14 research outputs found

    A summary of image segmentation techniques

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    Machine vision systems are often considered to be composed of two subsystems: low-level vision and high-level vision. Low level vision consists primarily of image processing operations performed on the input image to produce another image with more favorable characteristics. These operations may yield images with reduced noise or cause certain features of the image to be emphasized (such as edges). High-level vision includes object recognition and, at the highest level, scene interpretation. The bridge between these two subsystems is the segmentation system. Through segmentation, the enhanced input image is mapped into a description involving regions with common features which can be used by the higher level vision tasks. There is no theory on image segmentation. Instead, image segmentation techniques are basically ad hoc and differ mostly in the way they emphasize one or more of the desired properties of an ideal segmenter and in the way they balance and compromise one desired property against another. These techniques can be categorized in a number of different groups including local vs. global, parallel vs. sequential, contextual vs. noncontextual, interactive vs. automatic. In this paper, we categorize the schemes into three main groups: pixel-based, edge-based, and region-based. Pixel-based segmentation schemes classify pixels based solely on their gray levels. Edge-based schemes first detect local discontinuities (edges) and then use that information to separate the image into regions. Finally, region-based schemes start with a seed pixel (or group of pixels) and then grow or split the seed until the original image is composed of only homogeneous regions. Because there are a number of survey papers available, we will not discuss all segmentation schemes. Rather than a survey, we take the approach of a detailed overview. We focus only on the more common approaches in order to give the reader a flavor for the variety of techniques available yet present enough details to facilitate implementation and experimentation

    A New Measure of Cluster Validity Using Line Symmetry

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    [[abstract]]Many real-world and man-made objects are symmetry, therefore, it is reasonable to assume that some kind of symmetry may exist in data clusters. In this paper a new cluster validity measure which adopts a non-metric distance measure based on the idea of "line symmetry" is presented. The proposed validity measure can be applied in finding the number of clusters of different geometrical structures. Several data sets are used to illustrate the performance of the proposed measure.[[notice]]補正完畢[[journaltype]]國外[[incitationindex]]SCI[[incitationindex]]EI[[ispeerreviewed]]Y[[booktype]]紙本[[booktype]]電子版[[countrycodes]]TW

    LBGS: a smart approach for very large data sets vector quantization

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    Abstract In this paper, LBGS, a new parallel/distributed technique for Vector Quantization is presented. It derives from the well known LBG algorithm and has been designed for very complex problems where both large data sets and large codebooks are involved. Several heuristics have been introduced to make it suitable for implementation on parallel/distributed hardware. These lead to a slight deterioration of the quantization error with respect to the serial version but a large improvement in computing efficiency

    Mètode d'extracció multiparamètrica de característiques de textura orientat a la segmentació d'imatges

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    Tal com es veurà en el següent capítol d'antecedents, existeixen formes molt variades d'afrontar l'anàlisi de textures però cap d'elles està orientada al càlcul en temps real (video rate). Degut a la manca de mètodes que posin tant d'èmfasi en el temps de processat, l'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és definir i desenvolupar un nou mètode d'extracció de característiques de textura que treballi en temps real. Per aconseguir aquesta alta velocitat d'operació, un altre objectiu és presentar el disseny d'una arquitectura específica per implementar l'algorisme de càlcul dels paràmetres de textura definits, així com també l'algorisme de classificació dels paràmetres i la segmentació de la imatge en regions de textura semblant.En el capítol 2 s'expliquen els diversos mètodes més rellevants dins la caracterització de textures. Es veuran els mètodes més importants tant pel que fa als enfocaments estadístics com als estructurals. També en el mateix capítol se situa el nou mètode presentat en aquesta tesi dins els diferents enfocaments principals que existeixen. De la mateixa manera es fa una breu ressenya a la síntesi de textures, una manera d'avaluar quantitativament la caracterització de la textura d'una imatge. Ens centrarem principalment, en el capítol 3, en l'explicació del mètode presentat en aquest treball: s'introduiran els paràmetres de textura proposats, la seva necessitat i definicions. Al ser paràmetres altament perceptius i no seguir cap model matemàtic, en aquest mateix capítol s'utilitza una tècnica estadística anomenada anàlisi discriminant per demostrar que tots els paràmetres introdueixen suficient informació per a la separabilitat de regions de textura i veure que tots ells són necessaris en la discriminació de les textures.Dins el capítol 4 veurem com es tracta la informació subministrada pel sistema d'extracció de característiques per tal de classificar les dades i segmentar la imatge en funció de les seves textures. L'etapa de reconeixement de patrons es durà a terme en dues fases: aprenentatge i treball. També es presenta un estudi comparatiu entre diversos mètodes de classificació de textures i el mètode presentat en aquesta tesi; en ell es veu la bona funcionalitat del mètode en un temps de càlcul realment reduït. S'acaba el capítol amb una anàlisi de la robustesa del mètode introduint imatges amb diferents nivells de soroll aleatori. En el capítol 5 es presentaran els resultats obtinguts mitjançant l'extracció de característiques de textura a partir de diverses aplicacions reals. S'aplica el nostre mètode en aplicacions d'imatges aèries i en entorns agrícoles i sobre situacions que requereixen el processament en temps real com són la segmentació d'imatges de carreteres i una aplicació industrial d'inspecció i control de qualitat en l'estampació de teixits. Al final del capítol fem unes consideracions sobre dos efectes que poden influenciar en l'obtenció correcta dels resultats: zoom i canvis de perspectiva en les imatges de textura.En el capítol 6 es mostrarà l'arquitectura que s'ha dissenyat expressament per al càlcul dels paràmetres de textura en temps real. Dins el capítol es presentarà l'algorisme per a l'assignació de grups de textura i es demostrarà la seva velocitat d'operació a video rate.Finalment, en el capítol 7 es presentaran les conclusions i les línies de treball futures que es deriven d'aquesta tesi, així com els articles que hem publicat en relació a aquest treball i a l'anàlisi de textures. Les referències bibliogràfiques i els apèndixs conclouen el treball

    Weighted Mahalanobis Distance for Hyper-Ellipsoidal Clustering

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    Cluster analysis is widely used in many applications, ranging from image and speech coding to pattern recognition. A new method that uses the weighted Mahalanobis distance (WMD) via the covariance matrix of the individual clusters as the basis for grouping is presented in this thesis. In this algorithm, the Mahalanobis distance is used as a measure of similarity between the samples in each cluster. This thesis discusses some difficulties associated with using the Mahalanobis distance in clustering. The proposed method provides solutions to these problems. The new algorithm is an approximation to the well-known expectation maximization (EM) procedure used to find the maximum likelihood estimates in a Gaussian mixture model. Unlike the EM procedure, WMD eliminates the requirement of having initial parameters such as the cluster means and variances as it starts from the raw data set. Properties of the new clustering method are presented by examining the clustering quality for codebooks designed with the proposed method and competing methods on a variety of data sets. The competing methods are the Linde-Buzo-Gray (LBG) algorithm and the Fuzzy c-means (FCM) algorithm, both of them use the Euclidean distance. The neural network for hyperellipsoidal clustering (HEC) that uses the Mahalnobis distance is also studied and compared to the WMD method and the other techniques as well. The new method provides better results than the competing methods. Thus, this method becomes another useful tool for use in clustering

    Computational fluids domain reduction to a simplified fluid network

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    The primary goal of this project is to demonstrate the practical use of data mining algorithms to cluster a solved steady-state computational fluids simulation (CFD) flow domain into a simplified lumped-parameter network. A commercial-quality code, “cfdMine” was created using a volume-weighted k-means clustering that that can accomplish the clustering of a 20 million cell CFD domain on a single CPU in several hours or less. Additionally agglomeration and k-means Mahalanobis were added as optional post-processing steps to further enhance the separation of the clusters. The resultant nodal network is considered a reduced-order model and can be solved transiently at a very minimal computational cost. The reduced order network is then instantiated in the commercial thermal solver MuSES to perform transient conjugate heat transfer using convection predicted using a lumped network (based on steady-state CFD). When inserting the lumped nodal network into a MuSES model, the potential for developing a “localized heat transfer coefficient” is shown to be an improvement over existing techniques. Also, it was found that the use of the clustering created a new flow visualization technique. Finally, fixing clusters near equipment newly demonstrates a capability to track temperatures near specific objects (such as equipment in vehicles)

    Order filters, likelihood and optimality of image processing operators

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    Order filters are generally regarded as linear combinations of order statistics . By taking into account the statistical distribution of the noise, it is possible to improve the performances with respect to linearfiltering . In this paper, three différent approaches are considered in order to develop optimal operators : non euclidean approximation, maximum likelihood, bayesian estimation . The optimal filters turn out to be nonlinear functions of the order statistics (NL filter) . Compared with linearfiltering or median filtering, the performances are improved as far as noise reduction and edge preservation are concerned Such operators are fitted with image processing . However, they could be of interest in situations of non stationarities and non gaussian noise.Les filtres d'ordre sont généralement vus comme des combinaisons linéaires des statistiques d'ordre d'un ensemble d'observations. Prenant en compte la distribution statistique des perturbations, il est possible d'améliorer les performances, en réduction de bruit, par rapport au filtrage linéaire. Dans cet article nous proposons trois différentes approches pour la mise au point d'opérateurs optimaux: approximation au sens d'un critère de distance non euclidienne, maximum de vraisemblance, estimation bayesienne à variance minimale. Les opérateurs ainsi construits apparaissent comme étant des fonctions non linéaires des statistiques d'ordre (NL-filtres

    Relative advantage of touch over vision in the exploration of texture

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    Texture segmentation is an effortless process in scene analysis, yet its mechanisms have not been sufficiently understood. Several theories and algorithms exist for texture discrimination based on vision. These models diverge from one another in algorithmic approaches to address texture imagery using spatial elements and their statistics. Even though there are differences among these approaches, they all begin from the assumption that texture segmentation is a visual task. However, considering that texture is basically a surface property, this assumption can at times be misleading. An interesting possibility is that since surface properties are most immediately accessible to touch, texture perception may be more intimately associated with texture than with vision (it is known that tactile input can affect vision). Coincidentally, the basic organization of the touch (somatosensory) system bears some analogy to that of the visual system. In particular, recent neurophysiological findings showed that receptive fields for touch resemble that of vision, albeit with some subtle differences. The main novelty and contribution of this thesis is in the use of tactile receptive field responses for texture segmentation. Furthermore, we showed that touch-based representation is superior to its vision-based counterpart when used in texture boundary detection. Tactile representations were also found to be more discriminable (LDA and ANOVA). We expect our results to help better understand the nature of texture perception and build more powerful texture processing algorithms. The results suggest that touch has an advantage over vision in texture processing. Findings in this study are expected to shed new light on the role of tactile perception of texture and its interaction with vision, and help develop more powerful, biologically inspired texture segmentation algorithms