559 research outputs found

    Robot programming by demonstration through system identification

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    Increasingly, personalised robots — robots especially designed and programmed for an individual’s needs and preferences — are being used to support humans in their daily lives, most notably in the area of service robotics. Arguably, the closer the robot is programmed to the individual’s needs, the more useful it is, and we believe that giving people the opportunity to program their own robots, rather than programming robots for them, will push robotics research one step further in the personalised robotics field. However, traditional robot programming techniques require specialised technical skills from different disciplines and it is not reasonable to expect end-users to have these skills. In this paper, we therefore present a new method of obtaining robot control code — programming by demonstration through system identification which algorithmically and automatically transfers human behaviours into robot control code, using transparent, analysable mathematical functions. Besides providing a simple means of generating perception-action mappings, they have the additional advantage that can also be used to form hypotheses and theoretical analysis of robot behaviour. We demonstrate the viability of this approach by teaching a Scitos G5 mobile robot to achieve wall following and corridor passing behaviours

    Trajectory reconstruction for robot programming by demonstration

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    The reproduction of hand movements by a robot remains difficult and conventional learning methods do not allow us to faithfully recreate these movements because it is very difficult when the number of crossing points is very large. Programming by Demonstration gives a better opportunity for solving this problem by tracking the user’s movements with a motion capture system and creating a robotic program to reproduce the performed tasks. This paper presents a Programming by Demonstration system in a trajectory level for the reproduction of hand/tool movement by a manipulator robot; this was realized by tracking the user’s movement with the ArToolkit and reconstructing the trajectories by using the constrained cubic spline. The results obtained with the constrained cubic spline were compared with cubic spline interpolation. Finally the obtained trajectories have been simulated in a virtual environment on the Puma 600 robot

    Survey: Robot Programming by Demonstration

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    Robot PbD started about 30 years ago, growing importantly during the past decade. The rationale for moving from purely preprogrammed robots to very flexible user-based interfaces for training the robot to perform a task is three-fold. First and foremost, PbD, also referred to as {\em imitation learning} is a powerful mechanism for reducing the complexity of search spaces for learning. When observing either good or bad examples, one can reduce the search for a possible solution, by either starting the search from the observed good solution (local optima), or conversely, by eliminating from the search space what is known as a bad solution. Imitation learning is, thus, a powerful tool for enhancing and accelerating learning in both animals and artifacts. Second, imitation learning offers an implicit means of training a machine, such that explicit and tedious programming of a task by a human user can be minimized or eliminated (Figure \ref{fig:what-how}). Imitation learning is thus a ``natural'' means of interacting with a machine that would be accessible to lay people. And third, studying and modeling the coupling of perception and action, which is at the core of imitation learning, helps us to understand the mechanisms by which the self-organization of perception and action could arise during development. The reciprocal interaction of perception and action could explain how competence in motor control can be grounded in rich structure of perceptual variables, and vice versa, how the processes of perception can develop as means to create successful actions. PbD promises were thus multiple. On the one hand, one hoped that it would make the learning faster, in contrast to tedious reinforcement learning methods or trials-and-error learning. On the other hand, one expected that the methods, being user-friendly, would enhance the application of robots in human daily environments. Recent progresses in the field, which we review in this chapter, show that the field has make a leap forward the past decade toward these goals and that these promises may be fulfilled very soon

    Execution fault recovery in robot programming by demonstration using multiple models

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    © 20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Deformable object (e.g., clothes) manipulation by a robot in interaction with a human being presents several interesting challenges. Due to texture and deformability, the object can get hooked in the human limbs. Moreover, the human can change their limbs position and curvature, which require changes in the paths to be followed by the robot. To help solve these problems, in this paper we propose a technique of learning by demonstration able to adapt to changes in position and curvature of the object (human limb) and recover from execution faults (hooks). The technique is tested using simulations, but with data obtained from a real robotPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Robot Programming by Demonstration: Trajectory Learning Enhanced by sEMG-Based User Hand Stiffness Estimation

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    Trajectory learning is one of the key components of robot Programming by Demonstration approaches, which in many cases, especially in industrial practice, aim at defining complex manipulation patterns. In order to enhance these methods, which are generally based on a physical interaction between the user and the robot, guided along the desired path, an additional input channel is considered in this article. The hand stiffness, that the operator continuously modulates during the demonstration, is estimated from the forearm surface electromyography and translated into a request for a higher or lower accuracy level. Then, a constrained optimization problem is built (and solved) in the framework of smoothing B-splines to obtain a minimum curvature trajectory approximating, in this manner, the taught path within the precision imposed by the user. Experimental tests in different applicative scenarios, involving both position and orientation, prove the benefits of the proposed approach in terms of the intuitiveness of the programming procedure for the human operator and characteristics of the final motion

    Robot Programming by Demonstration: Trajectory Learning Enhanced by sEMG-Based User Hand Stiffness Estimation

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    Trajectory learning is one of the key components of robot Programming by Demonstration approaches, which in many cases, especially in industrial practice, aim at defining complex manipulation patterns. In order to enhance these methods, which are generally based on a physical interaction between the user and the robot, guided along the desired path, an additional input channel is considered in this article. The hand stiffness, that the operator continuously modulates during the demonstration, is estimated from the forearm surface electromyography and translated into a request for a higher or lower accuracy level. Then, a constrained optimization problem is built (and solved) in the framework of smoothing B-splines to obtain a minimum curvature trajectory approximating, in this manner, the taught path within the precision imposed by the user. Experimental tests in different applicative scenarios, involving both position and orientation, prove the benefits of the proposed approach in terms of the intuitiveness of the programming procedure for the human operator and characteristics of the final motion
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