801 research outputs found

    Stochastic approximation of symmetric Nash equilibria in queueing games

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    We suggest a novel stochastic-approximation algorithm to compute a symmetric Nash-equilibrium strategy in a general queueing game with a finite action space. The algorithm involves a single simulation of the queueing process with dynamic updating of the strategy at regeneration times. Under mild assumptions on the utility function and on the regenerative structure of the queueing process, the algorithm converges to a symmetric equilibrium strategy almost surely. This yields a powerful tool that can be used to approximate equilibrium strategies in a broad range of strategic queueing models in which direct analysis is impracticable

    Performance Evaluation of Transition-based Systems with Applications to Communication Networks

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    Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, communication systems have witnessed a revolution in terms of their hardware capabilities. This transformation has enabled modern networks to stand up to the diversity and the scale of the requirements of the applications that they support. Compared to their predecessors that primarily consisted of a handful of homogeneous devices communicating via a single communication technology, today's networks connect myriads of systems that are intrinsically different in their functioning and purpose. In addition, many of these devices communicate via different technologies or a combination of them at a time. All these developments, coupled with the geographical disparity of the physical infrastructure, give rise to network environments that are inherently dynamic and unpredictable. To cope with heterogeneous environments and the growing demands, network units have taken a leap from the paradigm of static functioning to that of adaptivity. In this thesis, we refer to adaptive network units as transition-based systems (TBSs) and the act of adapting is termed as transition. We note that TBSs not only reside in diverse environment conditions, their need to adapt also arises following different phenomena. Such phenomena are referred to as triggers and they can occur at different time scales. We additionally observe that the nature of a transition is dictated by the specified performance objective of the relevant TBS and we seek to build an analytical framework that helps us derive a policy for performance optimization. As the state of the art lacks a unified approach to modelling the diverse functioning of the TBSs and their varied performance objectives, we first propose a general framework based on the theory of Markov Decision Processes. This framework facilitates optimal policy derivation in TBSs in a principled manner. In addition, we note the importance of bespoke analyses in specific classes of TBSs where the general formulation leads to a high-dimensional optimization problem. Specifically, we consider performance optimization in open systems employing parallelism and closed systems exploiting the benefits of service batching. In these examples, we resort to approximation techniques such as a mean-field limit for the state evolution whenever the underlying TBS deals with a large number of entities. Our formulation enables calculation of optimal policies and provides tangible alternatives to existing frameworks for Quality of Service evaluation. Compared to the state of the art, the derived policies facilitate transitions in Communication Systems that yield superior performance as shown through extensive evaluations in this thesis

    Call Center Experience Optimization: A Case for a Virtual Predictive Queue

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    The evolution of the call center into contact centers and the growth of their use in providing customer-facing service by many companies has brought considerable capabilities in maintaining customer relationships but it also has brought challenges in providing quality service when call volumes are high. Limited in their ability to provide service at all times to all customers, companies are forced to balance the costs associated with hiring more customer service representatives and the quality of service provided by a fewer number. A primary challenge when there are not enough customer service representatives to engage the volume of callers in a timely manner is the significant wait times that can be experienced by many customers. Normally, callers are handled in accordance with a first-come, first-served policy with exceptions being skill-based routing to those customer service representatives with specialized skills. A proposed call center infrastructure framework called a Virtual Predictive Queue (VPQ) can allow some customers to benefit from a shorter call queue wait time. This proposed system can be implemented within a call center’s Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) device associated with computer telephony integration (CTI) and theoretically will not violate a first-come, first served policy

    Internet of Vehicles and Real-Time Optimization Algorithms: Concepts for Vehicle Networking in Smart Cities

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    Achieving sustainable freight transport and citizens’ mobility operations in modern cities are becoming critical issues for many governments. By analyzing big data streams generated through IoT devices, city planners now have the possibility to optimize traffic and mobility patterns. IoT combined with innovative transport concepts as well as emerging mobility modes (e.g., ridesharing and carsharing) constitute a new paradigm in sustainable and optimized traffic operations in smart cities. Still, these are highly dynamic scenarios, which are also subject to a high uncertainty degree. Hence, factors such as real-time optimization and re-optimization of routes, stochastic travel times, and evolving customers’ requirements and traffic status also have to be considered. This paper discusses the main challenges associated with Internet of Vehicles (IoV) and vehicle networking scenarios, identifies the underlying optimization problems that need to be solved in real time, and proposes an approach to combine the use of IoV with parallelization approaches. To this aim, agile optimization and distributed machine learning are envisaged as the best candidate algorithms to develop efficient transport and mobility systems

    Risk-averse multi-armed bandits and game theory

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    The multi-armed bandit (MAB) and game theory literature is mainly focused on the expected cumulative reward and the expected payoffs in a game, respectively. In contrast, the rewards and the payoffs are often random variables whose expected values only capture a vague idea of the overall distribution. The focus of this dissertation is to study the fundamental limits of the existing bandits and game theory problems in a risk-averse framework and propose new ideas that address the shortcomings. The author believes that human beings are mostly risk-averse, so studying multi-armed bandits and game theory from the point of view of risk aversion, rather than expected reward/payoff, better captures reality. In this manner, a specific class of multi-armed bandits, called explore-then-commit bandits, and stochastic games are studied in this dissertation, which are based on the notion of Risk-Averse Best Action Decision with Incomplete Information (R-ABADI, Abadi is the maiden name of the author's mother). The goal of the classical multi-armed bandits is to exploit the arm with the maximum score defined as the expected value of the arm reward. Instead, we propose a new definition of score that is derived from the joint distribution of all arm rewards and captures the reward of an arm relative to those of all other arms. We use a similar idea for games and propose a risk-averse R-ABADI equilibrium in game theory that is possibly different from the Nash equilibrium. The payoff distributions are taken into account to derive the risk-averse equilibrium, while the expected payoffs are used to find the Nash equilibrium. The fundamental properties of games, e.g. pure and mixed risk-averse R-ABADI equilibrium and strict dominance, are studied in the new framework and the results are expanded to finite-time games. Furthermore, the stochastic congestion games are studied from a risk-averse perspective and three classes of equilibria are proposed for such games. It is shown by examples that the risk-averse behavior of travelers in a stochastic congestion game can improve the price of anarchy in Pigou and Braess networks. Furthermore, the Braess paradox does not occur to the extent proposed originally when travelers are risk-averse. We also study an online affinity scheduling problem with no prior knowledge of the task arrival rates and processing rates of different task types on different servers. We propose the Blind GB-PANDAS algorithm that utilizes an exploration-exploitation scheme to load balance incoming tasks on servers in an online fashion. We prove that Blind GB-PANDAS is throughput optimal, i.e. it stabilizes the system as long as the task arrival rates are inside the capacity region. The Blind GB-PANDAS algorithm is compared to FCFS, Max-Weight, and c-mu-rule algorithms in terms of average task completion time through simulations, where the same exploration-exploitation approach as Blind GB-PANDAS is used for Max-Weight and c-ÎĽ\mu-rule. The extensive simulations show that the Blind GB-PANDAS algorithm conspicuously outperforms the three other algorithms at high loads

    Memory-based preferential choice in large option spaces

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    Whether adding songs to a playlist or groceries to a shopping basket, everyday decisions often require us to choose between an innumerable set of options. Laboratory studies of preferential choice have made considerable progress in describing how people navigate fixed sets of options. Yet, questions remain about how well this generalises to more complex, everyday choices. In this thesis, I ask how people navigate large option spaces, focusing particularly on how long-term memory supports decisions. In the first project, I explore how large option spaces are structured in the mind. A topic model trained on the purchasing patterns of consumers uncovered an intuitive set of themes that centred primarily around goals (e.g., tomatoes go well in a salad), suggesting that representations are geared to support action. In the second project, I explore how such representations are queried during memory-based decisions, where options must be retrieved from memory. Using a large dataset of over 100,000 online grocery shops, results revealed that consumers query multiple systems of associative memory when determining what choose next. Attending to certain knowledge sources, as estimated by a cognitive model, predicted important retrieval errors, such as the propensity to forget or add unwanted products. In the final project, I ask how preferences could be learned and represented in large option spaces, where most options are untried. A cognitive model of sequential decision making is proposed, which learns preferences over choice attributes, allowing for the generalisation of preferences to unseen options, by virtue of their similarity to previous choices. This model explains reduced exploration patterns behaviour observed in the supermarket and preferential choices in more controlled laboratory settings. Overall, this suggests that consumers depend on associative systems in long-term memory when navigating large spaces of options, enabling inferences about the conceptual properties and subjective value of novel options
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