351 research outputs found

    Identification of cardiac signals in ambulatory ECG data

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    The Electrocardiogram (ECG) is the primary tool for monitoring heart function. ECG signals contain vital information about the heart which informs diagnosis and treatment of cardiac conditions. The diagnosis of many cardiac arrhythmias require long term and continuous ECG data, often while the participant engages in activity. Wearable ambulatory ECG (AECG) systems, such as the common Holter system, allow heart monitoring for hours or days. The technological trajectory of AECG systems aims towards continuous monitoring during a wide range of activities with data processed locally in real time and transmitted to a monitoring centre for further analysis. Furthermore, hierarchical decision systems will allow wearable systems to produce alerts or even interventions. These functions could be integrated into smartphones.A fundamental limitation of this technology is the ability to identify heart signal characteristics in ECG signals contaminated with high amplitude and non-stationary noise. Noise processing become more severe as activity levels increase, and this is also when many heart problems are present.This thesis focuses on the identification of heart signals in AECG data recorded during participant activity. In particular, it explored ECG filters to identify major heart conditions in noisy AECG data. Gold standard methods use Extended Kalman filters with extrapolation based on sum of Gaussian models. New methods are developed using linear Kalman filtering and extrapolation based on a sum of Principal Component basis signals. Unlike the gold standard methods, extrapolation is heartcycle by heartcycle. Several variants are explored where basic signals span one or two heartcycles, and applied to single or multi-channel ECG data.The proposed methods are extensively tested against standard databases or normal and abnormal ECG data and the performance is compared to gold standard methods. Two performance metrics are used: improvement in signal to noise ratio and the observability of clinically important features in the heart signal. In all tests the proposed method performs better, and often significantly better, than the gold standard methods. It is demonstrated that abnormal ECG signals can be identified in noisy AECG data

    A Signal Decomposition Model-Based Bayesian Framework for ECG Components Separation

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    The paper introduces an improved signal decomposition model-based Bayesian framework (EKS6). While it can be employed for multiple purposes, like denoising and features extraction, it is particularly suited for extracting electrocardiogram (ECG) wave-forms from ECG recordings. In this framework, the ECG is represented as the sum of several components, each describing a specific wave (i.e., P, Q, R, S, and T), with a corresponding term in the dynamical model. Characteristic Waveforms (CWs) of the ECG components are taken as hidden state variables, distinctly estimated using a Kalman smoother from sample to sample. Then, CWs can be analyzed separately, accordingly to a specific application. The new dynamical model no longer depends on the amplitude of the Gaussian kernels, so it is capable of separating ECG components even if sudden changes in the CWs appear (e.g., an ectopic beat). Results, obtained on synthetic signals with different levels of noise, showed that the proposed method is indeed more effective in separating the ECG components when compared with another framework recently introduced with the same aims (EKS4). The proposed approach can be used for many applications. In this paper, we verified it for T/QRS ratio calculation. For this purpose, we applied it to 288 signals from the PhysioNet PTB Diagnostic ECG Database. The values of RMSE obtained show that the T/QRS ratio computed on the components extracted from the ECG, corrupted by broadband noise, is closer to the original T/QRS ratio values (RMSE=0.025 for EKS6 and 0.17 for EKS4)

    Algorithms for automated diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases based on ECG data: A comprehensive systematic review

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    The prevalence of cardiovascular diseases is increasing around the world. However, the technology is evolving and can be monitored with low-cost sensors anywhere at any time. This subject is being researched, and different methods can automatically identify these diseases, helping patients and healthcare professionals with the treatments. This paper presents a systematic review of disease identification, classification, and recognition with ECG sensors. The review was focused on studies published between 2017 and 2022 in different scientific databases, including PubMed Central, Springer, Elsevier, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), IEEE Xplore, and Frontiers. It results in the quantitative and qualitative analysis of 103 scientific papers. The study demonstrated that different datasets are available online with data related to various diseases. Several ML/DP-based models were identified in the research, where Convolutional Neural Network and Support Vector Machine were the most applied algorithms. This review can allow us to identify the techniques that can be used in a system that promotes the patient’s autonomy.N/

    Electrocardiogram pattern recognition and analysis based on artificial neural networks and support vector machines: a review.

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    Computer systems for Electrocardiogram (ECG) analysis support the clinician in tedious tasks (e.g., Holter ECG monitored in Intensive Care Units) or in prompt detection of dangerous events (e.g., ventricular fibrillation). Together with clinical applications (arrhythmia detection and heart rate variability analysis), ECG is currently being investigated in biometrics (human identification), an emerging area receiving increasing attention. Methodologies for clinical applications can have both differences and similarities with respect to biometrics. This paper reviews methods of ECG processing from a pattern recognition perspective. In particular, we focus on features commonly used for heartbeat classification. Considering the vast literature in the field and the limited space of this review, we dedicated a detailed discussion only to a few classifiers (Artificial Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines) because of their popularity; however, other techniques such as Hidden Markov Models and Kalman Filtering will be also mentioned

    Combining Low-dimensional Wavelet Features and Support Vector Machine for Arrhythmia Beat Classification

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    Automatic feature extraction and classification are two main tasks in abnormal ECG beat recognition. Feature extraction is an important prerequisite prior to classification since it provides the classifier with input features, and the performance of classifier depends significantly on the quality of these features. This study develops an effective method to extract low-dimensional ECG beat feature vectors. It employs wavelet multi-resolution analysis to extract time-frequency domain features and then applies principle component analysis to reduce the dimension of the feature vector. In classification, 12-element feature vectors characterizing six types of beats are used as inputs for one-versus-one support vector machine, which is conducted in form of 10-fold cross validation with beat-based and record-based training schemes. Tested upon a total of 107049 beats from MIT-BIH arrhythmia database, our method has achieved average sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of 99.09%, 99.82% and 99.70%, respectively, using the beat-based training scheme, and 44.40%, 88.88% and 81.47%, respectively, using the record-based training scheme


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    Signal modeling and feature extraction are among the most crucial and important steps for stochastic signal processing. In this thesis, a general framework that employs adaptive model-based recursive Bayesian state estimation for signal processing and feature extraction is described. As a case study, the proposed framework is studied for the problem of cardiac signal analysis. The main objective is to improve the signal processing aspects of cardiac signals by developing new techniques based on adaptive modelling of electrocardiogram (ECG) wave-forms. Specially several novel and improved approaches to model-based ECG decomposition, waveform characterization and feature extraction are proposed and studied in detail. In the concept of ECG decomposition and wave-forms characterization, the main idea is to extend and improve the signal dynamical models (i.e. reducing the non-linearity of the state model with respect to previous solutions) while combining with Kalman smoother to increase the accuracy of the model in order to split the ECG signal into its waveform components, as it is proved that Kalman filter/smoother is an optimal estimator in minimum mean square error (MMSE) for linear dynamical systems. The framework is used for many real applications, such as: ECG components extraction, ST segment analysis (estimation of a possible marker of ventricular repolarization known as T/QRS ratio) and T-wave Alternans (TWA) detection, and its extension to many other applications is straightforward. Based on the proposed framework, a novel model to characterization of Atrial Fibrillation (AF) is presented which is more effective when compared with other methods proposed with the same aims. In this model, ventricular activity (VA) is represented by a sum of Gaussian kernels, while a sinusoidal model is employed for atrial activity (AA). This new model is able to track AA, VA and fibrillatory frequency simultaneously against other methods which try to analyze the atrial fibrillatory waves (f-waves) after VA cancellation. Furthermore we study a new ECG processing method for assessing the spatial dispersion of ventricular repolarization (SHVR) using V-index and a novel algorithm to estimate the index is presented, leading to more accurate estimates. The proposed algorithm was used to study the diagnostic and prognostic value of the V-index in patients with symptoms suggestive of Acute Myocardial Infraction (AMI)

    Optimal Multi-Stage Arrhythmia Classification Approach

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    Arrhythmia constitutes a problem with the rate or rhythm of the heartbeat, and an early diagnosis is essential for the timely inception of successful treatment. We have jointly optimized the entire multi-stage arrhythmia classification scheme based on 12-lead surface ECGs that attains the accuracy performance level of professional cardiologists. The new approach is comprised of a three-step noise reduction stage, a novel feature extraction method and an optimal classification model with finely tuned hyperparameters. We carried out an exhaustive study comparing thousands of competing classification algorithms that were trained on our proprietary, large and expertly labeled dataset consisting of 12-lead ECGs from 40,258 patients with four arrhythmia classes: atrial fibrillation, general supraventricular tachycardia, sinus bradycardia and sinus rhythm including sinus irregularity rhythm. Our results show that the optimal approach consisted of Low Band Pass filter, Robust LOESS, Non Local Means smoothing, a proprietary feature extraction method based on percentiles of the empirical distribution of ratios of interval lengths and magnitudes of peaks and valleys, and Extreme Gradient Boosting Tree classifier, achieved an F1-Score of 0.988 on patients without additional cardiac conditions. The same noise reduction and feature extraction methods combined with Gradient Boosting Tree classifier achieved an F1-Score of 0.97 on patients with additional cardiac conditions. Our method achieved the highest classification accuracy (average 10-fold cross-validation F1-Score of 0.992) using an external validation data, MIT-BIH arrhythmia database. The proposed optimal multi-stage arrhythmia classification approach can dramatically benefit automatic ECG data analysis by providing cardiologist level accuracy and robust compatibility with various ECG data sources

    Visualization of the Cardiac Excitation and PVC Arrhythmia on a 3D Heart Model

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    Visualization of the cardiac potential movement is important in understanding the physiology of the human heart. A 3D visualization tool will help the cardiology students and others interested in human physiology to understand the functioning of the heart. In this thesis, such a tool is proposed which helps in the visualization of the cardiac potential movement and Premature Ventricular Contraction (PVC) event on a 3D heart model. The cardiac excitation obtained from a limb lead and a precordial lead of a 12 lead electrocardiograph (ECG) is mapped on a 3D heart model with fixed conduction pathways. The 3D heart model is obtained by modifying an existing anatomically accurate heart model. Fixed conduction pathways are defined on this derived 3D heart model. Each component of the ECG corresponds to the potential movement along each segment of these conduction pathways. The timing information from the limb lead signal is used to map the position of the cardiac potential on these conduction pathways. Amplitude and the timing information obtained from the precordial lead is mapped on a vector which points towards the corresponding precordial electrode on a separate window. This helps in understanding the instantaneous position of the cardiac potential on the transverse plane. Mapping of the cardiac excitation on the conduction pathways will stop and the color map of the heart will change during the occurrence of a PVC event. MIT-BIH arrhythmia database signals with at least one PVC wave were considered as input signal. It is observed that the system was able to detect PVC approximately 95% of the time (for the selected sample signals) and was able to map each ECG component accurately on the conduction pathways with minimum mapping delay
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