213,190 research outputs found

    Advances in knowledge-based software engineering

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    The underlying hypothesis of this work is that a rigorous and comprehensive software reuse methodology can bring about a more effective and efficient utilization of constrained resources in the development of large-scale software systems by both government and industry. It is also believed that correct use of this type of software engineering methodology can significantly contribute to the higher levels of reliability that will be required of future operational systems. An overview and discussion of current research in the development and application of two systems that support a rigorous reuse paradigm are presented: the Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Environment (KBSEE) and the Knowledge Acquisition fo the Preservation of Tradeoffs and Underlying Rationales (KAPTUR) systems. Emphasis is on a presentation of operational scenarios which highlight the major functional capabilities of the two systems

    Teaching Software Development to Non-Software Engineering Students

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    This paper argues that although the object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigm is appropriate for students taking programming modules on Higher Education (HE) software engineering course, this paradigm is not as relevant for students from other courses who study programming modules. It is also asserts that adopting another paradigm when teaching programming to non-software engineering students need not prevent the encouragement of good software engineering practices The paper discusses the software development model, procedures, techniques and programming language that the author requires non-software engineering students to employ when developing their software. This discussion also includes consideration of implementation issues in an educational context. The paper concludes that his alternative approach has been successfully implemented, that it requires the student to adopt a rigorous approach to development and that it encourages best software engineering practices. The conclusions also note that delivering this alternative offers the opportunity to include good educational practice, such as role-play

    Fault Localization Models in Debugging

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    Debugging is considered as a rigorous but important feature of software engineering process. Since more than a decade, the software engineering research community is exploring different techniques for removal of faults from programs but it is quite difficult to overcome all the faults of software programs. Thus, it is still remains as a real challenge for software debugging and maintenance community. In this paper, we briefly introduced software anomalies and faults classification and then explained different fault localization models using theory of diagnosis. Furthermore, we compared and contrasted between value based and dependencies based models in accordance with different real misbehaviours and presented some insight information for the debugging process. Moreover, we discussed the results of both models and manifested the shortcomings as well as advantages of these models in terms of debugging and maintenance.Comment: 58-6

    Validation of Ultrahigh Dependability for Software-Based Systems

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    Modern society depends on computers for a number of critical tasks in which failure can have very high costs. As a consequence, high levels of dependability (reliability, safety, etc.) are required from such computers, including their software. Whenever a quantitative approach to risk is adopted, these requirements must be stated in quantitative terms, and a rigorous demonstration of their being attained is necessary. For software used in the most critical roles, such demonstrations are not usually supplied. The fact is that the dependability requirements often lie near the limit of the current state of the art, or beyond, in terms not only of the ability to satisfy them, but also, and more often, of the ability to demonstrate that they are satisfied in the individual operational products (validation). We discuss reasons why such demonstrations cannot usually be provided with the means available: reliability growth models, testing with stable reliability, structural dependability modelling, as well as more informal arguments based on good engineering practice. We state some rigorous arguments about the limits of what can be validated with each of such means. Combining evidence from these different sources would seem to raise the levels that can be validated; yet this improvement is not such as to solve the problem. It appears that engineering practice must take into account the fact that no solution exists, at present, for the validation of ultra-high dependability in systems relying on complex software

    Iterative criteria-based approach to engineering the requirements of software development methodologies

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    Software engineering endeavours are typically based on and governed by the requirements of the target software; requirements identification is therefore an integral part of software development methodologies. Similarly, engineering a software development methodology (SDM) involves the identification of the requirements of the target methodology. Methodology engineering approaches pay special attention to this issue; however, they make little use of existing methodologies as sources of insight into methodology requirements. The authors propose an iterative method for eliciting and specifying the requirements of a SDM using existing methodologies as supplementary resources. The method is performed as the analysis phase of a methodology engineering process aimed at the ultimate design and implementation of a target methodology. An initial set of requirements is first identified through analysing the characteristics of the development situation at hand and/or via delineating the general features desirable in the target methodology. These initial requirements are used as evaluation criteria; refined through iterative application to a select set of relevant methodologies. The finalised criteria highlight the qualities that the target methodology is expected to possess, and are therefore used as a basis for de. ning the final set of requirements. In an example, the authors demonstrate how the proposed elicitation process can be used for identifying the requirements of a general object-oriented SDM. Owing to its basis in knowledge gained from existing methodologies and practices, the proposed method can help methodology engineers produce a set of requirements that is not only more complete in span, but also more concrete and rigorous

    GOES-R Algorithms: A Common Science and Engineering Design and Development Approach for Delivering Next Generation Environmental Data Products

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    GOES-R, the next generation of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) System, represents a new technological era in operational geostationary environmental satellite systems. GOES-R will provide advanced products that describe the state of the atmosphere, land, oceans, and solar/ space environments over the western hemisphere. The Harris GOES-R Ground Segment team will provide the software, based on government-supplied algorithms, and engineering infrastructures designed to produce and distribute these next-generation data products. The Harris GOES-R Team has adopted an integrated applied science and engineering approach that combines rigorous system engineering methods, with modern software design elements to facilitate the transition of algorithms for Level 1 and 2+ products to operational software. The Harris Team GOES-R GS algorithm framework, which includes a common data model interface, provides general design principles and standardized methods for developing general algorithm services, interfacing to external data, generating intermediate and L1b and L2 products and implementing common algorithm features such as metadata generation and error handling. This work presents the suite of GOES-R products, their properties and the process by which the related requirements are maintained during the complete design/development life-cycle. It also describes the algorithm architecture/engineering approach that will be used to deploy these algorithms, and provides a preliminary implementation road map for the development of the GOES-R GS software infrastructure, and a view into the integration of the framework and data model into the final design

    A WSDL-Based Type System for WS-BPEL

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    We tackle the problem of providing rigorous formal foundations to current software engineering technologies for web services. We focus on two of the most used XML-based languages for web services: WSDL and WS-BPEL. To this aim, first we select an expressive subset of WS-BPEL, with special concern for modeling the interactions among web service instances in a network context, and define its operational semantics. We call ws-calculus the resulting formalism. Then, we put forward a rigorous typing discipline that formalizes the relationship existing between ws-calculus terms and the associated WSDL documents and supports verification of their compliance. We prove that the type system and the operational semantics of ws-calculus are ‘sound’ and apply our approach to an example application involving three interacting web services

    Concurrent system design: Applied mathematics & modeling in software engineering education

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    A hallmark of engineering design is the use of models to explore the consequences of design decisions. Sometimes these models are physical prototypes or informal drawings, but the sine qua non of contemporary practice is the use of formal, mathematical models of system structure and behavior. Whether circuit models in electrical engineering, heat-transfer models in mechanical engineering, or queuing theory models in industrial engineering, mathematics makes it possible to perform rigorous analysis that is the cornerstone of modern engineering. Until recently, such modeling was impractical for software systems. Informal models abounded, such as those created in UML1, but rigorous models from which one could derive significant properties were either so rudimentary or so tedious to use that it was difficult to justify the incremental benefit in other than the most critical of systems. In part this is a reflection of the relative immaturity of software engineering, but it also reflects a key distinction between software and traditional engineering: whereas the latter builds on numerical computation and continuous functions, software is more appropriately modeled using logic, set theory, and other aspects of discrete mathematics. Most of the models stress relationships between software components, and numerical computation is the exception rather than the norm. Recent advances in both theory and application have made it possible to model significant aspects of software behavior precisely, and to use tools to help analyze the resulting properties2,3,4. In this paper, we focus on a course developed by James Vallino and since taught and modified by Michael Lutz, to present formal modeling to our software engineering students at RIT. Our overall goals were three-fold: To acquaint our students with modern modeling tools, to connect the courses they take in discrete mathematics to real applications, and to persuade them that mathematics has much to offer to the engineering of quality software
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