alternative definitions of "Omnichannel" existing in literature. The three studies presented in this thesis start from this assumption, and come to identify and investigate an element that clearly emerges as the core of Omnichannel: Channel Integration. The first study, an extensive literature review conducted with bibliometric techniques, allowed us to frame the extent of Omnichannel in terms of papers, topics and issues addressed. Furthermore, through the use of co-citation analysis, a clustering technique based on the triangulation of citations, the theoretical foundations of Omnichannel have been identified. 4 research clusters were traced back to: Consumer Behavior, Strategic Management, Channel Management, and Channel Integration. Results also show that Channel Integration is the main element of Omnichannel, capable of creating synergies with other clusters and capturing the perspectives of the consumer and retailer at the same time. The second study qualifies as an extension of these results to the future of Omnichannel, through qualitative research. It was in fact decided to proceed by discussing the topic with a panel of 18 international experts, with proven academic and managerial background. The participants commented on the results emerging from our previous study and expressed themselves on: areas, topics, methodologies and settings of priority development; generation of new theories or application of pre-existing theories; challenges, issues and retailers’ needs in Omnichannel. The results were then coded and analyzed to create a research agenda divided into 5 macro-themes of interest: a) Omnichannel customer journeys, b) Omnichannel customer experiences, c) Omnichannel transition issues, d) the human factor in Omnichannel, and e) augmented and intelligent Omnichannel environments. The experts also validated the model in 4 research clusters proposed by our first study and confirmed the central role of Channel Integration. For the third and final study, we therefore decided to investigate the role of Channel Integration in Omnichannel contexts, from the perspective of customer journeys (theme a) emerging from Study 2). We employed quantitative methodologies (MCA, CFA, SEM) to test the effect of touchpoints - which constitute the various steps of customer journeys - on consumers’ perception of Channel Integration, and the effect of the latter on patronage intention towards the retailer. Through the Categorization Theory, we proposed that the touchpoints capable of activating a Channel Integration perception are different depending on the sector and on the type of consumer (first-time and repeat customer). The research, conducted on two panels of Italian consumers in the grocery and fashion sectors – 1.031 and 759 participants, respectively –, led to the identification of substantial differences related to context and target, and confirmed a positive effect of Channel Integration perception on customer loyalty through patronage intention. The work therefore has, overall, both theoretical and managerial implications.Il presente lavoro di tesi è volto ad approfondire la conoscenza del fenomeno denominato Omnicanalità, quale principale sfida del retailing moderno. Si tratta di una nuova configurazione di retailing, che prevede cambiamenti drastici rispetto ai modelli di Multi- e Cross-canalità che l’hanno preceduta. Nonostante si tratti di un fenomeno ampiamente studiato negli ultimi anni, abbiamo rilevato una sostanziale difficoltà nel suo inquadramento, che si evince anche dalla molteplicità di definizioni alternative di “Omnicanalità” esistenti in letteratura. I tre studi che costituiscono questa tesi partono da questo presupposto, arrivando ad individuare e investigare l’elemento che emerge chiaramente come il fulcro dell’Omnicanalità. Il primo studio, una estesa literature review condotta con tecniche bibliometriche, ci ha permesso di inquadrare l’Omnicanalità in termini di studi condotti in letteratura e tematiche affrontate. Inoltre, mediante la co-citation analysis, una tecnica di clustering basata sulla triangolazione delle citazioni, sono state ricostruite le basi teoriche dell’Omnicanalità. Attraverso l’interpretazione dei contributi fondamentali così individuati, sono stati identificati 4 cluster di ricerca: Consumer Behavior, Management Strategico, Channel Management, e Channel Integration. Dall’analisi emerge anche come la Channel Integration sia l’elemento centrale dell’Omnicanalità, in grado sia di creare sinergie con gli altri cluster sia di catturare al contempo le prospettive del consumatore e del retailer. Il secondo studio si qualifica come un’estensione di tali risultati al futuro dell’Omnicanalità, attraverso un’analisi di tipo qualitativo. Si è infatti deciso di procedere discutendo il tema con un panel di 18 esperti internazionali, dalla comprovata esperienza sia accademica che professionale. I partecipanti hanno commentato i risultati emergenti dallo studio precedente e si sono espressi in merito a: aree, temi, metodologie e contesti prioritari per lo studio dell’Omnicanalità; sfide, problematiche e necessità di ricerca in tale ambito. I risultati sono stati codificati e analizzati per produrre una research agenda articolata in 5 macro-tematiche di interesse: a) Omnichannel customer journeys, b) Omnichannel customer experiences, c) problematiche di transizione verso l’Omnicanalità, d) il fattore umano nell’Omnicanalità, ed e) la gestione di ambienti Omnicanale tecnologicamente avanzati ed intelligenti. Gli esperti hanno inoltre validato il modello in 4 research clusters da noi proposto e confermato la centralità della Channel Integration. Per il terzo ed ultimo studio, si è pertanto deciso di investigare ulteriormente il tema della Channel Integration in contesti Omnicanale, secondo la prospettiva delle customer journeys (punto a) emerso dal secondo studio). Attraverso metodologie quantitative (MCA, CFA, SEM), si testa l’effetto dei touchpoints – che costituiscono i vari step delle customer journeys – sulla percezione di Channel Integration maturata dal consumatore, e l’effetto di questa sulla patronage intention verso il retailer. Attraverso la Categorization Theory, si propone che i touchpoint in grado di attivare una percezione di Channel Integration siano diversi a seconda del contesto settoriale – sulla base di differenti categorie di prodotto – e della tipologia di consumatore (first-time e repeat customer). La ricerca, condotta su due panel di consumatori italiani nei settori grocery e fashion – con 1.031 e 759 partecipanti, rispettivamente –, ha portato all’individuazione ed alla discussione di tali touchpoint, evidenziando differenze sostanziali tra i touchpoint che determinano la channel integration tra settori e tra target, e ha confermato un effetto positivo della percezione di Channel Integration sulla customer loyalty attraverso la patronage intention. Il lavoro presenta pertanto implicazioni sia teoriche che manageriali

    Measuring the Quality of Financial Electronic Payment System: Combined with Fuzzy AHP and Fuzzy TOPSIS

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    The study aims to apply Fuzzy AHP in TOPSIS to discuss the key factors that foster the success of current third-party online payment platforms. This study organized the quality measurements into four categories and eleven sub-categories. The AHP in TOPSIS is applied to calculate the weighted averages of all categories and sub-categories to measure the quality of third-party online payment platforms. This study finds that “safety quality” is the most emphasized category, “system quality” is the second, “communication quality” is the third, and “service quality” is the least emphasized

    La qualité de l’intégration multicanal dans le secteur bancaire en Afrique : cas du Maroc

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    The banking sector is one of the pioneering sectors in improving customer relationship management, technological innovation and supporting the national economy in its development. Customers perceive a higher risk when using financial services than when acquiring other services (Phan and Ghantous, 2013; Marafon et al., 2018) so banks are being forced to redefine their value propositions, integrating their services across offline and online channels (Bapat, 2017; Kingshott et al., 2018). This is no longer a choice, but a necessity in order to face the current context marked by strong competition and continuous change. In the scientific literature, most research has focused either on offline contexts or on online contexts in isolation. Understanding the role of multichannel integration quality in improving perceived value in the banking sector via the strategy proposed by Moroccan banks is essential to get the whole population to adhere to the banking system. The goal is to accompany the nation's economic projects in the framework of value development in all sectors of activity and formalize the economic activity still shaded by the informal sector. Our article proposes an empirical study with a sample of five managers operating in Moroccan banks in order to clarify the importance of the quality of multi-channel integration, and thus highlight the dimensions of the QIM as mediators of the adhesion to the multi-channel offer proposed by their banks. Following this study, the importance of the latter has been validated, nevertheless the study remains nuanced given the limited number of people interviewed. A quantitative study among customers is still desirable to confirm the importance of this variable among consumers.   Keywords: multi-channel, integration quality, Moroccan banks; perceived value. JEL Classification : G21, L86, M15. Paper Type: Empirical researchLe secteur bancaire est l’un des secteurs pionniers dans l’amĂ©lioration de gestion de la relation client, l’innovation technologique et l’accompagnement de l’économie nationale dans son dĂ©veloppement. Les clients perçoivent un risque plus Ă©levĂ© lorsqu'ils font appel Ă  des services financiers que lorsqu'ils acquièrent d'autres services (Phan et Ghantous, 2013 ; Marafon et al., 2018) ainsi les banques se voient dans l’obligation de redĂ©finir leurs propositions de valeur, en intĂ©grant leurs services dans les canaux hors ligne et en ligne (Bapat, 2017 ; Kingshott et al., 2018). Ceci n’est plus un choix, mais une nĂ©cessitĂ© afin de faire face au contexte actuel marquĂ© par une forte concurrence et un changement continu. Dans la littĂ©rature scientifique, la plupart des recherches se sont concentrĂ©es soit sur les contextes hors ligne, soit sur les contextes en ligne de manière isolĂ©e. La comprĂ©hension du rĂ´le de la qualitĂ© d'intĂ©gration multicanal dans l'amĂ©lioration de la valeur perçue dans le secteur bancaire via la stratĂ©gie proposĂ©e par les banques marocaines est indispensable afin de faire adhĂ©rer l’ensemble de la population au système bancaire. Le but est d’accompagner les projets Ă©conomiques de la nation dans le cadre du dĂ©veloppement de la valeur dans tous les secteurs d’activitĂ©s et formaliser l’activitĂ© Ă©conomique toujours nuancĂ©e par le secteur informel. Notre article propose une Ă©tude empirique auprès d’un Ă©chantillon de cinq responsables opĂ©rant dans des banques marocaines afin d’éclaircir l’importance de la qualitĂ© de l’intĂ©gration multicanal, et ainsi souligner les dimensions de la QIM comme mĂ©diateurs de l’adhĂ©sion Ă  l’offre multicanal proposĂ©e par leurs banques. Suite Ă  cette Ă©tude, l’importance de celle-ci a Ă©tĂ© validĂ©e, nĂ©anmoins l’étude reste nuancĂ©e vu le nombre limitĂ© des personnes interrogĂ©es. Une Ă©tude quantitative auprès des clients reste souhaitable pour confirmer l’importance de cette variable auprès des consommateurs.   Mots clĂ©s : multicanal, qualitĂ© d’intĂ©gration, banques marocaines ; valeur perçue. Classification JEL :  G21, L86, M15. Type de l’article : Recherche appliquĂ©
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