562 research outputs found

    Analytically-Driven Resource Management for Cloud-Native Microservices

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    Resource management for cloud-native microservices has attracted a lot of recent attention. Previous work has shown that machine learning (ML)-driven approaches outperform traditional techniques, such as autoscaling, in terms of both SLA maintenance and resource efficiency. However, ML-driven approaches also face challenges including lengthy data collection processes and limited scalability. We present Ursa, a lightweight resource management system for cloud-native microservices that addresses these challenges. Ursa uses an analytical model that decomposes the end-to-end SLA into per-service SLA, and maps per-service SLA to individual resource allocations per microservice tier. To speed up the exploration process and avoid prolonged SLA violations, Ursa explores each microservice individually, and swiftly stops exploration if latency exceeds its SLA. We evaluate Ursa on a set of representative and end-to-end microservice topologies, including a social network, media service and video processing pipeline, each consisting of multiple classes and priorities of requests with different SLAs, and compare it against two representative ML-driven systems, Sinan and Firm. Compared to these ML-driven approaches, Ursa provides significant advantages: It shortens the data collection process by more than 128x, and its control plane is 43x faster than ML-driven approaches. At the same time, Ursa does not sacrifice resource efficiency or SLAs. During online deployment, Ursa reduces the SLA violation rate by 9.0% up to 49.9%, and reduces CPU allocation by up to 86.2% compared to ML-driven approaches

    Provisioning multi-tier cloud applications using statistical bounds on sojourn time

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    In this paper we present a simple and effective approach for re-source provisioning to achieve a percentile bound on the end to end response time of a multi-tier application. We, at first, model the multi-tier application as an open tandem network of M/G/1-PS queues and develop a method that produces a near optimal appli-cation configuration, i.e, number of servers at each tier, to meet the percentile bound in a homogeneous server environment – using a single type of server. We then extend our solution to a K-server case and our technique demonstrates a good accuracy, independent of the variability of service-times. Our approach demonstrates a provisioning error of no more than 3 % compared to a 140 % worst case provisioning error obtained by techniques based on anM/M/1-FCFS queue model. In addition, we extend our approach to han-dle a heterogenous server environment, i.e., with multiple types of servers. We find that fewer high-capacity servers are preferable for high percentile provisioning. Finally, we extend our approach to account for the rental cost of each server-type and compute a cost efficient application configuration with savings of over 80%. We demonstrate the applicability of our approach in a real world sys-tem by employing it to provision the two tiers of the java implemen-tation of TPC-W – a multi-tier transactional web benchmark that represents an e-commerce web application, i.e. an online book-store

    CDOXplorer: Simulation-based genetic optimization of software deployment and reconfiguration in the cloud

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    Migrating existing enterprise software to cloud platforms involves the comparison of various cloud deployment options (CDOs). A CDO comprises a combination of a specific cloud environment, deployment architecture, and runtime reconfiguration rules for dynamic resource scaling. Our simulator CDOSim can evaluate CDOs, e.g., regarding response times and costs. However, the design space to be searched for well-suited solutions is very large. In this paper, we approach this optimization problem with the novel genetic algorithm CDOXplorer. It uses techniques of the search-based software engineering field and simulations with CDOSim to assess the fitness of CDOs. An experimental evaluation that employs, among others, the cloud environments Amazon EC2 and Microsoft Windows Azure, shows that CDOXplorer can find solutions that surpass those of other state-of-the-art techniques by up to 60\%. Our experiment code and data and an implementation of CDOXplorer are available as open source software

    Allocation of Virtual Machines in Cloud Data Centers - A Survey of Problem Models and Optimization Algorithms

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    Data centers in public, private, and hybrid cloud settings make it possible to provision virtual machines (VMs) with unprecedented flexibility. However, purchasing, operating, and maintaining the underlying physical resources incurs significant monetary costs and also environmental impact. Therefore, cloud providers must optimize the usage of physical resources by a careful allocation of VMs to hosts, continuously balancing between the conflicting requirements on performance and operational costs. In recent years, several algorithms have been proposed for this important optimization problem. Unfortunately, the proposed approaches are hardly comparable because of subtle differences in the used problem models. This paper surveys the used problem formulations and optimization algorithms, highlighting their strengths and limitations, also pointing out the areas that need further research in the future

    COSCO: container orchestration using co-simulation and gradient based optimization for fog computing environments

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    Intelligent task placement and management of tasks in large-scale fog platforms is challenging due to the highly volatile nature of modern workload applications and sensitive user requirements of low energy consumption and response time. Container orchestration platforms have emerged to alleviate this problem with prior art either using heuristics to quickly reach scheduling decisions or AI driven methods like reinforcement learning and evolutionary approaches to adapt to dynamic scenarios. The former often fail to quickly adapt in highly dynamic environments, whereas the latter have run-times that are slow enough to negatively impact response time. Therefore, there is a need for scheduling policies that are both reactive to work efficiently in volatile environments and have low scheduling overheads. To achieve this, we propose a Gradient Based Optimization Strategy using Back-propagation of gradients with respect to Input (GOBI). Further, we leverage the accuracy of predictive digital-twin models and simulation capabilities by developing a Coupled Simulation and Container Orchestration Framework (COSCO). Using this, we create a hybrid simulation driven decision approach, GOBI*, to optimize Quality of Service (QoS) parameters. Co-simulation and the back-propagation approaches allow these methods to adapt quickly in volatile environments. Experiments conducted using real-world data on fog applications using the GOBI and GOBI* methods, show a significant improvement in terms of energy consumption, response time, Service Level Objective and scheduling time by up to 15, 40, 4, and 82 percent respectively when compared to the state-of-the-art algorithms