6 research outputs found

    Resource Bounded Immunity and Simplicity

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    Revisiting the thirty years-old notions of resource-bounded immunity and simplicity, we investigate the structural characteristics of various immunity notions: strong immunity, almost immunity, and hyperimmunity as well as their corresponding simplicity notions. We also study limited immunity and simplicity, called k-immunity and feasible k-immunity, and their simplicity notions. Finally, we propose the k-immune hypothesis as a working hypothesis that guarantees the existence of simple sets in NP.Comment: This is a complete version of the conference paper that appeared in the Proceedings of the 3rd IFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.81-95, Toulouse, France, August 23-26, 200

    On the existence of complete disjoint NP-pairs

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    Disjoint NP-pairs are an interesting model of computation with important applications in cryptography and proof complexity. The question whether there exists a complete disjoint NP-pair was posed by Razborov in 1994 and is one of the most important problems in the field. In this paper we prove that there exists a many-one hard disjoint NP-pair which is computed with access to a very weak oracle (a tally NP-oracle). In addition, we exhibit candidates for complete NP-pairs and apply our results to a recent line of research on the construction of hard tautologies from pseudorandom generators

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    Immunity and Pseudorandomness of Context-Free Languages

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    We discuss the computational complexity of context-free languages, concentrating on two well-known structural properties---immunity and pseudorandomness. An infinite language is REG-immune (resp., CFL-immune) if it contains no infinite subset that is a regular (resp., context-free) language. We prove that (i) there is a context-free REG-immune language outside REG/n and (ii) there is a REG-bi-immune language that can be computed deterministically using logarithmic space. We also show that (iii) there is a CFL-simple set, where a CFL-simple language is an infinite context-free language whose complement is CFL-immune. Similar to the REG-immunity, a REG-primeimmune language has no polynomially dense subsets that are also regular. We further prove that (iv) there is a context-free language that is REG/n-bi-primeimmune. Concerning pseudorandomness of context-free languages, we show that (v) CFL contains REG/n-pseudorandom languages. Finally, we prove that (vi) against REG/n, there exists an almost 1-1 pseudorandom generator computable in nondeterministic pushdown automata equipped with a write-only output tape and (vii) against REG, there is no almost 1-1 weakly pseudorandom generator computable deterministically in linear time by a single-tape Turing machine.Comment: A4, 23 pages, 10 pt. A complete revision of the initial version that was posted in February 200


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    Abstract Revisiting the thirty years-old notions of resource-bounded immunity and simplicity, we investigate the structural characteristics of various immunity notions: strong immunity, almost immunity, and hyperimmunity as well as their corresponding simplicity notions. We also study k-immunity and k-simplicity and their extensions: feasible k-immunity and feasible k-simplicity. Finally, we propose the k-immune hypothesis as a working hypothesis that ensures the existence of simple sets in NP