353 research outputs found

    A low-speed BIST framework for high-performance circuit testing

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    Testing of high performance integrated circuits is becoming increasingly a challenging task owing to high clock frequencies. Often testers are not able to test such devices due to their limited high frequency capabilities. In this article we outline a design-for-test methodology such that high performance devices can be tested on relatively low performance testers. In addition, a BIST framework is discussed based on this methodology. Various implementation aspects of this technique are also addresse

    Radiation Tolerant Electronics, Volume II

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    Research on radiation tolerant electronics has increased rapidly over the last few years, resulting in many interesting approaches to model radiation effects and design radiation hardened integrated circuits and embedded systems. This research is strongly driven by the growing need for radiation hardened electronics for space applications, high-energy physics experiments such as those on the large hadron collider at CERN, and many terrestrial nuclear applications, including nuclear energy and safety management. With the progressive scaling of integrated circuit technologies and the growing complexity of electronic systems, their ionizing radiation susceptibility has raised many exciting challenges, which are expected to drive research in the coming decade.After the success of the first Special Issue on Radiation Tolerant Electronics, the current Special Issue features thirteen articles highlighting recent breakthroughs in radiation tolerant integrated circuit design, fault tolerance in FPGAs, radiation effects in semiconductor materials and advanced IC technologies and modelling of radiation effects

    Reliability Enhancement Of Ring Oscillator Based Physically Unclonable Functions

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2012Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2012Bu çalışmada, halka osilatör tabanlı fiziksel klonlanamayan fonksiyon devrelerinin, çeşitli çevresel etkiler karşısında güvenilirliklerin artırılması amaçlanmıştır. Öncelikle, osilatör çiftlerinin ürettiği frekans farklılıklarını ve dinamik etkileri gözlemleyip modelleyebilmek için çeşitli sahada programlanabilir kapı dizilerinin (FPGA) farklı bölgelerinde osilatör çiftleri gerçeklenmiş ve frekans farklılıkları ölçülmüştür. Bu ölçümler sonucunda halka osilatör çiftlerinine ilişkin statik ve dinamik dağılımlar elde edilmiştir. Güvenilirliği artırmak amacıyla halka osilatörleri etiketleyen bir yöntem önerilmiştir. Bu çalışmada ayrıca, bir osilatör çiftinden birden fazla bit elde etme işlemi de incelenmiş ve dinamik etkilere karşı test edilmiştir. Etiketleme yönteminin etkinliğini ve bir osilatör çiftinden birden fazla bit elde etme işlemini gerçek devre üzerinde incelemek amacıyla, fiziksel klonlanamayan fonksiyon devresi FPGA üzerinde gerçeklenmiştir. Sıcaklık odası ile ortamın sıcaklığı 10 – 65 °C arasında değiştirilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, ortam sıcaklığının artmasıyla birlikte güvenilmez bit sayısının arttığı gözlenmiştir. Etiketleme yöntemi kullanıldığında güvenilmez bite rastlanmamıştır. Bir halka osilatör çiftinden birden fazla bit (iki ve üç bit bilgi) elde edilmesi de test edilmiştir. Elde edilen iki ve üç bitlik verilerin küçük bir farklılıkla birlikte eşit dağılımlı olduğu gözlenmiştir. Bir osilatör çiftinden elde edilen bit sayısı arttıkça, güvenilir olmayan bitlerin sayısı da artmıştır. Fakat bir osilatörden iki ve üç bit elde etmede tüm hataların komşu bölgede olduğu gözlenmiştir.In this thesis, it is aimed to enhance the reliability of ring oscillator based Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) under different environmental variations. In order to observe and model the frequency difference of ring oscillator pairs and dynamic effects, ring oscillators are realized and measured at different locations of different Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). After the measurements, static and dynamic distributions of ring oscillator pairs are obtained. In order to increase the reliability, a new technique that is labeling ring oscillators, is proposed. Also, in this study, the process of obtaining multiple bits from a ring oscillator pair is observed and tested with respect to dynamic effects. In order to analyze the enhancement of labeling technique and multiple bit extraction at the circuit, the PUF circuit is implemented on an FPGA. The ambient temperature is changed between 10 – 65 °C with a temperature chamber. As a result, it is observed that with increasing ambient temperature, the number of unreliable bits are increased. When labeling technique is used, no unreliable bits are observed. Multiple bits extraction (two and three bits extraction) is also tested. It is observed that the distribution of two and three bit wide data are almost equally distributed. The number of unreliable bits are increased with the extracted bit numbers. However, it is seen that all erronous bits are caused by jumping to adjacent region.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Design of a Digital Temperature Sensor based on Thermal Diffusivity in a Nanoscale CMOS Technology

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    Temperature sensors are widely used in microprocessors to monitor on-chip temperature gradients and hot-spots, which are known to negatively impact reliability. Such sensors should be small to facilitate floor planning, fast to track millisecond thermal transients, and easy to trim to reduce the associated costs. Recently, it has been shown that thermal diffusivity (TD) sensors can meet these requirements. These sensors operate by digitalizing the temperature-dependent delay associated with the diffusion of heat pulses through an electro-thermal filter (ETF), which, in standard CMOS, can be readily implemented as a resistive heater surrounded by a thermopile. Unlike BJT-based temperature sensors, their accuracy actually improves with CMOS scaling, since it is mainly limited by the accuracy of the heather/thermopile spacing. In this work is presented the electrical design of an highly digital TD sensor in 0.13 µm CMOS with an accuracy better than 1 ºC resolution at with 1 kS/s sampling rate, and which compares favourably to state-of-the-art sensors with similar accuracy and sampling rates [1][2][3][4]. This advance is mainly enabled by the adoption of a highly digital CCO-based phasedomain ΔΣ ADC. The TD sensor presented consists of an ETF, a transconductance stage, a current-controlled oscillator (CCO) and a 6 bit digital counter. In order to be easily ported to nanoscale CMOS technologies, it is proposed to use a sigmadelta modulator based on a CCO as an alternative to traditional modulators. And since 70% of the sensor’s area is occupied by digital circuitry, porting the sensor to latest CMOS technologies process should reduce substantially the occupied die area, and thus reduce significantly the total sensor area

    Physically-Adaptive Computing via Introspection and Self-Optimization in Reconfigurable Systems.

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    Digital electronic systems typically must compute precise and deterministic results, but in principle have flexibility in how they compute. Despite the potential flexibility, the overriding paradigm for more than 50 years has been based on fixed, non-adaptive inte-grated circuits. This one-size-fits-all approach is rapidly losing effectiveness now that technology is advancing into the nanoscale. Physical variation and uncertainty in com-ponent behavior are emerging as fundamental constraints and leading to increasingly sub-optimal fault rates, power consumption, chip costs, and lifetimes. This dissertation pro-poses methods of physically-adaptive computing (PAC), in which reconfigurable elec-tronic systems sense and learn their own physical parameters and adapt with fine granu-larity in the field, leading to higher reliability and efficiency. We formulate the PAC problem and provide a conceptual framework built around two major themes: introspection and self-optimization. We investigate how systems can efficiently acquire useful information about their physical state and related parameters, and how systems can feasibly re-implement their designs on-the-fly using the information learned. We study the role not only of self-adaptation—where the above two tasks are performed by an adaptive system itself—but also of assisted adaptation using a remote server or peer. We introduce low-cost methods for sensing regional variations in a system, including a flexible, ultra-compact sensor that can be embedded in an application and implemented on field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). An array of such sensors, with only 1% to-tal overhead, can be employed to gain useful information about circuit delays, voltage noise, and even leakage variations. We present complementary methods of regional self-optimization, such as finding a design alternative that best fits a given system region. We propose a novel approach to characterizing local, uncorrelated variations. Through in-system emulation of noise, previously hidden variations in transient fault sus-ceptibility are uncovered. Correspondingly, we demonstrate practical methods of self-optimization, such as local re-placement, informed by the introspection data. Forms of physically-adaptive computing are strongly needed in areas such as com-munications infrastructure, data centers, and space systems. This dissertation contributes practical methods for improving PAC costs and benefits, and promotes a vision of re-sourceful, dependable digital systems at unimaginably-fine physical scales.Ph.D.Computer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/78922/1/kzick_1.pd

    Study of Radiation Tolerant Storage Cells for Digital Systems

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    Single event upsets (SEUs) are a significant reliability issue in semiconductor devices. Fully Depleted Silicon-on-Insulator (FDSOI) technologies have been shown to exhibit better SEU performance compared to bulk technologies. This is attributed to the thin Silicon (Si) layer on top of a Buried Oxide (BOX) layer, which allows each transistor to function as an insulated Si island, thus reducing the threat of charge-sharing. Moreover, the small volume of the Si in FDSOI devices results in a reduction of the amount of charge induced by an ion strike. The effects of Total Ionizing Dose (TID) on integrated circuits (ICs) can lead to changes in gate propagation delays, leakage currents, and device functionality. When IC circuits are exposed to ionizing radiation, positive charges accumulate in the gate oxide and field oxide layers, which results in reduced gate control and increased leakage current. TID effects in bulk technologies are usually simpler due to the presence of only one gate oxide layer, but FDSOI technologies have a more complex response to TID effects because of the additional BOX layer. In this research, we aim to address the challenges of developing cost-effective electronics for space applications by bridging the gap between expensive space-qualified components and high-performance commercial technologies. Key research questions involve exploring various radiation-hardening-by-design (RHBD) techniques and their trade-offs, as well as investigating the feasibility of radiation-hardened microcontrollers. The effectiveness of RHBD techniques in mitigating soft errors is well-established. In our study, a test chip was designed using the 22-nm FDSOI process, incorporating multiple RHBD Flip-Flop (FF) chains alongside a conventional FF chain. Three distinct types of ring oscillators (ROs) and a 256 kbit SRAM was also fabricated in the test chip. To evaluate the SEU and TID performance of these designs, we conducted multiple irradiation experiments with alpha particles, heavy ions, and gamma-rays. Alpha particle irradiation tests were carried out at the University of Saskatchewan using an Americium-241 alpha source. Heavy ion experiments were performed at the Texas A&M University Cyclotron Institute, utilizing Ne, Ar, Cu, and Ag in a 15 MeV/amu cocktail. Lastly, TID experiments were conducted using a Gammacell 220 Co-60 chamber at the University of Saskatchewan. By evaluating the performance of these designs under various irradiation conditions, we strive to advance the development of cost-effective, high-performance electronics suitable for space applications, ultimately demonstrating the significance of this project. When exposed to heavy ions, radiation-hardened FFs demonstrated varying levels of improvement in SEU performance, albeit with added power and timing penalties compared to conventional designs. Stacked-transistor DFF designs showed significant enhancement, while charge-cancelling and interleaving techniques further reduced upsets. Guard-gate (GG) based FF designs provided additional SEU protection, with the DFR-FF and GG-DICE FF designs showing zero upsets under all test conditions. Schmitt-trigger-based DFF designs exhibited improved SEU performance, making them attractive choices for hardening applications. The 22-nm FDSOI process proved more resilient to TID effects than the 28-nm process; however, TID effects remained prominent, with increased leakage current and SRAM block degradation at high doses. These findings offer valuable insights for designers aiming to meet performance and SER specifications for circuits in radiation environments, emphasizing the need for additional attention during the design phase for complex radiation-hardened circuits

    FPGA-Based PUF Designs: A Comprehensive Review and Comparative Analysis

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    Field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) have firmly established themselves as dynamic platforms for the implementation of physical unclonable functions (PUFs). Their intrinsic reconfigurability and profound implications for enhancing hardware security make them an invaluable asset in this realm. This groundbreaking study not only dives deep into the universe of FPGA-based PUF designs but also offers a comprehensive overview coupled with a discerning comparative analysis. PUFs are the bedrock of device authentication and key generation and the fortification of secure cryptographic protocols. Unleashing the potential of FPGA technology expands the horizons of PUF integration across diverse hardware systems. We set out to understand the fundamental ideas behind PUF and how crucially important it is to current security paradigms. Different FPGA-based PUF solutions, including static, dynamic, and hybrid systems, are closely examined. Each design paradigm is painstakingly examined to reveal its special qualities, functional nuances, and weaknesses. We closely assess a variety of performance metrics, including those related to distinctiveness, reliability, and resilience against hostile threats. We compare various FPGA-based PUF systems against one another to expose their unique advantages and disadvantages. This study provides system designers and security professionals with the crucial information they need to choose the best PUF design for their particular applications. Our paper provides a comprehensive view of the functionality, security capabilities, and prospective applications of FPGA-based PUF systems. The depth of knowledge gained from this research advances the field of hardware security, enabling security practitioners, researchers, and designers to make wise decisions when deciding on and implementing FPGA-based PUF solutions.publishedVersio

    Within-Die Delay Variation Measurement And Analysis For Emerging Technologies Using An Embedded Test Structure

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    Both random and systematic within-die process variations (PV) are growing more severe with shrinking geometries and increasing die size. Escalation in the variations in delay and power with reductions in feature size places higher demands on the accuracy of variation models. Their availability can be used to improve yield, and the corresponding profitability and product quality of the fabricated integrated circuits (ICs). Sources of within-die variations include optical source limitations, and layout-based systematic effects (pitch, line-width variability, and microscopic etch loading). Unfortunately, accurate models of within-die PVs are becoming more difficult to derive because of their increasingly sensitivity to design-context. Embedded test structures (ETS) continue to play an important role in the development of models of PVs and as a mechanism to improve correlations between hardware and models. Variations in path delays are increasing with scaling, and are increasingly affected by neighborhood\u27 interactions. In order to fully characterize within-die variations, delays must be measured in the context of actual core-logic macros. Doing so requires the use of an embedded test structure, as opposed to traditional scribe line test structures such as ring oscillators (RO). Accurate measurements of within-die variations can be used, e.g., to better tune models to actual hardware (model-to-hardware correlations). In this research project, I propose an embedded test structure called REBEL (Regional dELay BEhavior) that is designed to measure path delays in a minimally invasive fashion; and its architecture measures the path delays more accurately. Design for manufacture-ability (DFM) analysis is done on the on 90 nm ASIC chips and 28nm Zynq 7000 series FPGA boards. I present ASIC results on within-die path delay variations in a floating-point unit (FPU) fabricated in IBM\u27s 90 nm technology, with 5 pipeline stages, used as a test vehicle in chip experiments carried out at nine different temperature/voltage (TV) corners. Also experimental data has been analyzed for path delay variations in short vs long paths. FPGA results on within-die variation and die-to-die variations on Advanced Encryption System (AES) using single pipelined stage are also presented. Other analysis that have been performed on the calibrated path delays are Flip Flop propagation delays for both rising and falling edge (tpHL and tpLH), uncertainty analysis, path distribution analysis, short versus long path variations and mid-length path within-die variation. I also analyze the impact on delay when the chips are subjected to industrial-level temperature and voltage variations. From the experimental results, it has been established that the proposed REBEL provides capabilities similar to an off-chip logic analyzer, i.e., it is able to capture the temporal behavior of the signal over time, including any static and dynamic hazards that may occur on the tested path. The ASIC results further show that path delays are correlated to the launch-capture (LC) interval used to time them. Therefore, calibration as proposed in this work must be carried out in order to obtain an accurate analysis of within-die variations. Results on ASIC chips show that short paths can vary up to 35% on average, while long paths vary up to 20% at nominal temperature and voltage. A similar trend occurs for within-die variations of mid-length paths where magnitudes reduced to 20% and 5%, respectively. The magnitude of delay variations in both these analyses increase as temperature and voltage are changed to increase performance. The high level of within-die delay variations are undesirable from a design perspective, but they represent a rich source of entropy for applications that make use of \u27secrets\u27 such as authentication, hardware metering and encryption. Physical unclonable functions (PUFs) are a class of primitives that leverage within-die-variations as a means of generating random bit strings for these types of applications, including hardware security and trust. Zynq FPGAs Die-to-Die and within-die variation study shows that on average there is 5% of within-Die variation and the range of die-to-Die variation can go upto 3ns. The die-to-Die variations can be explored in much further detail to study the variations spatial dependance. Additionally, I also carried out research in the area data mining to cater for big data by focusing the work on decision tree classification (DTC) to speed-up the classification step in hardware implementation. For this purpose, I devised a pipelined architecture for the implementation of axis parallel binary decision tree classification for meeting up with the requirements of execution time and minimal resource usage in terms of area. The motivation for this work is that analyzing larger data-sets have created abundant opportunities for algorithmic and architectural developments, and data-mining innovations, thus creating a great demand for faster execution of these algorithms, leading towards improving execution time and resource utilization. Decision trees (DT) have since been implemented in software programs. Though, the software implementation of DTC is highly accurate, the execution times and the resource utilization still require improvement to meet the computational demands in the ever growing industry. On the other hand, hardware implementation of DT has not been thoroughly investigated or reported in detail. Therefore, I propose a hardware acceleration of pipelined architecture that incorporates the parallel approach in acquiring the data by having parallel engines working on different partitions of data independently. Also, each engine is processing the data in a pipelined fashion to utilize the resources more efficiently and reduce the time for processing all the data records/tuples. Experimental results show that our proposed hardware acceleration of classification algorithms has increased throughput, by reducing the number of clock cycles required to process the data and generate the results, and it requires minimal resources hence it is area efficient. This architecture also enables algorithms to scale with increasingly large and complex data sets. We developed the DTC algorithm in detail and explored techniques for adapting it to a hardware implementation successfully. This system is 3.5 times faster than the existing hardware implementation of classification.\u2

    A Low Speed BIST Framework for High Speed Circuit Testing

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    Testing of high performance integrated circuits is becoming increasingly a challenging task owing to high clock frequencies. Often testers are not able to test such devices due to their limited high frequency capabilities. In this article we outline a design-for-test methodology such that high performance devices can be tested on relatively low performance testers. In addition, a BIST framework is discussed based on this methodology. Various implementation aspects of this technique are also addresse