894 research outputs found

    Control of Networked Robotic Systems

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    With the infrastructure of ubiquitous networks around the world, the study of robotic systems over communication networks has attracted widespread attention. This area is denominated as networked robotic systems. By exploiting the fruitful technological developments in networking and computing, networked robotic systems are endowed with potential and capabilities for several applications. Robots within a network are capable of connecting with control stations, human operators, sensors, and other robots via digital communication over possibly noisy channels/media. The issues of time delays in communication and data losses have emerged as a pivotal issue that have stymied practical deployment. The aim of this dissertation is to develop control algorithms and architectures for networked robotic systems that guarantee stability with improved overall performance in the presence of time delays in communication. The first topic addressed in this dissertation is controlled synchronization that is utilized for networked robotic systems to achieve collective behaviors. Exploiting passivity property of individual robotic systems, the proposed control schemes and interconnections are shown to ensure stability and convergence of synchronizing errors. The robustness of the control algorithms to constant and time-varying communication delays is also studied. In addition to time delays, the number of communication links, which prevents scalability of networked robotic systems, is another challenging issue. Thus, a synchronizing control with practically feasible constraints of network topology is developed. The problem of networked robotic systems interacting with human operators is then studied subsequently. This research investigates a teleoperation system with heterogeneous robots under asymmetric and unknown communication delays. Sub-task controllers are proposed for redundant slave robot to autonomously achieve additional tasks, such as singularity avoidance, joint angle limits, and collision avoidance. The developed control algorithms can enhance the efficiency of teleoperation systems, thereby ameliorating the performance degradation due to cognitive limitations of human operator and incomplete information about the environment. Compared to traditional robotic systems, control of robotic manipulators over networks has significant advantages; for example, increased flexibility and ease of maintenance. With the utilization of scattering variables, this research demonstrates that transmitting scattering variables over delayed communications can stabilize an otherwise unstable system. An architecture utilizing delayed position feedback in conjunction with scattering variables is developed for the case of time-varying communication delays. The proposed control architecture improves tracking performance and stabilizes robotic manipulators with input-output communication delays. The aforementioned control algorithms and architectures for networked robotic systems are validated via numerical examples and experiments

    Comprehensive review on controller for leader-follower robotic system

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    985-1007This paper presents a comprehensive review of the leader-follower robotics system. The aim of this paper is to find and elaborate on the current trends in the swarm robotic system, leader-follower, and multi-agent system. Another part of this review will focus on finding the trend of controller utilized by previous researchers in the leader-follower system. The controller that is commonly applied by the researchers is mostly adaptive and non-linear controllers. The paper also explores the subject of study or system used during the research which normally employs multi-robot, multi-agent, space flying, reconfigurable system, multi-legs system or unmanned system. Another aspect of this paper concentrates on the topology employed by the researchers when they conducted simulation or experimental studies

    An Overview of Recent Progress in the Study of Distributed Multi-agent Coordination

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    This article reviews some main results and progress in distributed multi-agent coordination, focusing on papers published in major control systems and robotics journals since 2006. Distributed coordination of multiple vehicles, including unmanned aerial vehicles, unmanned ground vehicles and unmanned underwater vehicles, has been a very active research subject studied extensively by the systems and control community. The recent results in this area are categorized into several directions, such as consensus, formation control, optimization, task assignment, and estimation. After the review, a short discussion section is included to summarize the existing research and to propose several promising research directions along with some open problems that are deemed important for further investigations

    Cooperative control of autonomous connected vehicles from a Networked Control perspective: Theory and experimental validation

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    Formation control of autonomous connected vehicles is one of the typical problems addressed in the general context of networked control systems. By leveraging this paradigm, a platoon composed by multiple connected and automated vehicles is represented as one-dimensional network of dynamical agents, in which each agent only uses its neighboring information to locally control its motion, while it aims to achieve certain global coordination with all other agents. Within this theoretical framework, control algorithms are traditionally designed based on an implicit assumption of unlimited bandwidth and perfect communication environments. However, in practice, wireless communication networks, enabling the cooperative driving applications, introduce unavoidable communication impairments such as transmission delay and packet losses that strongly affect the performances of cooperative driving. Moreover, in addition to this problem, wireless communication networks can suffer different security threats. The challenge in the control field is hence to design cooperative control algorithms that are robust to communication impairments and resilient to cyber attacks. The work aim is to tackle and solve these challenges by proposing different properly designed control strategies. They are validated both in analytical, numerical and experimental ways. Obtained results confirm the effectiveness of the strategies in coping with communication impairments and security vulnerabilities

    Connectivity Preservation in Multi-Agent Systems using Model Predictive Control

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    Flocking of multiagent systems is one of the basic behaviors in the field of control of multiagent systems and it is an essential element of many real-life applications. Such systems under various network structures and environment modes have been extensively studied in the past decades. Navigation of agents in a leader-follower structure while operating in environments with obstacles is particularly challenging. One of the main challenges in flocking of multiagent systems is to preserve connectivity. Gradient descent method is widely utilized to achieve this goal. But the main shortcoming of applying this method for the leader-follower structure is the need for continuous data transmission between agents and/or the preservation of a fixed connection topology. In this research, we propose an innovative model predictive controller based on a potential field that maintains the connectivity of a flock of agents in a leader-follower structure with dynamic topology. The agents navigate through an environment with obstacles that form a path leading to a certain target. Such a control technique avoids collisions of followers with each other without using any communication links while following their leader which navigates in the environment through potential functions for modelling the neighbors and obstacles. The potential field is dynamically updated by introducing weight variables in order to preserve connectivity among the followers as we assume only the leader knows the target position. The values of these weights are changed in real-time according to trajectories of the agents when the critical neighbors of each agent is determined. We compare the performance of our predictive-control based algorithm with other approaches. The results show that our algorithm causes the agents to reach the target in less time. However, our algorithm faces more deadlock cases when the agents go through relatively narrow paths. Due to the consideration of the input costs in our controller, the group of agents reaching the target faster does not necessarily result in the followers consuming more energy than the leader

    Robust and Cooperative Formation Control of Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems

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    Compared with the conventional approach of controlling autonomous systems individually, building up a cooperative multi-agent structure is more robust and efficient for both research and industrial purposes. Among the many subbranches of multiagent systems, formation control has been a popular research direction due to its close connection with complex missions such as spacecraft clustering and intelligent transportation. Hence, this thesis focuses on providing new robust formation control algorithms for first-order, second-order and mixed-order nonlinear multi-agent systems to construct and maintain stable system structure in practical scenarios. System uncertainties and external disturbances are commonly seen factors that could negatively affect the formation tracking precision. Among the many popular tools of uncertainty estimation, the implementation of approaches including neural network adaptive estimation and observer-based approximation are discussed in this thesis. Regarding the neural-based approximation process, different neural network structures including Chebyshev neural network, radial basis function neural network, twolayer artificial neural network and three-layer artificial neural network are tested and implemented. The merits and drawbacks of each network design in the field of control is then analysed. Apart from that, this thesis also offers detailed comparison between the cooperative tuning approach and the observer-based tuning approach regarding the neural network structure to find their corresponding applicable scenarios. To ensure the safety of the formation control algorithms, the issues of obstacle avoidance and inter-agent collision avoidance are both considered. Although the method of constructing artificial potential fields is a popular approach in both the field of path planning and motion control, few have discussed the effect of the inter-agent communication on the collision avoidance scheme. For the obstacle avoiding scenarios, the passive correcting behaviour of individual agent is defined and investigated. A new algorithm is then introduced to modify the reference of individual agents to act as the mitigation. The issue of insufficient information accessibility is then discussed for multi-agent systems with a static and uncompleted communication topology. A distance-based communication topology is proposed to create necessary information exchange channel for unconnected agent pairs that are close enough. The actuator saturation issue is also considered for both first-order multi-agent systems and second-order multi-agent systems to increase the practicality of the formation control schemes. Apart from restricting the amplitudes of the control input, the effect of the input coupling phenomenon is investigated. The oscillation of states brought by the coupled and saturated control input is then summarised as the reverse effect. To attenuate the state oscillation, the methods of developing control input regulation algorithms and employing auxiliary compensator are discussed and validated. The last technical problem to discuss is the hierarchical control scheme. The issue of how to decouple the inter-agent communication and the motion dynamics is discussed for both unified-order and mixed-order multi-agent systems. By using a hierarchical formation control structure, the inter-agent communication process is considered based on a group of virtual agents with ideal characteristics, which can significantly reduce the complexity of the system design. Adaptive hierarchical control schemes are then proposed and validated for both unified-order and mixed-order multi-agent systems through the examples of a multi-drone system and a multiple omni-directional robot system, respectively.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 202

    Planning And Control Of Swarm Motion As Continua

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    In this thesis, new algorithms for formation control of multi agent systems (MAS) based on continuum mechanics principles will be investigated. For this purpose agents of the MAS are treated as particles in a continuum, evolving in an n-D space, whose desired configuration is required to satisfy an admissible deformation function. Considered is a specific class of mappings that is called homogenous where the Jacobian of the mapping is only a function of time and is not spatially varying. The primary objectives of this thesis are to develop the necessary theory and its validation via simulation on a mobile-agent based swarm test bed that includes two primary tasks: 1) homogenous transformation of MAS and 2) deployment of a random distribution of agents on to a desired configuration. Developed will be a framework based on homogenous transformations for the evolution of a MAS in an n-D space (n=1, 2, and 3), under two scenarios: 1) no inter-agent communication (predefined motion plan); and 2) local inter-agent communication. Additionally, homogenous transformations based on communication protocols will be used to deploy an arbitrary distribution of a MAS on to a desired curve. Homogenous transformation with no communication: A homogenous transformation of a MAS, evolving in an space, under zero inter agent communication is first considered. Here the homogenous mapping, is characterized by an n x n Jacobian matrix ( ) and an n x 1 rigid body displacement vector ( ), that are based on positions of n+1 agents of the MAS, called leader agents. The designed Jacobian ( ) and rigid body displacement vector ( ) are passed onto rest of the agents of the MAS, called followers, who will then use that information to update their positions under a pre- iv defined motion plan. Consequently, the motion of MAS will evolve as a homogenous transformation of the initial configuration without explicit communication among agents. Homogenous Transformation under Local Communication: We develop a framework for homogenous transformation of MAS, evolving in , under a local inter agent communication topology. Here we assume that some agents are the leaders, that are transformed homogenously in an n-D space. In addition, every follower agent of the MAS communicates with some local agents to update its position, in order to grasp the homogenous mapping that is prescribed by the leader agents. We show that some distance ratios that are assigned based on initial formation, if preserved, lead to asymptotic convergence of the initial formation to a final formation under a homogenous mapping. Deployment of a Random Distribution on a Desired Manifold: Deployment of agents of a MAS, moving in a plane, on to a desired curve, is a task that is considered as an application of the proposed approach. In particular, a 2-D MAS evolution problem is considered as two 1-D MAS evolution problems, where x or y coordinates of the position of all agents are modeled as points confined to move on a straight line. Then, for every coordinate of MAS evolution, bulk motion is controlled by two agents considered leaders that move independently, with rest of the follower agents motions evolving through each follower agent communicating with two adjacent agents

    Data-Driven Architecture to Increase Resilience In Multi-Agent Coordinated Missions

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    The rise in the use of Multi-Agent Systems (MASs) in unpredictable and changing environments has created the need for intelligent algorithms to increase their autonomy, safety and performance in the event of disturbances and threats. MASs are attractive for their flexibility, which also makes them prone to threats that may result from hardware failures (actuators, sensors, onboard computer, power source) and operational abnormal conditions (weather, GPS denied location, cyber-attacks). This dissertation presents research on a bio-inspired approach for resilience augmentation in MASs in the presence of disturbances and threats such as communication link and stealthy zero-dynamics attacks. An adaptive bio-inspired architecture is developed for distributed consensus algorithms to increase fault-tolerance in a network of multiple high-order nonlinear systems under directed fixed topologies. In similarity with the natural organisms’ ability to recognize and remember specific pathogens to generate its immunity, the immunity-based architecture consists of a Distributed Model-Reference Adaptive Control (DMRAC) with an Artificial Immune System (AIS) adaptation law integrated within a consensus protocol. Feedback linearization is used to modify the high-order nonlinear model into four decoupled linear subsystems. A stability proof of the adaptation law is conducted using Lyapunov methods and Jordan decomposition. The DMRAC is proven to be stable in the presence of external time-varying bounded disturbances and the tracking error trajectories are shown to be bounded. The effectiveness of the proposed architecture is examined through numerical simulations. The proposed controller successfully ensures that consensus is achieved among all agents while the adaptive law v simultaneously rejects the disturbances in the agent and its neighbors. The architecture also includes a health management system to detect faulty agents within the global network. Further numerical simulations successfully test and show that the Global Health Monitoring (GHM) does effectively detect faults within the network