586 research outputs found

    Online bin packing with resource augmentation

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    In competitive analysis, we usually do not put any restrictions on the computational complexity of online algorithms, although efficient algorithms are preferred. Thus if such an algorithm were given the entire input in advance, it could give an optimal solution (in exponential time). Instead of giving the algorithm more knowledge about the input, in this paper we consider the effects of giving an online bin packing algorithm larger bins than the offline algorithm it is compared to. We give new algorithms for this problem that combine items in bins in an unusual way and give bounds on their performance which improve upon the best possible bounded space algorithm. We also give general lower bounds for this problem which are nearly matching for bin sizes b ?

    Approximating Geometric Knapsack via L-packings

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    We study the two-dimensional geometric knapsack problem (2DK) in which we are given a set of n axis-aligned rectangular items, each one with an associated profit, and an axis-aligned square knapsack. The goal is to find a (non-overlapping) packing of a maximum profit subset of items inside the knapsack (without rotating items). The best-known polynomial-time approximation factor for this problem (even just in the cardinality case) is (2 + \epsilon) [Jansen and Zhang, SODA 2004]. In this paper, we break the 2 approximation barrier, achieving a polynomial-time (17/9 + \epsilon) < 1.89 approximation, which improves to (558/325 + \epsilon) < 1.72 in the cardinality case. Essentially all prior work on 2DK approximation packs items inside a constant number of rectangular containers, where items inside each container are packed using a simple greedy strategy. We deviate for the first time from this setting: we show that there exists a large profit solution where items are packed inside a constant number of containers plus one L-shaped region at the boundary of the knapsack which contains items that are high and narrow and items that are wide and thin. As a second major and the main algorithmic contribution of this paper, we present a PTAS for this case. We believe that this will turn out to be useful in future work in geometric packing problems. We also consider the variant of the problem with rotations (2DKR), where items can be rotated by 90 degrees. Also, in this case, the best-known polynomial-time approximation factor (even for the cardinality case) is (2 + \epsilon) [Jansen and Zhang, SODA 2004]. Exploiting part of the machinery developed for 2DK plus a few additional ideas, we obtain a polynomial-time (3/2 + \epsilon)-approximation for 2DKR, which improves to (4/3 + \epsilon) in the cardinality case.Comment: 64pages, full version of FOCS 2017 pape

    Tight results for Next Fit and Worst Fit with resource augmentation

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    AbstractIt is well known that the two simple algorithms for the classic bin packing problem, NF and WF both have an approximation ratio of 2. However, WF seems to be a more reasonable algorithm, since it never opens a new bin if an existing bin can still be used.Using resource augmented analysis, where the output of an approximation algorithm, which can use bins of size b>1, is compared to an optimal packing into bins of size 1, we give a complete analysis of the asymptotic approximation ratio of WF and of NF, and use it to show that WF is strictly better than NF for any 1<b<2, while they have the same asymptotic performance guarantee for all b≥2, and for b=1

    Fully Dynamic Algorithms for Knapsack Problems with Polylogarithmic Update Time

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    Knapsack problems are among the most fundamental problems in optimization. In the Multiple Knapsack problem, we are given multiple knapsacks with different capacities and items with values and sizes. The task is to find a subset of items of maximum total value that can be packed into the knapsacks without exceeding the capacities. We investigate this problem and special cases thereof in the context of dynamic algorithms and design data structures that efficiently maintain near-optimal knapsack solutions for dynamically changing input. More precisely, we handle the arrival and departure of individual items or knapsacks during the execution of the algorithm with worst-case update time polylogarithmic in the number of items. As the optimal and any approximate solution may change drastically, we maintain implicit solutions and support polylogarithmic time query operations that can return the computed solution value and the packing of any given item. While dynamic algorithms are well-studied in the context of graph problems, there is hardly any work on packing problems (and generally much less on non-graph problems). Motivated by the theoretical interest in knapsack problems and their practical relevance, our work bridges this gap

    Distributed Approximation of k-Service Assignment

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    We consider the k-Service Assignment problem (k-SA), defined as follows. The input consists of a network that contains servers and clients, and an integer k. Each server has a finite capacity, and each client is associated with a demand and a profit. A feasible solution is an assignment of clients to neighboring servers such that (i) the total demand assigned to a server is at most its capacity, and (ii) a client is assigned either to k servers or to none. The profit of an assignment is the total profit of clients that are assigned to k servers, and the goal is to find a maximum profit assignment. In the r-restricted version of k-SA, no client requires more than an r-fraction of the capacity of any adjacent server. The k-SA problem is motivated by backup placement in networks and by resource allocation in 4G cellular networks. It can also be viewed as machine scheduling on related machines with assignment restrictions. We present a centralized polynomial time greedy (k+1-r)/(1-r)-approximation algorithm for r-restricted k-SA. We then show that a variant of this algorithm achieves an approximation ratio of k+1 using a resource augmentation factor of 1+r. We use the latter to present a (k+1)^2-approximation algorithm for k-SA. In the distributed setting, we present: (i) a (1+epsilon)*(k +1-r)/(1-r)-approximation algorithm for r-restricted k-SA, (ii) a (1+epsilon)(k+1)-approximation algorithm that uses a resource augmentation factor of 1+r for r-restricted k-SA, both for any constant epsilon>0, and (iii) an O{k^2}-approximation algorithm for k-SA (in expectation). The three distributed algorithms compute a solution with high probability and terminate in O(k^2 *log^3(n)) rounds
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