39,108 research outputs found

    Binscatter Regressions

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    We introduce the \texttt{Stata} (and \texttt{R}) package \textsf{Binsreg}, which implements the binscatter methods developed in \citet*{Cattaneo-Crump-Farrell-Feng_2019_Binscatter}. The package includes the commands \texttt{binsreg}, \texttt{binsregtest}, and \texttt{binsregselect}. The first command (\texttt{binsreg}) implements binscatter for the regression function and its derivatives, offering several point estimation, confidence intervals and confidence bands procedures, with particular focus on constructing binned scatter plots. The second command (\texttt{binsregtest}) implements hypothesis testing procedures for parametric specification and for nonparametric shape restrictions of the unknown regression function. Finally, the third command (\texttt{binsregselect}) implements data-driven number of bins selectors for binscatter implementation using either quantile-spaced or evenly-spaced binning/partitioning. All the commands allow for covariate adjustment, smoothness restrictions, weighting and clustering, among other features. A companion \texttt{R} package with the same capabilities is also available

    Conditional Nonparametric Frontier Models for Convex and Non Convex Technologies: a Unifying Approach

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    The explanation of productivity differentials is very important to identify the economic conditions that create inefficiency and to improve managerial performance. In literature two main approaches have been developed: one-stage approaches and two-stage approaches. Daraio and Simar (2003) propose a full nonparametric methodology based on conditional FDH and conditional order-m frontiers without any convexity assumption on the technology. On the one hand, convexity has always been assumed in mainstream production theory and general equilibrium. On the other hand, in many empirical applications, the convexity assumption can be reasonable and sometimes natural. Leading by these considerations, in this paper we propose a unifying approach to introduce external-environmental variables in nonparametric frontier models for convex and non convex technologies. Developing further the work done in Daraio and Simar (2003) we introduce a conditional DEA estimator, i.e., an estimator of production frontier of DEA type conditioned to some external-environmental variables which are neither inputs nor outputs under the control of the producer. A robust version of this conditional estimator is also proposed. These various measures of efficiency provide also indicators of convexity. Illustrations through simulated and real data (mutual funds) examples are reported.Convexity, External-Environmental Factors, Production Frontier, Nonparametric Estimation, Robust Estimation.

    Blaming the exogenous environment? Conditional efficiency estimation with continuous and discrete exogenous variables

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    This paper proposes a fully nonparametric framework to estimate relative efficiency of entities while accounting for a mixed set of continuous and discrete (both ordered and unordered) exogenous variables. Using robust partial frontier techniques, the probabilistic and conditional characterization of the production process, as well as insights from the recent developments in nonparametric econometrics, we present a generalized approach for conditional efficiency measurement. To do so, we utilize a tailored mixed kernel function with a data-driven bandwidth selection. So far only descriptive analysis for studying the effect of heterogeneity in conditional efficiency estimation has been suggested. We show how to use and interpret nonparametric bootstrap-based significance tests in a generalized conditional efficiency framework. This allows us to study statistical significance of continuous and discrete exogenous variables on production process. The proposed approach is illustrated using simulated examples as well as a sample of British pupils from the OECD Pisa data set. The results of the empirical application show that several exogenous discrete factors have a statistically significant effect on the educational process.Nonparametric estimation, Conditional efficiency measures, Exogenous factors, Generalized kernel function, Education

    Blaming the exogenous environment? Conditional efficiency estimation with continuous and discrete environmental variables.

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    This paper proposes a fully nonparametric framework to estimate relative efficiency of entities while accounting for a mixed set of continuous and discrete (both ordered and unordered) exogenous variables. Using robust partial frontier techniques, the probabilistic and conditional characterization of the production process, as well as insights from the recent developments in nonparametric econometrics, we present a generalized approach for conditional efficiency measurement. To do so, we utilize a tailored mixed kernel function with a data-driven bandwidth selection. So far only descriptive analysis for studying the effect of heterogeneity in conditional efficiency estimation has been suggested. We show how to use and interpret nonparametric bootstrap-based significance tests in a generalized conditional efficiency framework. This allows us to study statistical significance of continuous and discrete environmental variables. The proposed approach is illustrated by a sample of British pupils from the OECD Pisa data set. The results show that several exogenous discrete factors have a significant effect on the educational process.

    Blaming the exogenous environment? Conditional efficiency estimation with continuous and discrete environmental variables

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    This paper proposes a fully nonparametric framework to estimate relative efficiency of entities while accounting for a mixed set of continuous and discrete (both ordered and unordered) exogenous variables. Using robust partial frontier techniques, the probabilistic and conditional characterization of the production process, as well as insights from the recent developments in nonparametric econometrics, we present a generalized approach for conditional efficiency measurement. To do so, we utilize a tailored mixed kernel function with a data-driven bandwidth selection. So far only descriptive analysis for studying the effect of heterogeneity in conditional efficiency estimation has been suggested. We show how to use and interpret nonparametric bootstrap-based significance tests in a generalized conditional efficiency framework. This allows us to study statistical significance of continuous and discrete environmental variables. The proposed approach is illustrated by a sample of British pupils from the OECD Pisa data set. The results show that several exogenous discrete factors have a significant effect on the educational process.

    Predicting Young's Modulus of Glasses with Sparse Datasets using Machine Learning

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    Machine learning (ML) methods are becoming popular tools for the prediction and design of novel materials. In particular, neural network (NN) is a promising ML method, which can be used to identify hidden trends in the data. However, these methods rely on large datasets and often exhibit overfitting when used with sparse dataset. Further, assessing the uncertainty in predictions for a new dataset or an extrapolation of the present dataset is challenging. Herein, using Gaussian process regression (GPR), we predict Young's modulus for silicate glasses having sparse dataset. We show that GPR significantly outperforms NN for sparse dataset, while ensuring no overfitting. Further, thanks to the nonparametric nature, GPR provides quantitative bounds for the reliability of predictions while extrapolating. Overall, GPR presents an advanced ML methodology for accelerating the development of novel functional materials such as glasses.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Estimation of semiparametric stochastic frontiers under shape constraints with application to pollution generating technologies

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    A number of studies have explored the semi- and nonparametric estimation of stochastic frontier models by using kernel regression or other nonparametric smoothing techniques. In contrast to popular deterministic nonparametric estimators, these approaches do not allow one to impose any shape constraints (or regularity conditions) on the frontier function. On the other hand, as many of the previous techniques are based on the nonparametric estimation of the frontier function, the convergence rate of frontier estimators can be sensitive to the number of inputs, which is generally known as “the curse of dimensionality” problem. This paper proposes a new semiparametric approach for stochastic frontier estimation that avoids the curse of dimensionality and allows one to impose shape constraints on the frontier function. Our approach is based on the singleindex model and applies both single-index estimation techniques and shape-constrained nonparametric least squares. In addition to production frontier and technical efficiency estimation, we show how the technique can be used to estimate pollution generating technologies. The new approach is illustrated by an empirical application to the environmental adjusted performance evaluation of U.S. coal-fired electric power plants.stochastic frontier analysis (SFA), nonparametric least squares, single-index model, sliced inverse regression, monotone rank correlation estimator, environmental efficiency