315 research outputs found

    Early changes in alpha band power and DMN BOLD activity in Alzheimer's disease: a simultaneous resting state EEG-fMRI study

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    Simultaneous resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rsfMRI)-resting state electroencephalography (rsEEG) studies in healthy adults showed robust positive associations of signal power in the alpha band with BOLD signal in the thalamus, and more heterogeneous associations in cortical default mode network (DMN) regions. Negative associations were found in occipital regions. In Alzheimer's disease (AD), rsfMRI studies revealed a disruption of the DMN, while rsEEG studies consistently reported a reduced power within the alpha band. The present study is the first to employ simultaneous rsfMRI-rsEEG in an AD sample, investigating the association of alpha band power and BOLD signal, compared to healthy controls (HC). We hypothesized to find reduced positive associations in DMN regions and reduced negative associations in occipital regions in the AD group. Simultaneous resting state fMRI-EEG was recorded in 14 patients with mild AD and 14 HC, matched for age and gender. Power within the EEG alpha band (8-12 Hz, 8-10 Hz, and 10-12 Hz) was computed from occipital electrodes and served as regressor in voxel-wise linear regression analyses, to assess the association with the BOLD signal. Compared to HC, the AD group showed significantly decreased positive associations between BOLD signal and occipital alpha band power in clusters in the superior, middle and inferior frontal cortex, inferior temporal lobe and thalamus (p < 0.01, uncorr., cluster size ≥ 50 voxels). This group effect was more pronounced in the upper alpha sub-band, compared to the lower alpha sub-band. Notably, we observed a high inter-individual heterogeneity. Negative associations were only reduced in the lower alpha range in the hippocampus, putamen and cerebellum. The present study gives first insights into the relationship of resting-state EEG and fMRI characteristics in an AD sample. The results suggest that positive associations between alpha band power and BOLD signal in numerous regions, including DMN regions, are diminished in AD

    Anterior Thalamic High Frequency Band Activity Is Coupled with Theta Oscillations at Rest

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    Cross-frequency coupling (CFC) between slow and fast brain rhythms, in the form of phase–amplitude coupling (PAC), is proposed to enable the coordination of neural oscillatory activity required for cognitive processing. PAC has been identified in the neocortex and mesial temporal regions, varying according to the cognitive task being performed and also at rest. PAC has also been observed in the anterior thalamic nucleus (ATN) during memory processing. The thalamus is active during the resting state and has been proposed to be involved in switching between task-free cognitive states such as rest, in which attention is internally-focused, and externally-focused cognitive states, in which an individual engages with environmental stimuli. It is unknown whether PAC is an ongoing phenomenon during the resting state in the ATN, which is modulated during different cognitive states, or whether it only arises during the performance of specific tasks. We analyzed electrophysiological recordings of ATN activity during rest from seven patients who received thalamic electrodes implanted for treatment of pharmacoresistant focal epilepsy. PAC was identified between theta (4–6 Hz) phase and high frequency band (80–150 Hz) amplitude during rest in all seven patients, which diminished during engagement in tasks involving an external focus of attention. The findings are consistent with the proposal that theta–gamma coupling in the ATN is an ongoing phenomenon, which is modulated by task performance

    A sound-sensitive source of alpha oscillations in human non-primary auditory cortex

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    The functional organization of human auditory cortex can be probed by characterizing responses to various classes of sound at different anatomical locations. Along with histological studies this approach has revealed a primary field in posteromedial Heschl's gyrus (HG) with pronounced induced high-frequency (70-150 Hz) activity and short-latency responses that phase-lock to rapid transient sounds. Low-frequency neural oscillations are also relevant to stimulus processing and information flow, however their distribution within auditory cortex has not been established. Alpha activity (7-14 Hz) in particular has been associated with processes that may differentially engage earlier versus later levels of the cortical hierarchy, including functional inhibition and the communication of sensory predictions. These theories derive largely from the study of occipitoparietal sources readily detectable in scalp electroencephalography. To characterize the anatomical basis and functional significance of less accessible temporal-lobe alpha activity we analyzed responses to sentences in seven human adults (four female) with epilepsy who had been implanted with electrodes in superior temporal cortex. In contrast to primary cortex in posteromedial HG, a non-primary field in anterolateral HG was characterized by high spontaneous alpha activity that was strongly suppressed during auditory stimulation. Alpha-power suppression decreased with distance from anterolateral HG throughout superior temporal cortex, and was more pronounced for clear compared to degraded speech. This suppression could not be accounted for solely by a change in the slope of the power spectrum. The differential manifestation and stimulus-sensitivity of alpha oscillations across auditory fields should be accounted for in theories of their generation and function.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENTTo understand how auditory cortex is organized in support of perception, we recorded from patients implanted with electrodes for clinical reasons. This allowed measurement of activity in brain regions at different levels of sensory processing. Oscillations in the alpha range (7-14 Hz) have been associated with functions including sensory prediction and inhibition of regions handling irrelevant information, but their distribution within auditory cortex is not known. A key finding was that these oscillations dominated in one particular non-primary field, anterolateral Heschl's gyrus, and were suppressed when subjects listened to sentences. These results build on our knowledge of the functional organization of auditory cortex and provide anatomical constraints on theories of the generation and function of alpha oscillations

    Alpha and gamma-band oscillations in MEG-data: networks, function and development

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    Die Adoleszenz, d.h. die Reifungsphase des Jugendlichen zum Erwachsenen, stellt einen zentralen Abschnitt in der menschlichen Entwicklung dar, der mit tief greifenden emotionalen und kognitiven Veränderungen verbunden ist. Neure Studien (Bunge et al., 2002; Durston et al., 2002; Casey et al., 2005; Crone et al., 2006; Bunge and Wright, 2007) machen deutlich, dass sich die funktionelle Architektur des Gehirns während der Adoleszenz grundlegend verändert und dass diese Veränderungen mit der Reifung höherer kognitiven Funktionen in der Adoleszenz assoziiert sein könnten. Messungen des Gehirn-Volumens mit Hilfe der Magnet-Resonanz-Tomographie (MRT) zum Beispiel zeigen eine nicht-lineare Reduktion der grauen und eine Zunahme der weißen Substanz während der Adoleszenz (Giedd et al., 1999; Sowell et al., 1999, 2003). Des weiteren treten in dieser Zeit Veränderungen in exzitatorischen und inhibitorischen Neurotransmitter-Systemen auf (Tseng and O’Donnell, 2005; Hashimoto et al., 2009). Zusammen deuten diese Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass während der Adoleszenz ein Umbau der kortikalen Netzwerke stattfindet, der wichtige Konsequenzen für die Reifung neuronaler Oszillationen haben könnte. Im Anschluss an eine Einführung im Kapitel 2, fasst Kapitel 3 der vorliegenden Dissertation die Vorbefunde bezüglich entwicklungsbedingter Veränderungen in der Amplitude, Frequenz und Synchronisation neuronaler Oszillationen zusammen und diskutiert den Zusammenhang zwischen der Entwicklung neuronaler Oszillationen und der Reifung höhere kognitiver Funktionen während der Adoleszenz. Ebenso werden die anatomischen und physiologischen Mechanismen, die diesen Veränderungen möglicherweise zu Grunde liegen könnten, theoretisch vorgestellt. Die in Kapitel 4-6 vorgestellten eigenen empirischen Arbeiten untersuchen neuronale Oszillationen mit Hilfe der Magnetoencephalographie (MEG), um die Frequenzbänder und die funktionellen Netzwerke zu charakterisieren, die mit höheren kognitiven Prozessen und deren Entwicklung in der Adoleszenz assoziiert sind. Hierzu wurden drei Experimente durchgeführt, bei denen MEG-Aktivität während der Bearbeitung einer Arbeitsgedächtnisaufgabe und im Ruhezustand aufgezeichnet wurde. Die Ergebnisse dieser Experimente zeigen, dass Alpha Oszillationen und Gamma-Band Aktivität sowohl task-abhängig als auch im Ruhezustand gemeinsam auftreten. Darüber hinaus ergänzen die vorliegenden Untersuchungen Vorarbeiten, indem sie eine Wechselwirkung zwischen beiden Frequenzbändern aufgezeigt wird, die als ein Mechanismus für das gezielte Weiterleiten von Informationen dienen könnte. Die in Kapitel 6 vorgestellten Entwicklungsdaten weisen weiterhin darauf, dass in der Adoleszenz späte Veränderungen im Alpha und Gamma-Band stattfinden und dass diese Veränderungen involviert sind in die Entwicklung der Arbeitsgedächtnis-Kapazität und die Entwicklung der Fähigkeit, Distraktoren zu inhibieren. Abschliessend werden in Kapitel 7, die in dieser Dissertation vorgestellten Arbeiten, aus einer übergeordneten Perspektive im Gesamtzusammenhang diskutiert

    A Sound-Sensitive Source of Alpha Oscillations in Human Non-Primary Auditory Cortex

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    Copyright © 2019 Billig, Herrmann et al. The functional organization of human auditory cortex can be probed by characterizing responses to various classes of sound at different anatomical locations. Along with histological studies this approach has revealed a primary field in posteromedial Heschl\u27s gyrus (HG) with pronounced induced high-frequency (70-150 Hz) activity and short-latency responses that phase-lock to rapid transient sounds. Low-frequency neural oscillations are also relevant to stimulus processing and information flow, however, their distribution within auditory cortex has not been established. Alpha activity (7-14 Hz) in particular has been associated with processes that may differentially engage earlier versus later levels of the cortical hierarchy, including functional inhibition and the communication of sensory predictions. These theories derive largely from the study of occipitoparietal sources readily detectable in scalp electroencephalography. To characterize the anatomical basis and functional significance of less accessible temporal-lobe alpha activity we analyzed responses to sentences in seven human adults (4 female) with epilepsy who had been implanted with electrodes in superior temporal cortex. In contrast to primary cortex in posteromedial HG, a non-primary field in anterolateral HG was characterized by high spontaneous alpha activity that was strongly suppressed during auditory stimulation. Alpha-power suppression decreased with distance from anterolateral HG throughout superior temporal cortex, and was more pronounced for clear compared to degraded speech. This suppression could not be accounted for solely by a change in the slope of the power spectrum. The differential manifestation and stimulus-sensitivity of alpha oscillations across auditory fields should be accounted for in theories of their generation and function.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT To understand how auditory cortex is organized in support of perception, we recorded from patients implanted with electrodes for clinical reasons. This allowed measurement of activity in brain regions at different levels of sensory processing. Oscillations in the alpha range (7-14 Hz) have been associated with functions including sensory prediction and inhibition of regions handling irrelevant information, but their distribution within auditory cortex is not known. A key finding was that these oscillations dominated in one particular non-primary field, anterolateral Heschl\u27s gyrus, and were suppressed when subjects listened to sentences. These results build on our knowledge of the functional organization of auditory cortex and provide anatomical constraints on theories of the generation and function of alpha oscillations

    Neural activity patterns in the chemosensory network encoding vomeronasal and olfactory information in mice

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    Rodents detect chemical information mainly through the olfactory and vomeronasal systems, which play complementary roles to orchestrate appropriate behavioral responses. To characterize the integration of chemosensory information, we have performed electrophysiological and c-Fos studies of the bulbo–amygdalar network in freely behaving female mice exploring neutral or conspecific stimuli. We hypothesize that processing conspecifics stimuli requires both chemosensory systems, and thus our results will show shared patterns of activity in olfactory and vomeronasal structures. Were the hypothesis not true, the activity of the vomeronasal structures would be independent of that of the main olfactory system. In the c-Fos analysis, we assessed the activation elicited by neutral olfactory or male stimuli in a broader network. Male urine induced a significantly higher activity in the vomeronasal system compared to that induced by a neutral odorant. Concerning the olfactory system, only the cortex–amygdala transition area showed significant activation. No differential c-Fos expression was found in the reward system and the basolateral amygdala. These functional patterns in the chemosensory circuitry reveal a strong top-down control of the amygdala over both olfactory bulbs, suggesting an active role of the amygdala in the integration of chemosensory information directing the activity of the bulbs during environmental exploration

    Oxygen Polarography in the Awake Macaque: Bridging BOLD fMRI and Electrophysiology

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    Blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) fMRI is the predominant method for evaluating human brain activity. This technique identifies brain activity by measuring blood oxygen changes associated with neural activity. Although clearly related, the nature of the relationship between BOLD fMRI identified brain activity and electrophysiologically measured neural activity remains unclear. Direct comparison of BOLD fMRI and electrophysiology has been severely limited by the technical challenges of combining the two techniques. Microelectrode electrophysiology in non-human primates is an excellent model for studying neural activity related to high order brain function similar to that commonly studied with BOLD fMRI in humans, i.e. attention, working memory, engagement. This thesis discusses the development of, validation of, and first results obtained using a new multi-site oxygen polarographic recording system in the awake macaques as a surrogate for BOLD fMRI. Oxygen polarography measures tissue oxygen which is coupled to blood oxygen. This tool offers higher resolution than BOLD fMRI and can be more readily combined with electrophysiology. Using this new tool we evaluated local field potential and oxygen responses to an engaging visual stimulus in two distinct brain systems. In area V3, a key region in the visual system and representative of stimulus driven sensory cortex, we show increased tissue oxygen and local field potential power in response to visual stimulus. In area 23 of the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC), a hub of the default-mode network we show decreased oxygen and local field potential in response to the same stimulus. The default-mode network is a set of brain regions identified in humans whose BOLD fMRI activity is higher at rest than during external engagement, arguing that they sub-serve a function that is engaged as the default-mode in humans. Our results provide new evidence of default-mode network activity in the macaque similar to that seen in humans, provide evidence that the BOLD identified default-mode suppression reflects neural suppression and overall support a strong relationship between neural activity and BOLD fMRI. However, we also note that the LFP responses in both regions show substantial nuances that cannot be seen in the oxygen response and suggest response complexity that is invisible with fMRI. Further the nature of the relationship between LFP and oxygen differs between regions. Our multi-site technique also allows us to evaluate inter-regional interaction of ongoing oxygen fluctuations. Inter-regional correlation of BOLD fMRI fluctuations is commonly used as an index of functional connectivity and has provided new insight into behaviorally relevant aspects of the brains organization and its disruption in disease. Here we demonstrate that we can measure the same inter-regional correlation using oxygen polarography. We utilize the increased resolution of our technique to investigate the frequency structure of the signals driving the correlation and find that inter-regional correlation of oxygen fluctuations appears to depend on a rhythmic mechanism operating at ~0.06 Hz

    Neural Basis of Functional Connectivity MRI

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    The brain is hierarchically organized across a range of scales. While studies based on electrophysiology and anatomy have been fruitful on the micron to millimeter scale, findings based on functional connectivity MRI (fcMRI) suggest that a higher level of brain organization has been largely overlooked. These findings show that the brain is organized into networks, and each network extends across multiple brain areas. This large-scale, across-area brain organization is functionally relevant and stable across subjects, primate species, and levels of consciousness. This dissertation addresses the neural origin of MRI functional connectivity. fcMRI relies on temporal correlation in at-rest blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) fluctuations. Thus, understanding the neural origin of at-rest BOLD correlation is of critical significance. By shedding light on the origin of the large-scale brain organization captured by fcMRI, it will guide the design and interpretation of fcMRI studies. Prior investigations of the neural basis of BOLD have not addressed the at-rest BOLD correlation, and they have been focusing on task-related BOLD. At-rest BOLD correlation captured by fcMRI likely reflects a distinct physiological process that is different from that of task-related BOLD, since these two kinds of BOLD dynamics are different in their temporal scale, spatial spread, energy consumption, and their dependence on consciousness. To address this issue, we develop a system to simultaneously record oxygen and electrophysiology in at-rest, awake monkeys. We demonstrate that our oxygen measurement, oxygen polarography, captures the same physiological phenomenon as BOLD by showing that task-related polarographic oxygen responses and at-rest polarographic oxygen correlation are similar to those of BOLD. These results validate the use of oxygen polarography as a surrogate for BOLD to address the neural origin of MRI functional connectivity. Next, we show that at-rest oxygen correlation reflects at-rest correlation in electrophysiological signals, especially spiking activity of neurons. Using causality analysis, we show that oxygen is driven by slow changes in raw local field potential levels (slow LFP), and slow LFP itself is driven by spiking activity. These results provide critical support to the idea that oxygen correlation reflects neural activity, and pose significant challenges to the traditional view of neurohemodynamic coupling. In addition, we find that at-rest correlation does not originate from criticality, which has been the dominant hypothesis in the field. Instead, we show that at-rest correlation likely reflects a specific and potentially localized oscillatory process. We suggest that this oscillatory process could be a result of the delayed negative feedback loop between slow LFP and spiking activity. Thus, we conclude that at-rest BOLD correlation captured by fcMRI is driven by at-rest slow LFP correlation, which is itself driven by spiking activity correlation. The at-rest spiking activity correlation, itself, is likely driven by an oscillatory process. Future studies combining recording with interventional approaches, like pharmacological manipulation and microstimulation, will help to elucidate the circuitry underlying the oscillatory process and its potential functional role

    Dynamic coupling between whisking, barrel cortex, and hippocampus during texture discrimination: A role for slow rhythms

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    Increasing amounts of work have demonstrated that brain rhythms might constitute clocking mechanisms against which to coordinate sequences of neural firing; such rhythms may be essential to the coding operations performed by the local networks. The sequence of operations underlying a tactile discrimination task in rats requires the animal to integrate two streams of information, those coming from the environment and, from reference memory the rules that dictate the correct response. The current study is a follow up on the work which has described the hippocampal representation of the tactile guided task. We have used a well-established texture discrimination task, in which rats have to associate two stimuli with two different reward locations. We placed microelectrodes in primary somatosensory cortex and the CA1 region of hippocampus to perform recordings of spiking activity and local field potentials when the animal touched the discriminandum as well as when he was in a resting state. We also performed recording on an arena in which the animal moved freely and did not perform any task. Earlier work has demonstrated that tactile signals reach the hippocampus during texture discrimination, presumably through the somatosensory cortex. We predicted that neurons in the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) are entrained to the oscillatory theta rhythm that permeates the hippocampus. Our expectation is that such coherence could serve to increase the reliability of synaptic transmission, linking the acquisition of new sensory information with associative processes. We addressed the following issues: Is the timing of action potentials in S1 modulated by the ongoing hippocampal theta rhythm? If so, is the occurrence of this modulation aligned in time to the period in which the hippocampus acquires tactile signals? We also predicted that the 10-Hz whisking that characterizes the acquisition of texture information would be more strongly phase locked to theta rhythm than the whisking in the air that is not accompanied by any explicit tactile task. We speculate that such phase locking could be a means to synchronize sensory and hippocampal processing. The notion that the coordination between brain areas might be related to the rhythmic of sensorimotor cycles is particularly appealing. We have found that the firing of 18% of barrel cells was significantly modulated by hippocampal theta during the half-second period of active tactile discrimination. Importantly, we found that during periods of rest interleaved in the session, neurons significantly decreased the degree of phase-locking with respect to touch. We hypothesize that areas involved with motivational processes as basal ganglia could gate the entrainment during task related epochs. S1 neurons were classified as those excited by contact with the discriminandum, and those not excited by contact. The firing of both sorts of neurons was modulated by CA1 theta rhythm during exploration of the texture. However the theta phase to which they fired preferentially was opposite; contact-responsive neurons tended to fire in the upward phases of the cycle whereas contact non-responsive neurons tended to fire in the downward phase of the cycle suggesting that theta rhythm might have the function of temporally separating sensory cortical neurons according to their functional properties and the information they carry. By clustering touch-sensitive neurons to a certain time window and separating them from \u2018non-informative\u2019 neurons, theta rhythm could increase the efficiency not only of information tranfer to hippocampus but also the efficiency of information encoding/decoding. We also found phase and amplitude relationships between whisking and hippocampal theta during the goal-directed tactile task; the relationships disappear when the animal moves along an open arena, still actively whisking but not engaged in the texture discrimination task. We were able to show, for the first time to our knowledge, that CA1 theta rhythm can exert a behavioral state-dependent modulatory effect on sensory cortex. S1 neuron firing and whisking activity are entrained to hippocampal theta rhythm when the animal collects meaningful tactile information from the environment