82 research outputs found


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    The presence of faults in a system leads to a lower value for efficiency, accuracy and speed, and, in some cases, even a complete breakdown. Thus, early fault detection is a major factor in efficiency and productivity of the procedure. In recent decades, many research studies have been conducted on troubleshooting and secondary fault detection. The current work presents an efficient and novel observer design capable of stabilizing the residue and dynamic error for the nonlinear Lipschitz systems with faults as well as a troubleshooting analysis and determining the formation of secondary faults in defective systems. The observer is designed based on linearizing dynamic error considering uncertainty, disturbance, and defects by employing non-linear gain factors instead of using state transformation. The dynamic error and residue stabilization of a non-linear faulty system have been discussed as well as the likelihood of secondary fault generation. The results indicate that the observer is able to determine fault-emergence, fault-disappearance and secondary fault formation well and quite fast

    Nonlinear state feedback synthesis by global input/output linearization

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    This paper studies the design of feedback controllers for trajectory tracking in single-input/ single-output nonlinear systems x = f(x) + g(x) u, y = h(x) . A nonlinear transformation of the form v = k(x) + Λ(x) u that transforms this nonlinear input/output system into a linear system is first constructed. On the basis of this transformation, an approach for designing control laws for trajectory tracking is presented. The control law is robust in the sense that small changes in it do not produce large steady state errors or loss of stability. The theory provides a unified framework for treating control problems arising in nonlinear chemical processes; this is illustrated by a batch reactor control example.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/37396/1/690330408_ftp.pd

    A generalized approach for the control of micro-electromechanical relays

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    MEMS (Micro-Electromechanical Systems) is an area of research and applications that is becoming increasingly popular. It\u27s mainly concerned with integrating micro-mechanical transducers with micro-electronic circuits on common substrates, traditionally silicon, through micro-fabrication. Instead of traditionally having the transducer and the communicating (or control) circuit as two separate entities, MEMS miniaturizes and combines them on a single chip, giving it several advantages, saving space, money, and increasing the sensitivity and accuracy of the integrated system. A micro-electromechanical relay is a type of MEM devices that is becoming increasingly important in a wide range of industries such as the computer industry, the medical industry and the automotive industry, to name a few. However, micro-relays, both electrostatic and electromagnetic, share a common dynamic structure that causes an unfavorable phenomenon called pull-in in which the movable electrode comes crashing down to the fixed electrode once it reaches a certain gap spacing, possibly damaging the relay and creating undesirable output effects. To eliminate this phenomenon and have better control over the switching of the micro-relays, improving transient response and output error, a feedback control scheme is desired. In this work, it is shown that voltage-controlled electromechanical micro-relays have a common dynamic structure allowing for the formulation of a generalized model. It is also shown that open-loop control of MEM relays naturally leads to pull-in during closing. An attempt has been made to control the relays eliminating this phenomenon and tracking a command signal that dictates the motion of the movable electrode over time with improved transient response. In doing so, two control schemes were adopted, a Lyapunov-based and a feedback linearization-based one. Simulation results clearly show the superiority of the closed-loop control compared to the open-loop one. It\u27s also shown that the Lyapunov-based controller was limited in the extent to which it improved the transient response and that the feedback linearization-based controller performed much better. The latter eliminated pull-in and significantly lowered transient response and settling times, leading to very good tracking of the command signal

    08061 Abstracts Collection -- Types, Logics and Semantics for State

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    From 3 February to 8 February 2008, the Dagstuhl Seminar 08061 ``Types, Logics and Semantics for State\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    Speed Observation and Position Feedback Stabilization of Partially Linearizable Mechanical Systems

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    The problems of speed observation and position feedback stabilization of mechanical systems are addressed in this paper. Our interest is centered on systems that can be rendered linear in the velocities via a (partial) change of coordinates. It is shown that the class is fully characterized by the solvability of a set of partial differential equations (PDEs) and strictly contains the class studied in the existing literature on linearization for speed observation or control. A reduced order globally exponentially stable observer, constructed using the immersion and invariance methodology, is proposed. The design requires the solution of another set of PDEs, which are shown to be solvable in several practical examples. It is also proven that the full order observer with dynamic scaling recently proposed by Karagiannis and Astolfi obviates the need to solve the latter PDEs. Finally, it is shown that the observer can be used in conjunction with an asymptotically stabilizing full state-feedback interconnection and damping assignment passivity-based controller preserving asymptotic stability.</p

    Cloud-edge hybrid applications

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    Many modern applications are designed to provide interactions among users, including multi- user games, social networks and collaborative tools. Users expect application response time to be in the order of milliseconds, to foster interaction and interactivity. The design of these applications typically adopts a client-server model, where all interac- tions are mediated by a centralized component. This approach introduces availability and fault- tolerance issues, which can be mitigated by replicating the server component, and even relying on geo-replicated solutions in cloud computing infrastructures. Even in this case, the client-server communication model leads to unnecessary latency penalties for geographically close clients and high operational costs for the application provider. This dissertation proposes a cloud-edge hybrid model with secure and ecient propagation and consistency mechanisms. This model combines client-side replication and client-to-client propagation for providing low latency and minimizing the dependency on the server infras- tructure, fostering availability and fault tolerance. To realize this model, this works makes the following key contributions. First, the cloud-edge hybrid model is materialized by a system design where clients maintain replicas of the data and synchronize in a peer-to-peer fashion, and servers are used to assist clients’ operation. We study how to bring most of the application logic to the client-side, us- ing the centralized service primarily for durability, access control, discovery, and overcoming internetwork limitations. Second, we dene protocols for weakly consistent data replication, including a novel CRDT model (∆-CRDTs). We provide a study on partial replication, exploring the challenges and fundamental limitations in providing causal consistency, and the diculty in supporting client- side replicas due to their ephemeral nature. Third, we study how client misbehaviour can impact the guarantees of causal consistency. We propose new secure weak consistency models for insecure settings, and algorithms to enforce such consistency models. The experimental evaluation of our contributions have shown their specic benets and limitations compared with the state-of-the-art. In general, the cloud-edge hybrid model leads to faster application response times, lower client-to-client latency, higher system scalability as fewer clients need to connect to servers at the same time, the possibility to work oine or disconnected from the server, and reduced server bandwidth usage. In summary, we propose a hybrid of cloud-and-edge which provides lower user-to-user la- tency, availability under server disconnections, and improved server scalability – while being ecient, reliable, and secure.Muitas aplicações modernas são criadas para fornecer interações entre utilizadores, incluindo jogos multiutilizador, redes sociais e ferramentas colaborativas. Os utilizadores esperam que o tempo de resposta nas aplicações seja da ordem de milissegundos, promovendo a interação e interatividade. A arquitetura dessas aplicações normalmente adota um modelo cliente-servidor, onde todas as interações são mediadas por um componente centralizado. Essa abordagem apresenta problemas de disponibilidade e tolerância a falhas, que podem ser mitigadas com replicação no componente do servidor, até com a utilização de soluções replicadas geogracamente em infraestruturas de computação na nuvem. Mesmo neste caso, o modelo de comunicação cliente-servidor leva a penalidades de latência desnecessárias para clientes geogracamente próximos e altos custos operacionais para o provedor das aplicações. Esta dissertação propõe um modelo híbrido cloud-edge com mecanismos seguros e ecientes de propagação e consistência. Esse modelo combina replicação do lado do cliente e propagação de cliente para cliente para fornecer baixa latência e minimizar a dependência na infraestrutura do servidor, promovendo a disponibilidade e tolerância a falhas. Para realizar este modelo, este trabalho faz as seguintes contribuições principais. Primeiro, o modelo híbrido cloud-edge é materializado por uma arquitetura do sistema em que os clientes mantêm réplicas dos dados e sincronizam de maneira ponto a ponto e onde os servidores são usados para auxiliar na operação dos clientes. Estudamos como trazer a maior parte da lógica das aplicações para o lado do cliente, usando o serviço centralizado principalmente para durabilidade, controlo de acesso, descoberta e superação das limitações inter-rede. Em segundo lugar, denimos protocolos para replicação de dados fracamente consistentes, incluindo um novo modelo de CRDTs (∆-CRDTs). Fornecemos um estudo sobre replicação parcial, explorando os desaos e limitações fundamentais em fornecer consistência causal e a diculdade em suportar réplicas do lado do cliente devido à sua natureza efémera. Terceiro, estudamos como o mau comportamento da parte do cliente pode afetar as garantias da consistência causal. Propomos novos modelos seguros de consistência fraca para congurações inseguras e algoritmos para impor tais modelos de consistência. A avaliação experimental das nossas contribuições mostrou os benefícios e limitações em comparação com o estado da arte. Em geral, o modelo híbrido cloud-edge leva a tempos de resposta nas aplicações mais rápidos, a uma menor latência de cliente para cliente e à possibilidade de trabalhar oine ou desconectado do servidor. Adicionalmente, obtemos uma maior escalabilidade do sistema, visto que menos clientes precisam de estar conectados aos servidores ao mesmo tempo e devido à redução na utilização da largura de banda no servidor. Em resumo, propomos um modelo híbrido entre a orla (edge) e a nuvem (cloud) que fornece menor latência entre utilizadores, disponibilidade durante desconexões do servidor e uma melhor escalabilidade do servidor – ao mesmo tempo que é eciente, conável e seguro