52 research outputs found

    Aprendizaje con robótica, algunas experiencias

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    Este artículo presenta el análisis de experiencias, revisadas en diversos artículos, acerca de la implementación de la robótica en la educación, con el fin de obtener referentes pertinentes para la construcción de una propuesta para el aprendizaje de la robótica en la educación básica secundaria y media. Se consideran dos ámbitos de aplicación de la robótica en la educación: el primero es el aprendizaje de la robótica mediante la conceptualización de cada uno de los subsistemas de un robot para luego realizar la construcción de robots con diferentes propósitos, en este ámbito el objetivo es desarrollar las competencias, en los estudiantes, para el diseño y construcción de tecnofactos robóticos, mediante un proceso de construcción del conocimiento necesario para hacerlo; el segundo ámbito de aplicación es la utilización de la robótica como medio que motiva y da sentido a la construcción de conocimiento en diversas áreas, promoviendo habilidades y competencias en los estudiantes. Además, el aprendizaje de la robótica y el aprendizaje con robótica pueden ser mediados por la informática, la cual aporta tecnologías y herramientas software como los lenguajes de modelado matemático y simulación, tutoriales multimediales, laboratorios virtuales y remotos, entre otros. Así, este artículo se propone destacar cómo la robótica en el aula de clase permite, por una parte, el enriquecer estrategias de aprendizaje como apoyo a la formación integral de los estudiantes, y por otra, es un campo que presenta una demanda creciente en la atención de docentes e investigadores, así como en los estímulos para su investigación, desarrollo y divulgación de parte del estado

    Immersive Robotic Telepresence for Remote Educational Scenarios

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    [EN] : Social robots have an enormous potential for educational applications and allow for cognitive outcomes that are similar to those with human involvement. Remotely controlling a social robot to interact with students and peers in an immersive fashion opens up new possibilities for instructors and learners alike. Using immersive approaches can promote engagement and have beneficial effects on remote lesson delivery and participation. However, the performance and power consumption associated with the involved devices are often not sufficiently contemplated, despite being particularly important in light of sustainability considerations. The contributions of this research are thus twofold. On the one hand, we present telepresence solutions for a social robot’s location-independent operation using (a) a virtual reality headset with controllers and (b) a mobile augmented reality application. On the other hand, we perform a thorough analysis of their power consumption and system performance, discussing the impact of employing the various technologies. Using the QTrobot as a platform, direct and immersive control via different interaction modes, including motion, emotion, and voice output, is possible. By not focusing on individual subsystems or motor chains, but the cumulative energy consumption of an unaltered robot performing remote tasks, this research provides orientation regarding the actual cost of deploying immersive robotic telepresence solutions.S

    Impact Of robotics on the motivation and socio-affectivity of secondary school students

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    There is broad consideration that ICT is a resource that promotes more meaningful learning, allowing students to acquire a set of skills considered key. These competencies allow him to face new challenges and solve difficulties both associated with the educational process and the context in which this student is located, making him more able to adapt the knowledge, skills and values acquired to reality. This article raises this issue by emphasizing the potentials of ICT in the classroom, in particular robotics, for both teachers and students. This means accepting that ICT has made changes to classroom interaction but, above all, in the methodology that vertebrates the teaching-learning process. The main objective of this study is to know whether the motivation and interest of students is increased when using robotics in the classroom as a technique integrated into active methodologies focused on digital use and management while knowing more positive socio-affective relationships are established between students. The methodological process adopted in the study responds to the quantitative paradigm. A sample of 150 secondary school students was used, who were given a questionnaire to learn about their perception of the use of educational robotics. The results have shown how the use of robotics increases motivation in the teaching-learning process and how the relationships between students have acquired positive value. The results of the study also allow for a broader reflection of the educational community on an issue of interest to adapt teaching-learning processes to current needs: does the implementation of robotics in the teaching-learning process facilitate student training in different areas of knowledge and promote mechanisms that increase motivation

    Action Research on Flipped Robotics Instruction

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    Robotics and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) has become a growing field as technology continues to advance. Now, many schools have robotics programs to meet this interest in the hope of preparing and educating students with the knowledge and skills to not only participate and compete in robotics competitions but also to prepare them for future careers. There is a large interest in robotics among students and schools as it is a fun, engaging and hands on activity. Robotics however, does require a lot of time and resources, as students need to learn a variety of skills and information before they can apply their learning in designing, creating, programming and driving their robots. To better address the time and resources required for robotics I created a flipped instructional setting where students learn on their own prior to class from instructional modules and then review and apply their learning during in class activities. The purpose of this action research was to assess the effectiveness of a flipped classroom setting on the robotics team at a public school on Oahu. The effectiveness of this flipped classroom instruction was assessed through class observations as well as through assessing student work and progress. This paper examined the process that was used to develop this flipped classroom instruction

    Academic and social impact of the implementation of projects robotic in public schools in Bogota

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    El presente estudio de investigación se estableció con el objetivo de analizar el impacto social y académico que tendrá incluir en el PEI temas relacionados con robótica para niños y jóvenes de 9 a 15 años de edad en colegios públicos en la localidad de Kennedy (Bogotá), 2014. El diseño de investigación utilizado fue de tipo descriptivo y exploratorio. Se contó con una población total de más de 2000 estudiantes de 10 colegios oficiales de la localidad de Kennedy, teniendo una muestra de 80 estudiantes que han recibido los talleres teoricopracticos de robótica. Los resultados evidencian que del 100% (80) de los estudiantes, el 90% (72) presentaron un excelente desempeño durante los talleres, el 10% (8) presentaron un bajo rendimiento; también del 100% (80) de los estudiantes, el 72,5% (58) presentaron mejores resultados académicos en los colegios durante el desarrollo de los talleres y el 27,5% (22) no mostraron mejorías académicas. Los resultados finales responden al objetivo general planteado ya que se mostró que un gran porcentaje de los estudiantes a los que se les aplico el taller de robótica mejoraron su nivel académico durante el desarrollo de los mismos; además al finalizar el proyecto los estudiantes con resultados positivos continuaron con mejoras académicas.This research study was established with the aim of analyzing the social and academic impact on the IEP will include topics related to robotics for children and youth 9-15 years of age in public schools in the town of Kennedy (Bogota) 2014. The research design used was descriptive and exploratory. He had a total population of over 2000 students from 10 public schools in the town of Kennedy, taking a sample of 80 students who have received theoretical and practical robotics workshops. The results show that 100% (80) students, 90% (72) had an excellent performance during the workshops, 10% (8) had a low yield; also 100% (80) of the students, 72.5% (58) showed better academic results in schools during the development of workshops and 27.5% (22) did not show academic improvement. The final results reflect the overall objective as it was shown that a large percentage of students who are applied the robotics workshop improved their academic standing during their development; addition to completing the project students with positive results continued academic improvement

    Implementation of a control system for morobot and its application in playing tic-tac-toe

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    Aprender a través del juego es muy beneficioso para un grato aprendizaje y una mayor motivación del estudiante. Si además se realiza empleando la robótica en el juego, se consigue introducir a una temprana edad el pensamiento de programación de una manera creativa y atractiva para el alumno. Por ello en este trabajo se emplea un miniaturizado, e impreso en 3D, robot industrial (morobot) para el cual se programa y se construye un entorno de forma que se pueda jugar al 3 en raya con él. De esta forma finalmente se consigue un sistema barato y fácilmente reproducible para poder enseñar programación o diseño 3D de forma amena. Puede ser utilizado por los estudiantes para desarrollar ciertas partes propias para el sistema y hacerle modificaciones de forma creativeLearning through play is very beneficial for enjoyable learning and increased student motivation. If it is also done by using robotics in the game, it is possible to introduce programming thinking at an early age in a creative and attractive way for the student. For this reason, this work uses a miniaturised, 3D printed, industrial robot (morobot) for which an environment is programmed and built in such a way that it can be used to play tic-tac-toe. In this way, an inexpensive and easily reproducible system for teaching programming or 3D design in an entertaining way is finally achieved. It can be used by students to develop certain parts for the system of their own and make modifications creatively.Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y AutomáticaGrado en Ingeniería en Electrónica Industrial y Automátic

    Programación y robótica educativa: enfoque didáctico-técnico y experiencias de aula

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    En esta comunicación vamos analizar los antecedentes de la robótica, aproximándonos al concepto de robótica educativa. Posteriormente, haremos una semblanza de las teorías didácticas relacionadas con este tópico, junto con aspectos de carácter técnico relacionados con la programación y el pensamiento computacional. También analizaremos la situación de la robótica educativa y el pensamiento computacional en algunos países de nuestro entorno y en las distintas comunidades autónomas españolas, junto con instituciones universitarias, civiles y empresariales de nuestro país. Todo ello desde un enfoque académico en el que se recogen las aportaciones de diversos autores.Universidad de Málaga. Campus Internacional Andalucía Tec