16 research outputs found

    Multi-scale conditional random fields for over-segmented irregular 3D point clouds classification

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    ©2008 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holderIn this paper, we propose using multi-scale Conditional Random Fields to classes 3D outdoor terrestrial laser scanned data. We improved Lim and Suterpsilas methods by introducing regional edge potentials in addition to the local edge and node potentials in the multi-scale Conditional Random Fields, and only a relatively small amount of increment in the computation time is required to achieve the improved recognition rate. In the model, the raw data points are over-segmented into an improved mid-level representation, ldquosuper-voxelsrdquo. Local and regional features are then extracted from the super-voxel and parameters learnt by the multi-scale Conditional Random Fields. The classification accuracy is improved by 5% to 10% with our proposed model compared to labeling with Conditional Random Fields in (Lim and Suter, 2007). The overall computation time by labeling the super-voxels instead of individual points is lower than the previous 3D data labeling approaches.Ee Hui Lim, David Sute

    Supervised semantic labeling of places using information extracted from sensor data

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    Indoor environments can typically be divided into places with different functionalities like corridors, rooms or doorways. The ability to learn such semantic categories from sensor data enables a mobile robot to extend the representation of the environment facilitating interaction with humans. As an example, natural language terms like “corridor” or “room” can be used to communicate the position of the robot in a map in a more intuitive way. In this work, we first propose an approach based on supervised learning to classify the pose of a mobile robot into semantic classes. Our method uses AdaBoost to boost simple features extracted from sensor range data into a strong classifier. We present two main applications of this approach. Firstly, we show how our approach can be utilized by a moving robot for an online classification of the poses traversed along its path using a hidden Markov model. In this case we additionally use as features objects extracted from images. Secondly, we introduce an approach to learn topological maps from geometric maps by applying our semantic classification procedure in combination with a probabilistic relaxation method. Alternatively, we apply associative Markov networks to classify geometric maps and compare the results with a relaxation approach. Experimental results obtained in simulation and with real robots demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in various indoor environments

    Towards automatic reconstruction of indoor scenes from incomplete point clouds: door and window detection and regularization

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    In the last years, point clouds have become the main source of information for building modelling. Although a considerable amount of methodologies addressing the automated generation of 3D models from point clouds have been developed, indoor modelling is still a challenging task due to complex building layouts and the high presence of severe clutters and occlusions. Most of methodologies are highly dependent on data quality, often producing irregular and non-consistent models. Although manmade environments generally exhibit some regularities, they are not commonly considered. This paper presents an optimization-based approach for detecting regularities (i.e., same shape, same alignment and same spacing) in building indoor features. The methodology starts from the detection of openings based on a voxel-based visibility analysis to distinguish ‘occluded’ from ‘empty’ regions in wall surfaces. The extraction of regular patterns in windows is addressed from studying the point cloud from an outdoor perspective. The layout is regularized by minimizing deformations while respecting the detected constraints. The methodology applies for elements placed in the same planeXunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481B 2016/079-

    Real Time Detection of Repeated Structures in Point Clouds of Urban Scenes

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    Classification of laser and visual sensors using associative Markov networks

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    This work presents our initial investigation toward the semantic classification\ud of objects based on sensory data acquired from 3D laser range and\ud cameras mounted on a mobile robot. The Markov Random Field framework is a\ud popular model for such a task, as it uses contextual information to improve over\ud locally independent classifiers. We have employed a variant of this framework\ud for which efficient inference can be performed via graph-cut algorithms and dynamic\ud programming techniques, the Associative Markov Networks (AMNs). We\ud report in this paper the basic concepts of the AMN, its learning and inference\ud algorithms, as well as the feature classifiers that serve to extract meaningful\ud properties from sensory data. The experiments performed with a publicly available\ud dataset indicate the value of the framework and give insights about the\ud next steps toward the goal of empowering a mobile robot to contextually reason\ud about its environment.CNPQFAPES


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    In the last years, point clouds have become the main source of information for building modelling. Although a considerable amount of methodologies addressing the automated generation of 3D models from point clouds have been developed, indoor modelling is still a challenging task due to complex building layouts and the high presence of severe clutters and occlusions. Most of methodologies are highly dependent on data quality, often producing irregular and non-consistent models. Although manmade environments generally exhibit some regularities, they are not commonly considered. This paper presents an optimization-based approach for detecting regularities (i.e., same shape, same alignment and same spacing) in building indoor features. The methodology starts from the detection of openings based on a voxel-based visibility analysis to distinguish ‘occluded’ from ‘empty’ regions in wall surfaces. The extraction of regular patterns in windows is addressed from studying the point cloud from an outdoor perspective. The layout is regularized by minimizing deformations while respecting the detected constraints. The methodology applies for elements placed in the same plane