10 research outputs found

    Robust optimization for interactive multiobjective programming with imprecise information applied to R&D project portfolio selection

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    A multiobjective binary integer programming model for R&D project portfolio selection with competing objectives is developed when problem coefficients in both objective functions and constraints are uncertain. Robust optimization is used in dealing with uncertainty while an interactive procedure is used in making tradeoffs among the multiple objectives. Robust nondominated solutions are generated by solving the linearized counterpart of the robust augmented weighted Tchebycheff programs. A decision maker’s most preferred solution is identified in the interactive robust weighted Tchebycheff procedure by progressively eliciting and incorporating the decision maker’s preference information into the solution process. An example is presented to illustrate the solution approach and performance. The developed approach can also be applied to general multiobjective mixed integer programming problems

    Proposing a Hybrid Approach to Predict, Schedule and Select the Most Robust Project Portfolio under Uncertainty

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    Suitable project portfolio selection in inconsistent economy that can reduce the portfolio risks and increasing utilities for investors has gained significant research attentions.   This article addresses the project portfolio selection in which conventional certain (1) prediction, (2) optimization and (3) clustering approaches cannot be used to face uncertainty. To predict the real value of affecting project risk parameters, neural network has been used; Then to determine the optimized sequences and procedures, the proposed model have been evaluated using the multi-objective shuffle frog leaping algorithm (SFLA) by robust optimization approach; To suggest different risk criteria, K-means algorithm utilized to categorize the candidate projects and differentiating the clusters.  As the proposed hybrid methodology is studied on 420 different construction projects in an Iranian construction company in two economic stable years and an instable year in Iran real estate market. The results show 96 percent prediction-optimization capability due to different desired criteria

    Optimization of Project Portfolio Selection Considering Interactions Among Multiple Projects

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    In conditions of capital constraints, a single-objective nonlinear 0-1 integer programming model is proposed based on grey theory. First, application of Grey Theory deals with uncertainty of attribute weights’ values given by experts and projects’ scores under different attributes. Second, we construct two multi-attribute utility objective functions by comparing situations of considering interactions and without interactions, and two new multi-project portfolio optimization models are established. Finally, a numerical example illustrates effectiveness and practicality of the proposed model

    A Grey-Based Fuzzy ELECTRE Model for Project Selection

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    Project selection is considered as an important problem in project management. It is multi-criteria in nature and is based on various quantitative and qualitative factors. The main purpose of this paper is to present a new rank-based method for project selection in outranking relation. According to this approach, decision alternatives were clustered in the concordance matrix and the discordance matrix through the ELECTRE model based on intuitionistic trapezoidal fuzzy numbers. Then, the two matrices were integrated and ranked using grey relational coefficients and the Minkowski space distance. The results of the model were compared with grey relational projection method with intuitionistic trapezoidal fuzzy number. To illustrate the proposed methodology, a case study was conducted to select National Iranian Oil Company projects

    A robust R&D project portfolio optimization model for pharmaceutical contract research organizations

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    Pharmaceutical drug Research and Development (R&D) outsourcing to contract research organizations (CROs) has experienced a significant growth in recent decades and the trend is expected to continue. A key question for CROs and firms in similar environments is which projects should be included in the firm?s portfolio of projects. As a distinctive contribution to the literature this paper develops and evaluates a business support tool to help a CRO decide on clinical R&D project opportunities and revise its portfolio of R&D projects given the existing constraints, and financial and resource capabilities. A new mathematical programming model in the form of a capital budgeting problem is developed to help revising and rescheduling of the project portfolio. The uncertainty of pharmaceutical R&D cost estimates in drug development stages is captured to mimic a more realistic representation of pharmaceutical R&D projects, and a robust optimization approach is used to tackle the uncertain formulation. An illustrative example is presented to demonstrate the proposed approach

    Project portfolio selection problems: a review of models, uncertainty approaches, solution techniques, and case studies

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    Project portfolio selection has been the focus of many scholars in the last two decades. The number of studies on the strategic process has significantly increased over the past decade. Despite this increasing trend, previous studies have not been yet critically evaluated. This paper, therefore, aims to presents a comprehensive review of project portfolio selection and optimization studies focusing on the evaluation criteria, selection approach, solution approach, uncertainty modeling, and applications. This study reviews more than 140 papers on project portfolio selection research topic to identify the gaps and to present future trends. The findings show that not only the financial criteria but also social and environmental aspects of project portfolios have been focused by researchers in project portfolio selection in recent years. In addition, meta-heuristics and heuristics approach to finding the solution of mathematical models have been the critical research by scholars. Expert systems, artificial intelligence, and big data science have not been considered in project portfolio selection in the previous studies. In future, researchers can investigate the role of sustainability, resiliency, foreign investment, and exchange rates in project portfolio selection studies, and they can focus on artificial intelligence environments using big data and fuzzy stochastic optimization techniques

    Proposição de um Modelo Matemático Baseado em Programação Linear para Priorização e Seleção de Portfólio de Projetos.

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    A escassez de recursos somada à alta competitividade entre as empresas faz com que companhias busquem alocar seus recursos em projetos que tragam os melhores resultados conforme seus objetivos estratégicos. É neste contexto que surge a gestão de portfólio de projetos, onde fazer o projeto certo é tão importante quanto conduzir e executar corretamente cada projeto. Nem sempre projetos resultam em ganhos financeiros, porém todos consomem recursos e buscam resultados. Atualmente, há uma grande variedade de modelos para gestão de portfólio de projetos disseminados dentro das organizações. Os modelos qualitativos geralmente proporcionam elevados níveis de imprecisão, já os quantitativos podem apresentar formulações matemáticas complexas. Entre essas concepções tem-se uma lacuna na literatura para a proposição de modelos que unifiquem a precisão dos quantitativos com a alta aplicabilidade dos qualitativos. Sendo assim, esta dissertação tem como objetivo apresentar um novo modelo para priorização e seleção de portfólio de projetos, baseando-se em Programação Linear e na atribuição de pesos aos projetos por parte dos gestores, considerando-se assim julgamentos e pontos de vista. Para tanto, optou-se pela modelagem como metodologia de pesquisa. O modelo foi aplicado a um órgão de uma instituição pública, a fim de verificar e validar os resultados, atestando-se assim a eficiência do modelo. Com base nos resultados, constatou-se que o modelo proposto possui benefícios de ambas abordagens típicas, qualitativa e quantitativa, e é capaz de prover os tomadores de decisão com respostas satisfatórias

    Contributions to IT project portfolio management and individual digital study assistants in higher education

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    Diese kumulative Dissertation beschreibt und diskutiert 12 wissenschaftliche Artikel, die einen Beitrag zur Forschung in den Themenbereichen Informationstechnik (IT) Projektportfoliomanagement und individuelle, digitale Studienassistenten an Universitäten umfasst. Dafür wurden Modelle und Rahmenwerke entwickelt, die wesentliche IT Projektportfoliomanagement Phasen und Aktivitäten beschreiben, eine objektive IT Projektevaluation ermöglichen und Reifegrade von IT Projektportfoliomanagement Prozessen bestimmen. Außerdem wurde ein Optimierungsmodell zur Auswahl und Planung des IT Projektportfoliomanagement Prozesses aufgestellt und in einem Entscheidungsunterstützungssystem-Prototypen integriert. Bestehende IT Projektportfoliomanagement Tools, sowie Anforderungen und unternehmerische Vorteile für IT Projektmanager wurden jeweils in Taxonomien klassifiziert, Muster erkannt und Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede aufgezeigt. Zusätzlich wurden kritische Erfolgsfaktoren, Herausforderungen und Anforderungen für individuelle, digitale Studienassistenten identifiziert, analysiert und diskutiert. In mehreren Iterationen wurde basierend darauf ein Prototyp entwickelt, evaluiert, modifiziert und allgemeine Leitlinien für das Design, die Entwicklung und den Betrieb eines individuellen, digitalen Studienassistenten abgeleitet. Die Forschungsarbeiten ermöglichen IT Projektportfoliomanagement Prozesse effizienter und werteorientiert zu gestalten und subjektive Einflüsse zu minimieren sowie Hochschulen bei dem Design, der Entwicklung und dem Betrieb von individuellen, digitalen Studienassistenten zu unterstützen. Basierend auf Limitationen wird eine Forschungsagenda aufgestellt, die 13 weitere Forschungsmöglichkeiten im Themenbereich IT Projektportfoliomanagement und individuelle, digitale Studienassistenten aufzeigt und als Grundlage für weitere Forschung in diesen Themenfeldern dient.This cumulative dissertation outlines and discusses 12 scientific publications that contribute to the knowledge of Information Technology (IT) project portfolio management and individual digital study assistants in higher education. The papers developed models and frameworks that describe crucial IT project portfolio management phases and activities, enable an objective IT project evaluation, and define IT project portfolio management maturity levels. In addition, they deduced an optimization model for IT project portfolio management evaluation, selection, and scheduling decisions and implemented it in a decision support system prototype. Developed taxonomies and archetypes classify existing IT project portfolio management tools as well as requirements and corporate benefits of IT project manager positions to identify patterns, similarities, and differences. Further, critical success factors, challenges, and requirements for an individual digital study assistant were identified, analyzed, and discussed. Based on these and during several iterations, an individual digital study assistant prototype was developed, evaluated, adapted, and guidelines derived. The articles contribute knowledge on how to design more efficient and value-driven IT project portfolio management processes to minimize subjective influences. Also, they provide knowledge to support higher education institutions in the design, development, and operation of individual digital study assistants. Based on existing limitations, a further research agenda is deduced, including 13 further research directions for IT project portfolio management and individual digital study assistants in higher education institutions. They serve as a basis for further researchers in these fields of topics

    Definição de prioridades e seleção de projetos de inovação em uma organização pública de pesquisa.

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    As organizações públicas de pesquisa (OPPs) estão diante de um cenário no qual a busca da competitividade se torna crescente e no qual a necessidade de condução eficiente de suas atividades se impõe. O ambiente de atuação dessas instituições é definido pela presença de múltiplos atores e desafios tais como a redução de recursos financeiros, a emergência de novos campos na ciência, a discussão sobre o papel do Estado e as mudanças em seu ambiente de atuação. O estabelecimento de prioridades e seleção de projetos de P,D&I no setor público é uma tarefa complexa dada a concorrência de fatores políticos e técnico científicos. Ou seja, ao critério de excelência científica mesclam-se outros de relevância social e de preferências políticas, seja no sentido de políticas públicas, seja no sentido da disputa política prevalecente no momento. Não bastasse essa complexa combinação, o próprio avanço de forças de mercado, introduzindo novos atores e tornando o "mercado" da pesquisa um ambiente competitivo, coloca desafios ainda maiores para a definição de prioridade e para a decisão de investimento em programas e projetos de pesquisa nas OPPs. A seleção de projetos de P<D&I é caracterizada por informação incerta e mutável, pois lida com eventos que ainda não ocorreram, constituindo um problema complexo e não trivial com importantes implicações organizacionais. Assim, a questão que este trabalho procura responder está relacionada aos fundamentos e diretrizes que devem orientar a seleção de projetos e a formação de portifólio de projetos de P,D&I em uma organização pública de pesquisa. Nesse sentido, se trata de uma tese exploratória, cujo objetivo central é a proposição de uma abordagem metodológica para futura aplicação na seleção de projetos de P<D&I, capaz de lidar com a diversidade de situações e problemas de pesquisa e inovação de uma organização pública de pesquisa. Portanto, o problema consiste na seleção das ações gerenciais para atuação em um sistema complexo e o posicionamento dos métodos e técnicas para priorização e seleção de projetos no modelo analítico utilizado neste trabalho possibilitou a identificação de abordagens gerenciais para lidar com as especificidades desse processo decisório. Mais do que o auxílio à decisão, esses métodos contribuem para o aprendizado organizacional ao destacarem a complexidade ambiental, o nível de conhecimento disponível para a decisão, a relevância de cada critério e as distintas posições e interesses dos atores do processo. A contribuição deste trabalho para o tema de definição de prioridades e seleção de projetos de inovação em uma organização pública de pesquisa é a proposição de uma abordagem metodológica capaz de considerar no processo decisório, elementos como, a participação e construção de acordo entre os atores envolvidos, a incerteza inerente à pesquisa, desenvolvimento e inovaçãoe, e finalmente, as técnicas, ferramentas e métodos disponíveis para auxílio à tomada de decisão.Tese (Doutorado em Política Científica e Tecnológica) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, SP